

Sep 28, 2020
im not quite sure. i always believed in eternal nothingness until a couple days ago i read a post by someone on this website. ill post the link. i think whether it is eternal nothingness or this sort of spiritual continuation, it sounds far better than life. i dont really care what is after death because i know it will be better.

Thank you for mentioning:ahhha:
I justed wanted to raise interest about this topic for the people who read it. Now you are not sure, that was my intend:halo:

Life a after death isn't better or worse. Just very different than our known form of life. Emotions are only a part of our life, they don't exist """outside""":smiling:
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Heart Shards

The shards of my broken heart cut deep.
Feb 3, 2019
I'm a Christian; I have faith and hope that heaven awaits for me when my heart stops and brain synapsis cease. But I don't really know what actually happens after death--that's why it's called faith.
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Sep 7, 2020
I'm a Christian; I have faith and hope that heaven awaits for me when my heart stops and brain synapsis cease. But I don't really know what happens after death--that's why it's called faith.

I'm also Christian. I also believe in a heaven awaiting us. This is hell. My son died almost 3 years ago. I have had mediumship readings and there is no way they would have known things if he wasn't telling them. I've been floored by the things that are told to me. I know there is an afterlife
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
the fact that you're conscious now proves there's no such thing as eternal nothingness.
Every one has their own personal beliefs about wether there is an afterlife or not and i don't think anyone is going to change their own personal beliefs many which are tied to their religious belief or non-religious beliefs. My only goal is to commit suicide nothing else matters to me by comparison. I have huge problems, my time is extremely short and i need to ctb no one else is going to do it for me so i have to use all my time and thinking power to commit suicide . All else must break against my prime objective. The reasons i am on this website is to find help in methods.

"We succeed only as we identify in life, or in work, or in anything else, a single overriding objective, and make all other considerations bend to that one objective "
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Jul 14, 2020
Every one has their own personal beliefs about wether there is an afterlife or not and i don't think anyone is going to change their own personal beliefs many which are tied to their religious belief or non-religious beliefs. My only goal is to commit suicide nothing else matters to me by comparison. I have huge problems, my time is extremely short and i need to ctb no one else is going to do it for me so i have to use all my time and thinking power to commit suicide . All else must break against my prime objective. The reasons i am on this website is to find help in methods.

"We succeed only as we identify in life, or in work, or in anything else, a single overriding objective, and make all other considerations bend to that one objective "
Yes, I agree. Whether we believe in an afterlife or not is really irrelevant, as no one knows.
The fact is that we're here now, and some of us just want a way out.

So sorry to hear you have huge problems.
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Jul 14, 2020
One stupid aspect of near-death experiences is that the overwhelming majority of people reporting them say they went to heaven even though the bible says "The path to hell is wide and there are many who find it, but the path to heaven is narrow and there are few who find it."
maybe the bible is wrong?
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I'm just so tired.
Sep 30, 2020
I'm 99% sure there's an afterlife. You only need to do a bit of research into near-death experiences and it becomes obvious that there's more going on with this thing called life than the physical reality we see in front of us. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of people have retold their stories on YouTube alone. If just a fraction of them are telling the truth, then there's an afterlife.

"Near death experiences" are just that, near death, but not actually dying.

To my understanding, we lack the capability to bring back someone who's brain has died, hence why so many people die.
What people experience in near death experiences isn't actual death. It's only near death. What happens when the brain fully dies is a mystery and can only be discovered by those who are dead.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Personally, I think it's nothingness. Just like before you were born.
Though, secretly, I'm hoping reincarnation is real. I'd like to get to live out a life as a cat before I go to rest for good. They're such beautiful creatures.

Well if you want to be a CAT you don't have to wait until your dead, lol

It's all speculation of course we will never be 100% sure if there is nothingness or an afterlife but I have watched and read 100's of books and video's and every paranormal experience I have watched not once did I hear a ghost say I wish I was still alive, haha.

Reincarnation, now if you watched the Ghost inside my Child series there is some really good evidence but I like this one below, he got the age he was when he died and the death certificate was wrong and I remember not mentioned in this short clip but he proved his daughter had a sister she didn't know about.


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emptiness —> nothingness
Sep 15, 2020
An afterlife in the traditional sense of either you're thrust into eternal "bliss" or damned to hell for the rest of time? No. Human life is just one of infinite possible beings that are able to experience the universe, whether that being recognizes what they are, or not. Consciousness, I believe, is by chance and that we will inevitably experience it at some, or many, points in the history of the universe. Matter cannot be created, nor destroyed; therefore, our physicality will be preserved, but transformed into other things or beings. I believe it's slightly along the lines of reincarnation, but more in a physical sense rather than a spiritual sense. Although, I do believe that souls are possible. I don't know if that even made much sense, but there's my opinion.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Did the Bible mention hell? I thought the saying was It is harder for a rich man to get into heaven that it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.

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Jul 19, 2020
I was thinking about this yesterday. With any luck, Heaven will be a place where I'm reunited with all the LEGO pieces I ever lost, and I can spend the rest of eternity building to my heart's content.
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Aug 2, 2020
I don't know but Im going to find out. I can't stay here.
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Lifes a bitch, so am I
Feb 12, 2020
Personally, I think it's nothingness. Just like before you were born.
Though, secretly, I'm hoping reincarnation is real. I'd like to get to live out a life as a cat before I go to rest for good. They're such beautiful creatures.

My step dad had a motorcycle accident when he was 20. Really bad, foot came off, can't use right arm, scar across his head. Anyway... he was dead on arrival but he said he saw himself being operated on, every detail around him.

His mum died 2 years ago and he was telling me how when she died, there was a bright light in her home, where my step dads dad and sister still live.

I still belive there's nothingness but hearing stories like this can make things easier, I think anyway.
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Sep 18, 2020
No, I believe it's just non-existence.

Non-existence scares me though, and I would like to re-live the best times in my life or have a different life, so at my most suicidal I tend to hope for an afterlife or re-incarnation of sorts.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
Otherwise it would just be life, and there would be no need for death. Death wouldn't exist or even be a concept, because all there would be, is never ending life.
Best answer to the question so far. I've also thought that afterlife is a nonsensical term. To experience means to be alive, so if anything came after death, you'd need to be alive to experience it. In other words, afterlife is actually just more life.
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Aug 14, 2020
Those hardcore skeptics/atheists in here needs to see it/experience it by themselves! :angry:

I really can't convince them just by writing walls and walls of paragraph and even giving them links to afterlife related e-books and YouTube channels.
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Aug 31, 2020
Those hardcore skeptics/atheists in here needs to see it/experience it by themselves! :angry:

Scientism that underlies many staunch sceptics' and atheists' views is as much of a dogma as any other in my opinion. The scientific method is limited and while it works and is a fabulous achievement of humanity in certain contexts, in others it's either not developed enough or even a suitable mode of inquiry. It can help deepen the understanding or inspire it. However, it shouldn't be used without reservations to make definite statements when it doesn't propose falsifiable theories.

I believe that the discussion on after life is the domain of philosophy, which lies somewhere between science and faith. This calls for respect for other people's opinions, because there is no definite answer. Shutting people down with ridicule or uncompromising statements impoverishes the debate.


Lifes a bitch, so am I
Feb 12, 2020
Best answer to the question so far. I've also thought that afterlife is a nonsensical term. To experience means to be alive, so if anything came after death, you'd need to be alive to experience it. In other words, afterlife is actually just more life.
The problem is our bodies aren't designed to live forever, so there's that thought about your soul being reincarnated after your body dies, but do we actually die...
Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
It's the after death part I am concerned about. I think that NDEs are still experiences happening before death and so are still in the same realm as states enhanced by psychedelics or when we sleep (or deeply meditate for that matter). What people describe as NDEs just sounds too much to me like some experiences I had when in a marihuana-induced "psychotic" state.

BUT, these experiences I went through convinced me that there is more to this reality than what we perceive with our limited senses (admittedly blunted because of our divorce from nature) or managed to describe with science. I am opposed to this adamant stance that there is just nothing after death. There's probably nothing in the sense that we can grasp now, but I find it somewhat presumptuous and even conceited to state we, as human beings have the last word in terms of experience. Just as the other camp finds it delusional to believe in a heaven. The truth is perhaps somewhere in the middle.

I like the idea in dharmic religions that we are here to experience duality. What's beyond duality? What's beyond good and evil? Nietzsche would say it's truth. Information. Infinite possibilities. I believe we dissolve into something like that and manifest again, but at this point questions like how, where or when cease to have any meaning.
Just adding what I read in readers digest once about a person maybe a scientist, they are in a duality with religion, once wrote about being able to experience the light at the end of the tunnel thingy from NDE and meditation. She said that during her meditation she controlled breathing as all meditation gurus tell their paying customers and the brain was asphyxiated and she could experience the light at the end of tunnel before breaking the trance.


Feb 2, 2019
If Hawking believed science explains everything, to me it illustrates that the likelihood of afterlife potentially is diminished.
The problem with science is that it can only prove / disprove that which our tools of empirical discovery can bring to light. There were many things years ago scientists thought did not exist simply because they could not quantify them with the means they had at the time—only to be able to prove their existance later as science technology evolved.

I'm not saying this proves there is an Afterlife, but whereas I can accept the possibility of there being nothing but a big empty after death, I keep an open mind to both another dimension / continued consciousness after death, or nothing at all.

I find that the vast majority of atheists to tend to refuse to keep an open mind because they are quick to forget what I just previously mentioned, the that the current empirical science is not the final word on this topic, because the scientific tools of science will continue to advance and prove what is yet to be found out. And even then, may still never be able to prove or disprove an Afterlife even if there is an Afterlife.

The universe is infinitely more complex than we think, and we as a species, despite what we might think are still very, very primitive.
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Sep 15, 2020
We are bacteria on the face of earth. That's it.
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I’m never alone, I’m alone all the time.
Jun 25, 2020
For me, it's 100% absolutely clear, that our life is only a tiny fraction of what our true reality is. I know and feel it in every cell of my body and nothing on earth will change that:ahhha:

what do you think our true reality is?
ocd is bad

ocd is bad

Jun 26, 2020
God I hope not. Imagine putting all that time into planning your suicide and you still have to live after.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
There are 1000's of spooky sightings and stories, what's the odds this women has a phantom pregnancy, any excuse to join the Mile High Club:smiling:


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Feb 2, 2019
God I hope not. Imagine putting all that time into planning your suicide and you still have to live after.
This would be ok provided that one could go into a dimension that is a happier disposition than what one is experiencing now.


Oct 8, 2020
I believe there's nothing. I honestly could imagine that there is something but the rational side of myself says no.
Same with me. I somehow feel not qualified to dig too deep... don't want to mock the great mystery.


Feb 14, 2019
Nope. Just eternal nothingness. I hope their is an opt in system if someone wants an after life they get it and those who do not don't. The idea of an afterlife brings me no comfort.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I am sure we come back over and over. In between lives, some of us might go to someplace else and some of us might just sleep. It's around 60 years between lives or at least for me it is.

These lives are like going to a movie in four dimensions. It's an emersion into an experience, so we learn things. How real is it? It's like those simulations of flying pilots do. Not real but at the time you think it is so you can learn.

The only difference is we are stuck inside those simulation machines. When they crash and burn the experience seems real because the machines are so good. So stop coming back to learn. Just give it all up. Realize that since it's all a simulation it's not important, none of it.
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