Lost child in time
- May 20, 2019
- 231
@Shamana, okay, another question that springs to mind is why are there so many disagreements over the simple truth Sakyamuni is supposed to have taught? We have no way of verifying anything that came after him; the entirety of Mahayana and Vajrayana may well be nothing but heresies, and absent a sign from Buddha himself, we could never know. Even most Therevada teachings may be heretical innovations on what Buddha himself taught. You can't just believe what you like on the basis that it makes you feel good or that your guru tells you to; these things need testing.
"Buddha nature" as I was taught about it is not "the self," either;, and calling it "an egoless soul" is IMO falling victim to the delusion that there is a self. Rather, isn't it more like a bubble on a stream? Not a disparate thing, but merely the appearance of one, just a certain configuration of the air and water making up the stream?
So many other problems exist with this religion that you need to solve to believe it. Things like:
Honestly I think you mean well but you haven't examined the very basic ground of your beliefs critically enough, and it makes you state things with authority you really don't know for a fact.
"Buddha nature" as I was taught about it is not "the self," either;, and calling it "an egoless soul" is IMO falling victim to the delusion that there is a self. Rather, isn't it more like a bubble on a stream? Not a disparate thing, but merely the appearance of one, just a certain configuration of the air and water making up the stream?
So many other problems exist with this religion that you need to solve to believe it. Things like:
- Who or what created the realms and how?
- Why only six plus the desire and formless realms?
- Who or what is actually doing the judging, i.e., who died and made Lord Yama, well, Lord Yama? What's his karma look like?
- Who or what is deciding who goes to which realm?
- Who or what is fixing the terms of any given stay in any given realm? Some of those sutras are weirdly precise about how there are 14 hells and residence in each of the cold ones is 20 times longer than the one before it, the first one being "as long as it takes to empty a barrel of sesame if you took one seed out a century" and the hot ones having a geometric eightfold increase per level.
- Why is, for example, killing one's mother an anantarika-karma but something like the Holocaust isn't? Why would someone who killed her mother end up immediately in Avici but Adolf Hitler likely not, since genocide is not one of the five great rebellions?
- For that matter, Devadatta committed several of these, yet got promised rebirth after millennia rather than "kalpas and kalpas" as a pratyeka-Buddha. Why so short by comparison, when he tried several times to actually kill the Buddha and split the sangha at its most vulnerable newborn stage?
Honestly I think you mean well but you haven't examined the very basic ground of your beliefs critically enough, and it makes you state things with authority you really don't know for a fact.
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