- Aug 6, 2020
- 1,456
Apologies that I didn't reply to your post, and I'm sorry that this has saddened you so much.I see you've completely ignored my previous post and my input on your thread for whatever reason, which I'll admit saddened me a little bit because I believe it was a very relevant and well thought out response, albeit a different perspective then the one you share. I was hoping you'd dialogue with me about it.
Here's what confuses me most about this thread.... Where exactly are these "predators" and "manipulators" you claim are squashing people's attempts at offering alternatives? I don't doubt such people are lurking somewhere on the site, but I've never seen one. In fact, in nearly every goodbye thread I've witnessed, at least one poster chimes in to remind the person that there's no shame in changing their minds and that the community will still be here to support the person.
Your stance would make sense if it was substantiated with evidence of such "predators". You've yet to actually provide any, and this whole thread just seems a little...baseless.
To me, it reads like you're angry that we don't jump in and attempt to save every person who's suicidal when the very nature of this site (pro-choice) asks us NOT to. If people want help, they're free to ask. No one is stopping them- in fact, there's even a recovery section on the site where people give wonderful advice and help to people wanting to keep living
Not to mention there are several pro-life suicide forums on the web where vulnerable people post their stories and their pain and posters are only allowed to offer support or solutions. If you're hell bent on only responding in that manner ( which is great in the right context, don't get me wrong- plenty of people do want to be saved), then why not channel your emotional resources into those sites? Why participate in a site that clearly postures itself as "pro choice" and then admonish users who follow that theme? Same thing with the guy who posted the "Am I Manipulator" thread the other day.
I don't get it
I've been asleep for most of the day and woke up with upwards of 40 notifications coming in.
Besides, I rarely feel the need to respond to every single comment, but I am happy to have a read of your post when I get home (I haven't read it) and see if I feel I am able to add anything.
I feel you're upset for reasons other than me not having read your other post yet.
What do you mean when you ask "where are these predators?".
I don't feel that I'm on trial in a court, nor do I feel that I'm preparing to submit a scientific paper for peer review, and thus I don't feel as though I need to build or present a scientifically watertight case that demonstrates the existence of predators or manipulators.
I feel that in this case of discussion on a website, my experiences and the experiences of others are suitable to form the basis of a conversation, which is what this thread is.
I also feel that asserting that I'm angry because 'we' don't jump in and try to intervene is just a straw man, as there is nothing in this thread or elsewhere that indicates that I feel like this.
It's baseless.
Anyway as I said I am happy to take a look at your other post later.
Ok.A stickied Scams Thread is literally meant to warn new members against predatory behaviour. A scammer is by definition a predator.
I think you got a bit confused there.
Don't worry, it happens to me too, more often than I care to admit.
This thread isn't primarily about financial scams but yes you are correct that this happens too.
Thank you for raising this issue, as readers of this thread will be educated about financial scams as a result of your contribution :)
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