Jun 2, 2023
I want the pain to stop, I want to be happy again. But I don't think that's possible. You think you know someone and build a life around them and then they become a stranger. The thought of being lied to again seems unbearable. I'm not afraid of death anymore, I pray that it happens some days. I have a some what dangerous job and hope that something will happen when I clock in. Death is better then feeling like an empty husk or a ghost. I've come close several times but my mom and dad have already lost one kid and I don't want them to experience that, even though they're part of the reason I am in this position.
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A host of sorrows
Mar 30, 2023
I would rather live, but I feel at peace with the thought of dying, so long as it's quick.
Though I refuse to grow to an age where I'm too withered to care for myself, and living is constant pain.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I imagine there are only a few people who want to feel the visceral experience of dieing. You get threads now and again pop up- they are usually looking for the most brutal, violent ways to do it- so they can feel something I guess. I don't know if they're masochists or- they maybe just want to really experience dieing- rather than have it just happen to them.

I'd say the majority of people here want to be dead- but, they'd really rather not be involved in effecting it. Most of us want to shy away from pain, fear and enormous risk. How many people say they want to go out peacefully? They want to just press a button and stop existing? They want to die in their sleep?

As for me- yes, I want to be dead. If I could get a better life with less effort- I'd consider it for a while at least. I don't want to bring about dieing though- I'm sure it will be frightening and painful (and lonely.) I don't want to wait for old age and illness to take me either.

I'm SO resentful that I've been given this problem (life) to begin with. But- there we go- just have to make the decision at some stage and endure the unpleasantness... All decisions look unpleasant though! Proper recovery would take facing things I fear- and may not even work. Natural death will likely be painful and lonely. So will suicide... Great.
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Apr 12, 2023
I don't want to die, in the past I was very scared to never exist but I have some problems that are not possible to fix and I prefer to not exist than to feel the pain.
What about you, do some of you just don't want to exist or do you feel like me?
I am still very scared of death but choosing between life and death is just pick a poison and I think I will do the right thing.
I honestly don't know If I want to die or erase my past
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-flying rat
Apr 16, 2023
life itself is the source of all suffering
not existing is better than being alive i think so yes i do want it
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Alis volat propriis
Feb 22, 2023
well I don't actually have any problems or reasons for suicide other than existence not being my choice, for me I figured since I'm going to die anyways I want it to be sooner rather than later dying from old age…no thanks!
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£ Made Me Be Here.
Apr 12, 2023
Impossible for me, so much debt, the risk of jail, I just need to end it now.
Dead Horse

Dead Horse

Hopeless, but literally
Nov 14, 2018
I don't plan to do it any time soon, because of my parents and the fact I'm too afraid. I'm here because I genuinely believe that death would be better than life for me. I mean, sleep is so nice and peaceful and my life is just pain and suffering. I'm not sure if this answers the question. I wouldn't wish to die if my life was better, or if I had any realistic hope left.


Aug 4, 2023
it is just too long that I have been not able to fix it (trying to fix it for too long, giving up for too long) that makes me actually want to die


May 7, 2023
I don't want to die, in the past I was very scared to never exist but I have some problems that are not possible to fix and I prefer to not exist than to feel the pain.
What about you, do some of you just don't want to exist or do you feel like me?
I am still very scared of death but choosing between life and death is just pick a poison and I think I will do the right thing.

Of course I'd like a happy life. That is a tautology though.

As with many others here, I e realised that I have no worth, can't get any and am so full of self-loathing that it seems impossible to aspire to a good life.


Sep 9, 2022
Por supuesto que sólo deseo la muerte, la idea de no existir para siempre es tan increíblemente hermosa para mí, nunca podría ser tan ilusorio como para desear soportar este proceso inútil ya que tengo conciencia de que existir es sólo un daño innecesario que es repulsivo y tedioso. .

Incluso si no hubiera sufrimiento extremo en este mundo, el vacío y la insatisfacción permanecerían, no tengo ningún interés en quedar atrapado dentro de una prisión de carne en descomposición que está destinada a deteriorarse con la edad y causar una gran cantidad de sufrimiento en el proceso. La vida es el verdadero problema y es un castigo tan inmerecido para mí que no entiendo por qué alguien querría retrasar su destino inevitable y correr el riesgo de terminar en una situación de tortura aún peor. Hay demasiado sufrimiento en la existencia, así que, por supuesto, la única belleza reside en la nada permanente, donde todo se olvida. La existencia es una tragedia, es un error cruel, es algo completamente desesperado donde no estamos destinados a nada más que la pérdida y la decadencias
Maravillosas palabras.....que explican en detalle mis sentimientos actuales... Gracias.


Funeral Crasher
Dec 13, 2023
id love to live a good normal life, or dare i hope, an exceptional life! to be desired! admired! remembered!
so would most people, i figure
if it were so easy, huh?
sometimes i keep going by imagining my life as a tongue and cheek wikipedia "personal life" summary, being read by my younger self.
"**** ******* was a student. he graduated. went to college for around two years, then blew his head off. he didnt really do anything. he got to have sex that one time, on easter 2022. could've been worse. he was missed by like 3 people, who got over it in 2 weeks because it's 'what he would have wanted'. only a monster would think otherwise, right? not much to see here"
appeals to my delusions of grandeur. no matter how hopeless it gets, it always comes back to that thought; "it just cant end like this!"
it could, of course, but i dont let myself think that far on a good day.


Sep 9, 2022
Quiero que el dolor termine, quiero volver a ser feliz. Pero no creo que eso sea posible. Crees que conoces a alguien y construye una vida a su alrededor y luego se convierte en un extraño. La idea de que me vuelvan a mentir parece insoportable. Ya no le tengo miedo a la muerte, rezo para que suceda algunos días. Tengo un trabajo bastante peligroso y espero que algo suceda cuando llegue. La muerte es mejor que sentirme como una cáscara vacía o un fantasma. He estado cerca varias veces, pero mi mamá y mi papá ya perdieron a un hijo y no quiero que experimenten eso, aunque son parte de la razón por la que estoy en esta posición.

No quiero morir pero siento que no tengo otra opción, hay demasiado sufrimiento y no puedo manejar mi trauma y el futuro parece malo. Así que elijo terminarlo mientras pueda.
Tus palabras resumen lo que siento.