

I'm just so tired.
Sep 30, 2020
Personally, I think it's nothingness. Just like before you were born.
Though, secretly, I'm hoping reincarnation is real. I'd like to get to live out a life as a cat before I go to rest for good. They're such beautiful creatures.
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Aug 17, 2020
On the basis I can remember no before-life, I doubt there will be an after-life.

I think there's life, and not life.

The idea of an after life, is basically saying is there life after life.

And it would be nonsensical to say anything other than no.

Otherwise it would just be life, and there would be no need for death. Death wouldn't exist or even be a concept, because all there would be, is never ending life.
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Deleted member 19654

Deleted member 19654

Working towards recovery.
Jul 9, 2020
I think it's eternal nothingness too although I like the idea that people that have already left us are finally at peace and enjoying their time in the afterlife.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
i almost died when i was really little and i saw nothing so its difficult to get me to believe otherwise and has actually caused a phobia of death that comes and goes and when its gone its replaced with suicide and when its here i want to die just to make it stop but that went a little off track,

i hope that i can at least stay alive for a little while after death, you know to kinda watch over my loved ones until their time.
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Dark Spring

Dark Spring

Sep 29, 2020
I don't know if there is anything beyond death. Reincarnation would be something I'd like but I doubt that it is. Still, I hope that whatever's after death is better than this.
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Sep 13, 2018
I'm leaning towards nothing, but I can't really be sure. I don't even know what I want, I guess just no more suffering.
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Aug 17, 2020
My only experience of nearly dying was when canoeing in the middle of winter. In a nutshell, capsized, couldn't get out, struggled for what seemed an age, then suddenly out the blue thought "oh, I'm going to die now". Went totally warm and cozy, felt really relaxed, stopped struggling and that, ironically was what made the canoe rotate and got me out.

But in that moment the freezing cold was replaced by warmth and cosyness, and the panic replaced by relaxation.

Weird. And not scary or horrible. At all.

Was about 13 or 14 or 15.
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Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
Please note, the following are my views on the topic and not presented as facts.

I believe what comes afterwards is really a part of Hell. Whatever human behaviors, attachments, addictions, etc that one has not overcome while alive will stay with them, and having no physical body to fulfill those desires, the spirits of these individuals will "time-share" with the living in order to do so, perpetuating the cycle of humanness. Once the current civilizations program reaches it's end, the planet along with all life, including the spirit world is to be "recycled" or "refurbished" to serve as a new garden for the next human civilization.

Re-incarnation in my view and the view of my Older Members, is for those who have been given a Next Level "deposit" or gift of recognition, and demonstrate the potential for further learning and the desire to seperate from this world. Eventually one can "graduate" from the human kingdom with the help of a Next Level representative and leave the Earths confines to become a member of the real, physical, non-human, non-mammalian, non-reproductive, extra-terrestrial kingdom of heaven, beyond space and time.

I apologize if this sounds like Star Trek or science fiction, but it's what I believe.


Dec 7, 2019
I believe when I die I will go to Heaven, because I accepted Jesus as my Savior.
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Lost in transition
Jan 25, 2019
Honestly I think it's nothing because afterlife doesn't make any sense.
But I use my knowledge about this world which can be wrong or lacking something.
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Feb 14, 2019
I believe and hope it's nothing/no after life. I wish we could choose if we want an afterlife or not. I personally want eternal nothingness but others seem to desire an after life. The thought of an eternal after life depresses me worse...the thought of eternal nothing is comforting.
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Aug 17, 2020
Please note, the following are my views on the topic and not presented as facts.

I believe what comes afterwards is really a part of Hell. Whatever human behaviors, attachments, addictions, etc that one has not overcome while alive will stay with them, and having no physical body to fulfill those desires, the spirits of these individuals will "time-share" with the living in order to do so, perpetuating the cycle of humanness. Once the current civilizations program reaches it's end, the planet along with all life, including the spirit world is to be "recycled" or "refurbished" to serve as a new garden for the next human civilization.

Re-incarnation in my view and the view of my Older Members, is for those who have been given a Next Level "deposit" or gift of recognition, and demonstrate the potential for further learning and the desire to seperate from this world. Eventually one can "graduate" from the human kingdom with the help of a Next Level representative and leave the Earths confines to become a member of the real, physical, non-human, non-mammalian, non-reproductive, extra-terrestrial kingdom of heaven, beyond space and time.

I apologize if this sounds like Star Trek or science fiction, but it's what I believe.
You're not a scientologist are you?

Because that, without wanting to sound mean, which I'm not trying to be - is, in the view of my Old Member, bat shit crazy.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
If there is, I hope it's full of funny people telling jokes, being silly, having fun, and maybe sipping some mild cocktails.
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Shades of Grey

Shades of Grey

Jun 17, 2020
I'm also in the "eternal nothingness" camp.
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Clutching at invisible straws
Dec 11, 2018
Personally, I think it's nothingness. Just like before you were born.
Though, secretly, I'm hoping reincarnation is real.

If it's true what you think then what you wish could happen as well. Because if you were born from nothingness and go back to that state you could be born again.
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They/Them, He/Him
Jul 15, 2020
No. We are created from dust and to dust we shall return!
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Jul 12, 2020
I like how this question always appear every 3-4 days.

I wouldn't mind to be a ghost but I think there's nothing. I've always thought that believing that there is an afterlife is extremely self-centered.
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Jan 20, 2020
I don't know. I don't like to run on blind faith of assumptions, and there's no way to prove or disprove any theory. I guess I don't know how to process it anymore since facing mortality.


Dec 6, 2019
No. At least you will not be aware of it for sure


Aug 21, 2019
Like heaven or hell? No. Who really knows though, eternal recurrence, open individualism, etc. I'd much rather not have one.


Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
You're not a scientologist are you?

Because that, without wanting to sound mean, which I'm not trying to be - is, in the view of my Old Member, bat shit crazy.

Hello. No, I am not a Scientologist. These are Heaven's Gate teachings, and I respect your view on them.


They/Them, He/Him
Jul 15, 2020
So there would still be something after, whatever it is

If you see it that way. I like to think it goes like in the Good Place, at the end. Just some dust released into the universe. The 'you' is non existent anymore, there can never be another 'you'. Your dust is just recycled into something else. As De Lavoisier said; Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme. (Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed)
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Aug 2, 2020
I don't think there's an afterlife, at least not in the way we as humans envision it. I think we leave behind some kind of spiritual imprint that we interpret as ghosts, spirits, etc. But I do believe that as living, physical human beings, once we die, we cease to exist. I admit I wish there was an afterlife because then all this suffering wouldn't be for nothing, but I'm satisfied with life ending if it means I no longer suffer.


Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Personally, I think it's nothingness. Just like before you were born.
Though, secretly, I'm hoping reincarnation is real. I'd like to get to live out a life as a cat before I go to rest for good. They're such beautiful creatures.
Yeah for better or worse I think we just come back here. I not so secretly hope I do this again but without remembering it the first time around it would end the same way unless other factors out of my control are different. That would also mean we're all living on separate timelines since there'd still be a version of my parents here without me. Probably a bit far fetched but it's what I'd wish for. It would make my decision a no brainer since I'm quite attached to this existence but suffer everyday for what I've done with it. Time as we know it doesn't exist when you're dead so who knows? I know I wouldn't want to come back now. I can't even envision having a good childhood anymore and if you factor in karma for this life then forget about it, I'm screwed
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Chupacabra 44

Chupacabra 44

If boredom were a CTB method, I would be long gone
Sep 13, 2020
I believed more so in this concept until the late Stephen Hawking said that science explains everything with respect to the creation of life. To paraphrase Hawking says science explains everything and that there is no reason to believe in Divine creation. If I recall correctly he used to be more religious until these discoveries, but I'm not positive my understanding is 100% correct, so, don't quote Chupacabra. And if you're interested in this Google and learn on your own, because I very well may be misremembering what Hawking was saying.

If Hawking believed science explains everything, to me it illustrates that the likelihood of afterlife potentially is diminished. Even though Hawking may have diminished the likelihood of afterlife, I still tilt towards the belief that there is afterlife.

The fear of the unknown keeps me somewhat in an ongoing anxious state of existence. If I knew with certainty that there was no afterlife and that death was final, I would be way more inclined to CTB today or tomorrow for example. Talking in a hypothetical and philosophical sense.

For me the idea of eternity is impossible to grasp but it sounds like a really long time. And s*** I made it to my midlife after years of kicking and screaming and not enjoying much in life. Today, part of me says, Chupacabra you made it this far, so gut it out champ . And part of me says, I've had decades to turn my s*** around and I can't do it; your life is in shambles; and you're going to end up in an old folks home with no one to care for you since your childless. Thus, why delay the inevitable. Plus, what if all my physicians are right that I could drop dead or become paralyzed from a stroke today or tomorrow given my high coronary calcium score.

Zero fear of dropping dead, but I'm terrified of possibly becoming paralyzed from a stroke. Then what champ?

No easy answer for me, and currently my mood is the best it's been in seven years, and I feel like for the short run I might be in recovery. But, this perception doesn't solve my problems. Denial and distractions.
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Clutching at invisible straws
Dec 11, 2018
If you see it that way. I like to think it goes like in the Good Place, at the end. Just some dust released into the universe. The 'you' is non existent anymore, there can never be another 'you'. Your dust is just recycled into something else. As De Lavoisier said; Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme. (Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed)

So OP's wish to "get to live out a life as a cat before I go to rest for good" could well be a possible transformation of their dust particles.

If nobody knows, then anything goes.
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Aug 6, 2020
Heaven or hell is definitely real because when I was little and in my first school we all went to a local religious event where this man with a beard told us that if you are good you will be rewarded and if you are bad you will be not rewarded so then me and my friends asked the teacher if we work hard at school will the bearded man reward us and she said yes the bearded man will be proud and then the man started talking about what Christmas was really about but I never understood how he lived to 33 years old if he was born at Christmas and died only a short while later at Easter but then the man said that Easter is like his second birthday and that really confused me because only the Queen has two birthdays but the man said he is the king and so I searched for him on Ask Jeeves and yes there is a picture of him when he was young on his wedding with the Queen of England but he never came down my chimney on Christmas.
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