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Mar 22, 2021
The Method is out of question, it's going to be that way. When it is time, I am going to do how I think it's right: Lock the door from inside, fasten the belt and use Gas as an accelerant.

I don't need pittying, as I mentioned, I am aware of the consequences and I don't care.
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May 31, 2020
Okay, for the sake of maybe helping you, I'll assume you're serious.
Something like 1 in 25 suicide attempts fail. Heck, I've tried to take my life twice, with prep, and failed. I was just lucky that on both occasions my survival came with no long-term consequences. I know you're in a lot of pain. And it must be an excruciating pain for you to think you deserve to go this way. But you don't. You're clearly articulate and you clearly have a lot of spirit, as I gather from your heated replies.
If you survive, you may not get a chance to attempt again. It's really as simple as that.
It might be because you lack the mobility/mental capacity to carry out a second attempt and it might be because the watch you'd be placed under would be out of this world because this would be taken ferociously seriously, no matter where in the world you are. it's a method that doesn't just endanger your life, but the lives of everyone around that burning car.
People who hang themselves? Biggest risk is they fall and injure a person who's taking down their corpse. People who take poison can make sure that no one else gets hurt by leaving detailed notes describing what they've taken and how anyone that discovers them can remain safe. People who shoot themselves...well, they're only able to fire one bullet, and they can make sure there's no one behind the wall they're nearest.
What you're proposing is a death trap.
It doesn't matter where you do it. Busy city or spreads. People are curious.
Fuck, a bunch of my acquaintances went to the middle of nowhere to take drugs a few days ago, literally drove for five hours on impulse after checking Google maps and picking a place at random. Things like that totally put me off an attempt in nature.
The world is full of people who are hiding and full of people who are seeking and setting fire to a car will catch attention. A lot of people are having parties/meeting lovers in nature due to covid, and I'm sure this isn't a phenomenon exclusive to the UK. I know a couple who camped together all summer because their housemates wouldn't let them meet in their respective houses.
You could be responsible for the deaths of others.
If the violence of the method appeals for you, there's an entire wealth of resources on violent methods.
The one thing we can do, even in our suicidality, is protect and love others. Above all the risks, the risk of getting it wrong, the risk of getting it right and regretting it- the risk of hurting others should leap out to you the most.
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Mar 2, 2021
But can you explain why you have your heart set on this. People who are trapped in tall burning buildings will always choose jumping out if they can.

If you do do this dont do it near any houses or trees. Make absolutely certain that no people are around. The world has also had enough forrest fires recently.

Also using gas might not work out too well for you



Mar 22, 2021


, thank you for your help. Yes, I am really serious on that, because I think I deserve that. I have suffered from Depression and Lonelyness for many years and couldn't even do daily things. I was sure that I must be worse than Hitler for example, because even he had friends and lovers and I was hated and mobbed since childhood.

No, I'd not waste your time. But it is not so easy to say 'Oh I love myself and deserve a peaceful life/death'. I don't want to die, but I have to. It's a death sentence.

Tackingintothewind: I don't want to harm any others, that's why I asked here. I would do my best, but I am not a Hero. So if something happens inspite of all care, it's bad luck.​

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May 31, 2020


, thank you for your help. Yes, I am really serious on that, because I think I deserve that. I have suffered from Depression and Lonelyness for many years and couldn't even do daily things. I was sure that I must be worse than Hitler for example, because even he had friends and lovers and I was hated and mobbed since childhood.

No, I'd not waste your time. But it is not so easy to say 'Oh I love myself and deserve a peaceful life/death'. I don't want to die, but I have to. It's a death sentence.

Tackingintothewind: I don't want to harm any others, that's why I asked here. I would do my best, but I am not a Hero. So if something happens inspite of all care, it's bad luck.​

No, it's not bad luck. It's selfishness.
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Jun 26, 2020
PLEASE, PLEASE for the love of everyone here and the entire human race PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS! One can not even imagine the preprocess, the event and what happens if one still survives such a horrible event. I love you with all my heart and being and PLEASE DO NOT even think about it any more. You ARE a precious global family member and I need you. Walter


Mar 22, 2021
The reason for a car: I would be mobile and do it somewhere with no people. My flat in a big house wouldn't be any better, I think. And the fire wouldn't go out for some time. But I am open for ideas.

OK, the alternative must be pain free and I don't want to make another thread.
Is it too complicated to connect a mask to a nitrogen tank and die in your bed?


May 31, 2020
The reason for a car: I would be mobile and do it somewhere with no people. My flat in a big house wouldn't be any better, I think. And the fire wouldn't go out for some time. But I am open for ideas.

OK, the alternative must be pain free and I don't want to make another thread.
Is it too complicated to connect a mask to a nitrogen tank and die in your bed? A link is enough.
Just stick around here for a bit. For your own sake.
Make an educated choice whether to go or not in your own time, as we all will.
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Mar 22, 2021
Well, I'll try and think about it.

In fact I don't know what makes this method attractive to me, but it is, because I can't get rid of it so easily. The only think what shocks me about it is to survive. I am not hurt to be selfish, because it's true and btw healthy. In earlier times, when I was severally depressive, I really thought about the others first. But I had Therapy and now I try to avoid harm to others, but my Interests are the first and if it is very important for me and I really couldn't avoid to harm, then it's OK. And this is much more than the average human would do.


Nov 4, 2020
I was sure that I must be worse than Hitler for example, because even he had friends and lovers and I was hated and mobbed since childhood.
No, my friend, you are not worse than Hitler, not by a long shot. Because unlike Hitler, you have not done anything notable, either bad or good. Unlike Hitler, half the world isn't trying to kill you. Unlike Hitler, no one will give a shit when you die. And finally, unlike Hitler, no one will remember you when you're gone.

I and many other members tried to speak to you out of care, and you blew us all off. Good job on alienating people in the one place where almost everyone is accepted, and we tend to look out for one another.
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Mar 22, 2021
I am atracted by this method, this is true and not my fault as it is not yours that you have a certain favourite colour. You have your reasons why a certain colour is your favourite and you haven't decided that by thinking.

I just wanted to know how to do it so that surviving is reduced to a minimum and no one is harmed.
And btw, I like when communicating honest and directly, not beating around the bush. But if you do so, you get your honest answer also and have to deal with it. I am not a troll just because some of the Folks here think so and this is my right to make it clear. Sorry that you have to deal with Trolls here as in any other Forum and I understand that it's hard to differ.
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Nov 4, 2020
I am atracted by this method, this is true and not my fault as it is not yours that you have a certain favourite colour. You have your reasons why a certain colour is your favourite and you haven't decided that by thinking.

I just wanted to know how to do it so that surviving is reduced to a minimum and no one is harmed.
And btw, I like when communicating honest and directly, not beating around the bush. But if you do so, you get your honest answer also and have to deal with it. I am not a troll just because some of the Folks here think so and this is my right to make it clear. Sorry that you have to deal with Trolls here as in any other Forum and I understand that it's hard to differ.
Fine, I'll help, and this is for real. Diesel is harder to light, but burns hotter and longer than gasoline. A combination of the two would be ideal. This is not only from internet research, but real life experience. I used to live in an area where we had to burn some of our garbage. I would always use gas to start the fire, then throw a cup of diesel in to make sure everything was turned to ashes.

Really, best of luck with whatever you choose. CO in the car would probably be more effective, but it's your life.
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Mar 22, 2021
That sounds good, thank you. The Alternate is Nitrogen or a similar gas at home. I'm not normal, I know. But for the last one, I need to prepare, because in case I need it, it should be as easy accessible as the fire.

But then I'm afraid to miss a chance, because by punishing myself I hope to be able to forgive myself. Yeah, bullshit, I know. But that's Emotions. In the end, it'll be a hard inner fight.


Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I stopped caring about FT26 screenshotting posts so here's another way you can do this. You could soak the inside of your car with diesel or gasoline, a lot of pre 2010 cars have a built-in lighter that you just plug into a 12V outlet in your car. Press it down so that it can charge up. While you're getting high on fumes from gasoline ram that car into a tree at top speed. The force of the impact will dislodge that charged lighter and set your interior ablaze while you're KO'd and the steering column pressing into your chest. No one gonna save you in time if they managed to hear a crash, and no one will be able to pull you out.


Mar 2, 2021
Please dont use natural gas for something like this. Please read the article from my last post. You probably won't kill yourself but will cause a tonne of harm to your surroundings.

Please dont do this at all as it could still cause harm and really would be just horrendous
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Feb 15, 2020
I know you have your heart set on this method, but I really wish you'd consider something else. Despite what you think, we do actually care here and we don't want you to torture yourself to death. Please consider how psychically and mentally challenging this will actually be. You don't need to do this. There are other options. Please, for goodness sake, abandon this idea and choose something else.
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Mar 22, 2021
OK, where can I start reading about Nitrogen? Is it a good idea? I'd just be happy when you could give me a good Linktipp, 'cause I don't want to start a new Topic about N. And first of all, is it a good way and worth thinking about it?
Thank you a lot.


May 31, 2020

But again, I urge you to spend some time here. Get to know some people, contribute. It may help.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
OK, where can I start reading about Nitrogen? Is it a good idea? I'd just be happy when you could give me a good Linktipp, 'cause I don't want to start a new Topic about N. And first of all, is it a good way and worth thinking about it?
Thank you a lot.
Fella went from one of the worst methods to one of the best, god bless this forum.
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Mar 22, 2021

GenesAndEnvironment, I am like that. All or nothing. The fire has the meaning of a death sentence to me, which is still important.​

It sounds fine to me to drive to a no mansland, pure gasoline and diesel and try to smoke. I don't know why no one can understand the fascination of that scene.

But it is also a fine thing to turn on light classical music and go to bed, set up the mask and forget everything.


and now we rise and we are everywhere
Apr 19, 2020
@Bluescreen So so so much easier to just use CO in a car. You fail this, and you are completely fucked for the rest of your existence. Won't even call it a life, because you won't be living, you'll be existing in a hell you can't escape from. Don't forget, even though your face may look like the pic, you won't even have hands left to kill yourself after you fuck this up. Oh, and you'll probably be blind too.
View attachment 64706
Least once a year on Halloween you're the belle of the ball and you don't even have to make an effort. I've been working on myself lately -- trying to see the silver linings and shit
Dude who planned on tearing off his own head with a chainsaw is still top dog so far, at least in my book.
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Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Dec 4, 2020
Please make sure to live stream you setting yourself on fire. We're all going to laugh our asses off when you wind up like that girl in the pic, or the moron who blew his face off with a shotgun.

Grow the fuck up already.
Ever heard the saying 'if you have nothing nice to say say nothing at all'.

I have zero clue as to whether the OP is authentic or not (and I ďont care because quite simply either way there is a level of menral unwellness apparent whether authentic or a 'troll') but 2 things stand out for me here (having returned to the site after a few months away) ...
The first is that the level of vitriol from the 'unwell' towards the 'unwell' appears to have grown and goes unchallenged.
Empathy seems to be difficult to find anywhere on the internet but one would hope that in a place like SS empathy (with a healthy dose of skepticism and detachment perhaps) would be applied in the first instance to any post.
Secondly, if the OP is indeed presumed to be a troll then the more potent response surely would be to ignore and disengage the discussion.

I understand people feel the site is under 'attack' from a specific group of people who intend to disturb and disrupt but responses such as many (not all ... thank god) in this thread and others only serve to support that intention and do nothing to serve the intention of this site.

And yes, Ive 'replied' to your post and possibly you will feel singled out by that but my post is in response not simply to yours but to all the unkindness that is seeming to be going unchallenged in interactions here.

I do hope the OP and the poster to whom I 'replied' are both able to have the most peaceful day possible for them (as individuals with different challenges as we all are) .... as I wish the same for us all.
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Nov 4, 2020
Ever heard the saying 'if you have nothing nice to say say nothing at all'.
This dude is talking about burning himself alive, and probably winding up a blind monster. Someone needed to tell him to grow the fuck up. Oh, he also thinks he's on the same level as Hitler because he was picked on. Again, grow the fuck up.

This is an adult forum. A bunch of us told him not to burn himself, and even offered alternatives. Sometimes it's good for people to know you think they're stupid and childish.

I also said this and meant every word:
No, my friend, you are not worse than Hitler, not by a long shot. Because unlike Hitler, you have not done anything notable, either bad or good. Unlike Hitler, half the world isn't trying to kill you. Unlike Hitler, no one will give a shit when you die. And finally, unlike Hitler, no one will remember you when you're gone.


Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Dec 4, 2020
Ever heard the saying 'if you have nothing nice to say say nothing at all'.

I have zero clue as to whether the OP is authentic or not (and I ďont care because quite simply either way there is a level of menral unwellness apparent whether authentic or a 'troll') but 2 things stand out for me here (having returned to the site after a few months away) ...
The first is that the level of vitriol from the 'unwell' towards the 'unwell' appears to have grown and goes unchallenged.
Empathy seems to be difficult to find anywhere on the internet but one would hope that in a place like SS empathy (with a healthy dose of skepticism and detachment perhaps) would be applied in the first instance to any post.
Secondly, if the OP is indeed presumed to be a troll then the more potent response surely would be to ignore and disengage the discussion.

I understand people feel the site is under 'attack' from a specific group of people who intend to disturb and disrupt but responses such as many (not all ... thank god) in this thread and others only serve to support that intention and do nothing to serve the intention of this site.

And yes, Ive 'replied' to your post and possibly you will feel singled out by that but my post is in response not simply to yours but to all the unkindness that is seeming to be going unchallenged in interactions here.

I do hope the OP and the poster to whom I 'replied' are both able to have the most peaceful day possible for them (as individuals with different challenges as we all are) .... as I wish the same for us all.
Having said ALL of the above this is now addressed to the OP ...
I do hope you will take on board the concerns of those who have expressed such over your stated method. I shall not condescend to assume you have not considered and or accessed all help available.
I am sure you can understand why so many have such concern with this 'method' and how its extremity can be assumed to make it unrealistic and horrific for many to consider ... thank god.

I can not condone or support your method nor do I know enough to offer any advice ... what I offer is all I have ... an ear if you need it.


and now we rise and we are everywhere
Apr 19, 2020
In all seriousness though, I had a girlfriend who attempted this in her car. I'm not going to tell you how she did it because I'm not going to be the one to give you any ideas about this one. It's a bad idea. She survived and was stuck in the burn ward at the hospital for weeks. I would literally rather be eaten by a pack of ravenous wolves than burn alive. If you're a troll, you could use a little more practice. If you're serious, perhaps do some more reading here on the site, talk to people about various methods.
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Nov 4, 2020
In all seriousness though, I had a girlfriend who attempted this in her car. I'm not going to tell you how she did it because I'm not going to be the one to give you any ideas about this one. It's a bad idea. She survived and was stuck in the burn ward at the hospital for weeks. I would literally rather be eaten by a pack of ravenous wolves than burn alive. If you're a troll, you could use a little more practice. If you're serious, perhaps do some more reading here on the site, talk to people about various methods.
Please pm @Bluescreen and tell him exactly what your gf did so he winds up the same or worse :)

Come on, you know Hitler Jr. won't have the balls to do it anyway haha
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Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Dec 4, 2020
This dude is talking about burning himself alive, and probably winding up a blind monster. Someone needed to tell him to grow the fuck up. Oh, he also thinks he's on the same level as Hitler because he was picked on. Again, grow the fuck up.

This is an adult forum. A bunch of us told him not to burn himself, and even offered alternatives. Sometimes it's good for people to know you think they're stupid and childish.

I also said this and meant every word:
No, my friend, you are not worse than Hitler, not by a long shot. Because unlike Hitler, you have not done anything notable, either bad or good. Unlike Hitler, half the world isn't trying to kill you. Unlike Hitler, no one will give a shit when you die. And finally, unlike Hitler, no one will remember you when you're gone.
Its not necessarily what you said but rather the way you said it ... and the assumption that someone is a troll or plant when actually you have, I presume, zero actual proof otherwise it would have been provided to management and the person removed.

Informing someone of the perils of their chosen method or even questioning their motivation is not the issue I was highlighting as I believe both are valid and necessary here ... absolutely.
But belittling a person who is in some form of emotional pain (and even the trolls are in this category) is not acceptable to me. And a lack of compassion and empathy seem to be a theme when people speak to the triggers that bring them to this site.
Understanding that what someone describes here is only a thin layer of their personal experience of trauma and distress (often expressed or worded under the influence of meds or other substances or through the fog of other factors) should be a significant factor in our responses here. And while our own pain and trauma is often a factor in our responses it isnt an excuse to 'assume' eithe the validity of anothers experience or to belittle them for it.


Nov 4, 2020
Its not necessarily what you said but rather the way you said it ... and the assumption that someone is a troll or plant when actually you have, I presume, zero actual proof otherwise it would have been provided to management and the person removed.

Informing someone of the perils of their chosen method or even questioning their motivation is not the issue I was highlighting as I believe both are valid and necessary here ... absolutely.
But belittling a person who is in some form of emotional pain (and even the trolls are in this category) is not acceptable to me. And a lack of compassion and empathy seem to be a theme when people speak to the triggers that bring them to this site.
Understanding that what someone describes here is only a thin layer of their personal experience of trauma and distress (often expressed or worded under the influence of meds or other substances or through the fog of other factors) should be a significant factor in our responses here. And while our own pain and trauma is often a factor in our responses it isnt an excuse to 'assume' eithe the validity of anothers experience or to belittle them for it.
I kind of hope @Bluescreen isn't a troll. It would be a lot more fun if he was actually as stupid and delusional as he portrays himself to be.

I have no pain or trauma except in dealing with idiots on this site who want to burn themselves alive, die by sepsis, or chop off their head with a chainsaw. There are people with real issues on here. People I care about and know personally.

If something is not acceptable to you, then report me. I'll bet what I say is acceptable to the mods.


and now we rise and we are everywhere
Apr 19, 2020
I'm thinking about submerging my entire head into a giant vat of molten steel. I'm calling it the "death dunk." Should I start a new thread about it or y'all wanna give me tips here?
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Nov 4, 2020
I'm thinking about submerging my entire head into a giant vat of molten steel. I'm calling it the "death dunk." Should I start a new thread about it or y'all wanna give me tips here?
I mean, if it can kill a terminator...

Don't go head first, be bad ass and just slowly dunk yourself. Thumbs up at the end for bonus points!
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