Deleted member 8975

I really have nothing particularly valuable to add, but I'm just so fucking horrified by all of this. This is going to cause so much suffering to so many innocent people; it already has, as if there wasn't already enough suffering in the world to begin with. Putin is a fucking monster.

I dont know. I'm speechless, and I'm sick to my stomach just thinking about what Ukrainians must be going through right now. I'm also thinking about the particularly vulnerable people, those who are sick, disabled, elderly, etc and are unable to flee... I mean, fuck, I can't even imagine. I'm torn up over this and words just feel so inadequate here. What a sick fucking world we live in...
I don't have anything to add to the thread at all but just wanted to say love ya cousin @littlelungs ^_^ 🤗💙
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Apr 28, 2020
@My_name_is_Luka , I know how you feel. From what I have seen of online Russians, they are cowardly bullies and a vicious bloodthirsty people in general. They don't share civilised peoples' beliefs in freedom, individual liberties, human rights, peaceful co-existence, genuine democracy and so on. They are vile Russian supremacist scum that want to occupy all the liberated countries of the Eastern Bloc by bloodshed and impose their diabolical Russian supremacist, totalitarian dictatorship on those free nations and peoples.
I know that.
5 years ago I was living in Austria. There was a political party of extremists that voted to exit the european union. They were very unfriendly toward immigrants. After the votes, the regions where most of the austrian people were from lower classes (mostly agricultural or hand workers) voted that Austria should have quitted EU. The regions with the highest level classes (Wien, ...) voted to remain.

I'm sure that the same exact thing is happening now in Russia. Only the idiots are trusting blindly their president, without knowing that in the modern economies a nation that gains international distrust will never recover from it. Especially a nation like Russia, that doesn't have a developed technical and medical market. Oil and Petrol? In a very few decades the natural reserves will be depleted and most of the world would have moved toward renewable energies. And the economy of Russia will further collapse.
But uninstructed people do not have the knowledge to understand that.
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Jun 26, 2020
I know that.
5 years ago I was living in Austria. There was a political party of extremists that voted to exit the european union. They were very unfriendly toward immigrants. After the votes, the regions where most of the austrian people were from lower classes (mostly agricultural or hand workers) voted that Austria should have quitted EU. The regions with the highest level classes (Wien, ...) voted to remain.

I'm sure that the same exact thing is happening now in Russia. Only the idiots are trusting blindly their president, without knowing that in the modern economies a nation that gains international distrust will never recover from it. Especially a nation like Russia, that doesn't have a developed technical and medical market. Oil and Petrol? In a very few decades the natural reserves will be depleted and most of the world would have moved toward renewable energies. And the economy of Russia will further collapse.
But uninstructed people do not have the knowledge to understand that.
You hit the nail on the head. I 100% agree with you @My_name_is_Luka. I am not being snotty at all, it is just a fact, like you mentioned. I can take my older brother who is as dumb as a rock and hardly got out of high school, he thinks immigrants are bad, LGBTQ, a women's right to choose, everything is wrong. He never understood the implications of anything.

When I went to college, my entire family, heard it thought the grape vine, thought I was an idiot for wasting my money and time. At least I have an open mind and try very hard to see all fascists of life and folks. Perfect? Heavens no, always trying to better myself.

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Apr 28, 2020
You hit the nail on the head. I 100% agree with you @My_name_is_Luka. I am not being snotty at all, it is just a fact, like you mentioned. I can take my older brother who is as dumb as a rock and hardly got out of high school, he thinks immigrants are bad, LGBTQ, a women's right to choose, everything is wrong. He never understood the implications of anything.

When I went to college, my entire family, heard it thought the grape vine, thought I was an idiot for wasting my money and time. At least I have an open mind and try very hard to see all fascists of life and folks. Perfect? Heavens no, always trying to better myself.

that's normal. A person that never leaves his apartment to interact with other people will also hate his neighbors and would not cry for their death and misfortunes.
A person that doesn't leave his region, will hate the north or the south of his own country for bringing down the economy of the whole nation, because the people from his region are telling him to do so.
A person that never meets a foreigner will always blame and curse them, because in many places xenophobia is still a reality.
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Jun 26, 2020
that's normal. A person that never leaves his apartment to interact with other people will also hate his neighbors and would not cry for their death and misfortunes.
A person that doesn't leave his region, will hate the north or the south of his own country for bringing down the economy of the whole nation, because the people from his region are telling him to do so.
A person that never meets a foreigner will always blame and curse them, because in many places xenophobia is still a reality.
100% yes, now NOT being snotty but my brother is still on the family farm, has never ventured outside of his area. I have been in many countries around the world, and I love everyone. We all have goods and Bads and I never ever judge.

Maybe that is one of the reasons he was not wanted to see and/or speak to me in over 30 years.

I am very much less than anything much less perfect, but I keep a 100% open mind and I am here for such a short time on this rock that I want to see and experience as much as I can, all over the world.

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Apr 28, 2020
100% yes, now NOT being snotty but my brother is still on the family farm, has never ventured outside of his area. I have been in many countries around the world, and I love everyone. We all have goods and Bads and I never ever judge.

Maybe that is one of the reasons he was not wanted to see and/or speak to me in over 30 years.

I am very much less than anything much less perfect, but I keep a 100% open mind and I am here for such a short time on this rock that I want to see and experience as much as I can, all over the world.


I can say that xenophobia was strong in the small italian town where I have grown up. Mostly against people coming from poor countries, belligerent countries, or far east. I still hold some of that education in me, but I had to work with people from all over the world, even if I liked it or not. When I started looking for work in the international scene, I realized how the competitions with students from eastern countries (india and china) was fierce and I hated them for stealing the job opportunities in europe and america.
After becoming en expert, I have trained indians, chineses, russians and young people from many other countries.

You see, when you hear these political tensions between countries, the old national spirits get awakened.
I see Russia doing a genocide. China not taking a firm position. India is not caring at all.
And spontaneously I think to all my colleagues from those nations that are calling me weekly and begging me to help them with their work, as they are unable to do it. And the evil part inside me is telling me that the next time I will hang the phone, exactly as their country hanged the phone when they were called for help. It's not my call, it's not my problem if they get fired
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Jun 14, 2019
Anyone playing contrarian has to keep in mind that Putin likely rose to the presidency with a false-flag operation that killed Russian civilians. His entire presidency is marked by crime and disregard for ordinary lives and the well-being of anyone other than himself and the powerful.

My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine. I also feel for the citizens of Russia and the hell they will pay for this for years to come.
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Jan 14, 2022
I am going to protest in front of Russia's Istanbul consulate tomorrow morning (technically today) I don't give a fuck if they arrest me tbh. I will be peaceful but I will be bringing banners with me.

So we went to Russian Consulate General in Istanbul. Disgusting Turkish Police did not even allow us taking photos while waving UKR flags, citing security concerns of consulate personnel. And we were shoved and kicked out. I managed to take a photo while they are pushing us from the gate of consulate

Whole world sucking up to Putin is making me sick to my stomache

here's the photo IMG 20220226 213058
I have nothing but sheer contempt for war crime & genocide apologists.

What's happening now in Ukraine is genocide of a peaceful, democratic people by a diabolical bloodthirsty dictator.

@My_name_is_Luka , I know how you feel. From what I have seen of online Russians, they are cowardly bullies and a vicious bloodthirsty people in general. They don't share civilised peoples' beliefs in freedom, individual liberties, human rights, peaceful co-existence, genuine democracy and so on. They are vile Russian supremacist scum that want to occupy all the liberated countries of the Eastern Bloc by bloodshed and impose their diabolical Russian supremacist, totalitarian dictatorship on those free nations and peoples. 😡

Mind you, I'm not taking anything away from the few brave Russians protesting in the streets against this diabolical genocide unleashed by the bloodthirsty war criminal in the Kremlin. They are incredibly courageous to speak out while living inside Russia, knowing the great danger that is posed to themselves by the evil bastard Putin. He sends his henchmen to push dissidents & protestors off tall buildings or kill them with deadly substances like novichok.

I salute those brave Russians protesting in the streets against this genocide. But as one can see, they are too few and far between to make a difference. In any case, protests are being crushed by the bloodthirsty blaggard.

Perhaps, those sitting in the cozy comforts of their homes in the free and democratic countries of the West need to learn a thing or two from them about standing up for humanity & fellow humans, instead of swallowing the evil genocidal dictator's vile propaganda.
well put
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Reclaiming my human rights & liberty thru suicide.
Dec 12, 2021


feels bad for Russian conscripts man

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Apr 28, 2020
So we went to Russian Consulate General in Istanbul. Disgusting Turkish Police did not even allow us taking photos while waving UKR flags, citing security concerns of consulate personnel. And we were shoved and kicked out. I managed to take a photo while they are pushing us from the gate of consulate

Whole world sucking up to Putin is making me sick to my stomache

here's the photo

well put
glad you're back safe! well, I guess that all the nations are trying to protect the russian consulates as they can become a target for the anger of people. I wished that they got closed completely. Let's force the russian nation to solve their internal problems, as their president is forcing ukrainian people to pay for political tensions they are not responsible for.
And if a russian wants to say "it's not our fault": go check the pro-putin forums. Your people are blaming all the ukrainian civilians for not doing anything for the tensions in the region of donbas in the last years.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
I wished that they got closed completely.

Yes, indeed! The fact that Russian embassies and consulates in the civilised countries have not yet been shut shows the spinelessness and feebleness of the people who head those countries. 😡

This is no longer just a war in Ukraine. It's not just about the very survival of a defiantly courageous, peace-loving, democratic, European nation and people, but also about the survival of a free Europe and a free world as we know it.

A megalomaniac mass-murdering monster is hell bent upon forcibly subjugating free peoples and violently occupying sovereign democratic nations, and the best their fellow countries in the free world can come up with is belated partial sanctions???

I read that Ukrainians were told Russia would be completely & immediately cut off from the SWIFT transfer system, but they've merely announced that "selected Russian banks" would be kicked out.

What more are they waiting for? For Poo-tin to use cluster bombs, chemical and thermo-baric weapons and annihilate entire civilian populations in Ukrainian cities? So some politicians can receive dirty laundered Russian oligarch money secretly? 😡

The Russian mafiocratic system as a whole has to pay A VERY STEEP PRICE for the carnage and mayhem their top mafia boss and their foot soldiers are unleashing upon innocents in Ukraine. These filthy rich Russkie "oligarchs" (mafiocrats, actually) who finance and support their beloved genocidal mass-murderer must be hit, and hit extremely hard!

Don't just freeze, but immediately SEIZE ALL their assets (mansions, luxury yachts, private planes, expensive cars, sports club ownerships etc.), auction them and send the money to Ukrainians. Revoke their Western "golden" passports, declare them as genocide-enablers, kick their spoiled brat children out of Western schools and universities, and hold them and their families in detention centres.

Annihilate the Russkie and Chechen mafia gangs that operate with relative impunity on Western soil, smuggling narcotics, trafficking humans and sex-slaves across European borders. Put an immediate end to all Russia-based organised crime (RBOC) groups that act as overseas assets of the Kremlin. Crack down hard and mercilessly on such vile, vicious criminals!

Also, hit the free movement of even ordinary Russians into and out of the West. Stop issuing any kind of visas to Russian passport holders and don't renew existing ones upon expiry. Even ordinary Russians should NOT be able to enjoy the freedoms offered by civilised societies while gleefully supporting or passively condoning the actions of their diabolical dictatorial degenerate. If they love their beloved dictator so much, then let them stay put in their mafiocracy back home. Or go to the commie "paradise" that the Kim clan have created in North Korea.

And whatever I said applies to Belarus too. For this is an unfolding genocide unleashed by the barbaric tyrants of two countries, Russia and Belarus, upon the hapless population of Ukraine.
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Sep 28, 2020
So I finally decided to turn the TV on euro news and there is talking about invasion of other countries in Europe. That man has lost the plot. The poor refugees are going to Poland. Hope they have the infrastructure to accomodate them, it's still very cold there, why all this.
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Jun 14, 2019
I don't really get Putin's endgame? He miscalculated badly here. He pushed his luck and now he'll feel the repercussions.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Difficult to parse all the information and disinformation swirling around this but I believe that Putin and the Russians aren't as bad as they are being cracked up to be.
What I frequently see that I find concerning is the "if you aren't with us you're against us" mentality, people who want to know more about where the conflict originated from and don't want further conflict are siding with "the enemy," and things like that.

Ofc it's always been foolish to demonize all Russians, most of them are concerned only with putting the next meager meal on the table, but it's incredibly silly to believe that Putin might actually be a nice fellow who deserves the benefit of the doubt. He's almost 70, you know, he's been operating in a certain way for decades. :smiling: If you think it's just a coincidence that all the Russian journalists who dared to criticize him are either dead, imprisoned or in exile, I own a large bridge I'd like to sell you.
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Jan 14, 2022
Destroyed Russian tanks in Kharkiv

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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I don't really get Putin's endgame? He miscalculated badly here. He pushed his luck and now he'll feel the repercussions.

Same. I can't come up with any good justifications for Putin/Lukashenko doing this. I know the latter is Vlad's bottom boy and all, but I'm just not getting enough info that could explain why all this, and why now? Putin has a lot to lose. So either he's becoming deranged, or he has some solid reasons for acting out right now, which I can't identify.

Is it all the times he was scorned by the west? An ego thing? Russian civilians don't even want this war, and they're the ones who are going to be hit the hardest in the end.
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Too short for Frederick William I’s Guards
Jan 18, 2022
Ofc it's always been foolish to demonize all Russians, most of them are concerned only with putting the next meager meal on the table, but it's incredibly silly to believe that Putin might actually be a nice fellow who deserves the benefit of the doubt. He's almost 70, you know, he's been operating in a certain way for decades. :smiling: If you think it's just a coincidence that all the Russian journalists who dared to criticize him are either dead, imprisoned or in exile, I own a large bridge I'd like to sell you.
I don't exactly think that he's a nice fellow. I do think that his behavior can be explained by a heartfelt interest to protect the Russian state as it is constituted. It has been said and is quite true that Russia is a declining power. Putin knows that and is working to forestall the end. NATO countries know that too and understand perfectly well that provocation can only lead to violence. With that knowledge I believe they are electing for the swift and violent revolution over the gradual and pacific kind, which conveniently provides for a Raison d'être for NATO. At the risk of inducing an eye-roll here, I don't know how much of the butchering of journalists is real and how much is simply misattribution or hoaxing. There have been plenty of Russian journalists in Russia interviewed on CNN (during a war of all times) that are openly critical of Putin and the Moscow regime.

I really don't want to defend Putin because he obviously shares quite a bit of the blame. My problem is that America and its NATO allies are by far the stronger side in this equation and they could easily get away with accommodating some of Russia's demands, which amount to allowing that old country to peacefully decline into a state on par with the other countries of Europe. When I say that Putin isn't as bad as many claim, I mean that he isn't a tinpot dictator that only seeks world domination in an impossible struggle against overwhelming odds. He and his fellow oligarchs want to hold on to power till the end without being brutally murdered like Gaddafi, for one example. Maybe I'm wrong but I think the American plutocrats would, can and do behave in the same way whenever they believe they are headed in the wrong direction. I would rather our rulers not again allow things to spiral into another war, especially one where we wind up with tens of millions dead.
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Apr 28, 2020
for your info: groups of hackers are now flooding the websites of russian consulates worldwide. So even if they didn't get physically closed, they will get troubles with their office work.
unluckily the same happened for ukrainian consulates, which is bad. The russian bastards are now targeting civilians
Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
What I find shocking too is that Ukraine handed over all their 5000 nukes that they had after the fall of the Soviet Union back to Russia, in exchange for future protection from them. The deal literally said that nobody would encroach upon Ukraine's borders, and now Russia itself is invading and threatening them with nukes. This is a betrayal of the highest order.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I don't exactly think that he's a nice fellow. I do think that his behavior can be explained by a heartfelt interest to protect the Russian state as it is constituted. It has been said and is quite true that Russia is a declining power. Putin knows that and is working to forestall the end.

Putin doesn't know how to forestall the end & make Russia a truly important power/protect it in the long run. If he did, he'd join the 21st century, start giving a shit about his people, fight corruption & modernize & diversify Russia's economy.

At the risk of inducing an eye-roll here, I don't know how much of the butchering of journalists is real and how much is simply misattribution or hoaxing.

Eyerolls successfully induced. :)) You're either very naive or you're purposely covering your eyes & ears. Btw, the Russian LGBTQ population is also being viciously oppressed by Putin, but I'm sure you believe that's just another Russophobic exaggeration/lie. Do you know any gay Russians? I'm European & I do. I could relate their horror stories to you, but I suspect you would dismiss them as fiction.

When I say that Putin isn't as bad as many claim, I mean that he isn't a tinpot dictator that only seeks world domination in an impossible struggle against overwhelming odds.

Ofc he doesn't seek world domination. He just wants to restore as much of the Russian Empire as he can.

I would rather our rulers not again allow things to spiral into another war, especially one where we wind up with tens of millions dead.

Why don't you just admit that's why you feel the need to pretend Putin's really not that bad?
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Ima shake the champagne bottle...
Jun 23, 2020
I got so depressed, suicidal and anxious after reading the news.
Every day I expect that NATO is sent to fight against Russia. Instead US and EU leaders are just using ukrainian citizens as if they were their soldiers, shipping weapons to them and sending them to die.
I really can't believe that I'm living in such a cruel world.

I've been fighting since the whole weeks on russian social medias with pro-putin propaganda, with retarded russians bullies that are celebrating the war. I was shocked that I'm the only one doing that..

I live 10 hours by car from the ukrainian border. Being suicidal, I had the idea of driving there. Ukrainians are recruiting foreigners to fight in their country (they did that with georgia), but I'm not sure that EU will let people get in.
If I could get hold of a gun, I could also think of leaving this evil world immediately.

I thought.. if european people of neighboring

countries were so brave to organize themselves, we could all walk in the streets of ukraine in thousands and that will create a big obstacle for the russian army. But no one would ever consider of joining.

We live in a fucking world that watches people suffer and die..
Don't be surprised.. Russia is recruiting a social media army to promote the propaganda. They're called E-flies, E-army etc. you won't find nearly as much people defending what's right..
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Apr 28, 2020
Don't be surprised.. Russia is recruiting a social media army to promote the propaganda. They're called E-flies, E-army etc. you won't find nearly as much people defending what's right..
if you find some of those communications, let me know and I will try to get other people to infiltrate them
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
Destroyed Russian tanks in Kharkiv

Don't be surprised if the hopelessly brainwashed idiots of Poo-tin (💩 - 🥫) and hordes of his useful idiots overseas develop a sudden, incomprehensible hatred for Turkey and all Turks. Selçuk Bayraktar is a freaking genius who has done an amazing job with his creation.

The Ukrainians have even composed a catchy song, Bay-raktar... Bay-raktar!

I wish the heroic Ukrainians had more of these Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drones.
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Jan 14, 2022
Don't be surprised if the hopelessly brainwashed idiots of Poo-tin (💩 - 🥫) and hordes of his useful idiots overseas develop a sudden, incomprehensible hatred for Turkey and all Turks. Selçuk Bayraktar is a freaking genius who has done an amazing job with his creation.

The Ukrainians have even composed a catchy song, Bay-raktar... Bay-raktar!

Yes they are extremely effective. I'm just praying.
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I am a prisoner locked up behind xanax bars
Dec 16, 2021
Fuck Putin
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Mar 1, 2022
I'm against Putin and his regime too. Obviously I'm also informed of what has happened from 2014 to today in Donbass, which then led to today's situation. Russia had reasons to blame the Ukrainians but that does not justify war and the destruction of a country. My closeness goes to the Ukrainian people and to that part of Russian people who take to the streets and risk being arrested
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I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
Support for or against Ukraine is always support for death. Remember that.

You are supporting one type of demagogue for another and Ukrainians are feeding the croc, hoping it'll eat them last. If you think anything of this charade even against Russia is justifiable, so you probably think it was in Iraq and Afganistan.

If you want to be right so much, put on an uniform and do it yourself.
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Reclaiming my human rights & liberty thru suicide.
Dec 12, 2021
Support for or against Ukraine is always support for death. Remember that.

You are supporting one type of demagogue for another and Ukrainians are feeding the croc, hoping it'll eat them last. If you think anything of this charade even against Russia is justifiable, so you probably think it was in Iraq and Afganistan.

If you want to be right so much, put on an uniform and do it yourself.
NATO literally said "not our war" when Ukraine requested no-fly zone.
"Hell is other people", literally.
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