
Oct 12, 2018
Basically psychiatry fucked me up bad... Primarily antipsychotics ruined me. Left me an empty shell. That shit is rat poison. I didn't even have a psychotic episode just insomnia and severe depression. It feels like a part of me has been ripped out and I can barely function. I can't sleep without pills and I just feel empty. No ambitions, don't enjoy anything at all really. I miss my old self. Fuck this shit when are people going to wake up and realise we are being programmed and used as economical slavery for our whole life.
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I see the chaos in your eyes.
Oct 8, 2018
Yes. I am and I still am. I miss myself more than I can express. So I feel your pain. I am the walking dead. I messed up my life so badly due to taking them/not taking them/taking them again. It is all the reason I want to ctb because of my fucked up life and going to a p-doc...fuck this.
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
Hooolllllllllllĺyyyyyy fucking rights!!!!
Yes, my Dr was a toilet with a prescription pad. The idiot would just leave people on meds even when they weren't working, rarely if ever gave informed consent and a host of other bad things that have absolutely brought me here.

He left me on valium even though I was depressed and he said it caused depression, he left me on other meds that were clearly not helping and I even had to take time off work and still left me on the same pills!!! This Dr deserved to drink plutonium from a jerry can and breathe in asbestos till his lungs bled. Seriously, the idiot then nearly killed me with horrid advice prescribing meds without even consulting with me, giving me informed consent or looking up I interactions with the natural supplements that I TOLD him that I was taking.

This is just rubbish, I cannot believe I was screwed over by a retard and should never have ever even taken the valium he prescribed for longer than 2 weeks max....who the heck prescribes that stuff long term anymore anyways???
The Dr even changed his goddamned notes and I caught him and he still tried to deny it!!! He actually rewrote his clinical notes and even had a conversation with the pharmacist 8 months after to create an alibI.

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Jul 2, 2018
Psyciatrics tried to fuck me up too, but they didn't succeed. Basically because I was misplaced. I was actually set up (know it sounds wierd), but my "best friend" at the time, and her boyfriend wanted me to become their drug addict friend (party party with them). I refused, and they went all nuts, and swore to lock me in. I just laughed. Didn't know they had contacts higher up, nor the will to fulfill it.

One evening the police came to my house, with a note from the community doctor, signed by my x- friend. And they drove me to a psyciatric hospital. Just like that! It was horrible and I still struggle when I think of it.

The hospital couldn't hold me more than 3 weeks. I wasn't "crazy" or depressed. I had no medical history, no meds, no diagnose. I refused to take any meds, tried to stay calm and kept to myself.

This happened in 2012, but it ruined my mental health and I've never been able to trust anybody after this.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Basically psychiatry fucked me up bad... Primarily antipsychotics ruined me. Left me an empty shell. That shit is rat poison. I didn't even have a psychotic episode just insomnia and severe depression. It feels like a part of me has been ripped out and I can barely function. I can't sleep without pills and I just feel empty. No ambitions, don't enjoy anything at all really. I miss my old self. Fuck this shit when are people going to wake up and realise we are being programmed and used as economical slavery for our whole life.
Yes, it's hard to get over feeling betrayed by society. Mental healthcare is far from what it should be. I've been on many phsyc drugs throughout my life but they really didn't solve the more complex problems I was dealing with. So I came off most of them because I hated being dependent on pills. Some can be expensive. The one pill I have had a hell of a time giving up is adderall.
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Nov 11, 2018
Interestingly I was told by my lecturer that from his experience including that 2 people in the family who are psychologist's that overwhelmingly those who take psychology are themselves the ones who depend on mental health services the most.
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Jul 2, 2018
Psyciatrics tried to fuck me up too, but they didn't succeed. Basically because I was misplaced. I was actually set up (know it sounds wierd), but my "best friend" at the time, and her boyfriend wanted me to become their drug addict friend (party party with them). I refused, and they went all nuts, and swore to lock me in. I just laughed. Didn't know they had contacts higher up, nor the will to fulfill it.

One evening the police came to my house, with a note from the community doctor, signed by my x- friend. And they drove me to a psyciatric hospital. Just like that! It was horrible and I still struggle when I think of it.

The hospital couldn't hold me more than 3 weeks. I wasn't "crazy" or depressed. I had no medical history, no meds, no diagnose. I refused to take any meds, tried to stay calm and kept to myself.

This happened in 2012, but it ruined my mental health and I've never been able to trust anybody after this.
So I guess the answer is YES. They fucked me up!!
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Sep 3, 2018
Yes, but kind of thankful.

They prescribed me Xanax. I withdrew 5 years ago and still can't eat enough to maintain weight. I've continually lost weight ever since, which I kind of like. I guess I'll eventually lose enough to die. Probably not. Damn plateauing. Still, I'm a skeleton when I used to be a fat cow.

So even though I'm a shell of myself, I'm kind of glad. I always hated being fat.
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Nov 21, 2018
Yes. It's taken years from me. It's the reason I joined the forum. I miss me. I was told I had a disorder and believed them.
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Sep 19, 2018
When I was around 6 I was diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome and severe ADD. They put me on Ritalin which turned me into a zombie. Then switched to Prozac which pretty much did the same thing. Then when I was 8 they put me on something called Clonodine. I took that until I was 12 for Tourette's. Didn't help my symptoms and the side effects were horrible! If I missed a dose I'd get rapid heart beats. I had dizzy spells often and was tired and sluggish all the time. I went from this energetic skinny kid to being overweight and lazy. My biomom said if I miss too many doses I would die. Scared the fuck out of me! When I told the doctor about my symptoms he wouldn't listen.

Then when my aunt got custody of me I started to develop panic disorder (just as my Tourette's went away. I was put on Klonopin. I started having outbursts of anger and reduced coordination. I remember riding my bike onetime and just falling over. Then I was put on Tegratol. Didn't do a damn thing. Then at 17 I was put on Paxil which reduced my panic attacks. I went off of it a year later thinking I could manage on my own with diet and exercise.

That didn't work so I went back on my Paxil in my early 20s with the edition of Propanolol. Got on Xanax in 2014. My life still sucks but at least I'm not having panic attacks. Since I am not willing to be a guinea pig, I turn down offers from psychiatrists to try new meds.

The psychiatric community fucked me over bad as a child. They ignored the signs of abuse, only listened to my biomom, and just fed me pills till I didn't know who I was.
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Sep 22, 2018
makes me sad to see how common this situation is...

My first psychiatrist was shitty, and also took the word of my dad/stepmom over my own description of my symptoms. You know... "hey doc these meds really aren't working for me, i feel weird and terrible..." "no but WE notice a big improvement and we think the meds are working!!" (aka it didn't matter how 16 yr old me felt, only how easy I was to deal with for others)

Things escalated to the point where I was eventually on antipsychotics due to hallucinations and delusions... caused by a previous combo of meds HE put me on... decided i was schizophrenic and acted accordingly. Started having full body twitches, and generally i was really fucked up. There's a big chunk of high school that I flat out do not remember. I do remember falling asleep constantly in class and after school... my existing memories of that time period are really scrambled and cloudy

when i finally turned 18 and went in to talk to my psychiatrist alone (which got me kicked out of the house...), he had to listen to me for the first time ever, and he didnt know what to do for me. To him I was like a brand new patient. He literally told me "well... you can keep taking the meds if you want... i don't know what to tell you."

So anyway... real neat stuff. And neurotypicals think you can just throw pills at this shit, like it's that easy...
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Nov 21, 2018
Yes it's a reason I don't want to be here anymore. I'm tapering Valium and the side effects are unbearable. I'm hoping so bad to find a reliable method soon. I'm so sorry this has happened to anyone else.
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Fucking loving it

Fucking loving it

Sep 3, 2018
My Dr put me in the hospital to quit cold turkey 3 different benzos fentanyl and other opioids. It was a fucking nightmare.
I've been on meds since I was about 12. Strong antipsychtics at high doses. I developed a pituitary adonoma from risperdal. I also was lactating at age 13 from risperdal I gained a lot of weight on that med . Over time I developed tartive dyskanisia. I have uncontrollable movements now. It stole my creativity. Im just a zombie. Now I'm back on benzos. Xanax 24 hour release and 4 mg ativan to go with it.
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May 30, 2018
The psychiatry is the main reason, why i am here. They also ruined my mental health. It was in 2008 and now ten years later, i still have anxiety problems due the psychiatry. Before the psych hospital i didn't had anxiety problems.

I hate this people so much, the police and all, who was involved in this story.
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Apr 30, 2018
My ex shrink told me he would fuck me if I looked liked Sophia Vergara.

Not sure it that counts but, yeah.
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Sep 24, 2018
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A hopeless hope junkie
Sep 17, 2018
I've been both a victim and I've been a grateful consumer. I've had unwarranted ECT that nearly destroyed me. But some of the drugs have saved my life and made it more livable. It's a mixed bag and I feel like truly depends on the person/people giving the care. I've had some of the most horrible incompetent assholes giving me meds that were for an illness I didn't have (misdiagnosed for years) but I've also had a wonderful therapist who got the ECT stopped when I couldn't. I've had a doctor who told me to quit a drug cold-turkey when there were multiple people that had been saying for years that abruptly quitting was torture. Didn't find that out til it was too late. My own psychiatrist that I have now (who I adore) even flat out told me - "Look, psychiatry is in its infancy. We're trying to do surgery with a hammer. We're doing the best we can (I think he was speaking from the position of just one doctor) but it's dark ages here." I think in 100 years society will look back with horror at some of the stuff that was going on - much like we do with lobotomies today.
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Nov 14, 2018
i have been medicated from a very young age. can no longer afford my medications, which i can no longer function without. same thing happened last year, wound up ruining my life. my brain chemistry is fucked without them. i'd rather end it before it gets that bad again.
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Some idiot
May 11, 2018
I was misdiagnosed with autism for most of my life until just a few years ago they just now realized they fucked up and I just had severe depression and dissociation issues. Annnnd that most of my childhood, adolescence, and actual cognitive development was wasted and fucked and I know there's no way to make any of it better.
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A hopeless hope junkie
Sep 17, 2018
I was misdiagnosed with autism for most of my life until just a few years ago they just now realized they fucked up and I just had severe depression and dissociation issues. Annnnd that most of my childhood, adolescence, and actual cognitive development was wasted and fucked and I know there's no way to make any of it better.
Same. Diagnosed Bipolar I, II, Borderline off and on for years. Turned out, like you, DID. I'm so pissed that people in the 80s and 90s got all crazy with the DID/MPD diagnosis and linking it all with sybil and satanic abuse stuff. Now half the shrinks out there don't believe it's a thing, and don't do screening for it. My own shrink who I adore now didn't believe it was a real diagnosis because of all the bad press with the Satanist stuff in the 90s. Now that he's worked with me for 2 years he believes it. SO yay for me now....but I'm almost 50. Anyway, I feel you.
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Mar 7, 2019
Psychiatric medications have saved me life. And I am functioning pretty well now. The key for me at least is breaking the pill in half or even mixing them with other meds even OTC meds.


Feb 20, 2019
YES!!! Same as you OP it's why I'm here. Psychiatric drugs fucked me. High dosage antidepressant destroyed my personality. Then antipsychotic Abilify destroyed and crushed whatever was left. Like you I'm a shell of myself. No emotion, no desires, no libido, no love for things, ruined my sleep. I lost my purpose. My brain is now a wreck.
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Feb 15, 2019
No medicine fucked me up but I got really screwed up after being hospitalized involuntarily, aka kidnapped.
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Feb 27, 2019
count me in, benzo's
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Feb 22, 2019
My career startet in 2002 with a first depression three following before I got the diagnosis bipolar order 10 years later. They stuffed me with pills to balance the brain metabolism was not quite sure if they really know what they are doing? Received antipsychotics like risperdon and abilify to stop getting maniac Antidepressants aigainst the depression but nothing worked out well I still do not have my balance right and probably will never be. Treated with ECT I lost most parts of my memory. I was going through a torture for nearly 20 years now. Feeling like a rat which is used for experimental purposes I will have a last attempt for Ketamine. If this doesn't help I am going to quit all pills, looking what the consequences are. Can't be even worse!
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Feb 25, 2019
At this point it's either withdraw and live with PWS (not a chance in hell) or continue with meds forever. I'm 30. Been majorly depressed since 15 and i'm now resistant to most antidepressants. My psych appointments take 10 minutes, if that. It's a joke. I've withdrawn cold turkey so many times that hopefully the next time will kill me. I've had tonic clonic seizures which should concern my doctor, but he just gives me more meds. I could change doctors, but they wouldn't be as easy to fool & PWS is not an option when I'm already in hell. I also get adderall for no reason since the age of 15. I do not have adhd. My doctor assesses me by how I look and dress, so as long as I'm "pretty" everything's fine for that month. Gross. I won't see a psychologist because after one visit, a doctor wrote up an assessment and gave it to my mother (I was 28) without my consent--reading everything terrible thing some man decided defined me (it was at least 5 pages) was suicide fuel.

It's all a fucking joke. People get rich off of us living our lives like this. Give us tons of meds that don't kill us so we can live to take more and make them money. I could be off EVERYTHING if weed were made legal in my state. Instead I have to spend money I don't have to put myself in dangerous situations to buy my own & I can never be sure what I'm smoking. Don't get me started on the people rotting in jail for minor drug offenses when the Oxycontin family has a mansion the size of 8 mansions.
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Jun 29, 2018
And theyre hell to get off of. Even antidepressants. Forget benzos that's almost like a ball and chain
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Jan 15, 2019
Basically psychiatry fucked me up bad... Primarily antipsychotics ruined me. Left me an empty shell. That shit is rat poison. I didn't even have a psychotic episode just insomnia and severe depression. It feels like a part of me has been ripped out and I can barely function. I can't sleep without pills and I just feel empty. No ambitions, don't enjoy anything at all really. I miss my old self. Fuck this shit when are people going to wake up and realise we are being programmed and used as economical slavery for our whole life.

I would trust a fairground fortune teller before a psychiatrist.
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Mar 3, 2019
They've helped me but they gave me a diagnosis which most folk don't understand, hell I don't understand it (bpd). They try and help but can't fix my core with drugs or anything. Everything comes down to drugs now
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Going Home

Going Home

Sep 21, 2018
Of NY doctors who experiment without my knowledge and politicians who OK it. Taunted, tortured, isolated, with the same people around me, treating me as if I was imagining it, then put on suicide watch.
I can't see any reason for that being done.
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