
Dec 2, 2018
But how don't the bottom of it melt with coals? I mean the metal buckets for that are made for ashes and used coals gets so hot that it will burn anything from its bottom if there is no wooden thing underneath it (they are made for empting cold or warm ashes from fireplaces and burn from bottom at least where I live).

You are quite right,, you have to place it on bricks etc or indeed some wood, a metal tray filled with water is also recommended.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
As the temp needed to ignite charcoal is quite high, I'd say about 500 Celsius, there will be an extreme heat buildup that is very likely to melt the "sky" in a sedan (plastics melts/burns at 100 to 200 Celsius) and if you use the back seat, or the dashboard/airbag when using the foot stowage of the passenger seat... and indeed, the heat will start melting/igniting whatever is non-metal or ceramic below the heat source (if anyone here read what people posted rather than just ask questions...) as happened to me with the IKEA chair (=wood)... part of that is itself charcoal now, and I had an aluminum isolator underneath the aluminum tray with the coals. NOT enough. That alu tray also partially melted away. if somebody here doesn't mention this heat problem, consider them hoaxers as they clearly have no idea what they're talking about, they're just spreading hearsay. "I heard it on the grapevine..."
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Dec 2, 2018
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Dec 5, 2018
Since you are clearly an adult with own money and house and have made up your mind about it then why not use machinery that raise levels certainly high enough. No need even for meter in small places.

Like said by others before here the air that comes from generators airholes have 70000ppm CO. Small place would have 10000ppm in less than a minute.

The reason it's mentioned in peacefull pill and other euthanasia books is that it's sure, fast and painless way for dieing and old who are ready to go.

It's not for those who want to have chance to change their minds. I really hope that everyone will think very hard before doing anything. You all deserve only love in this life and will for sure get it in future if it's missing now. If someone wouldn't be sure and would change their minds they may only not suffer more physically but could end up prisoned to hospital with no given day of freedom. I believe that one should be in peace with it and do what they feel inside is right thing to do. I or anyone else can't say what others should do since we haven't lived in their shoes and suffered like them. Though like most I wish that all these wonderful and loving people here would keep on living to light up others life and getg love and happiness back. This world could change for better because of you. You understand suffering and are more emphatetic than anyone else because of it. That is a huge gift if you can get through your struggles.

I hope that nobody will do it for emotional pain since that will pass unless your only child have died or loved partner but even then many have managed to become happy again. If you have an anxiety or fear then try thinking the world from the space and see how small and unsignificant the people who cause your pain and fear are. Keep that in mind. There is higher power and life after death. You are all worth of only love and good things even you get much bad in this life. But don't let that affect your life and ask help when ever you need it. Nobody can live without help of others.

I wish I had resources to help people out here.

hi can you post a link for the ppeh?
Is it possible to commit suicide by just being meek and avoiding all risks ? I get the impression that would be the only practical way to go for many here... so lets concentrate on this solution, the "MAA" method for meek-and-avoid - can we have an extra thread for this mebbe ?
In a more serious vein, I haven't had much success with the gas-burn method so far, need some serious alterations to the burners... there's too much hype on the Web about "CO dangers," where some superannuated life-long meat-eater really dies of clogged arteries and diabetes and slow brain death in front of his TV indoctrination screen, rather than CO - and many professional installer youtubers ride this wave, so be careful. You know... "let me fix your gas stove if you don't want to die of... only $199 per hour."

My momentary setup goes towards 10 kgs of briqs in a 10 cbm hermetic room (put in a new, air tight door today), that's 1 kg per cbm and by all my own measures and available information a perfectly safe method. This room leads onto another with 30 cbm (in case it gets too hot) where 12 kgs of briqs are at work, with an additional 4/4 liter acids generating CO... not sure if i'll even do this, I just have all the stuff here, I got 35 kgs of assorted charcoal alone - and it seems such a waste not to use it ;)

Oh btw, Merry Christmas !! Or will that get me banned for being an Islamophobe ? You never know these post-rational days... I'd kill myself if that happened !

Oh, PS PS PS - important about the "disposable grills for cars" thingy, tested another disposable grill yesterday, the ones they sell at the supermarkets at around $10 or so, depends... now what they give you is about 800 grams "select" briqs (that's 20 of them) in a heavy brown paper bag, and an aluminum receptacle with some wire grid stuff (on which you're supposed to collect the meat for grilling), and they tell up to "light the bag at all four corners using just one match," and everything will be dildo, within half an hour - forget that, it's not going to work. I tried it twice... it's a thimple hoax, paper's gone in a minute.

You need to fire up the briqs the way I explained in one of my earlier posts, the one with the photo links. That paper bag will never get your briqs on fire at all.
Just saying, so you don't waste time and money. If you're really about suicide rather than finding a Goth mate.
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Dec 5, 2018
It is 100% true what they say about machines that work with benzine. Being close to them where the air comes for few seconds and you would know that too.
Only cars have converters to lessen CO but still people die even when running cold engine inside.
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Dec 5, 2018
Write the key words to duckduck.go. I read it like month ago so I don't remember it. There are many links in this very long thread too.

I have CO meter that can measure 0-2% CO. So I don't need links. I know it for 100% sure. I'm dieing and I'm in big pain 24/7 and have no hope for better life. At least I want to die in peace without pain and hope that others in same situation than me will have that too.
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Sep 25, 2018
somebody mentioned a lot of negative side effects...why are these not for SN or butanediol? I think because this method is old and better known, right?
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
It is 100% true what they say about machines that work with benzine. Being close to them where the air comes for few seconds and you would know that too.
Only cars have converters to lessen CO but still people die even when running cold engine inside.

A small generator is basically a good idea, but the exhaust fumes they produce are terrible and so is the noise - these irritants should ideally be removed at least to some degree, meaning you would need a heat-resistant exhaust filter, attached to the usually very rudimentary exhaust of the generator, and place it in a different room, covering it with some rock wool contraption or at least some boards - even that will greatly reduce noise. Our damn generator isn't working, probably a carburettor issue... then again, these things can be had from about a hundred dollars upwards at hardware stores. And yes, this is a surefire method I had almost forgotten about what with all the research about coal and acids, and it is essential for me to stay smell-free mainly because of the little dog that needs to be part of this, it needs to be smooth and happy... therefore I'm still convinced that charcoal is preferable. Not for everybody, of course. I would say if noise and stink (not remotely as bad as acid fumes though) are not a problem,and if you're not an experimenter, get a small generator and be done with it, over and out ;)
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
Since you are clearly an adult with own money and house and have made up your mind about it then why not use machinery that raise levels certainly high enough. No need even for meter in small places.

Like said by others before here the air that comes from generators airholes have 70000ppm CO. Small place would have 10000ppm in less than a minute.

The reason it's mentioned in peacefull pill and other euthanasia books is that it's sure, fast and painless way for dieing and old who are ready to go.

It's not for those who want to have chance to change their minds. I really hope that everyone will think very hard before doing anything. You all deserve only love in this life and will for sure get it in future if it's missing now. If someone wouldn't be sure and would change their minds they may only not suffer more physically but could end up prisoned to hospital with no given day of freedom. I believe that one should be in peace with it and do what they feel inside is right thing to do. I or anyone else can't say what others should do since we haven't lived in their shoes and suffered like them. Though like most I wish that all these wonderful and loving people here would keep on living to light up others life and getg love and happiness back. This world could change for better because of you. You understand suffering and are more emphatetic than anyone else because of it. That is a huge gift if you can get through your struggles.

I hope that nobody will do it for emotional pain since that will pass unless your only child have died or loved partner but even then many have managed to become happy again. If you have an anxiety or fear then try thinking the world from the space and see how small and unsignificant the people who cause your pain and fear are. Keep that in mind. There is higher power and life after death. You are all worth of only love and good things even you get much bad in this life. But don't let that affect your life and ask help when ever you need it. Nobody can live without help of others.

I wish I had resources to help people out here.

That was very nice and sensible ;)

I have always seen suicide as my obvious choice in case illness or other contrary issues would threaten to make life unpleasant, even old age (I've seen a few people in homes for the aged - in Spain they call that "la edad de oro" as if it were a time of conquest) where they're pishing their last, hardly able to make sense...
Come on. quit while it's still good. This is why I call it "exit one," and I hope to die with a satisfied look on my face if not a smile. I think that's important !
But be professional about it ! It's only the one time... can you work it ?

The talk about brain damage is inconclusive. You will meet people who had a stroke, and who are significantly and visibly impaired because strokes will have local effects in definite areas of the brain, often the cortical ones only, resulting in speech incapacitation or paralysis of limbs, that sort of thing is very unlikely to happen with CO, where you would experience a more general incapacitation, which would likely coincide with a general loss of consciousness - on risk of sounding frivolous, the effect might be comparable to degradation of IQ by about three standard deviations - it could even be an effective treatment of depression ;)

Clearly, you MUST make sure that your levels get above abt. 6000ppm and that you will stay in an airtight room with that for at least a night or so... this should be understood, and it is why I won't consider cars or tents at all.

I would never consider suicide if I believed in an "afterlife" - yikes ! We're domesticated apes who can only bear life by feeding on fantastic delusions (religions etc.), which is understandable to a degree, but the thought that death ends all BS - as opposed to "every day Christmas in Heaven" - is what makes me so relaxed about it. Others will prefer the thought that death just transfers them into another life called 'paradise,' which is exactly like where you are tight now, only much, much better... and where they, as the Muslims point out, will endlessly behave like the animals they claim not to be (rut and eat a lot all day long, which is cool with me as long as I don't have to take part - I'm bored like hell as it is ;)

Cheer up - it makes no difference to the universe either way.
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Dec 6, 2018
For everyone, this might help, chemical engineer by trade here. I understand the chemistry here. First I used a waterproof tape to cover all vents in a newer model quad cab pick truck. Newer vehicles are better because their water seals on all doors are new and better. I did some measurements and came up with 7.2 m cubed for the volume. I put the back seat up to create a large flat floor in the back seat area. Using three cinder blocks I created a platform.
I lit and burned 3 kg of charcoal to use in two buckets evenly divided. I purchased a 707 CO meter from WW Grainger ( 400$ ) that goes to 10,000 ppm.
I placed the coals in two buckets in a large metal pan with 2" of water after they were gray, and measured the results.
The temperature outdoors was cold, 38 degrees F, or 3 degrees C. The internal temperature of the vehicle rose to 58 degrees F, or 14 degrees C.
After 25 minutes the meter reached 8800 ppm, after 40 minutes the ppm reached 9700 ppm, at 60 minutes it fell to 8200 ppm, at 75 minutes it fell to 7400 ppm.
For 50 minutes, it maintained an extremely lethal dose of CO. At those levels, for that time duration, anyone would have certainly perished. I opened all the doors of the vehicle, and in 10 minutes the CO level fell below 50 ppm. I started the vehicle to clear all gases out with fan on high while the doors were open. Removed the tape, buckets, and cinder blocks.
Do not overthink this method. It is that straightforward. Follow the steps.
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Aug 8, 2018
Do not overthink this method. It is that straightforward. Follow the steps.

I couldnt have said any better! Dont overcomplicate things, friends!
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You deserve love
Dec 28, 2018
Is it possible to commit suicide by just being meek and avoiding all risks ? I get the impression that would be the only practical way to go for many here... so lets concentrate on this solution, the "MAA" method for meek-and-avoid - can we have an extra thread for this mebbe ?
In a more serious vein, I haven't had much success with the gas-burn method so far, need some serious alterations to the burners... there's too much hype on the Web about "CO dangers," where some superannuated life-long meat-eater really dies of clogged arteries and diabetes and slow brain death in front of his TV indoctrination screen, rather than CO - and many professional installer youtubers ride this wave, so be careful. You know... "let me fix your gas stove if you don't want to die of... only $199 per hour."

My momentary setup goes towards 10 kgs of briqs in a 10 cbm hermetic room (put in a new, air tight door today), that's 1 kg per cbm and by all my own measures and available information a perfectly safe method. This room leads onto another with 30 cbm (in case it gets too hot) where 12 kgs of briqs are at work, with an additional 4/4 liter acids generating CO... not sure if i'll even do this, I just have all the stuff here, I got 35 kgs of assorted charcoal alone - and it seems such a waste not to use it ;)

Oh btw, Merry Christmas !! Or will that get me banned for being an Islamophobe ? You never know these post-rational days... I'd kill myself if that happened !

Oh, PS PS PS - important about the "disposable grills for cars" thingy, tested another disposable grill yesterday, the ones they sell at the supermarkets at around $10 or so, depends... now what they give you is about 800 grams "select" briqs (that's 20 of them) in a heavy brown paper bag, and an aluminum receptacle with some wire grid stuff (on which you're supposed to collect the meat for grilling), and they tell up to "light the bag at all four corners using just one match," and everything will be dildo, within half an hour - forget that, it's not going to work. I tried it twice... it's a thimple hoax, paper's gone in a minute.

You need to fire up the briqs the way I explained in one of my earlier posts, the one with the photo links. That paper bag will never get your briqs on fire at all.
Just saying, so you don't waste time and money. If you're really about suicide rather than finding a Goth mate.
Its nice you have access to all that stuff but please understand when you're crossing the line into overcomplicating it not only for yourself but for others too.

You stress the importance of testing but then say its zany to test up to 10000ppm, honestly in my opinion if you want to test all you need to know is that your briqs are producing adequate CO at a given ppm. Knowing this and knowing you used enough coal to sustain the smouldering for a few hours is more than enough. Careful saying CO doesn't carry "much" risk for brain damage because most methods carry that very real risk!
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Dec 2, 2018
For everyone, this might help, chemical engineer by trade here. I understand the chemistry here. First I used a waterproof tape to cover all vents in a newer model quad cab pick truck. Newer vehicles are better because their water seals on all doors are new and better. I did some measurements and came up with 7.2 m cubed for the volume. I put the back seat up to create a large flat floor in the back seat area. Using three cinder blocks I created a platform.
I lit and burned 3 kg of charcoal to use in two buckets evenly divided. I purchased a 707 CO meter from WW Grainger ( 400$ ) that goes to 10,000 ppm.
I placed the coals in two buckets in a large metal pan with 2" of water after they were gray, and measured the results.
The temperature outdoors was cold, 38 degrees F, or 3 degrees C. The internal temperature of the vehicle rose to 58 degrees F, or 14 degrees C.
After 25 minutes the meter reached 8800 ppm, after 40 minutes the ppm reached 9700 ppm, at 60 minutes it fell to 8200 ppm, at 75 minutes it fell to 7400 ppm.
For 50 minutes, it maintained an extremely lethal dose of CO. At those levels, for that time duration, anyone would have certainly perished. I opened all the doors of the vehicle, and in 10 minutes the CO level fell below 50 ppm. I started the vehicle to clear all gases out with fan on high while the doors were open. Removed the tape, buckets, and cinder blocks.
Do not overthink this method. It is that straightforward. Follow the steps.

Thanks for the info very useful and quite agree about the overthinking.
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Sep 21, 2018
@ReadyasEver ,

Since youre an engineer. But I'm not in the USA, in Europe. That influences what is (readily) available. The high PPM (10,000 PPM) meters are hard to come by, one member got one that couldn't handle high levels well- it turned hot.

Room of about 4,2 by 3,2 by 2,2 meters.I had been thinking of filling that one with CO, but methods ... Descriptions for charcoal assume a different 'environment' and there still is the technique ... I mean, charcoal sold in the USA may not react quite the same way as local stuff. And as far as methods go, I don't like the 'trust' factor. I can't use sedatives for losing consciousness, so I'd be aiming for very high concentrations (symptoms and not surviving with brain damage). There is at least one description of combining formic acid with sulphuric acid but there are practical considerations. You don't want to lose consciousness by the fumes while you're mixing the stuff only to survive with brain damage. And I got there are fumes that also damage skin ?

Anyway, if you have any practical comments for someone who does have absolutely NO background in engineering, chemistry or anything similar ?
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Dec 6, 2018
That's a good sized area, have to make as airtight as possible. Mixing chemicals worries me and I've done it for a living. Without professional grade equipment, atmospheric controlling, the variables get problematic even if you know what you are doing. That's why I like confined combustion, it's simple and following the steps makes it easy to control.
I have done reactions with simple equipment, but highly acidic fumes are nothing to mess with. One breathe of burning air and watering eyes would trigger a pretty determined SI response.
This is just my personal opinion. Some people are highly confident in the chemical reaction methods and many have been successful. My mind just tries to remove as many variables as possible and maintain control of the process. The KISS ( Keep it Simple Stupid ) principle works the best for me.
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You deserve love
Dec 28, 2018
I think if you're adamant on getting hold of a 10000ppm meter you have greater concerns than the method. Good luck if you plan to go that far but I'm confident in what I know without needing such a meter, there's reasons why they're so hard to get, even trying to die its not necessary because the only difference between 3000ppm and 12000ppm is about 1 hour to death vs a few minutes. Even 1600ppm would have you dead within 3 hours.
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You deserve love
Dec 28, 2018
For some of us this kind of thing isnt a concern because we choose CO for it being one of the cheapest peaceful method. Going for "professional grade equipment" is fine for your peace of mind but don't suggest that its necessary.
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You deserve love
Dec 28, 2018
A small generator is basically a good idea, but the exhaust fumes they produce are terrible and so is the noise - these irritants should ideally be removed at least to some degree, meaning you would need a heat-resistant exhaust filter, attached to the usually very rudimentary exhaust of the generator, and place it in a different room, covering it with some rock wool contraption or at least some boards - even that will greatly reduce noise. Our damn generator isn't working, probably a carburettor issue... then again, these things can be had from about a hundred dollars upwards at hardware stores. And yes, this is a surefire method I had almost forgotten about what with all the research about coal and acids, and it is essential for me to stay smell-free mainly because of the little dog that needs to be part of this, it needs to be smooth and happy... therefore I'm still convinced that charcoal is preferable. Not for everybody, of course. I would say if noise and stink (not remotely as bad as acid fumes though) are not a problem,and if you're not an experimenter, get a small generator and be done with it, over and out ;)
Hi, I wouldn't suggest that "small generator and be done with it" because we don't actually know if this is likely to work or be irritating or how fast CO would build. Thats the kind of experiment I wanna see here.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
Hi, I wouldn't suggest that "small generator and be done with it" because we don't actually know if this is likely to work or be irritating or how fast CO would build. Thats the kind of experiment I wanna see here.

Then go ahead and do it ? Buy one and try one.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
For everyone, this might help, chemical engineer by trade here. I understand the chemistry here. First I used a waterproof tape to cover all vents in a newer model quad cab pick truck. Newer vehicles are better because their water seals on all doors are new and better. I did some measurements and came up with 7.2 m cubed for the volume. I put the back seat up to create a large flat floor in the back seat area. Using three cinder blocks I created a platform.
I lit and burned 3 kg of charcoal to use in two buckets evenly divided. I purchased a 707 CO meter from WW Grainger ( 400$ ) that goes to 10,000 ppm.
I placed the coals in two buckets in a large metal pan with 2" of water after they were gray, and measured the results.
The temperature outdoors was cold, 38 degrees F, or 3 degrees C. The internal temperature of the vehicle rose to 58 degrees F, or 14 degrees C.
After 25 minutes the meter reached 8800 ppm, after 40 minutes the ppm reached 9700 ppm, at 60 minutes it fell to 8200 ppm, at 75 minutes it fell to 7400 ppm.
For 50 minutes, it maintained an extremely lethal dose of CO. At those levels, for that time duration, anyone would have certainly perished. I opened all the doors of the vehicle, and in 10 minutes the CO level fell below 50 ppm. I started the vehicle to clear all gases out with fan on high while the doors were open. Removed the tape, buckets, and cinder blocks.
Do not overthink this method. It is that straightforward. Follow the steps.

Like it, corresponds with my own measurements in a 10 cbm environment (though I had to meter-extrapolate).
What you say is basically that 3-5 kgs of coals will do for ~10 cbm, and that it will raise temp by about 10-15 degrees C - this is important, and bearable in winter. I had proposed using up to three times the coal amount to make up for the "Wail! Chinese charcoal!" and possible window draft effects - but that transcends the technical abilities of many and drives up the temp. 'Overthinking' is however a relative term ;)
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
Can't afford to or I would :(
200 bucks...small gen, pipe clamps, exhaust pipe and muffler with added filter from a junk yard... use coal filters, easy to make from charcoal and rock wool. A tool time job for the handy man.
Just saying... anybody here ??
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Sep 21, 2018
@ReadyasEver ,

One way would be to dismiss the particulars of the production process, and wear something that will keep the fumes and CO out, oxygen in/supply you with oxygen. A special type of breathing mask, or similar. Lots of stuff on Ebay (maybe amazon.co.uk), but I don't have a clue.
(All till the room is saturated.)

And you have to protect your skin, I guess.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
@ReadyasEver ,

One way would be to dismiss the particulars of the production process, and wear something that will keep the fumes and CO out, oxygen in/supply you with oxygen. A special type of breathing mask, or similar. Lots of stuff on Ebay (maybe amazon.co.uk), but I don't have a clue.
(All till the room is saturated.)

And you have to protect your skin, I guess.

Try scuba gear, full neoprene suit would be your choice - there will be no way you could inhale CO or fumes though there's a weak spot at the mouth where you breathe - I'd advise to avoid that problem by pulling an additional clear plastic bag over your head. I'm happy we finally evolved a safe way to check this! No need to use flippers, though that might alleviate the otherwise slightly depressive ambience of the process.
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Dec 5, 2018
200 bucks...small gen, pipe clamps, exhaust pipe and muffler with added filter from a junk yard... use coal filters, easy to make from charcoal and rock wool. A tool time job for the handy man.
Just saying... anybody here ??

People can buy portable generator with 200 bucks. Why see all that trouble and coals don't work as well?

I accidently saw medical article about CO poisoning. Amazing how stupid people can write medical articles to Internet. ;)

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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
People can buy portable generator with 200 bucks. Why see all that trouble and coals don't work as well?

I accidently saw medical article about CO poisoning. Amazing how stupid people can write medical articles to Internet. ;)

Yes... nice link, another slightly vague description, but still interesting - it fits the overall impression.

Coals do work... as does wood, from which charcoal is made, or anthracite coal because it's basically compressed charcoal... Then there are the burning stuffs that have a lower content in C, like gas or gasoline...
A gasoline generator is basically easier to use, but as I said it smells terrible and raises a hellish noise...

As to the strange medical info about CO damage, the difference between what is generally known as typical brain damage out of other reasons like stroke or a badly aimed head shot (I had a relative who had a head injury from a car accident, a blunt trauma to the upper right skull which left the outer cerebral part of the brain asphyxiated for more than half an hour but NOT the inner parts > intensive care and all that - he spent 8 years in a coma before he died - they tried all sorts of things... no effect. He was "locked in," fully paralyzed, blind, unable to speak or move... there was a conscious rest of him trying to communicate but it couldn't be done... everything was used, logopedics and stuff, but the poor remnants of consciousness slowly died off in hopeless, utter loneliness, it was a very tragic and horrible thing, about the worst torture you could possibly imagine and I can't actually write about it without crying again, though this was 15 years ago now and I have learned never to think about it... so I'll stop here.
I just mean to say, I do know a few things about brain function and brain damage).

So, brain damage from CO will NOT cause such an effect, because CO kills all brain cells equally rather than a few on the cerebral cortex, which would be turning you into a vegetable, while the brain stem, thalamus/hippocampus etc. and cerebellum, stay functional - it damages them all equally and smoothly. A locked-in syndrome where consciousness remains but cannot act is extremely unlikely. If the neurons (as well as other body cells) don't actually DIE, but stay low-level active, alive, until air or oxygen is applied, the patients will likely have a good chance to more or less fully recover, though they will struggle with lots of what I would call reco-ordination symptoms. Or they all die entirely, which us morituri here would call success - banzai and all that ;)

Is this difference understood ? Please comment, I have a hard time telling if people are able to parse what I say. They don't write these things in the medical lit because they're hard to prove and they don't want to be sued if they turn out to be wrong, science not being omniscient yet - so I'm saying it here instead.
The #fails reported here are all caused by under-dosage (not enough CO) or by air drift, as in tents or cars or leaky rooms. Make sure you have enough coals (abt .5 kgs or 1 lb per cubic meter minimum) and that the produced CO will remain undisturbed, as will you, for six hours.

Does this make sense ? And lest I forget - Happy New Year ;)))
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Sep 21, 2018
Surviving CO poisoning, brain damage





Excerpt (for those without a login)


CO toxicity causes impaired oxygen delivery and utilization at the cellular level. CO affects several different sites within the body but has its most profound impact on the organs (eg, brain, heart) with the highest oxygen requirement.

Cellular hypoxia from CO toxicity is caused by impedance of oxygen delivery. CO reversibly binds hemoglobin, resulting in relative functional anemia. Because it binds hemoglobin 230-270 times more avidly than oxygen, even small concentrations can result in significant levels of carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO).

An ambient CO level of 100 ppm produces an HbCO of 16% at equilibration, which is enough to produce clinical symptoms. Binding of CO to hemoglobin causes an increased binding of oxygen molecules at the three other oxygen-binding sites, resulting in a leftward shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve and decreasing the availability of oxygen to the already hypoxic tissues.

CO binds to cardiac myoglobin with an even greater affinity than to hemoglobin; the resulting myocardial depression and hypotension exacerbates the tissue hypoxia. Decrease in oxygen delivery is insufficient, however, to explain the extent of the CO toxicity. Clinical status often does not correlate well with HbCO level, leading some to postulate an additional impairment of cellular respiration.

CO can produce direct cellular changes involving immunological or inflammatory damage by a variety of mechanisms, including the following [3] :

  • Binding to intracellular proteins (myoglobin, cytochrome a,a3)

  • Nitric oxide generation leading to peroxynitrite production

  • Lipid peroxidation by neutrophils

  • Mitochondrial oxidative stress

  • Apoptosis

  • Immune-mediated injury

  • Delayed inflammation
Studies have indicated that CO may cause brain lipid peroxidation and leukocyte-mediated inflammatory changes in the brain, a process that may be inhibited by hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Following severe intoxication, patients display central nervous system (CNS) pathology, including white matter demyelination. This leads to edema and focal areas of necrosis, typically of the bilateral globus pallidus. Interestingly, the pallidus lesions, as well as the other lesions, are watershed area tissues with relatively low oxygen demand, suggesting elements of hypoperfusion and hypoxia. [8]

Studies have demonstrated release of nitric oxide free radicals (implicated in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis) from platelet and vascular endothelium, following exposure to CO concentrations of 100 ppm. One study suggests a direct toxicity of CO on myocardium that is separate from the effect of hypoxia. [9]

HbCO levels often do not reflect the clinical picture, yet symptoms typically begin with headaches at levels around 10%. Levels of 50-70% may result in seizure, coma, and fatality.'
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
Yo - I'm sure that clears everything up for the populous. Certainly on the sub-cellular level ;)
I'm beginning to appreciate how most posters here, seasoned "veterans" who are still alive after years of posting here, are really just scavengers preening in, or undercover agents FOR GOOD, of the IPS (Initiative to Prevent Suicide) whose slogan is "slow but natural death is the best choice for slaves."
Carry on doing The Lord's work ;)
I'm out of here. Go on dying forever...
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Sep 21, 2018
Some of us have some background in science ...
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