Better toxic than dead.
- Dec 12, 2023
- 24
Im perfectly healthy (physical wise) except for cluster-headache.
But since 7 years back i was diagnosed with schizo. And since then i feel like i was cut off from normal life and normal society.
I got government flat rented (which anyone wouldnt agree to live in if it wasnt so cheap)
, i got government money monthly and tonnes of discrimination ,prejudice and stigmatization.
Most ironic case was when i set my flat on fire thanks to being delibareted after long period of time in which i didnt have anyone to talk to.
Year after incident i was prosecuted as a danger to the society by the judge , after being stabilizied with no space to explain myself and being labeled as total lunatic who gets high (i was sober for year from everything) which all steamed feom 5 years (and more) old doctors writing and inpatient facilieties.
The biggest fail is that the medications i was ordered to take by judge every month by injection from my dr causes me to be extremely depressed which only enforced my will to kms after realizin this society is totally pathetic to take care of anyone other then normal cis ehite hetero men and or cis white women eith perfect health.
This society is a joke.
But since 7 years back i was diagnosed with schizo. And since then i feel like i was cut off from normal life and normal society.
I got government flat rented (which anyone wouldnt agree to live in if it wasnt so cheap)
, i got government money monthly and tonnes of discrimination ,prejudice and stigmatization.
Most ironic case was when i set my flat on fire thanks to being delibareted after long period of time in which i didnt have anyone to talk to.
Year after incident i was prosecuted as a danger to the society by the judge , after being stabilizied with no space to explain myself and being labeled as total lunatic who gets high (i was sober for year from everything) which all steamed feom 5 years (and more) old doctors writing and inpatient facilieties.
The biggest fail is that the medications i was ordered to take by judge every month by injection from my dr causes me to be extremely depressed which only enforced my will to kms after realizin this society is totally pathetic to take care of anyone other then normal cis ehite hetero men and or cis white women eith perfect health.
This society is a joke.