Where are you at Mike ?
When would you draw the line ?
I watched my parents go out very slowly with cancer .
I'm not a fan of stoically riding out the last painful moments , days , years ...
I'm a flip flopping possible bipolar ... life time depression 'recovering' alcoholic ...
( spiritual / social trauma ... medicated with booze , and from what I read here I had it easy , compared to pharma medicine ... but thats a moot point , at the thirty year mark )
Social isolation and being emotionally unavailable in company left me in a pit with no desired exit apart from THE exit .
A lack of faith in humanity , bullying fatigue ( yet another philistine telling me to shape up and wave the flag and love it ... so taxing that that is the caliber of the consciousness we are all surrounded by .)
I find myself prochoice but veering towards 'recovery' which around here is a little offensive for some .
i know I find it a bit offensive when I'm on the 'other side' , in shadow , eclipsed , or , as it feels : real.
I just saw an old acquaintance down the street by the same name and thought I'd say hi .
Also - I approve of your avatar .... :)
when I'm in shadow , this stuff ( linked above ) is senseless muck . 2day it's sort of ok.
edit to add :
i find the best thing for me is acceptance of my suicidal state of mind,
i like it here because I don't have to pretend it isn't how I feel .
It is a relief.