
Feb 2, 2020
Another example of disgusting "men" committing atrocities and mass murder in the name of nothing. This world is fucked. It's beyond repair
Support for or against Ukraine is always support for death. Remember that.

You are supporting one type of demagogue for another and Ukrainians are feeding the croc, hoping it'll eat them last. If you think anything of this charade even against Russia is justifiable, so you probably think it was in Iraq and Afganistan.

If you want to be right so much, put on an uniform and do it yourself.
Lmao so uninformed. That's exactly what I'm going to do actually.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
This is BIG! :heart: 👍 👏

I'm also personally boycotting ALL foreign (or domestic!) brands that refuse to cut their ties to Russia, shut down their Russian operations and withdraw from the Russian market.

To hell with Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's, Starbucks etc. that still choose to stand with the Russian mafiocracy! They all sell sugary, fatty junk foods that only cause harm to one's health and well being in the long run. Except for Pizza Hut & Domino's, I don't patronise the others anyway. No more Pizza Hut & Domino's pizzas for me from now on. I'd rather buy from the small, local brands who make much more delicious pizzas with an authentic taste than the artificial ones from the big chains.

The Swiss brand Nestlé cannot act as a neutral in this genocide either, when the country of Switzerland itself has chosen to be on the side of humankind by sanctioning Russia. To hell with Nestlé and all such brands that try to put their profits in Russia before the good of humanity. You can keep your Russian profits, scumbags! You aren't getting those from the civilised peoples of the world.

No, I'll never buy the argument that China & Chinese brands will step in if other foreign brands step out. Let the Chinese step in and take over Russia for all I care! Let diabolical dictator-for-life Poo-tin (💩 -🥫) become a lapdog of Chinese commie dictator-for-life Xi. Let Russians stop learning English, French, German etc. as second/third languages and start learning Mandarin.

Poo-tin and Russians will realise the true nature of Xi Jinping and the mercantilist policies of the PRC commies soon. Let China economically colonise Russia. They can even make their long held back dream of making the Asian parts of Russia Asian (read Chinese) come true by taking over the Russian Far East.

Edited to add: It's not yet clear if Visa and Mastercard are suspending ALL operations in Russia or if they're merely segregating their Russian and overseas networks by ensuring that Russia-issued cards work within Russia alone.

I hope it's the former, but I don't really know if that's the case.
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Too short for Frederick William I’s Guards
Jan 18, 2022
I hope it's the former, but I don't really know if that's the case.
Resistance and healthier living! But I feel bad for regular Russians. I wish our leadership wouldn't do hateful and petty things to them that only re-affirms propaganda that they are hated. Some of the behavior from our side (Lindsey Graham) makes it seem like we are pushing toward a total war mentality, where extermination of the enemy is our goal and both sides feed off of mutual hatred.

Putin once said of Western media "You don't listen. I don't know how to reach you anymore." If only he could be reached and understand that for now he is unequivocally in the wrong and that it's up to him and not the godless imperialist West to begin to make things better from here.
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Aug 23, 2020
Ah, there threads...

To hell with Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's, Starbucks etc. that still choose to stand with the Russian mafiocracy! They all sell sugary, fatty junk foods that only cause harm to one's health and well being in the long run. Except for Pizza Hut & Domino's, I don't patronise the others anyway. No more Pizza Hut & Domino's pizzas for me from now on. I'd rather buy from the small, local brands who make much more delicious pizzas with an authentic taste than the artificial ones from the big chains.

The Swiss brand Nestlé cannot act as a neutral in this genocide either, when the country of Switzerland itself has chosen to be on the side of humankind by sanctioning Russia. To hell with Nestlé and all such brands that try to put their profits in Russia before the good of humanity. You can keep your Russian profits, scumbags! You aren't getting those from the civilised peoples of the world.
While I appreciate every person and company rooting for our small, normaly totaly harmless country...Let's be very honest here. Refusting to sell stuff in Russia is a nice gesture. Like wearing a suicide awareness ribbon. But it is just a gesture. It's not like it really helps with anything. You can starve Russian people and Putin wouldn't give a shit. And from here, when you're seeking cover during an air raid, hoping it's not about to hit you, frantically reading the news on your phone and seeing something among the lines of "Adobe wouldn't support it's products in Russia" feels like a sad joke. Too bad, now Russian news outlets will need to pirate Photoshop to make propaganda...If you want to quit Coca Cola to eat healthier - maybe a good idea. But there is really no point in beint angry at those companies. They are just doing business.
But I feel bad for regular Russians.
This too. They didn't have it easy to begin with. Plus, ironicaly, if we lose Ukrainian territory can become a part of Russia and be affected by all the sanctions on top of everything else.
Putin once said of Western media "You don't listen. I don't know how to reach you anymore." If only he could be reached and understand that for now he is unequivocally in the wrong and that it's up to him and not the godless imperialist West to begin to make things better from here.
I don't know how else NATO can communicate to him "we aren't really participating in this war". I don't get which part doesn't compute. If we're to believe anything he says officially, he is fighting windmills here.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
They are just doing business.

These foreign companies that choose to stay on in Russia must pay the price for doing business with a genocidal regime. We should never forget history, but learn from it and not commit the same mistakes from WW II again.

Let's not forget that German & foreign companies gleefully propped up & financed the Nazi regime of Hitler, and they even supplied the tyrant's mass-murderers with the materials to commit genocide. To this very day, Volkswagen is ashamed to admit who founded the company, and claims it was founded by the "German Labour Front".

A mercantilist arm of the commie PRC regime, Lenovo, has halted shipments of its products to Russia, and the China-dominated AIIB has freezed funding for projects in Russia & Belarus. This is purely due to fear of being punished in the West for violating sanctions. If even China-based entities can suspend ties to Russia (& Belarus), then what's holding the Western ones back, especially when their own people are so opposed to Poo-tin's genocidal actions?

Poo-tin and his fellow genocidal tyrant Lukashenko want to reconstitute a new USSR 2.0 or the recreate the earlier Russian Empire through military aggression & genocide. Let their people know how bad they had it economically in those two failed & long dead empires. If they want an evil empire back, then they should get to experience the economic horrors of living in it.

You Ukrainians are not just fighting for your very right to exist as a nation and as a people, but for the same right of other Europeans too, and for the universal values of liberty, freedom, democracy, rule-of-law and human rights. That's why so many people are gladly willing to voluntarily fight (& even die, if need be) in your righteous & courageous struggle for all of humanity

Plus, those two rogue regimes should not benefit from taxing the products and services originating from the civilised societies. If they want access to them, then they should give up their uncivilised, barbaric, genocidal ways.

Even a person such as Garry Kasparov, the Soviet-born Russian chess champion, has called for the West to send Russia (& Belarus) back to the technological Stone Age. He has been wisely warning the world for a long time about the danger posed to humankind by Poo-tin's mafiocratic regime and people simply ignored him. Till now, that is. Better later than never!

This too. They didn't have it easy to begin with.

I appreciate your compassion for ordinary Russians despite being subjected to such horrors by their regime. I had some compassion for them as well, but it vanished after reading some of their vile comments on social media, cheering the genocidal war crimes of Poo-tin and calling for the extermination of Ukrainians, referring to you by racist slurs such as "Khokols". I understand that some of them may be bots and paid agents of Poo-tin, but sadly, I also get the feeling that at least a sizeable section of ordinary Russians are celebrating their dictator's actions.

The Russians came to kill Khokols, but the Moskals are experiencing the fearlessness and unparalleled courage of the Cossacks! It's not without reason that Napoleon's horde feared Cossacks the most and Napoleon himself called Cossacks the best light troops in the world.

I don't know how else NATO can communicate to him "we aren't really participating in this war".

According to Poo-tin, this is not an invasion or even war, but a "special military operation" to "deNazify" and "demilitarise" Ukraine. Yeah, like the dictator-for-life wants to "deNazify" Ukraine by murdering its democratically-elected Jewish President, bombing schools, hospitals & Holocaust memorials and razing them to the ground, killing unimaginable numbers of civilians by launching a Nazi-style war of naked imperliast expansion.

I like it when people refer to sanctions on Russia and Belarus as special economic operations to dedictatorise, demilitarise & dePutinise Russia and its sock puppet Belarus.
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Iš Lietuvos
Feb 2, 2021
These foreign companies that choose to stay on in Russia must pay the price
But it will hurt the russian civilians.
Why not all be friends and give some concessions to the Russians?
This too. They didn't have it easy to begin with. Plus, ironicaly, if we lose Ukrainian territory can become a part of Russia and be affected by all the sanctions on top of everything else.
Why just not cancel the sanctions and live peacefully?
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Dec 16, 2021
But it will hurt the russian civilians.
Why not all be friends and give some concessions to Russians?

Why just not cancel the sanctions and live peacefully?
Shhhh you're speaking too logically.

Literally all Russia wants is assurances that the west and NATO will leave them the fuck alone. They've been saying the same stuff for years, West thought they were bluffing. Surprise! They weren't and now millions are suffering as a result.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
But it will hurt the russian civilians.

Let them rise up and overthrow their dictator then!

Why not all be friends and give some concessions to the Russians?

You don't give concessions to a mass-murdering megalomaniac who is hell bent on his idea of genocidal imperialism. Appeasement of this bloodthirsty blaggard Poo-tin is what has led to this in the first place. Shameless and feckless politicians from Schroeder, Sarkozy, Merkel, Macron to Obama, Trump and others have appeased this genocidal war criminal, just as feckless politicians like Neville Chamberlain and dictators like Stalin appeased Hitler before WW II.

Poo-tin wants nothing less than the annihilation of the Ukrainian nation and the genocide of Ukrainian people. You don't appease or give concessions to such evil pigs.


Jul 31, 2020
Sure a war is bad the only ones who pay the price because of crazy leaders are the civilians and soldiers who don't know what they're fighting for, but I would never side with the United States after so many massacres they did in Arab countries I don't even see people showing solidarity with Palestine but all of a sudden they all started supporting Ukraine and don't know why their minds are so deteriorated from watching CNN
IMG 20220306 140611 866
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
I have been screaming myself hoarse from the start of this barbaric invasion that Poo-tin (💩 -🥫) is indeed the Hitler of our times, and that we are witnessing history repeat itself.

People like Garry Kasparov and others have been warning of this for years. Yet the spineless, feckless politicians in the West ignored such sane voices and appeased the bloodthirsty tyrant despite his previous crimes against humanity. Now Poo-tin has shown his true colours.

Poo-tin's horde have found a symbol to rally around, just like Hitler's horde. In the case of Hitler, swastika (卐) was the symbol. In the case of Poo-tin, the symbol is the letter 'Z' which is found on many of the invading barbarians' vehicles (some of them also carry other symbols like the letters 'V', 'O' and 'A').

What does this Z mean or refer to, since the Cyrillic alphabet used to write Russian does not have this letter at all? It doesn't have to, just as the Roman alphabet used to write German does not have the swastika symbol 卐.

Kamil Galeev has much more to explain on Poo-tin's rallying symbol and more on this war. A must read!

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Dec 16, 2021
I have been screaming myself hoarse from the start of this barbaric invasion that Poo-tin (💩 -🥫) is indeed the Hitler of our times, and that we are witnessing history repeat itself.

People like Garry Kasparov and others have been warning of this for years. Yet the spineless, feckless politicians in the West ignored such sane voices and appeased the bloodthirsty tyrant despite his previous crimes against humanity. Now Poo-tin has shown his true colours.

Poo-tin's pigs have found a symbol to rally around, just like Hitler's vermin. In the case of Hitler, swastika (卐) was the symbol. In the case of Poo-tin, the symbol is the letter 'Z' which is found on many of the invading barbarians' vehicles (some of them also carry other symbols like the letters 'V', 'O' and 'A').

What does this Z mean or refer to, since the Cyrillic alphabet does not have this letter at all? It doesn't have to, just as the Latin alphabet does not have the swastika symbol 卐.

Yes a single picture means Putin is hitler and Russia is modern day Nazi German.

What does this say about Ukraine?
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
What does this say about Ukraine?

You have proved elsewhere that you are a proud genocide apologist and war crimes apologist. Explain how "Nazi" Ukraine has elected a Jewish President, a descendent of Holocaust survivors at that, will you???

And stop replying to me or tagging me.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
You have proved elsewhere that you are a proud genocide apologist and war crimes apologist. Explain how "Nazi" Ukraine has elected a Jewish President, a descendent of Holocaust survivors at that, will you???

And stop replying to me or tagging me. You are a disgrace to this forum.
It was revealed in the Pandora Papers that Zelensky's top funder, for whom he was evidenced to be storing vast sums in offshore accounts, is an lsrseli man who is also the top funder for two actual neo-Nazi outfits, namely Aidar Battalion and Azov Battalion.

It is possible to state that Putin is very bad indeed but also acknowledge the Ukraine government are not exactly nice people politically and have established links to the extreme right. This isn't genocide apologism.
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Sep 21, 2020
Yes a single picture means Putin is hitler and Russia is modern day Nazi German.

What does this say about Ukraine?

I think it says the same people running Ukraine ran islamists and during the peak of the war on Syria treated them in their hospitals. The sheep are bit confused right now as the lobby that does not exist has been hoist by their own petard. Putin scores.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
It is possible to state that Putin is very bad indeed but also acknowledge the Ukraine government are not exactly nice people politically and have established links to the extreme right. This isn't genocide apologism.

I was referring to that particular person's proud genocide apologism on another thread.

So "Nazi" Ukraine's democratically-elected President happens to be Jewish and a descendant of Holocaust survivors, huh? How does that work out for Ukraine's Russian-portrayed "Nazism"?

It's Poo-tin who has proven himself to be a Nazi, a fascist, a racist and an evil genocidal dictator by his actions.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
So "Nazi" Ukraine's democratically-elected President happens to be Jewish and a descendant of Holocaust survivors, huh? How does that work out for Ukraine's Russian-portrayed "Nazism"?
Yeah his name is lgor Kolomoysky if you want to google it. The most prominent backer of neo-nazi movements is also the biggest funder of the Ukrainian government who have, in return, hidden the immense wealth he accumulated fraudulently in offshore accounts. There is an obvious and direct pipeline between your Ukrainian fave and the far-right.
Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
Yeah his name is lgor Kolomoysky if you want to google it. The most prominent backer of neo-nazi movements is also the biggest funder of the Ukrainian government who have, in return, hidden the immense wealth he accumulated fraudulently in offshore accounts. There is an obvious and direct pipeline between your Ukrainian fave and the far-right.

And you think the Russian mafiocrats who fund your fave dictator Poo-tin's regime are the epitome of honesty? And Poo-tin is somehow a pauper who lives the life of a monk with no ill-gotten wealth stashed away abroad? Poo-tin's reported ill-gotten wealth is estimated to be $200 billion, spelled with a 'b' as in beta. His mistress (not ex-wife Lyudmila) and their four kids are hiding in a secure Swiss chalet at the moment.

The $200 billion figure was estimated by financier Bill Browder who, in a testimony to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in 2017, said that Putin amassed most of his wealth after a Moscow court jailed oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky in 2003 for fraud and tax evasion:

"After Khodorkovsky's conviction, the other oligarchs went to Putin and asked him what they needed to do to avoid sitting in the same cage as Khodorkovsky. From what followed, it appeared that Putin's answer was, "50%" He wasn't saying 50% for the Russian government or the presidential administration of Russia, but 50% for Vladimir Putin personally."

On top of all this, the famous Panama Papers revealed a network of secret offshore deals and loans worth $2 billion pointing to Putin in 2016.

Check how these Russian mafiocrats became so filthy rich, they were all organised crime members of the underworld who took over Russian state-owned assets for almost free after the fall of communism. That's how Russia became the world's first full-fledged mafiocratic state, with dictator-for-life Poo-tin being the mafiocracy's top boss.

You still haven't explained how Ukrainians voted in free and fair elections to democratically elect a Jewish President, a descendant of Holocaust survivors at that, if Ukrainians were all "Nazis" as Poo-tin portrays them. And let's not talk about elections or rule of law in Russia. If these worked as they were intended to, Poo-tin could not have made himself the dictator-for-life.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
You still haven't explained how Ukrainians voted in free and fair elections to democratically elect a Jewish President, a descendant of Holocaust survivors if they were all "Nazis" as Poo-tin portrays them as. And let's not talk about elections or rule of law in Russia. If these worked as they were intended to, Poo-tin could not have made himself the dictator-for-life.
People do vote for right-wing governments occasionally, I'm not sure l need to explain that to you.

I want to make clear btw that I'm not ignorant towards the abhorrent Putin regime, in fact I'd say I'm far less ignorant in that regard than those people who've been describing him as a "communist" (I'm not sure of the political trajectory of the Communist Party in Russia since the fall of the USSR but given they are the most vocal and consistent opponents of the invasion of Ukraine within Russia it might be wise for westerners to lay off the "commies" for the time being but l digress), l don't need you to keep calling him "poo tin" to know he's not very nice, it is however a fact that the Ukrainian government are heavily funded by an oligarch who also finances far-right orgs, and in turn the government have protected his wealth for him. It makes no difference to my feelings on Russia invading Ukraine to know this so l don't know why it's so important to you to pretend it isn't accurate.
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Reclaiming my human rights & liberty thru suicide.
Dec 12, 2021
Propaganda turn your own family against you.

Misinformation turns average citizens into ignorant tools with false sense of patriotism.
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