I probably should have included that in my first post. ;^^
I didn't realize zofran wasn't as potent as I thought it would be. I just assumed it was because it's used in chemotherapy, a very grueling session where cancer patients are given all manner of drugs to try to fight off cancer cells, most of which can induce vomiting and I hear zofran (or the non-brand name Ondansetron) being used most often for preventing vomiting out the drugs. If metoclopramide and/or domperidone are that superior to zofran, why are they not used over zofran for chemotherapy?
i don't know, but meto and domperidone carry risk of tardive, which is something worse than death, so i think doctors don't wanna prescribe unless necessary. zofran has a high safety profile, so it is more commonly prescribed. chemo therapy is not sn poisoning, and the prokinetic effects of meto are more important than strictly preventing all vomiting. chemo is probably just as awful as sn poisoning though haha (basically, prokinetics effects = higher chance of death from SN)
Is paracetamol a good painkiller? I have some with codeine at home. I don't have any antiemetics though. Should I tell my doctor that I constantly vomit every time I eat?
Should you go empty your bowels, and your bladder, to the toilet before starting your CTB?
you should definitely fast for as long as you can, but hopefully 3 days? i know its hard probably because your depressed but its kind of fun? hunger sometimes is an enjoyable feeling. worse case scenario you end up losing weight haha. paracetamol increases prostagladins in the stomach to cause gerd, and sn hurts the most in the stomach i'd say. for pain i would just go with a narcotic, something more for the brain like alcohol. emotional pain caused by you experiencing death will probably be higher than physical pain, so anything psychoactive would probably be more peaceful. physical pain definitely is there. the heart starts to beat HARD, and physically hurts in a way that feels more like cardiac arrest than exercise. if your lucid, you will be able to feel your interal organs shutting down fairly consciously, because they are. sn kills you by starving your organs and brain of oxygen, and that is what will happen, and what you will experience, because its how the poison works. your brain will turn into something that of a dementia patient, and you will be scared, delirious, and confused. basically just imagine experiencing this, and think of what might help you get through this experience. it is similar to being vasoconstricted by lsd and feeling very meak and squeamish. the body starts to get very cold, and nothing will help except a high room temperature, because the cooling is happening from the inside out. sharp pains, like something like kidney stones, will intermittently occasionally pierce your body. hell id even recommend emptying the kidneys, liver, every organ, because their processes will slow, and become weak, causing a similar stress to working out. imagine all of your organs are trying to lift a 40 lb dumbell, with all their might, due to your muscles becoming much weaker.
your limbs will jolt/seize, because of electric chemical reactions of physical structure of composition of the body. ie (dead frog moving from current). this is because the electricity in your body is undisturbed by dying. your body will want to shake violently, especially your limbs. although you still will mostly likely be able to move them, maybe read a book or watch a tv show.
your breathing will get very shallow, and weak. it may feel like lifting a 40 dumbbell just to suck in a bit of air. this is quite a scary feeling, that feels somewhat like drowning, and a gasping reaction will happen as the brain desperately attempts to use the lungs. you will be desperate for air, because the muscles that facilitate breathing will weaken dramatically.
your body will fight death. the farthest reaches of your will to live will show. similar to a starving man in a jungle who eats his own dog, your instincts will show nakedly. every organ has a will to live of its own, and each of them will understand exactly what is happening. the body is a remarkable machine, and will do whatever it takes to survive. there is nothing in your body that won't fight the SN.
but by far, the biggest fighter is your brain. it will attempt desperately to stay awake and conscious. all remaining oxygen in your body will be routed to your brain, as your brain struggles desperately to keep its activity. all other processes will shut down in support of your brain, your brain will fight to the very end.
essentially: peacefulness is important, dehydration will force you get up, if nothing else. very few people can fight dehydration for even a short period of time. But, knocking out the brain is key. This matters above all else. There is no way to make this experience truly peaceful, though you should definitely try, yes, but KNOCK THE BRAIN OUT. It is the strongest fighter in this experience. Nothing even comes close, bladder, stomach, bowels, etc, even the lungs and heart, to the brains dominance in keeping itself from dying.
ps: also ask for meto/domiperdone. theres probably nothing you can say to truly get it, because meto can cause tardive, so they will try something like zofran first. you might be able to go a few times, just complain of vomiting and migraines, yes. make sure you have a good reason too (ie maybe like PTSD vomitting, migraines from intense stress, etc). if you can bring in a script for zofran, and say it isn't working.
tldr: xanax, betablocker, blood pressure meds, benadryl, any hypnotic/sedative to attack brain's activity. most to least painful: brain activity/autonomic arousal>emotional turmoil>awareness of decreased bodily function>sharp cogntive decline>weakness of lungs>heart palpitations>burning of SN contact on tissue>dehydration/thrist>nasuea>myoclonic jerk>brief sharp pains in organs>hypothermia>physical discomfort>hunger