Enough to knock me out so 1mg does that already so I'll take 3 mg
Dam i dont even take benzos like that but the other day I took 3mg and I didn't knock out till like an hour. But I forced myself to walk around the block couple times cause I was super fearful when I'm like that I need to walk it soon as I took em tho I felt the wave effect. Like I just wasn't really here.
But still and that night I ended up waking up in the middle of the night and took another to go back and I still woke up early.
I'm scared what if the fear of sn keeps me awake from them..? I was gonna try tonight again but I never slept only for 1 hour yesterday so i won't know if it's the benzos or real sleep that knocks me out.
I don't wanna take too much Xanax and I knock out before. Everything is so hard I hate it