

Mar 24, 2021
I am an atheist and do not believe in an afterlife. I believe that death is the end of everything. But I hope I am wrong.
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Apr 15, 2021
I am atheist - as in I do not believe there is a god or an after life. I'm not anti-theist, I'm not against there being a god or against others having spiritual beliefs. I just don't have any of my own.
I think that after death, I'll just literally cease to be.
Nothing. No consciousness whatsoever. I won't know I'm dead because "I" won't be a thing anymore. I don't have to worry about being reincarnated and having to do this again because I think that reincarnation is just a parable for how matter works - never being created or destroyed, just becoming something else.

What I believe will happen is that the matter that composes my physical body will be transformed through decay. Worms will eat me, birds will eat the worms, cats will eat the birds, even larger birds will eat the cat, an alligator will eat the larger bird, and a person will turn the alligator into a pair of boots, the boots will eventually rot, and so on and so on the cycle continues.
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Aug 16, 2019
Don't believe in God a minute but atheism is somewhat depressing. Agnosticism might define me, it's the belief in superior spiritual forces that the humain brain cannot access or put into words.
There has to be a meaning or a purpose to this madness, existence.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
"If God didn't exist, would that really make any difference? Life would become understandable. What a relief! Death would be a snuffing out of life. The dissolution of body and soul. Cruelty, loneliness and fear - all these things would become straightforward and transparent. Suffering is incomprehensible, so it needs no explanation. There is no Creator. No sustainer of life. No design. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

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Feb 27, 2021
The end of self awareness, infinity minus an assumed location.

But this already is that, it just doesn't seem like it because of the waking hallucination of being located inside a body
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sry for my bad english
Feb 18, 2021
I am an suicideist. I think suicide is the right choice, life is wrong

There is nothing after death.
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Empty and hollow
Aug 3, 2020
I am. Most likely there will be absolute nothing after the death. It's so nothing you can't even imagine it when you're alive. But anything might happen tbh. I unironically believe something matrix-like is possible.
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Apr 29, 2021
Meh fuckit ill accept with open arms whatever awaits me. As long as i ctb im good good.
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May 3, 2021
I'm not sure. I have had experiences which are mystical - sometimes even sober - of universal love, which were very beautiful but very transient. I have also felt the presence of God (just once) but it was a very beautiful experience. When I used to meditate, it was wonderful, but I can't meditate anymore with suicidal thoughts.

I've also done a fair amount of psychedelics. I don't know whether or not I believe in God or not, or if it is all just different chemicals playing on the brain.

I used to believe in reincarnation but I try not to these days.

I sometimes walk down the street shouting 'I hate you God'. I do it when people aren't around. Cos it is such a struggle just walking down the street with depression. So probably my relationship with God is more hatred than atheism, but I also miss God a lot if that makes sense.
Miss God. Sounds so true. If close to God we will be happy. I do not know why some people believe in God who is there just to judge us. God is endless mercy. Why so much suffering I do not know. Why God let it happen I do not know either. Karma sounds like explanation.
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
God, sometimes you just don't come through
God, sometimes you just don't come through
You make pretty daisies, pretty daisies, love
But I gotta find what you're doing about things here
A few witches burning, gets a little toasty here
I gotta find why you always go when the wind blows
Tell me you're crazy, maybe then I'll understand
I gotta find why you always go when the wind blows

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Sep 24, 2020
My whole life was built around religion. When I grew up I realized that it was all bullshit and how meaningless all my thoughts, feelings, prayers, and life were.

I'm also desperate, and I tried asking and praying to all supposedly powerful beings I know. I probably will be hanging around for a bit longer so I'm just asking for help to make the rest of my stay more tolerable. No luck so far.
I don't really care what happens after death.
Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
What do you think happens after death?
I have not read through all of the responses here. So please forgive me if I am repeating what someone else says.

As far as being atheist, I do not define myself according to these kinds of labels - atheist, agnostic, religious, etc.

For me, the only thing I know or can say about death is that I do not know what happens when one dies, and personally, I will not know until I do die.



we all go home eventually
Jul 4, 2020
I have a suspicion that there is more to the seemingly infinite universe than the purely material. But I also accept that our limited ability to see the world puts us at a great disadvantage in the endeavour of understanding it.

What I do know is that we don't have a firm understanding of what consciousness is or if it is limited to a singular perspective. There are species that behave as if controlled by one single mind. Entire forests of trees and plants talk to each other using underground networks of fungi. People who take DMT report traveling to otherworldly shifting landscapes and meeting playful sprites who want to show them things, they spend what feels like weeks in these realms in the space of a short trip.

I find it quite probable we have no actual idea about the true nature of the world. At least far more likely than the arrogant notion that we know a lot about it.

With that said. I loathe all manmade religion because it represents an attempt to fill in the gaps with certainty. Historically this has also been used as a tool to control the masses.
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Aug 21, 2019
Yes, I couldn't imagine not being one. I believe that our consciousness ceases to exist after we die (eternal oblivion), we reincarnate as ourselves and live out our lives exactly the same down to the most minute detail for all eternity in an endless loop (eternal recurrence) or we are all the same conscious observer who live as each other and all conscious beings for all eternity (empty/open individualism.) Which one of these three is the truth? It cannot be ascertained with our current understanding of the universe/multiverse.

I am really hoping for the first one and definitely not for the second.

For me, the only thing I know or can say about death is that I do not know what happens when one dies, and personally, I will not know until I do die.

You still wouldn't know because you'd be dead. If you knew what happened after death then you wouldn't be dead.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
You still wouldn't know because you'd be dead. If you knew what happened after death then you wouldn't be dead.

Impeccable logic. 'I think therefore I am' as Descartes put it although the thought did not originate with him: he just popularized it.
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
That God does not exist, I cannot deny, that my whole being cries out for God I cannot forget.
-- Sartre


Mar 21, 2021
No I am supposed to be a catholic but I was a mean child wiping the ash cross off my head etc much to my mothers despair. I do read little bible things every morning devotionals or whatever they are called, sometimes they are quite nice. I replied to a thread about loneliness yesterday and this morning the devotional was titled "the right response to loneliness"… made me laugh a bit.
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
No I am supposed to be a catholic but I was a mean child wiping the ash cross off my head etc much to my mothers despair. I do read little bible things every morning devotionals or whatever they are called, sometimes they are quite nice. I replied to a thread about loneliness yesterday and this morning the devotional was titled "the right response to loneliness"… made me laugh a bit.
How dare you feel lonely, you arrogant brat?! Don't you know that God & his entire posse are with you 24/7, watching your every move? Jesus weeps every time you visit SS! You are crucifying him all over again!!! :haha::wink:
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Mar 21, 2021
How dare you feel lonely, you arrogant brat?! Don't you know that God & his entire posse are with you 24/7, watching your every move? Jesus weeps every time you visit SS! You are crucifying him all over again!!! :haha::wink:
Hopefully I am forgiven, I read that suicide can be justified as people are not in their right mind when they do it so it is not a sin, I just hope I am never in my right mind and that still counts.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Hopefully I am forgiven, I read that suicide can be justified as people are not in their right mind when they do it so it is not a sin, I just hope I am never in my right mind and that still counts.
How will you ever prove you're insane to a God who's crazier than you? :haha:
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May 17, 2021
I don't believe in anything what i can't see and feel. We're animals it's a fact. Jesus, Mohammeds etc. were mentally ill.
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Mar 21, 2021
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