Forever Sleep
Earned it we have...
- May 4, 2022
- 10,964
I genuinely don't understand how the statistical suicide rates are higher for men than women when, in most countries, women are oppressed and treated with misogyny.
I may just be a misandrist, who knows.
My understanding is that women attempt more than men but use less reliable methods. I wonder if the balance will shift if more people have access to things like SN.
Also, it depends on where in the world you're looking at. Lesotho in Africa has one of the highest suicide rates in the world and unusually- more women suicide there than men... Not that unusual though when you look at other statistics- 86% of women there have experienced violence. 1 in 3 have experienced physical violence in childhood:
To be fair, I think it's shit to be either gender. But, I do get annoyed when guys claim we have all these 'privelages'. I think it depends on the type of woman you are. The genes you got blessed or cursed with, the amount you are willing to starve yourself and comply with beauty standards. You're not going to get 'pretty privelage' if you aren't pretty! Same goes for men- to be fair. If they're short and financially unsuccessful- chances are they very will struggle more in being accepted. I think this society places so much expectation on both genders.