
Oct 6, 2018
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Oct 23, 2018
This was pretty irritating to watch. Like mindless soundbites devoid of any useful substance, that simultaneously misses the point entirely, and trivialises the psychological pain down to just needing chocolate and morning walks. Chronic psyache is not going to be alleviated by any of these reasons.

That was an interesting link Deafsn0w maybe you will appreciate this one on the Just world fallacy.

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Jul 13, 2018
How the fuck can someone think of that many? A handful at the most.
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Sep 19, 2018
I'll post 25 at a time. This is my first part.

1. "Because you have the ability to change the world"

I barley have the ability to change my underwear due to my mental suffering.

2. "Early morning walks"

I hate leaving the house.

3. "So you can grow old with your closest friends & think back on the good ol' days"
Who the fuck wants to grow old! I'm only 35 and feel 70. That's bad enough. I have no friends because I'm not a "normie" like you. Who wants to live long enough to reminisce about a time were they wasn't trapped in a nursing home bed with a colostomy bag and covered in bed sores so deep someone could fit their entire fist inside of them!

4. "God loves you and needs you to share that love with others"
There is no god you liar! By your logic, if there was a deity, he must want me to ignore people's suffeing and just watch them like a sadist because apparently that's how your god "loves" people. If he's such a big strong cosmic wizard why does he "need" anyone? He could undo all this bullshit.

5. "Laughter - the kind were you laugh so hard you can't breathe"
Well this bitch never had a panic attack, a heart attack, COPD or asbestos posioning because she's trivializes "not being able to breathe". Laughter never makes up for the pain!

6. "Because when you ask survivors, they are glad"
Well ya didn't ask me! I'm a "survivor" and was devastated after failing twice.

7. "Because all lives have purpose"
And what is that purpose exactly? What about those babies born with only brain stems and die 2 weeks later.

8. "Because Mickey-D all day breakfast"
This doesn't even deserve a response.

9. "The chance to help others"
Why don't you help me! Help me CTB asshole!

10. "Because your pet would wonder where you went"

I don't have a pet. Even if I did it wouldn't discourage me. If I ain't gonna live for family I ain't gonna live for a cat.

11. "To experience the vast amazing beauty of nature"
Nature is the machine that produced all this torture. Fuck nature. To love nature is to love suffering.

12. "Your story is not over"
I never wanted a story to begin with!!! I guess you want mine to last longer so you can continue reading more horrifying chapters that detail my agony you sicko!

13. "Because JK Rowling is still writing books"
Suffering is that trivial to you huh?

14. "Your presence is a gift to the community"
LMAO SINCE WHEN? This one actually made me laugh.

15. "For your favorite song you haven't heard yet"
You clearly listen to the Lumineers. I listen to Buruzm! (being light hearted with this one)

16. "Too see your first child be born"
Not only do you want me to live in an imposition that is inherently negative, but you want me to impose this on another sentient being. Well god damn! My biomom was suicidal as a teen because she had frizzy hair...she lived long enough to have me. We all knew how that went!

17. "Because food"
Lmao im a food addict you idiot! Because of my eating habits, the bus will run over me if I don't catch it first.

18. "Because there are lots of days of sunshine to enjoy"
Everytime that oversized heat lamp pops the skycherry I am reminded yet again - without it I wouldn't be here.

19. "There's beauty in the small things"
Like bacteria, viruses, and cancer. Things you would need a microscope to see.

20. "Because you are important"
Apparently not important enough for you to accept my right to die.

21. "Because life does truly get better. I promise"
See what pro-lifers do? They LIE LIE LIE TO YOU!

22. "Spending time with your family"
People, no matter how close I am to them, cannot "rescue" me from my tourment.

23. "There are still trees that haven't felt your hand"
When Jordan Peterson starts making sense by comparison you know your logic is flawed! This is just silly. To be literal - trees are non-sentient. They can't feel your touch nor can they climax. Even if you lived to be a billion, no man can touch every tree.

24. "Because life is beautiful and so are you"
I'm far from "beautiful". You have to be more brainwashed than a sunbleached Baptist to believe that life has anything to do with "beauty". Life is fucking tragic! Why can't people see this!!!!! Fuck reality! Let's all life in a perpetual state of being delusional pricks with pockets filled with cliches"

25. "Epic sunsets"
The second "sun" related reason. I wish the sun would set on my life.
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Nov 6, 2018
I couldn't bring myself to watch the video but the tree thing... Really?? Are those morons serious? So what, they've interviewed a wide panel of trees and the results of the poll are in: a vast majority want to feel my hand? Like 75% at least? Ugh.
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Jul 13, 2018
I'm highly considering making a counter argument to all 100 of these.
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Jen Erik

Jen Erik

Oct 12, 2018
These lists always seem to be made by people who have never wanted to die so how could they possibly know? If you've never wanted to die, then you never need a reason to live. Fuck.

Edited to change 'than' to 'then'
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Nov 6, 2018
And sure, something as incredibly vague, unfounded and shallow as "you're important" is enough to cure someone's depression, we all know that.
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Jen Erik

Jen Erik

Oct 12, 2018
I'll post 25 at a time. This is my first part.
oh man, you crack me up. looking forward to the next 25.
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Sep 19, 2018
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Oct 3, 2018
I'm laughing so hard, @worldexploder. You should make a Stand-up routine where you deconstruct these BS "reasons to live". I'd pay to watch that.

"I wish the sun would set on my life." should be the forum's official motto.
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Sep 19, 2018
I'm laughing so hard, @worldexploder. You should make a Stand-up routine where you deconstruct these BS "reasons to live". I'd pay to watch that.

"I wish the sun would set on my life." should be the forum's official motto.
I really appreciate it! Sometimes ya gotta laugh to keep from crying man.
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Sep 19, 2018
How the fuck can someone think of that many? A handful at the most.
Because they are not "thinking" at all lol
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Not 2B
Aug 22, 2018
I would probably include some of the ones worldexploder posted in my top 100 to ctb. Haha.

(23 — not for long thanks to people like these!)

Good for them in all seriousness. It's tough to enjoy this world. I wish they could empathise, but they benefit from so much suffering in day to day life they are desensitised, and being able to understand might cause them harm. I don't think the seriously depressed are their target audience, but I see posters as inane as this in psych offices.

P.S. Nature didn't impose sentience on us just because it provided the conditions for us to evolve this way. That is a vast misunderstanding of practical ecology. Humans are destroying all life, including life without the capacity to suffer.

These kinds of people trash nature when they explore it though. Their enjoyment of nature doesn't extend past solipsism.
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Sep 19, 2018
Line by line criticism (26-50).

26. "You have so much left to explore"

The only thing I want to explore is ways to CTB. I don't want to explore the holes and crevasses you want to explore! I am NOT interested in your delusional treasure hunts. If you want to reach inside every portapotty expecting to find diamonds then that is your insane prerogative. My name is worldexploDer not explorer.

27. "To make a great and incredible discovery"
I already made an "obvious not so incredible discovery" - life is shit! It always has been shit and always will be shit!

28. "You add something beautiful, wonderful, and needed to this world"
A 35 year old with a payee is exactly what this world needs!

29. "To serve others"
I can barley take care of myself.

30. "Play with cats"
I swear half of these fucks are JP fanboys. "Pet A Cat" is one of his "12 rules for living".

31. "Because there are still more campfires to be set around with friends"
I have zero friends and campfires are lame.

32. "Because life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful"
I still don't get how people come to the conclusion that life is wonderful! Why don't she try living in a refugee camp in Syria or dying of starvation in Africa - She's happy therefore the system is justified! Fuck her! Keep eating while the rest of the world starves! Enjoy your immunizations and toiletries while everyone else dies of diseases.

33. "Feeling joy from relationships with others"
Nobody wants to be around me because im not like you stupid! I'm not a sexy optifascist!

34. Because you never know when an opportunity of a lifetime may present itself"
I'll get my "opportunity of a lifetime" once I order that tree ratchet with cornhole bags. In life, opportunities are not guaranteed....but tragedies are!

35. "Hope for a better world"
So if we "hope" hard enough the world may get better? Ok everyone! Put on your hope helmets and wish really really really hard! Geeze....a lot of these are so stupid on there own I feel like they don't need commentary.

36. "To dance in the rain"
....and get struck by lightning. Funny story - a couple months ago I got drunk off my ass and actually went out while it was raining. I would never feel good enough to do that sober. Wasn't worth it. I ruined my shoes and my skin was irritated the next day.

37. "Chocolate fer dayz"
That's really how she spelled it. Reality has already been warped we don't need to warp grammar.

38. "You're here for a reason and you belong"
And what reason would that be besides the fact that my dad didn't like condoms and my biomom didn't like abortions? I belong? Is that why ive been rejected by society my entire life? Maybe they are jealous! Omg!

39. "To explore the beauty and diversity of nature"
It's getting to were now people are saying the same shit using different words. Fuck nature and the diverse ways it destroys and tortures sentient life.

40. "I want you too"
No...you really don't. LOL we're not even on "reasons" anymore. We're getting into statements and replies now.

41. "The sky is blue and the grass is green. That is enough"
Yeah fuck basic needs like food, water, and shelter. It's ok that we got diseases, natural disasters, mental and physical illnesses. War? famine? Child abuse? Who cares! Life is gwate! Durrr wook at the gwass it gween! Wook at duh sqy it boo!

42. "All the people left to love"

43. "Because there is so much to explore about yourself and with others"
This statement basically is a merger of 26 and 31. "Do you feel like exploring yourself or others"?

44. "Becoming an Aunt"
Let's just say anything now lol. "Becoming a basement dweller"...now that's relatable.

45. "Because their is light at the end of the tunnel"
.....when I CTB! Now we are getting somewhere.

46. "Because cupcakes"
Im pre-diabetic cuz of this shit lol.

47. "Traveling the world with your best friend"
Zero friends / hate traveling.

48. "Giving and receiving compliments"
That is common curtesy....not a reason to live.

49. "Because God loves me"
Yes Jebus love me....yes Jebus love me....yes Jebus love me, some old dusty ancient book told me so!!!! Catch the jeBUS!

50. "For all the memories left to be made"
Your just gonna lose all those memories anyway after you die!
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
Only watched a couple and it just makes me want to cry. So much that I've lost and missed out on. I wish I didn't have to die. This is bullshit.
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Sep 19, 2018
Only watched a couple and it just makes me want to cry. So much that I've lost and missed out on. I wish I didn't have to die. This is bullshit.
I'm sorry Dani. I know it sucks. I didn't mean for it to make you cry. I'm miserable too for a lot of reasons. Sometimes I mix criticism of optimism with humor to try and cope while I wait to CTB.
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Weeping Garbage Can

Weeping Garbage Can

ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਭੁੱਲ ਜਾਓ ❤️
Oct 31, 2018
Watching this made me want to cry. I hate that the situation is like this. These people with their fluffy reasons to live and bright, almost artificial smiles....they remind me of little children who haven't been exposed to all the world's horrors. I'm happy that they are happy and can have access to all those things on their whiteboards...but their ignorance and insensitivity is such a shame. It's such a shame imo that they spout their candy beliefs as truth and think that will magically apply to everyone. These platitudes have been used so many times before, including by my own friends and family. It's harmful, and doesn't allow others who have suffered things beyond them to be open. This pro-life and anti-suicide video blatantly shows the thought process that takes away such an important, fundamental choice from those who need it. Overall, I hate that these happy, positive, go-lucky people are so tied up in their limited world view, and how that negativity affects others, like people in this thread.
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The Blackangel

The Blackangel

Nyiach des uti nesi deh ahy.
Nov 3, 2018
Where do I get back the 45 seconds I lost watching the first 10 reasons of this video? I swear from just that little bit I think my IQ went down about 15 points.
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Sep 30, 2018
Some of these quotes can also be interpreted differently,

"God loves you and needs you to share that love with others"
Umm, not everyone believes in God. I'm an atheist and even then, who do I owe anything to and who is to tell me what to do?

"Because all lives have purpose"
You mean to become a cog in the machine, be a wage-slave (or homeless if you choose to opt out of the rat-race) until you die of natural causes or stuff? No thanks.

"Because you are important"
Really? What about the people who are a net-negative in society? Very few people are important in society if at all, while the rest of us are just slaves in a system made to help the rulers and the overlords become wealthy, powerful, and strong. We're disposable and expendable.

"Because life is beautiful and so are you!!!"
That's subjective and that's your opinion.

"Because life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful"
Again, subjective and your opinion.

"Because life truly does get better. I promise!"
No it doesn't and you are making an empty promise. Stop spewing shitty platitudes.

"Hope for a better world"
Yeah, sure, let's keep deluding ourselves and pretending that things are gonna get better with all the shit that's going on in the 21st century. Because if we keep hoping, things will get better. /sarcasm

"Because you could be someone's happiness"
Wait, so I should stay just so someone can be happy, and somehow that's not selfish? You want to be happy at my expense?! Fuck no, my interests and well-being matters too.

"There are so many more memories to be made"
You mean more shitty events and things getting worse? Nah, I'd rather check out brah, I'm not going to see how much worse things are gonna get.

"There are so many dreams to fulfill"
Most of which are out of one's reach or are unattainable.

There are more, but these are a few that really strike a nerve. Ugh those "tyrannical bastards" they are, and they really make me cringe. The reasons they give are very selfish and not at all taking into account the person's interests.

I feel the same when people say that cliche "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" - Like a permanent solution to all of these problems is a bad thing?
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
26. "You have so much left to explore"
The only thing I want to explore is ways to CTB. I don't want to explore the holes and crevasses you want to explore! I am NOT interested in your delusional treasure hunts. If you want to reach inside every portapotty expecting to find diamonds then that is your insane prerogative. My name is worldexploDer not explorer.

I like your response here, and yes, most of these pro-lifers are so ingrained in their bullshit programming that they are beyond reasoning. There is almost like no way to win any argument using logic against them.
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I will buy you a dog if you like my posts
Sep 4, 2018
6420D69A 0E6F 4395 AAC7 DEC2215D066D
Another stupid reason to live...
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Oct 3, 2018
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
@worldexploder Do you know when you will get around to lines 51-100? No rush, but just wondering.
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Apr 17, 2022
I'll post 25 at a time. This is my first part.

1. "Because you have the ability to change the world"
I barley have the ability to change my underwear due to my mental suffering.

2. "Early morning walks"
I hate leaving the house.

3. "So you can grow old with your closest friends & think back on the good ol' days"
Who the fuck wants to grow old! I'm only 35 and feel 70. That's bad enough. I have no friends because I'm not a "normie" like you. Who wants to live long enough to reminisce about a time were they wasn't trapped in a nursing home bed with a colostomy bag and covered in bed sores so deep someone could fit their entire fist inside of them!

4. "God loves you and needs you to share that love with others"
There is no god you liar! By your logic, if there was a deity, he must want me to ignore people's suffeing and just watch them like a sadist because apparently that's how your god "loves" people. If he's such a big strong cosmic wizard why does he "need" anyone? He could undo all this bullshit.

5. "Laughter - the kind were you laugh so hard you can't breathe"
Well this bitch never had a panic attack, a heart attack, COPD or asbestos posioning because she's trivializes "not being able to breathe". Laughter never makes up for the pain!

6. "Because when you ask survivors, they are glad"
Well ya didn't ask me! I'm a "survivor" and was devastated after failing twice.

7. "Because all lives have purpose"
And what is that purpose exactly? What about those babies born with only brain stems and die 2 weeks later.

8. "Because Mickey-D all day breakfast"
This doesn't even deserve a response.

9. "The chance to help others"
Why don't you help me! Help me CTB asshole!

10. "Because your pet would wonder where you went"
I don't have a pet. Even if I did it wouldn't discourage me. If I ain't gonna live for family I ain't gonna live for a cat.

11. "To experience the vast amazing beauty of nature"
Nature is the machine that produced all this torture. Fuck nature. To love nature is to love suffering.

12. "Your story is not over"
I never wanted a story to begin with!!! I guess you want mine to last longer so you can continue reading more horrifying chapters that detail my agony you sicko!

13. "Because JK Rowling is still writing books"
Suffering is that trivial to you huh?

14. "Your presence is a gift to the community"
LMAO SINCE WHEN? This one actually made me laugh.

15. "For your favorite song you haven't heard yet"
You clearly listen to the Lumineers. I listen to Buruzm! (being light hearted with this one)

16. "Too see your first child be born"
Not only do you want me to live in an imposition that is inherently negative, but you want me to impose this on another sentient being. Well god damn! My biomom was suicidal as a teen because she had frizzy hair...she lived long enough to have me. We all knew how that went!

17. "Because food"
Lmao im a food addict you idiot! Because of my eating habits, the bus will run over me if I don't catch it first.

18. "Because there are lots of days of sunshine to enjoy"
Everytime that oversized heat lamp pops the skycherry I am reminded yet again - without it I wouldn't be here.

19. "There's beauty in the small things"
Like bacteria, viruses, and cancer. Things you would need a microscope to see.

20. "Because you are important"
Apparently not important enough for you to accept my right to die.

21. "Because life does truly get better. I promise"
See what pro-lifers do? They LIE LIE LIE TO YOU!

22. "Spending time with your family"
People, no matter how close I am to them, cannot "rescue" me from my tourment.

23. "There are still trees that haven't felt your hand"
When Jordan Peterson starts making sense by comparison you know your logic is flawed! This is just silly. To be literal - trees are non-sentient. They can't feel your touch nor can they climax. Even if you lived to be a billion, no man can touch every tree.

24. "Because life is beautiful and so are you"
I'm far from "beautiful". You have to be more brainwashed than a sunbleached Baptist to believe that life has anything to do with "beauty". Life is fucking tragic! Why can't people see this!!!!! Fuck reality! Let's all life in a perpetual state of being delusional pricks with pockets filled with cliches"

25. "Epic sunsets"
The second "sun" related reason. I wish the sun would set on my life.
Number 17 was the only good reason. Food coping is the only thing that soothes this miserable shitshow somewhat
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sending love to cats
Apr 4, 2022
It looks so insignificant and meaningless to me that it's even funny. I watched the whole video
Although the reasons in which children are mentioned are rather not funny, but sad for me as for an antinatalist
Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Life is a gift. Then shove it up your fucking arse then :pfff:

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