

Aug 22, 2024
I would still be depressed but not to the point of considering ctb.
Money would definitely help get rid of most of my problems.
I know this question has been asked before and looking at the answers made me think if my decision to ctb is too impulsive? since most people in that thread stated that they'd still consider ctb. I'm aware that money doesn't make suicidal ideation go away and everyone navigates differently through situations like these. I'm still curious to know about what you guys think
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Aug 18, 2024
I think I'd definitely feel a lot less suicidal if I had a huge pile of cash. The stability that would come from that and being able to help my fam out would be amazing. Alas I'll try to play the lotto before I ctb, might as well give it a shot before I reach death's door.
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novelist, sanskritist, Canadian living in India
Nov 13, 2021
No, if I were rich enough to buy a house in another country and leave my wife in this one without officially separating from her, I think I could deal with the other causes of my despair.
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Oct 1, 2023
I would still be depressed but not to the point of considering ctb.
Money would definitely help get rid of most of my problems.
I know this question has been asked before and looking at the answers made me think if my decision to ctb is too impulsive? since most people in that thread stated that they'd still consider ctb. I'm aware that money doesn't make suicidal ideation go away and everyone navigates differently through situations like these. I'm still curious to know about what you guys think
I would be distracted for awhile and then it would be worse because the world is the world so after an initial high the world would still be there and it wouldn't change the fact that I'm a loser. Might be a fun romp though before I go.
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Oct 10, 2023
Not one bit. I am here because I am poor and facing homelessness and abuse so I can have a material security and a roof over my head for the time being. Would being rich change that? It most definitely would. Having money opens up options and choices in life and that means having access to safety, comfort and coping mechanims that help deal with depression, difficulties and other illnesses. Personally I would travel, then buy a house in the country side with lots of pets to look after. I would garden and live of the land and share produce with others. I can deal with depression and lifes difficulties and am at peace when I have my hands dirty and am around nature and animals. I am much stronger. But I cannot afford any of this, so depression easily gets the better of me all the time.
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Sep 3, 2024
Honestly. If I never had to work again I'd be extactic. For example if I won the lottery I could buy a house and go far. So I probably wouldn't consider suicide tbh
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The living envies the dead.
Feb 23, 2023
No, if I was in better economic condition. I could buy better ways to cope, such spending money on gaming or hanging out (everyone wants to be with you when you're rich). I would also just immigrate to a better country through some sort of investment visa. So i don't have live in a hopeless country like India.
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Apr 10, 2024
People say money doesn't solve all your problem. It solves a lot of them though.
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i only care about money and having fun
Mar 11, 2024
i feel like unless i restart my entire life rich it would still be the same. if i woke up a millionaire tomorrow i would do all the things i wanna do and then kill myself.
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Jul 18, 2024
I'm a Palestinian and I have a C-PTSD. A recipe good enough on its own to make you suicidal even if you were the richest. Add to that that I'm nihilistic. CTB is my destiny.
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Jul 21, 2023
hmm. i know i'd be a hell of a lot happier with financial stability, at least, but i still think i'd have lots of issues and it would depend on at what point i became rich.

if i was a multi-millionaire from today, i'd probably end up accidentally OD'ing on recreational drugs because i would burn through them without thinking about wasting money or saving them for a club night. if my parents were rich whilst i was younger, i could've afforded the therapy to treat some of the things that have made my life hell to this day, so maybe i wouldn't be sat here typing this.

my quality of life would drastically improve if i didn't have to worry about working, paying rent, affording medication and therapy, and even i was still mentally ill, i would much rather have f'lying abroad for a quick vacation at the drop of a hat' as a coping mechanism than an eating disorder/addiction.
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center and blind
Aug 17, 2024
no. I wouldn't have half the stress I have now. I wouldn't have to worry about the basic necessities on the hierarchy of needs for humans. Those basic things like shelter, food, warmth, sleep, security, etc. all require money. As you go up, you can pretty easily identify the other things on the pyramid like having hobbies enjoying friends having time away etc. all pretty much require money (not all though some people don't need money for this stuff at all!!). Even further - having passion, something to motivate you, something you work towards, something that makes you feel wanted and valid to the society around you - usually requires money.

People who tell you money doesn't buy happiness are brainwashed or filthy rich themselves. It's actually required to get the basic things we need as humans which allow for happiness itself to bloom.

I wouldn't be on the brink of homelessness again, I would not be worrying about my next meal and how I'm gonna come up with grocery money this week. I wouldn't have to worry about a job (maybe but this depends on how rich lol).

If I was rich, MANY of my issues would be instantly solved. We live in a society that is filled with trap doors. If you walk yourself over them for whatever reason - your in the hole and will be clawing to get out. Some don't make it out.
I became a millionaire from crypto a few years ago. I always had suicidal ideation at the back of my head when I was poor due to having an abusive family, being bullied but I was very optimistic growing up so I brushed those thoughts off and did my own thing. I always believed I was destined to be wealthy. I found out about bitcoin very early, through using the darkweb and working in the "underworld" (sex-work). I invested all my extra student loan money, waited then hit it big. For a while, I was very happy when I hit 7 figures on my portfolio, moved to a beach house in Mauritius, i had grown up in UK.

Looking back I realise the happiness was pure mania, bordering psychosis. Hedonic adaptation sets in and you go back to baseline level of happiness, or even way lower in my case (pits of hell hopelessness). I saw the real true nature of my so-called family and friends, most people only pretend to care if they know they can get something from you. I have a deep mistrust of most people. I overindulged, my anhedonia got worse.

I'm a 30yr old woman, I don't want kids, marriage, I don't trust men (SA'd multiple times) and would hate to bring another soul into this mix despite having the means to give my offspring a very comfortable life, I can't guarantee they won't be bullied, face racism, have defective genes from me, disabilities, accidents etc. I realise if i don't CTB , I will live a very lonely sad life
"If I don't CTB, I will live a very lonely sad life"

You sound exactly like me minus money. I'm 29, bipolar, MDD, GAD, and cant comprehend living 3-5 more decades as myself. Don't want relationship nor kids. I am just so struck back from what I have witnessed in myself and in others and also the world itself. I cannot see myself living decades from here. Why would I.

I feel I have been condemned inside a deep hole and destined to never really reach out and touch something or connect with someone - its not possible its part of the human condition for some reason (that I hope isn't sinister). We all are something and somewhere else entirely and these words given to us are not our identification or the direct multifaceted truth of our experiences rather very simplified attempts at communicating (thanks evolution!). We wear the costumes built for us from our environments and shy away from anything that is too different than what we understand or consider comfortable.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Depends on how rich and how much I'd have to work to maintain those riches. If say I suddenly got a very high paying job well it would probably come with a bunch of little annoyances or worse, responsibilities.
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Wolf Girl

Nothing ever got better
Jun 12, 2024
It would delay my ctb but likely not prevent it. After the novelty wears off, I'll realize that now people only want me for my money and then acquire some N with my rich person connections.
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To be or not to be
Aug 21, 2024
Money would cause me to be more cynical, because people like to use and take advantage of people who have wealth. I would most likely be as lonely as I am now. The only positive side would be that I could engage in any activity I wanted to or travel to any place I desired, so it would help my life in that aspect. Ultimately, money helps people in some regards but not with everything. Even wealthy people ctb.
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Aug 23, 2024
It would be easier to cbt if ur rich . Also probably will last longer but at some point I'll cbt even if I'm rich . I'd probably find random crazy thing to do with the money then realize it doesn't really fix the core issues . Maybe get therapy with good doctors and stuff but idk if it will fix it . But forsure someone with wealth has a better chance to recover because of less financial issues .
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
Money does not equal life satisfaction and a desire to live*

*source - Tesha, Sanctioned Suicide. Lived experience.
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May 20, 2020
Depends tbh, technically my parents would probably leave some inheritance. But with nothing to look forward, i feel like i would just kms after they died or something.
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Aug 24, 2024
Money can't cure my major depressive disorder.
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Sep 1, 2024
No I if was rich it wouldn't change much. Money can't cure my social anxiety disorder. I would still cbt if I was rich.
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Jul 24, 2024
It depends….
I would pay for private medical healthcare and have some live in psychiatrist to cycle me through every drug and handhold me through my collapsing of my mind forcing me to do consistent recovery stuff , and if that didn't substantially change my experience I would still suicide once family are gone. Pay human beings to plug the gaps in my self control and inconsistent broken sense of time and self.
It would make life easier because I could just give money to my family for a driver and stuff and they wouldn't have to rely on me, who knows maybe not failing at basic responsibilities would get rid of the really bad suicidal mental pain mood swings? You don't know do you.
Being able to lock yourself up in a house away from the world with some stability and no serious threat of losing welfare or anything. It's hard to know how much that actually makes things bearable.

I went from bad poverty to having money on welfare, it removed the stress and improved my life, but the mental pain was still there and breakdowns. So I know there's tangible improvements of money which still don't solve the worst of my mood experiences. It did improve some of the other time though.
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Nov 18, 2019
Playing mega millions for a reason!! If it was a substantial amount where I could have great life experiences and start a charity, make a meaningful difference in others lives without completely sacrificing my own… that provides fulfillment imo.

A mil or two and I'll still CTB.
Having $ comes with its own stressors while taking others away. Wouldn't cure depression, could create the foundation for a life worth living from here. I blew all savings that created a comfortable lifestyle & lost my place in the workforce that provided purpose helping others after a brain injury. The combo is devastating. Give me stability, purpose, a few vacations/year full of margaritas. I could cope with the bad times like everyone else who isn't on this site.
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New Member
Aug 24, 2024
I would still be depressed but not to the point of considering ctb.
Money would definitely help get rid of most of my problems.
I know this question has been asked before and looking at the answers made me think if my decision to ctb is too impulsive? since most people in that thread stated that they'd still consider ctb. I'm aware that money doesn't make suicidal ideation go away and everyone navigates differently through situations like these. I'm still curious to know about what you guys think
No, probably not. I could take care of myself without being a burden to family and help out friends. Constant financial stress wears you down, makes you feel ashamed, takes all happiness out of life.
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Apr 5, 2022
Definitely I would still CTB--I am well off, but will inherit millions when my 81 yr old stepmother, who is in poor health, passes away--But with my girlfriend dead, I cannot share it with her, and we shared everything together for 35 what's the point?
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Nov 13, 2021
Probably not. I would enjoy being rich. I would make a Scrooge McDuck money pool and dive in it. All jokes aside, I would entirely pay off my mother's house and help her. I would also probably dive really deep into philanthropy, probably continue my college for the heck of it, maybe even double major or major switch to something I'd enjoy more since careers are less relevant if I was rich, maybe history or philosophy. I would then set up investment accounts, hire a financial advisor, and try to live the rest of my life comfortably and leave a good sum behind to whomever I choose, could be a future family, or a charity. This is all hypothetical and unrealistic because I am far from rich.
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Isn't that a show for girls?
Sep 5, 2024
Yes, probably.

Suppose I could NEET my way through life comfortably then; that would be kinda nice. Still, I'm already in a financially stable / advantageous situation thanks to my parents, and I want to CTB...

I'm physically healthy, even if somewhat sedentary and weak for my liking. So that's not an issue either.

However, I'd still have to deal with gender dysphoria and my absolutely crippled mental health. The future just seems bleak to me, even if I know that logically I shouldn't feel this way.
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Oct 14, 2023
I'm not rich but I'm financially comfortable and have been making good money for the past few years. In some ways things are better. However, that still didn't stop me from attempting to CTB last week and ending up in the psych ward for 10 days.
How did you attempt?
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Jan 18, 2021
I find it difficult because it would allow me to stop worrying about having to go through university/work and live in remote, calm places where there would not be so much stress from the city. As many have said and it also applies to me, I would still be depressed, but I would most likely not commit suicide.
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Scrap that, nothing matters at all after all
Jun 24, 2023
I think depends on how much, I don't think I personally need more money to live but if it is a significant amount I think I could find purpose in using it to do something impactful to help others in a sustainable way, I think that purpose would be really meaningful to me and could potentially keep me going for quite a while if not indefinitely, if I'm to be honest.

Money isn't why I need to ctb at all but I think a purpose and meaning would be really helpful to me in seeing a meaningful future.

This is the positive side talking however lol, ultimately I think I just can't live in this world here, I don't think I can ever feel safe again. I'm dying with my hope completely diminished and fear and pain completely engulfs me.
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