Sorry for posting again so soon.
But everytime I start feeling okay, even if only for a moment, usually because I start to naively think "good thing happen to this guy. That could be me!"
And then I look at myself and I remember, no, that cant be me.
It feels intuitive to think that because a quiet guy could get a romantic companion, so could you! But the reality is, he was attractive, I am not.
Being ugly vs good looking informs so much of your life. On even so-called ugly forums, or hell, incel forums, I am surrounded by good looking people who claim to understand my pain, but very few do.
I think what makes being genuinely hideous the worst, is how isolating it is. There are very few people who look like you, the vast majority of people arent ugly, but you are, and so theres not many people you can find camraderie alongside. No one who knows your pain can comfort you, because they're not around. And everyone instinctively recognizes you as ugly so they're repulsed by you, even the people reading this have a subconscious reaction, not having seen me, but just knowing that Im ugly.
Its not even a genetic thing. My brother, father, and mother arent ugly, so WHY in gods name did I turn out this way?
I cant wait for the sweet embrace of death.