Yes I wish I were never born more than anything
I never had any problems for 13.8 billion years all the time before I was born
Very big problems began for me only after I was born
I have to work all day a job chores etc for no reason because life has no purpose
Always hungry have to feed myself , work, chores for no reason only to exist so something extremely horrible can happen to me. Then old age will torture me. All the risks, horrible things, threats , problems, pain, suffering, diseases and hard work for no reason.
They say but u can just kill yourself.
They made it extremely difficult with risky diy suicide methods. They made all the guaranteed painless methods like nembutal, suicide booths, sarco , someone helping u with suicide into crimes : they made all those crimes
The movies lie showing suicide and death always easy and natural deaths quick and painless. In natural deaths Usually a human suffers bad pain for like a year as in cancer and dies painfully
U should have made this into a poll seems like most on this thread agree with me and wish never to have been born
I hate being a small animal, 30 trillion cells , always hungry, a brain that can suffer unbearable pain ,have to work all the time for no reason : and they have everyone brainwashed to think that is a great gift. What's so great about a small animal a bag of 30 trillion disgusting cells, why is that glorified to trillionth power? Nothing matters much less a small animal