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Jun 20, 2020
The older I get (I'm 26 now) I see parents (breeders) as more and more crazy for every day I spend living this life.
I mean, how fucking crazy do you have to be to ignore life is a absolute horror story beyond compare and THEN breed and FEEL GOOD about it?
Like holy fuck, like I know people are dumb as f so thats why we have so many breeders but it's strange to me there's not a big stigma on getting kids.
On the contrary, it's elevated and glorified to have kids. But then - when the kid is 25 he is SHUNNED by society and spat on.

It's kind of funny actually.

Whats your view on parents (breeders) in general ?

Do they make you suicidal?
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Pastel demon
Dec 8, 2018
It's difficult to erase a cultural habit. We teached to pursue the way of life of grow up, then college, then search a job, then get married, then get kids, all that steps to achieve the "Success'" or meaning of life. Some people still want to have babies because it's kinda a dream for them, and takes more seriously despite the difficult situation to raise a child, and they have that goal because they accepted as a natural process. So changing the mind of the collective thinking is a tremendous task and the culture will not change because the fatherhood/motherhood is anchored into cultural habits of the majority. That doesn't make me suicidal, I accept that from other people, but I decided not to have kids because I can barely respond to my own needs. And the day that I become more poor and poor, surely I'll say goodbye to this world without regrets. I can't raise a child, not because I'm infertile, it's because I don't feel secure to respond to the motherhood process or adopt a child.
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Jul 30, 2018
i think anyone who doesnt have children she get tax relief and those that to reproduce pay more taxes. i cant imagine having kids myself, i mean all i can do is thjnk of little mes' running around and if they even resembled me theyd prolly kill thmselves anyway.
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Mar 16, 2020
Welcome to antinatalism. Schopenhauer, Leopardi, Cioran, Zapffe, Ligotti, Benatar and many more (oh, let's not forget Robert Smith!)
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Oct 21, 2019
I'm glad people can enjoy the experience of creating life. Most people don't produce kids who don't want to exist. I'm saddened by the fact that I'll never get to have kids due to illness preventing me from socializing, a lack of desire to spread my genes due to not wanting to pass on the predisposition for this particular chronic illness and CTB on the horizon.
So here's a different perspective to what I'm presuming is your anti-natalism.
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Nov 25, 2019
Noone will ever want to have a child with me anyway, but even the slightest risk of a child being predisposed to depression makes me want NEVER to have any. The thought of some innocent little boy feeling the way I did is unbearable.

I suppose it's possible that there are good parents and children who don't suffer, but honestly I really do think the majority of all children in the world are subjected to abusive, neglectful, or inadequate upbringings that scar them for life. Parenting should be STRICTLY regulated.
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Apr 14, 2020
I think having kids is also a peer pressure thing as well as saving your relationship. Once I insisted no kids for me my relationship was basically over.

And that thing what people call 'giving life meaning' - sad that another life needs to be created to give yours meaning.
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May 1, 2020
having kids is just immoral. it's one of the most immoral things you can do.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
If people weren't able to ignore what reality entails for a human-being (a highly developed nervous system coupled with an active mind and the ability to foresee the future and the ability to think abstractly resulting in physical and mental suffering and the knowledge of the ultimate futility of life since sooner or later it's cut short by death) we simply wouldn't be here.

In essence children are produced for purely egotistical motives while ignoring the obvious: the child will suffer, perhaps grievously so, and will die one day. Like Zappfe put it so eloquently procreation amounts to carrying more wood to a burning house.

I get the anger and frustration (if all the parents of those who are suicidal would have refrained from procreation there would be no suffering as there would be no humans to experience said suffering) but I do believe most people who procreate aren't evil or mentally disturbed (at least not in the 'clinical' sense): sad as it is they simply don't know any better. It's like a child playing with fire. It's instinct reinforced by a strong pro-natalist culture.

If nobody ever told you procreation is morally wrong how could you know and even contemplate doing the right thing? Now if people are aware and they still opt for procreation it's another matter entirely: wilfully engaging in immoral, harmful behaviour is evil and wrong no matter how you look at it.

I have never read or heard of a good argument against antinatalism (which would have to consist of showing procreation is actually to the advantage of the person who'll come into existence and/or life isn't painful, death isn't real, justice is assured...) so as far as I'm concerned and untill such argument is presented and properly defended I consider procreation to be immoral and to be avoided at all costs.
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Jun 12, 2020
Sorry but most of you are pro choice when it comes to suicide but yet you want to control what two consenting adults do with their bodies. Just because we are suffering doesn't mean everybody else in the world is/ should suffer
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Feb 24, 2019
I read through a lot of comments here and wanted to share my thoughts as as father of two.
Firstly, I think it is unfair to assume your values on someone else. If someone wanted to have children and enjoy having children - that's their business not yours. And you can't get inside the heads of people having children.
Secondly - from my perspective, I am happy I had children and have never regretted the decision. Even though I plan on ctb and lived a very miserable life, I don't believe they will suffer the same way. My belief is that not everyone suffers like me.
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May 23, 2020
Not everyone thinks the world is complete shit.
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Mistake of Nature

Mistake of Nature

A shadow suspended on dust
Mar 30, 2020
Having a child is like playing Russian roulette with someone else's life.
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Jun 12, 2020
Having a child is like playing Russian roulette with someone else's life.
Most people don't seriously consider ending it unlike us. Also suicide is very very rare in the grand scheme of things considering life expectancy is 71 years old. We shouldn't think our situations apply to everyone. Even yesterday in the UK, a new drug for cystic fibrosis got approved which makes the quality of life so much better. Yes, we want to die but that doesn't mean other great things aren't going on in the world
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
ngl most people will be fine and the world won't seem evil to them. Even if the world seems bad they'll like living enough to keep doing it. Suicide is abnormal, and unfortunately most people go into parenthood not really ready to deal with anything other than a normal child.
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Mistake of Nature

Mistake of Nature

A shadow suspended on dust
Mar 30, 2020
Most people don't seriously consider ending it unlike us. Also suicide is very very rare in the grand scheme of things considering life expectancy is 71 years old. We shouldn't think our situations apply to everyone. Even yesterday in the UK, a new drug for cystic fibrosis got approved which makes the quality of life so much better. Yes, we want to die but that doesn't mean other great things aren't going on in the world
I hear you, but the problem is that suffering is an inherent part of life. It's immoral to force someone into a life that may or may not be unbearably painful. Yes, not everyone will want to end it like we do, and yes, some people enjoy life, but the mere possibility that my potential children would want to CTB and might be miserable is enough for me to decide not to procreate. To each their own (I have no ill will toward parents -- antinatalism is a rather extreme and niche POV), but I'm not going to gamble with my potential children's lives.
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May 23, 2020
Every single species on the planet suffers
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May 26, 2019
I don't think having children is cruel or immoral, as a principle. But society sure has encouraged having children even when it is not in the best interest of the parents in question. I know more than a few fundamentalist churches that very very strongly encourage having children. They'll say the Bible says, "Go forth and multiply" and that children are a blessing and so on.... Yeah, if you're reading just the Old Testament. Read on to the New Testament, where both Jesus and Paul discourage children and marriage. Jesus especially gives explicit warnings of "Woe on to you.." to mother's as times get worse.

Personally, I think those churches just want to grow and have more tithings...

Postscript- I notice the breeder thing being very, very common in the South (US). The young women down there often we'd RIGHT after they are done High School or College.
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
The way I see it is that for every small group of couples who will devote time and love to raising children, there's upwards of at least hundreds of deadbeat imbeciles that breed like rabbits and bring many unfortunate children into this terrible existence who then abuse, neglect and abandon them. When it comes to would be parents that have more common sense I only hope that they know how bad this world can get, and are prepared to live with the consequences should something terrible happen to their child or dare I say their child ends up ending their own lives.
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Jul 7, 2019
I know what I'm going to say may seem hard to believe because of our perspective and life experiences, so bear with me, but not everyone is suffering and hurting in their lives. and some people have nice parents.

I'm still torn about this topic, for once I believe that not everyone should be allowed to have or adopt children, we as humans should know better than to bring a life to this world without being prepared for it, and there's also the people who have children knowing that they carry bad genes with things such as genetic disorders and family history of mental illnesses, not to mention that some people are simply NOT made to care for another human being.
however, I also believe that people should have reproductive rights and the option to follow their natural urges. we are still dumb animals, we have needs and instincts, reproduction is one of them as it is for literally every other species that there has ever been. besides, we can't judge what other people say and do with their own bodies and lives.

So instead of saying dumb shit like 'fuck all parents' we should simply say fuck bad parents. generalizations are plain stupid to me, specially when talking about what other people are or aren't allowed to do. that same mentality is why we have people saying stuff like 'all suicidal people are selfish and they shouldn't have the right to kill themselves'.
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Mar 22, 2019
A lot of us are pressured to have kids. As soon as my sister turned 18, my mom regularly talked about grandkids. My mom said it to me. I told her I'm never having kids at first she was ''I don't blame you''. But after she was like ''I don't want you saying that'.

Another thing to mention is that not everyone has suffered as bad as we have. I know by looking at people around me, how they perceive the world is so different from me. The things they say is so naive and because of this people think the world is a good place to raise a kid.

I'm not looking down on anyone who dies want kids. I'm just speaking my mind. I feel that many people think they are qualified to be parents but are clearly not.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I wouldn't say that I hate them personally, but I feel sorry for the child being born because that child will be subject to a world of suffering (or even in the best case, just a tolerable existence). This is a big reason to my anti-natalism stance because children never consented to being born or coming into this world. Also, there is no guarantee of happiness or enjoyment of life. What one person or society finds enjoyable in life may/not be the same for another person and to subject another being into partaking in society (with no option to voluntarily quit this game called 'life') is just unacceptable.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I think people should need a license to have children and be means tested and sign a form confirming they are able to support and will provide for that child up until the age of 21 years old and in that baby/child's life you will be kind and supportive and not abusive otherwise you face 10 years imprisonment.

In the UK, in the 1980's the girls would purposely get pregnant to jump the housing queue I new load of girls and some of there parents would say get pregnant and get your own place if they were having a baby they would soon end up with a council flat and didn't care about the partner hanging around as they would get more benefits.


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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Sorry but most of you are pro choice when it comes to suicide but yet you want to control what two consenting adults do with their bodies.

Do you really not realize procreation doesn't just involve two consenting people? Where and when did the child get to give or refuse consent? That's the fundamental difference with suicide: if a person kill him or herself they have every right to since their decision only impacts themselves directly. With procreation you're deciding for someone-else and you're forcing life upon them: ergo your decision doesn't just affect you and your sexual partner. The comparison is therefore moot.

Just because we are suffering doesn't mean everybody else in the world is/ should suffer

Suffering is pretty much a guarantee in life, the only question is how much, how intense and for how long. The very fact that life can get so incredibly painful ending it seems to be the better option (against our very instinct to live no matter what) is a very strong argument against bringing life into this world. No-one can guarantee their child will not end up killing themselves, being tortured to death, dying in a burning building... Procreation is therefore gambling with another's well-being: whatever fate will bring they will be forced to endure it, not the parents. At least not directly.

Even if by some miracle the person being born would be guaranteed not to suffer greatly there is still death: an event that is feared most of all and that is usually completely miserable even in the best of circumstances. After death it's like the person never existed at all which makes it crystal clear just how completely futile life really is. One day the human race will go extinct and all the suffering and death undergone by billions of people will have been for nothing. That is the game being played...
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Jun 12, 2020
Do you really not realize procreation doesn't just involve two consenting people? Where and when did the child get to give or refuse consent? That's the fundamental difference with suicide: if a person kill him or herself they have every right to since their decision only impacts themselves directly. With procreation you're deciding for someone-else and you're forcing life upon them: ergo your decision doesn't just affect you and your sexual partner. The comparison is therefore moot.

Suffering is pretty much a guarantee in life, the only question is how much, how intense and for how long. The very fact that life can get so incredibly painful ending it seems to be the better option (against our very instinct to live no matter what) is a very strong argument against bringing life into this world. No-one can guarantee their child will not end up killing themselves, being tortured to death, dying in a burning building... Procreation is therefore gambling with another's well-being: whatever fate will bring they will be forced to endure it, not the parents. At least not directly.

Even if by some miracle the person being born would be guaranteed not to suffer greatly there is still death: an event that is feared most of all and that is usually completely miserable even in the best of circumstances. After death it's like the person never existed at all which makes it crystal clear just how completely futile life really is. One day the human race will go extinct and all the suffering and death undergone by billions of people will have been for nothing. That is the game being played...

That argument makes no sense though, how realistically can somebody ask to be born. Should God ask them? I understand what you're saying but it makes no sense and obviously everyone suffers at some point of life to various degrees but suggesting we should all births over a minuet chance of severe suffering makes no sense to me, yes it's a very very safe gamble. Would any of us mind death if we had 70 years of good life because I wouldn't
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May 13, 2020
Oh yes, I can sympathize with all the anti-natalists that have posted here. I cannot understand why anybody would want to bring a new human into this fucked up world that starts to fall apart. Especially because overpopulation, which is driven by breeding in the first place, is destroying the planet right now.

I guess somebody who gets children today is neither thinking about the future life of the child, nor about the already overpopulated ecosystem. It is about them, they want kids, they get kids. It is selfish; not like deeply wrong selfish, but just a self-centered decision.
It also reminds me of my parents. They confirm my opinion on this topic: they wanted kids, they got kids, no thought about me, about the earth, just ignorance for that.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Firstly, I think it is unfair to assume your values on someone else.

Funny since that is exactly what happens when people bring a child into this world: they unilaterally decide life is worth living (whatever may come), i.e. it's worth all the pain and suffering and being subjected to death. How is this not imposing values on someone-else?

If someone wanted to have children and enjoy having children - that's their business not yours.

No. Given that decision has serious consequences for another human-being it is a moral issue. When a decision only involves consequences for yourself you certainly can claim it is your business and yours alone. Yet here it is not the case: it's not just about you and your egotistical wants and needs. Might as well claim you have the right to abuse someone-else for your pleasure since apparantly wanting something equals having the right to do it.

I am happy I had children and have never regretted the decision.

Again it's not about you. Whether or not an action is morally right does not depend on the satisfaction (or lack thereof) the actor experiences.

By your own admission you live a miserable life (you do have my sympathy as I can relate) yet you're somehow convinced such a fate will not befall your children. While I sincerely hope that will be the case and your children (will) live happy, healthy lives you cannot possible know this so what it amounts to is gambling with another's future hoping for the best. Purely because one hopes to gain from it...

To be clear I have no intention of attacking you personally and I'm only concerned with the arguments presented. Still I will not be silent on this matter out of misplaced piety towards the convictions of others when I firmly believe (and can rationally argue) it's wrong to bring life into this world. There's more than enough misery as it is, no need to keep adding to it.
That argument makes no sense though, how realistically can somebody ask to be born.

It's your faulty interpretation of my argument that makes no sense as did your original argument which I refuted. I quoted your original argument and it was clearly a response to said argument. I never claimed consent could be given by the relevant party so your inquiry is moot. .

Whether or not consent could be give given in the case of procreation is completely irrelevant: you implied that critiquing procreation is somehow wrong because it supposedly only involves two consenting adults.

Sorry but most of you are pro choice when it comes to suicide but yet you want to control what two consenting adults do with their bodies.

I clearly showed that this is simply not the case as that decision has serious consequences for the child who'll be born yet cannot give consent. Since you reasoned no-one else should concern themselves with a decision that only involves two consenting adults and this is clearly not the case here my counter-argument was correct and you argued beside the point.

it's a very very safe gamble

No it's not. Severe suffering is fairly common (almost all of us will get seriously ill at one point and almost no deaths happen suddenly without protracted suffering preceeding it and this is only one source of severe suffering) not to mention that simple fact that all life ends in death and it's what all living things instinctively fear. Unless you can prove death or rather dying isnt a bad thing it's most definitely a very foolish gamble.

It's very simple really: if you don't exist you neither suffer nor experience any good things. Not having to experience pain and death is infinitely better than having to experience them (this is simple human nature: the very definition of pain means it's something unpleasant we want to avoid) especially since after death you'll (very likely) again be nothing so you'll be in exactly the same position your started in, metaphorically speaking. In other words the whole game was completely futile.

As far as I'm concerned everyone should be free to play the game aslong as they like but I refuse to accept merely being alive, having working sex organs and a burning desire to become a parent is enough grounds to justify forcing another to play the game when they'll have a very real and very high stake in it and it might end very, very badly for them.

Would any of us mind death if we had 70 years of good life because I wouldn't

Since you clearly haven't experienced death and presumably aren't dying now I don't put much stock in your claim. Wait untill you have some skin in the game before making such grandiose claims but even then it's fairly irrelevant since a) you can't speak for everyone and b) there is no guarantee anyone's offspring will feel the same way. There simply is no logical connection between thinking life is swell and well worth living and having the moral right to impose that rosy, sunny view on others.

It still surprises me to find it's apparantly possible to be suicidal and an optimist. You'd think those would be mutually exclusive.

Optimism is a self-defeating ideology: if life is so great surely it must be quite bad when it ends.
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Feb 10, 2020
I don't understand why anyone without intelligence and looks has kids

World is overpopulated obviously, too
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I don't understand why anyone without intelligence and looks has kids

World is overpopulated obviously, too

Animal instinct to repopulate. Humans are, from a biological perspective, animals. And even though we have an advanced brain and complex, rational modes of thinking, we have not completely evolved past the animal instincts that enabled us to survive through many centuries of human evolution.

Plus lazy drunk slags and idiot men who want fun and then later realize they are up the duff and then say oh he should have or he says I should have, used a condom.

The World is full of idiots, lol

On a serious not there are many reasons if they are in love that is the next step many kids most have great parents and grow up wanting the same a loving family.


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Apr 23, 2020
Every single species on the planet suffers
Yes, but...
Most species don't have complex nervous systems like humans do. In other words, they feel the misery of living far less intensely. For example, a stray dog's or a zoo lion's life is far from happy, but it feels its misery the way we would feel ours if we were pumped full of ketamine. In other words, nothing good, but tolerable enough to not put up with being alive. What about lizards and other lower animals? Pffft! Their nervous systems are basically "eat, sleep, fuck, repeat". Misery as we know it isn't even on their radar.

We humans, on the other hand, due to our complex nervous systems, REALLY feel the misery. Enough to prefer death over life.
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