Jul 2, 2019
@Partial-Elf that sounds so annoying that he keeps pushing you to go on medication when you've told him over and over that you're not interested. That's probably good that you're putting it in writing. Hopefully he finally gets the point. Is he otherwise a good therapist?
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Jul 26, 2019
Basically psychiatry fucked me up bad... Primarily antipsychotics ruined me. Left me an empty shell. That shit is rat poison. I didn't even have a psychotic episode just insomnia and severe depression. It feels like a part of me has been ripped out and I can barely function. I can't sleep without pills and I just feel empty. No ambitions, don't enjoy anything at all really. I miss my old self. Fuck this shit when are people going to wake up and realise we are being programmed and used as economical slavery for our whole life.
Aren't We All victims of psychiatry-in-action? ( hint: Szasz).


Eternal Oblivion
Dec 26, 2018
@Partial-Elf that sounds so annoying that he keeps pushing you to go on medication when you've told him over and over that you're not interested. That's probably good that you're putting it in writing. Hopefully he finally gets the point. Is he otherwise a good therapist?
Things I like:
  • He is genuinely empathetic and personal
  • He gets worked up with me and it feels like he experiences what I experience more so than other therapists I've been with, although there's still a huge gap of course
  • He usually doesn't try to diagnose or blame a mental illness
Things I don't like:
  • He appears to have no long term plan
  • He didn't communicate with me when he left the office for a family emergency for about two weeks... which left me seeing someone else in the same office for SIX MONTHS before switching back to him
  • He constantly pushes back on everything I say in ways that are not always helpful. When I called him out on this he said "it wouldn't be helpful for me to continually validate you"... what does that even mean? I just am trying to have an honest conversation
  • He has a static view of "who a person is" that I don't think is helpful or accurate
  • He keeps pushing meds and exercise as the answer
  • I have talked to him about having suicidal thoughts once but not deeply
This was the closest mental health provider geographically and I did no research on it or the types of services provided. Primary care provider recommended talk therapy but gave no further guidance so I was pretty in the dark, thinking of searching for something different
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awaiting peace
Feb 17, 2019
Interestingly enough my current Psychiatrist has been amazing, and my prescriptions haven't taken anything away from me. Also, although I do have a diagnosis, they don't label me much (I have three Psychologists and a Psychiatrist), so I don't feel stuffed into a category. I won't lie, I quite enjoy being under their care. Sad to hear that the majority of experiences don't work out like mine though.
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Deleted member 9355

Jul 17, 2019
Yes yes yes. I have permanent sexual dysfunction and no emotions Thanks to psych meds. The Main reason i wanna ctb
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Frustrated Writer
Jul 31, 2019
After my experience, I will never trust a psych again. They're paid to pretend to care and sling pills they don't understand.
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Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
They don't seem to listen to me, they make me feel like I'm a lying attention seeker just trying to be dramatic. They Let me go from their services (nhs) because I got so bad I couldn't attend appointments, and they knew I was like that. One psychiatrist said take control of your self harm, if i could do that I wouldn't do it. They try and put all my crisis' down to little things like moving house or having a beer a year ago.I don't trust any of them I came to them desperate for help, then once i got my diagnoses' I was no longer interesting. I'm just a pain in the ass.
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Chicken of ss
Aug 9, 2018
isolation for 5 days showed me how much pain I can feel. I'm scared locked rooms since then, and I fear beeing alone.
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Aug 5, 2019
I would say most of us. I had zero anxiety and some moderate depression before anti depressants. Its sad we've had our lives taken from us by greed (Doctors know this shit is poison and doesn't work). But hell...billions have died because of greed and power. At least we are not alone.
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Aug 5, 2019
These stories are heartbreaking. Every time I talk to my therapist he encourages me to get on medication and I tell him again and again that I'm not comfortable doing that and just need him to listen. Literally at the end of every session this happens...

I decided I'm going to write up a statement for him on the topic. Something like:

"I don't need you to recommend I get on medication: I'm well aware of it as an option and will get on it if and when I feel I've done adequate research and will receive adequate support.

As it currently stands, I don't know enough about the medications you're recommending to make an informed decision and I don't feel that my primary care provider is capable of providing the individualized attention necessary for me to feel comfortable experimenting with these drugs. I'm also aware that there is much that's still unknown about these drugs, including the effects of taking them long term, and that they commonly cause side effects such as reduced sexual functioning and weight gain–two things which would certainly diminish the quality of my life. I'm not convinced that my doctor would have a focused plan for using the medication, rather I think he would continue prescribing it indefinitely. I'm also someone who would constantly be second guessing: is this what I actually think and feel or is it a change brought on by the medication?

For these reasons, I ask you to quit recommending medication as a solution during therapy sessions."
I know you are struggling (since you're here) but not taking meds might be the best decision you ever make. Avoid it at all costs.
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Sep 15, 2018
Yes I'm a victem. They gave me a drug that deformed my face. No doctor can fix it either. Then when you confront them about what they did to you, they label you with a psych disorder so you can't she...why do you think I'm commiting suicide?


Mar 7, 2019
Yes I'm a victem. They gave me a drug that deformed my face. No doctor can fix it either. Then when you confront them about what they did to you, they label you with a psych disorder so you can't she...why do you think I'm commiting suicide?
Sounds like some heavy shit.


Sep 1, 2019
A psychiatrist I saw briefly in college diagnosed me with bipolar due to some symptoms of panic I reported. I was put on mood stabilizers and antipsychotics. My regular psychiatrist, whom I've seen for years, assured me that I only met the criteria for major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety. But she didn't mind keeping me on those drugs because she said the withdrawal might be difficult. I stopped taking the antipsychotic a year ago and recently quit the mood stabilizers. It's says something about the quality of American psychiatry that the best psychiatrist I've had was fine with me being on serious drugs to treat a disorder she didn't even believe I had to begin with.

Mental healthcare is not where it should be, despite the increased awareness/acceptance of mental health. Not even close.
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John Smith

John Smith

Aug 6, 2018
Basically psychiatry fucked me up bad... Primarily antipsychotics ruined me. Left me an empty shell. That shit is rat poison. I didn't even have a psychotic episode just insomnia and severe depression. It feels like a part of me has been ripped out and I can barely function. I can't sleep without pills and I just feel empty. No ambitions, don't enjoy anything at all really. I miss my old self. Fuck this shit when are people going to wake up and realise we are being programmed and used as economical slavery for our whole life.
What antipsychotics are/ were you on?
Basically psychiatry fucked me up bad... Primarily antipsychotics ruined me. Left me an empty shell. That shit is rat poison. I didn't even have a psychotic episode just insomnia and severe depression. It feels like a part of me has been ripped out and I can barely function. I can't sleep without pills and I just feel empty. No ambitions, don't enjoy anything at all really. I miss my old self. Fuck this shit when are people going to wake up and realise we are being programmed and used as economical slavery for our whole life.
What antipsychotics are/ were you on?
Basically psychiatry fucked me up bad... Primarily antipsychotics ruined me. Left me an empty shell. That shit is rat poison. I didn't even have a psychotic episode just insomnia and severe depression. It feels like a part of me has been ripped out and I can barely function. I can't sleep without pills and I just feel empty. No ambitions, don't enjoy anything at all really. I miss my old self. Fuck this shit when are people going to wake up and realise we are being programmed and used as economical slavery for our whole life.
What antipsychotics are/ were you on?
Basically psychiatry fucked me up bad... Primarily antipsychotics ruined me. Left me an empty shell. That shit is rat poison. I didn't even have a psychotic episode just insomnia and severe depression. It feels like a part of me has been ripped out and I can barely function. I can't sleep without pills and I just feel empty. No ambitions, don't enjoy anything at all really. I miss my old self. Fuck this shit when are people going to wake up and realise we are being programmed and used as economical slavery for our whole life.
What antipsychotics are/ were you on?


Jun 5, 2019
I'm not sure psychiatry fucked me up. I am on mood stabilisers, antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquillisers. I quit it all and had the worst nervous breakdown of my life. Paranoid psychosis. So idk. I also had TMS and ECT. I'm pretty sure the ECT affected my concentration and made it hard to enjoy things like movies and video games.
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Aug 21, 2019
Yeah, Prozac had f'ed me up during puberty and I'm fairly confident that I am addicted to these for life now.


would like to follow that butterfly
Aug 23, 2019
A psychiatrist I saw briefly in college diagnosed me with bipolar due to some symptoms of panic I reported. I was put on mood stabilizers and antipsychotics. My regular psychiatrist, whom I've seen for years, assured me that I only met the criteria for major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety. But she didn't mind keeping me on those drugs because she said the withdrawal might be difficult. I stopped taking the antipsychotic a year ago and recently quit the mood stabilizers. It's says something about the quality of American psychiatry that the best psychiatrist I've had was fine with me being on serious drugs to treat a disorder she didn't even believe I had to begin with.

Mental healthcare is not where it should be, despite the increased awareness/acceptance of mental health. Not even close.
These guys are criminals, but I don't know if they realize that.


Jul 20, 2019
Well, psychiatry treats the symptoms, not the cause.
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Aug 4, 2019
6 years in psychiatry and psychotherapy and all it did was take a young girl with panic disorder and give her severe anxiety and major depressive disorder and BPD. Not to mention countless instances of suicidal ideation and self harm


Aug 21, 2019
Yes. When I was on antidepressant I suffered of nausea and was extremely tired all the time


Aug 27, 2019
same exact feel here :/
Me too. Why should I live when I feel dead?
How long after starting antidepressants do you have before you are dependant? Could you give it a short trial and quit b4 brain zaps etc. Start happening? Took paxil as a teen. I Know withdrawals are awful but it's been so long ago I mostly just remember brain zaps
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Jul 1, 2019
Was diagnosed with drug induced psychosis 5 years ago which was right and then Lithuanias doctors changed my diagnosis to schizophrenia and put me on invega (risperidone) shots for life. After 4 years I tried to refuse the shots and quit but then I realised that medication caused my another psychosis because of withdrawals and long term use of risperidone and they put me on invega again. I hate psychiatrists. Risperidone gives me anxiety, low libido, anhedonia, flat emotions and I can barely talk also gave me cloudy mind. People using neuroleptics die like after 20 years of using medication due to organ failure or brain damage so I won't live past my 40s anyway. When medication will cause organ dysfunction I will refuse the treatment and I will involve media into this to show the incompetence of the doctors.
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Sep 7, 2019
Bipolar fucked me up and inadequate care in the mental health sector in the NHS fucked me up. I can't blame the people that offer this support as they don't live with bipolar.
Someone is always blaming someone else on how they feel. Take responsibilities for your own actions.
Drug addicts chose to take those drugs as do alcoholics.


Sep 20, 2019
Yes, one and only reason I am now considering suicide. Was ok before psychiatry, left me a shell.


Sep 7, 2018
saw a great psychiatrist 20 years ago when I was depressed with back injury got better withb3 months of seroxat . Reinjured sacroiliac joint in 2017 and couldn't restart seroxat as it made me feel sick . Psychiatrist put me on Mirtazapine , despite knowing SSRI had got me better before and that I was feeling suicidal .... didn't tell me it could worsen suicidality - worst antidepressant for suicide- or that it could cause severe anxiety and worsen depression . All these thing happened and I'd never felt so terrible NICE says First line drug is SSRI and Mirtazapine is 3rd line . I told I was suicidal and anxious 24/7 and he upped the dose - should have switched as it was making me worse after 4-6 weeks . I didn't realise it was the drug , thought it was all due to my back .... psych walked away after 4 months telling me the pain was in in my head , despite having it diagnosed and treated intermittent for 26 years ! Ended up on it for 18 months , so anxious and suicidal I was desperate and couldn't make proper decisions ....and had a sacroiliac fixation op in June 18 whichshouldnt have been recommended as it doesn't work ! . I was osteoporotic and hammering rods in caused multiple stress fractures in pelvis , sacrum and lumbar spine , have been bedridden and in agony since the op which failed totally . Still on drug post op and realised op hadn't worked , still anxious and suicidal , attempted suicide 2x as could barely walk twice a day , ended up sectioned in Feb19 and finally was switched to Sertralinev( SSRI ) in 6/weeks I felt better, no longer suicidal or anxious - so it was the Mirtazapine !, I then didn't know why I'd had the surgery on such a weak back and if been on Sertraline earlier I'm sure I would not have had a back op which has totally destroyed my mobility with no hope of walking again as rods can't be taken out ... spine now collapsing and hips hhave stress fractures ...... I feel the psychiatrist was negligent , I had 18 months of mental hell and decided to have surgery in my desperation to feel better and walk . When I complained about his treatment he said it was appropriate !!? And has now retired
My sister has BPD and took Mirtazapine for 16 years ,I told her re serious side effects as she is suicidal when down and she realised she'd only felt suicidal since starting that drug . She's stopped it and feels better ! She was never warned re side effects and feels sad as her marriage failed and she feels she could have been better Ona different drug .
I do wonder if the psychiatrists actually know about the side effects of what they prescribe , do they read the guidelines , I feel this doctorS treatment was appalling . Sadly I'm in so much pain ! Can't walk and feel I have to ctb now as I don't want to be like this for 20 years .... Because I'd seen a good psychiatrist I assumed they were ok but they can definitely ruin lives .
sorry for venting!
Also they don't believe in rational suicide and assume you are depressed , we are so far behind the Swiss


Born to Die
Oct 13, 2019
Yep it's the reason my life is so fucked up. I never needed medication. My depression was a product of my environment. I begged and cried and rose hell to get out. All I needed was to be taken out of the school environment I was in. My mom refused and instead decided I was mental. Ended up on pills at age 15 and have been on them ever since. None of them have ever worked because I never needed them. The whole profession is fucked up and I think putting children on medication like I was should be illegal. I would give anything to turn back time and never been put on them in the first place.
  • Aww..
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Oct 12, 2019
Yep it's the reason my life is so fucked up. I never needed medication. My depression was a product of my environment. I begged and cried and rose hell to get out. All I needed was to be taken out of the school environment I was in. My mom refused and instead decided I was mental. Ended up on pills at age 15 and have been on them ever since. None of them have ever worked because I never needed them. The whole profession is fucked up and I think putting children on medication like I was should be illegal. I would give anything to turn back time and never been put on them in the first place.
I agree with you 100%. Unless a child has severe problems then medication should never be the answer for anything mental or emotional.
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Detour Ahead
Oct 25, 2019
I've read this thread and other threads on taking medication. I'm still wondering if I should go to a doctor to be prescribed meds because I feel I'm getting worse by the day. However I also started going to therapy which has helped. Something to note is that I'm under 25, and I've read that taking meds for anxiety , depression , etc will only make suicidal tendencies worse because my brain isn't fully developed yet. But I'm worried I'll start to really lose it soon
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Sep 20, 2019
I've read this thread and other threads on taking medication. I'm still wondering if I should go to a doctor to be prescribed meds because I feel I'm getting worse by the day. However I also started going to therapy which has helped. Something to note is that I'm under 25, and I've read that taking meds for anxiety , depression , etc will only make suicidal tendencies worse because my brain isn't fully developed yet. But I'm worried I'll start to really lose it soon
Please dont go.
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Detour Ahead
Oct 25, 2019
Please dont go.
Thanks for letting me know, honestly. I have been researching better alternatives which I hope they help . I don't want to fall victim to something that could cause more problems later. Again thank you for telling me, I won't be going at all now.
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