
Aug 31, 2024
Not to be disrespectful to anyone else because we all have our problems, but it seems most of the people I see on SaSu are here because of emotional problems. Is anyone here to research methods because of health problems? I have a few incurable health problems (not cancer) that I can see means a miserable life for me. I would prefer to end it now so that I don't live a life with these issues taking away my strength and independence, which are very important to me. I am struggling with when/how to do it because I do have people who care about me. I want to wrap up my affairs to make things easier to deal with once I'm gone. Also consider when to do it to be sure it isn't done on key dates. Thank for any input.
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Sep 5, 2024
I'm here researching mainly because of 2 health issues making my life hell. Those issues add to my social anxiety and CPTSD I'm dragging from childhood but managed to cope with for 57 years.
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Apr 15, 2024
I have a mix of physical and psychological pain that I'm tired of. I was so active before I was 15, but suffered from massive debilitating headaches every other week already as a child.
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Jun 17, 2024
Im here becuz of brain damage/injury, Combined benzos off the darkweb with alot of alcohol (titos vodka) because I saw it was a fatal combination on google in 2022, Left me with brain damage didnt kill me tho. I have massive headaches, feel like my brain is being zapped, head hurts, back of head stings, very strong headpressure, even erectile dysfunction. everyday since that attempt. I was being reckless and emotional, in hindsight it was dumb. Hardly sleeping becuz my head is constantly hurting or feeling weird.

Tons of other stories of people who have permanent damage from benzodiapenes on sites like benzorecovery on reddit & benzobuddies website where alot of people just never recover fully after experince the horrible withdrawals

Just hoping my brain reverts back to normal but its already been 2 years and things really havent changed much.
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Sep 5, 2024
I have a mix of physical and psychological pain that I'm tired of. I was so active before I was 15, but suffered from massive debilitating headaches every other week already as a child.
Sorry for your pain. I know just how it feels


Aug 31, 2024
I'm here researching mainly because of 2 health issues making my life hell. Those issues add to my social anxiety and CPTSD I'm dragging from childhood but managed to cope with for 57 years.
I understand. I'm sorry for what you're going through. :hug:
Im here becuz of brain damage/injury, Combined benzos off the darkweb with alot of alcohol (titos vodka) because I saw it was a fatal combination on google in 2022, Left me with brain damage didnt kill me tho. I have massive headaches, feel like my brain is being zapped, head hurts, back of head stings, very strong headpressure, even erectile dysfunction. everyday since that attempt. I was being reckless and emotional, in hindsight it was dumb. Hardly sleeping becuz my head is constantly hurting or feeling weird.

Tons of other stories of people who have permanent damage from benzodiapenes on sites like benzorecovery on reddit & benzobuddies website where alot of people just never recover fully after experince the horrible withdrawals

Just hoping my brain reverts back to normal but its already been 2 years and things really havent changed much.
I have that fear of things going wrong and being worse off than before. I'm sorry you're dealing with this. :hug:
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Trapped in space and time
Aug 29, 2019
Yes health problems that are not fixable. Health problems are a major legitimate reason to ctb in general imo. You see more older people doing it now too due to unresolvable health issues. They probably always have been but maybe you just hear more about it now or it's happening more often because people are waking up and saying I'm not going to take it anymore, and I'm tired of this so why not just take control over my life and die on my own terms before things get worse?
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Sep 11, 2024
tinnitus, crippled me. mom has to run me baths because the sound of the shower is piercing. i don't want to live like this.
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Aug 9, 2024
Yes I have a chronic uti, which has been resistant to antibiotics. All i do is suffer, had my independence and wonderful sense of humour & free spirit taken away. Life has no purpose anymore. Terrified of it going wrong or going to hell for all eternity.
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Love is a toothache in the heart. H.Heine
Dec 12, 2020
yeah, important health problems are real hell :(
Severe long Covid here, lots of severe damage to nerves from Covid... my only reason to be here...
Even CTB is very physically difficult for me....
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Aug 31, 2024
Yes I have a chronic uti, which has been resistant to antibiotics. All i do is suffer, had my independence and wonderful sense of humour & free spirit taken away. Life has no purpose anymore. Terrified of it going wrong or going to hell for all eternity.
I have these same concerns :hug:


Aug 9, 2024
Do you feel comfortable sharing your health issues? I have reached a point where I think no human should have to live the way I am
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Feb 16, 2019
I understand you, I have health problems that make my life absolute hell, problems that I can't get diagnosed/helped with. It's by far my main reason for wanting to ctb. I already had anxiety & depression, these health problems have made my depression grow more severe. I can't live with them, I cannot function, I cannot enjoy anything. I'm suffering immensely everyday.
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Aug 31, 2024
Do you feel comfortable sharing your health issues? I have reached a point where I think no human should have to live the way I am
I've had 2 strokes this year. I'm on tons of new meds. I have neuropathy in my feet. Before, I was strong (physically) and independent. I'm now going to have to quit work and have no idea what to do. I'm used to doing what I want, but I can't any more. I expected that would happen when I grew old, but I'm not even 50 yet.
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Aug 9, 2024
I've had 2 strokes this year. I'm on tons of new meds. I have neuropathy in my feet. Before, I was strong (physically) and independent. I'm now going to have to quit work and have no idea what to do. I'm used to doing what I want, but I can't any more. I expected that would happen when I grew old, but I'm not even 50 yet.
Oh gosh that is so horrible. I feel exactly the same except i'm only 36. 💔
Here for you.


Jul 18, 2023
I believe I have CPTSD, from medical trauma when I was 10 to 12 years old (when you're really not told what's happening, or why - your parents are doing all the deciding for you). Things are a little different now (there's more transparency even at a young age) but that was 50 years ago). There was surgery and it left me permanently changed, scarred, physically and psychologically, though I am considered "cured."

My mother died 2 years ago. (And my father 30 years ago). Still had anger so I didn't go to her funeral.

Anyway, not getting into specifics but... That's why I'm here and on this site, because suicide is, unfortunately, often on my mind.


Jul 29, 2024
tinnitus, crippled me. mom has to run me baths because the sound of the shower is piercing. i don't want to live like this.
Omg same. I have three sounds that just constantly hit me. It ended up stopping me sleep and i fell down with ME/CFS. So now I cant live or have peace.

Me/CFS a grotesque illness, housebound cant live dont die of it. Cant try coz doing stuft can make you worse. No job, no socialising, no walking or movement, no friends or family around. Living in a country thats not my home and cant fly now. No support services. Constant terror and trauma from being trapped in a goddam cage of this body.

People manage to sit in this thing for decades. No idea how, I cant cope and mentally declining. I never knew life could be so awful. Always been active, passionate, chasing dreams. Now, sitting here alone every day. Wtaf. I just need the courage tho. …and somehow still not accepting ctb is it. But I know i cant live like this. Its actually not living.

Jeez its hard to read everyones suffering. How is it possible that this beautiful thing called nature can produce some awful shit in humans. I'm blown away that this stuff is even possible. Sending heaps of love to everyone.
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Jul 29, 2024
Not to be disrespectful to anyone else because we all have our problems, but it seems most of the people I see on SaSu are here because of emotional problems. Is anyone here to research methods because of health problems? I have a few incurable health problems (not cancer) that I can see means a miserable life for me. I would prefer to end it now so that I don't live a life with these issues taking away my strength and independence, which are very important to me. I am struggling with when/how to do it because I do have people who care about me. I want to wrap up my affairs to make things easier to deal with once I'm gone. Also consider when to do it to be sure it isn't done on key dates. Thank for any input.
Yeah its super tough having something that takes strength and independence away. I feel the same around something I could languish in for years. If there is no cure (which for me there isnt), why sit there suffering for decades? Some people do and find peace with their restricted lives. For me I know I will continue to decline mentally living like this.

Hardest thing in all of it is my family and cats…who are my babies.
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Sep 11, 2024
Omg same. I have three sounds that just constantly hit me. It ended up stopping me sleep and i fell down with ME/CFS. So now I cant live or have peace.

Me/CFS a grotesque illness, housebound cant live dont die of it. Cant try coz doing stuft can make you worse. No job, no socialising, no walking or movement, no friends or family around. Living in a country thats not my home and cant fly now. No support services. Constant terror and trauma from being trapped in a goddam cage of this body.

People manage to sit in this thing for decades. No idea how, I cant cope and mentally declining. I never knew life could be so awful. Always been active, passionate, chasing dreams. Now, sitting here alone every day. Wtaf. I just need the courage tho. …and somehow still not accepting ctb is it. But I know i cant live like this. Its actually not living.

Jeez its hard to read everyones suffering. How is it possible that this beautiful thing called nature can produce some awful shit in humans. I'm blown away that this stuff is even possible. Sending heaps of love to everyone.
i'm sorry 😞🫂 my best friend had the same condition. and tinnitus is so heartbreaking. and isolating. i understand. i wish i had a cure for us 😞

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