Actually my strangest reason would be the fruit fly/gnat infestation in my basement. I'm NEET and I moved into the basement 3 years ago, and there has been a constant stream of thousands of fruit flies coming. Apparently it's from a leak or a wet crawl space, I can't afford an exterminator, and it's due to my demon sister's hoarding. She blamed me the other day because of my dirty dishes, but it had absolutely nothing to do with that, the dishes have been clean for a week and still thousands of flies coming. It's obviously because she forgot about something in one of the 3 bedrooms that have been blocked off with hoarded crap. I am praying for my sister to die of natural causes or a heroin OD or a stroke, just waiting for that wonderful day when she's gone. She's one of the worst human beings I've ever met, disgusting piece of shit.
She always ruins everyone's birthdays, she makes birthdays feel like a huge chore and something to fear, because she works herself up and goes out of her way to get shitty cheap ugly flowers which my mom hates anyway (and my mom doesn't want them, she keeps saying "why does this bitch keep getting me flowers if she treats me like a slave and abuses me everyday?"), she tries to clean up, she runs around wrapping gifts and ordering crappy food etc, but she won't even take a bloody shower, the poop on her skin is peeling and she's been wearing the same shirt/underwear/ugly shorts for 6 months, she gets paid to do literally EVERYTHING in the house. My mom is sick of useless ugly cheap shit and ugly flowers, she wants something more meaningful like - take a bloody fucking shower, or, clean up outside, or clean up your damn hoard! My mom was super happy to see me on her bday, even though she knew I didn't get her squat because she knows I don't have any money, and she knows that I know she doesn't want anything. But she was super stressed about everything else, I avoided the whole fiasco. It's the same story for everyone elses birthdays.
Another reason that is strange but also scary is the possibility of a power outage in my living space, and not being able to fix it because my sister destroyed the place with enormous amounts of junk hoarding, so an electrician can't even service the place. Their side is already gone out and they're using an extension cord for the air conditioner... so yeah if the power goes out on my side it'll be a nightmare.