

Sep 4, 2020
I guess. I tried second time with more charcoal , nothing .... are you considering this or another way ? Do you have what's app number ?

Yeah you're gonna wanna isolate yourself when there is almost no smoke. Let the smoke pass.


May 17, 2020
I hear you , mines more imminant as I'm in constant pain .


May 8, 2019
Hi idk if this is the right thread but if i want to ctb with the car in garage monoxide way, what do i do? Or is there a thread for that and just cant find it


Sep 8, 2020
How long to keep the coals in the chimney starter and how long in the bbq bucket before transferring to enclosed space?


Dec 15, 2018
How do you do this in an apartment? What in an apartment might give off / leak CO? I don't want it to look that intentional. Thanks
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Sep 8, 2020
Would this work in a small (ish) shed? Wondering if it is too big. Also does more charcoal naturally equal a higher PPM? Thanks.


Jul 24, 2020
I read a news article about a man killing his nieghbour by putting a potato in his boiler flue to block it , I had no idea this was even possible. Can't imagine it would work for me somehow. I'm guessing modern boilers have safety cut offs of some kind.
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Jul 22, 2020
Do a little bit more research on this method.

Yes, you use charcoal. What you do, is you burn it OUTSIDE, then wait for all the smoke to stop, and for all the charcoal to turn white. THEN you take it inside.

An airbnb is a good idea, but doing it in a big room is a bad idea. Doing it inside of a smallish bathroom would work. You could lay down in the bathtub. You could put blankets and pillows in the bathtub to make it comfortable.

So you burn the charcoal outside. Then after the coals turn white, you bring them into the bathroom. THEN you close the bathroom door, and wait OUTSIDE OF THE BATHROOM for carbon monoxide to build up in the bathroom. Use a towel to block the bottom of the bathroom door outside, so CO doesn't leak. Wait 30-40 minutes. Then you go into the bathroom, and use a towel to block the bottom of the bathroom door inside, so CO doesn't leak. Lay down in the bathtub, close your eyes, and drift off into eternal bliss.

CO detectors look just like smoke detectors. If you see either, just open them, and take out the batteries. If they're hooked up to the electrical system, and there's wires plugged into it - just jerk the god damned things out of the wall. Break them with a hammer, fuck it.

The amount you should use for a small-ish bathroom is 2 pounds, to be safe. You can use 3 pounds, too, if you're feeling frisky. If you want to be overkill, use 4 pounds!

I hope I've helped.

does anyone know if this advice above is legit? seems super easy to do. Almost too easy.


Sep 20, 2019
Could try a portable generator. Was looking at them the the other day. They have warnings all over the box saying "Carbon monoxide will kill you in minutes. Not for indoor use."
Want to go this route and buy a portable generator but I want to be sure that it's an old school killing machine & not one of these new generators with auto-shut off features. If you come across any good ones, please let me know :)
Tried the generator. Definitely effective but BURNS your fucking eyes like you wouldn't believe in a very small place like a car. In something larger like a garage it's more manageable, but will take more time. I'm leaning towards Sodium Nitrite at this point. Seems perfect; it's legal, cheap and quick.
What make/model of generator?
Portable generators are said to have 85000ppm of CO in their exhaust. I am surprised that people haven't used them as an exit as much as people used cars when they didn't have catalytic converters. I have read that without CATs cars exhaust had 45000 ppm of CO.
You seem to know more about generators than I could ever hope to learn--do you know of any make/models that are still around that will do the trick in a garage or basement?
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Nov 22, 2020
I have a question . I plan on doing
This tomorrow in my Ford Fusion. I plan on transferring the coals into cooking pot with cold water to keep it from fucking up ky
Car. The coals are gonna go in my backseat. Should the heat from the coals burning my interior and causing toxic gases be anything I should
Worry about? Obviously if I'm dead who gives a fuck about my car, I just don't want a fire or smoke or anything to alert anyone to come near my
Car lol .

I need
This to work. I'm in so much pain.


Oct 9, 2020
... I plan on transferring the coals into cooking pot with cold water...

I believe, this would not work. High temperature is required:

"The Ellingham diagram shows that CO formation is favored over CO2 in high temperatures."

If you are uncertain, I would not recommend CO. There are too many chances to fail. If you are trying a new method, I would recommend testing it before hand with CO alarm with LCD screen (~30$). It is better to remove the speaker of the alarm (85db) before testing.
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Nov 22, 2020
I believe, this would not work. High temperature is required:

"The Ellingham diagram shows that CO formation is favored over CO2 in high temperatures."

If you are uncertain, I would not recommend CO. There are too many chances to fail. If you are trying a new method, I would recommend testing it before hand with CO alarm with LCD screen (~30$). It is better to remove the speaker of the alarm (85db) before testing.
Putting the pot in water is just going to create a sauna. Sorry you are in pain, hope you find strength. Maybe take some more time to think about it? I understand how you feel, I really can't go on with life either.

I'm not transferring the actual coals into the water, I'm using the cold water to stop the pot of hot coals from burning the surface in my car.

And too many chances to fail? It seems pretty straight
Forward putting hot coals inside of a car to build up CO2 levels.
Doesn't seem like there's many chances to fail to me .


Oct 9, 2020
I'm not transferring the actual coals into the water, I'm using the cold water to stop the pot of hot coals from burning the surface in my car.

And too many chances to fail? It seems pretty straight
Forward putting hot coals inside of a car to build up CO2 levels.
Doesn't seem like there's many chances to fail to me .

The cold water is not only cooling the car. Also the pot and coals inside the pot will be cooled. In my opinion this is very significant risk.

If you know, what you are doing, I wish you luck. But there are many members in this forum, who failed using hot coals inside a car.


Maybe you could consider using thermal insulation for protecting the car.
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New Member
Nov 23, 2020
I don't know how hot a bbq actually gets but i'm thinking it's hot enough to melt your glove box if you think you can just pop it on the floor like that.


Jan 9, 2019
Have you guys ever considered just buying CO? It will be MUCH faster, cleaner and more reliable than BBQing in your room.


Nov 29, 2020
Have you guys ever considered just buying CO? It will be MUCH faster, cleaner and more reliable than BBQing in your room.
It's not possible to order unfortunately unless you have an official business :(
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Nov 16, 2020
Eu tenho uma pergunta . Eu pretendo fazer
Isso amanhã no meu Ford Fusion. Estou pensando em transferir as brasas para a panela com água fria para evitar que estrague ky
Carro. As brasas vão para o meu banco de trás. Se o calor das brasas queimando meu interior e causando gases tóxicos for algo que eu deveria
Preocupado sobre? Obviamente, se eu estou morto para quem se importa com o meu carro, eu só não quero fogo ou fumaça ou qualquer coisa para alertar alguém para chegar perto de meu
Car, risos.

eu preciso
Isso para funcionar. Estou com muita dor.

What's up? You did?
Mr blobby

Mr blobby

Nov 29, 2020
Anyone know if CO can travel through the ceiling? I live in an apartment


Apr 26, 2020
Anyone know if CO can travel through the ceiling? I live in an apartment

Yes. It could kill the other people in your apartment.

To prove that carbon monoxide can go through walls, researchers placed varying thicknesses of drywall in a Plexiglas container to observe how quickly the gas could travel through the walls. Because the pores in the wallboard are 1 million times larger than a carbon monoxide molecule, the gas passed easily through the porous barrier. Painted drywall slowed down the gas only a bit.

"What this study tells me is that carbon monoxide does not stay put in a building, that the barriers between apartments or condos will slow down carbon monoxide, but do not stop it," said Dr. Eric Lavonas, associate director of the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center in Denver.

The report is published in the Aug. 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
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Mr blobby

Mr blobby

Nov 29, 2020
Yes. It could kill the other people in your apartment.

To prove that carbon monoxide can go through walls, researchers placed varying thicknesses of drywall in a Plexiglas container to observe how quickly the gas could travel through the walls. Because the pores in the wallboard are 1 million times larger than a carbon monoxide molecule, the gas passed easily through the porous barrier. Painted drywall slowed down the gas only a bit.

"What this study tells me is that carbon monoxide does not stay put in a building, that the barriers between apartments or condos will slow down carbon monoxide, but do not stop it," said Dr. Eric Lavonas, associate director of the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center in Denver.

The report is published in the Aug. 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
I live alone but i think my neighbours above may be at risk. Thanks
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Dec 7, 2020
People who tried carbon monoxide and failed, what were the symptoms?
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Nov 16, 2020
I bought 3 disposable BBQ grills, I want to cbt in my car, are the grills unreliable or would I be able to cbt with them? I am going to tape up all the doors and windows and exhaust pipe even, put signs on the windows warning of danger and to call emergency services, going to light the 3 grills for 45 minutes, or until they stop smoking, put them in the car on the passenger seats, front and back, and get in at the same time so I don't lose any CM by getting in later. Does this sound likely to be successful? Any suggestions welcome!
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Anyone know if CO can travel through the ceiling? I live in an apartment
Yes it goes through walls and ceilings. Do not do it in an apartment. I was accidentally CO poisoned in a townhouse where a car was left running in the first level garage, and we were in the 2nd and 3rd floors. I had a bad headache, and I never get headaches.
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Dec 3, 2020
I bought 3 disposable BBQ grills, I want to cbt in my car, are the grills unreliable or would I be able to cbt with them? I am going to tape up all the doors and windows and exhaust pipe even, put signs on the windows warning of danger and to call emergency services, going to light the 3 grills for 45 minutes, or until they stop smoking, put them in the car on the passenger seats, front and back, and get in at the same time so I don't lose any CM by getting in later. Does this sound likely to be successful? Any suggestions welcome!
wondering if the signs on the window could lead to you being found too quickly? But of course it's a good way to keep others safe and I don't know where you'd be putting your car.

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