

Apr 2, 2023
probably not, I think the reason I am like this is because of mistakes I've made in the past that I can not live with. I spend most of my day just daydreaming about what things would be like if I had done them differently.
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Mar 20, 2023
It's the process of having to do everything right in life that makes me want to CTB.

It seems rather pointless to me and I honestly just want sit infront my computer all day, every day and forget that the world even exists in the first place.

So to awnser your question, if I had the will power to do what needs to be done to achieve what I want to and be successful and live a happy life, I would not want to CTB.
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I'm at peace... Finally.
Mar 16, 2023
Yeah. I'd probably have a little more fun, but ultimately, I don't feel like I'm a part of the human species. I'm not sad about that. I just feel alien and unnatural to this world. So, I'd still feel alone.
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Sep 11, 2021
I did everything right. Got the degree, the nice job, the car, and my family is great. Didn't change a damn thing.
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Aug 18, 2022
I did everything right. Got the degree, the nice job, the car, and my family is great. Didn't change a damn thing.
Why are you suicidal? Do you feel like life is pointless or are you like tired of everything?


Nov 5, 2022
I'm pretty sure I would still be suicidal considering that my mental health conditions affect my brain no matter the external circumstances. Meds and treatment don't work and exercise feels like putting a lot of effort into something that doesn't give much back in return. Sort of struggling to reconcile how I could ever stop my brain from creating psychological unpleasantness for no reason.
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suicidal anorexic
Apr 9, 2023
i have no reason to believe i have not done everything as right as i could and i still pretend to do the right thing every day but here i am regardless


Sep 11, 2021
Why are you suicidal? Do you feel like life is pointless or are you like tired of everything?
I think the main thing is just bipolar disorder or something similar. I've been able to substantially mitigate it and almost let myself believe recovery was possible by living an exceptionally healthy life, but it always comes back eventually. I definitely need some kind of purpose and I'm extremely tired and lonely, but I am hanging onto hope for those. It baffles me how I can live such a great life and still want to die. I already feel better now than when I made that post.
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Apr 19, 2022
No. I was done the minute I was born.


Feb 16, 2023
I had suicidal thoughts well before I fucked my life up, so probably not. I was suicidal when I earned 32 an hour and was repressing being trans.

Now I am actively transitioning, jobless because of it and afraid everyone hates me 24/7.

I've been wanting to CTB even when times were good.
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Dec 17, 2022
I would. The problem with me is even if I did everything right in life and listened to my mom, went to school and graduated, and got a job I would still have these tendencies. My destructive behavior ruined my life.

I don't like when people scream at me. I was traumatized from that to the point where I screamed in the shower arguing to flashbacks of those who yelled at me, thinking of scenarios of what I would do. People's aggression, my own abuse, and the understanding of how pointless life is lead me down this path. The only reason I don't commit suicide is I don't have the money to get a gun. I have SN but I don't have anywhere to take it except maybe outside or while my brother is sleeping and I don't want to take that chance.

Besides... yesterday I started watching testimonies on Hell and people meeting demons and others being possessed and now I'm afraid if I kill myself I'll go to hell. I don't want to go to hell.

I should have never wanted to make videogames. I should've listened to my mom and went to school and got a job in tech or something even though I don't care for it.
Tough question since making all the right decisions would definitely improve things, but the problem is I'd still have no control of who my relatives are or control other people's actions. People are despicable
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finding new ways to feel empty
Apr 1, 2023
experiences make a person. if i did everything "right" ... "I" wouldn't really exist... maybe this other person would be happier, though. or something like that...
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kmsing while caramelldansen plays
May 29, 2023
I don't know. The problem is, it seems like I've done everything right. I'm on my way to studying abroad, my parents are supporting me in leaving, I'm studying stuff in the university. I have loving friends, and I care about them too. I don't suffer daily, I am just blank and numb most of the time. So technically, I did everything right. But suicidal thoughts are still here, still with me in my daily life. Maybe I've done something wrong, but I don't feel like it. Probably, if everything had been different, I would have been even more suicidal.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
If I had done everything "right" in my life I would have the feeling that my life is worth to be lived and therefore I'd have a happy life with no suicidal thoughts.

However it was always clear to me that CTB is a potential option for me under certain circumstances. And because my life was alright until only a few years ago, I had no time and no reasons to spend thoughts on CTBing, unlike now.


Nov 6, 2022
This exercise is just a cruel reminder that we can't unmake those choices. For what it's worth, no, I probably wouldn't want to go through with this. My mental health is in some respect something I could live with. It's the consequences of my choices that I can't bear to see.
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It’s killing me
Jun 4, 2023
Maybe, but probably since my problem isnt really about the material things that I have or about the people that hate me/ i have disappointed, Life always has a way to fvck me up even if i am doing fine or if my decisions are the right ones, there is no perfect life, we always just try to seek motivations not to kill ourselves and try to enjoy a moment
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Jul 9, 2023
The short answer is yes.

The long answer is that, from my perspective, I believe I have made all the right decisions in my life. I find myself in a place that may not align with societal expectations, but it resonates with my personal desires. If given the opportunity to go back in time and redo each choice, I would still opt to make the same decisions, provided that I could retain the knowledge of each one. I see no alternative world in which I am not grappling with thoughts of suicide. I possess a deep understanding of myself, acknowledging that regardless of the circumstances, I would inevitably question aspects of existence and arrive at the same conclusions that shape who I am today.

I am suicidal primarily because I strive to see beyond the confines of the narrow bubble that proclaims, "Life revolves solely around family, job, and taxes." By doing so, I recognize the insignificance not only of myself but also of humanity as a whole, our civilization, and all life on Earth. Every action we take, every endeavor we pursue, ultimately seems futile. I find it tiresome to repeatedly hear the notion that having a family, a job, and paying taxes constitutes the utmost importance in life. This sentiment often originates from individuals who fail to grasp the profound reality that we inhabit a planet, orbiting a star, which, in turn, revolves around the center of a galaxy. Moreover, this galaxy itself is subject to the gravitational pull of a mysterious force known to scientists as "The Great Attractor." These contemplations encourage me to embrace a broader perspective and question the perceived significance of conventional societal expectations.

Irrespective of the choices I could have made, I consistently arrive at the same conclusion.
Perhaps my perspective would differ if society had a greater appetite for scientific knowledge and intellectual pursuits, prioritizing them over the pursuit of wealth and immediate gratification.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Nope. I'd be living the dream


Jun 14, 2018
No, I had never taken that prescription of benzos from the GP, I wouldn't be in this state today. It left me with permanent neurological damage that keeps bugging me even 5 years down from the original prescription.


Jul 10, 2023
Maybe, but probably since my problem isnt really about the material things that I have or about the people that hate me/ i have disappointed, Life always has a way to fvck me up even if i am doing fine or if my decisions are the right ones, there is no perfect life, we always just try to seek motivations not to kill ourselves and try to enjoy a moment
yes, i wouldn't be suicidal. My parents completely fucked up my mentality after pulling me out from school and abusing me daily. I dont even know what i did wrong tbh but they made me believe i am the most useless and incompetent person in this fucked up world. shit, i dont even think of myself as a person anymore because of their constant abuse, i see myself as a disgusting overweight suicidal pig
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Jul 7, 2023
I did everything right and I did my best, this is my only way to be and it's the best I'll ever be. I'm fine with that. It's other people who are fucking up my life. If I had never met them, if the world was kinder to me, or I was simply more ordinary, I could've been better.


Sep 16, 2020
No, I'd be dead.
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Sep 9, 2022
Yes. Well, at least in the hindsight of having died with dignity. Did everything right, graduated from a top University, had a great career.

But if there's one thing I can't live without it's love; and if the probability of finding that "one" is going to take another 15 years and 15,000 dates based on current cold, hard statistical evidence, then for as long as my enduring thirst for love is unquenchable then continued existence is untenable.

It's a non-negotiable. Not a question of if, but when. At some point, I'll tire off this hamster wheel. No earlier than 3 months, no later than 13 months. I've already signed my death warrant so consider me dead. I'm at rest with my fate, and made peace with my end

Even if I won the billion dollar Powerball Lotto, it would only be another roadblock protracting my CTB date by another year until I could set up a special trust fund with a board of fiduciaries from a diversity of fields for the most judicious disposition of the assets. And then an independent oversight audit committee. Ideally I'd prefer most of the money fund research grants in neuroscience / neuroimaging. Then when I'm back to zero - verdict's sealed, no appeals.
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Jun 15, 2023
Well it would be good If I fucked up something and I could blame myself for doing something wrong, at least I had control, I did nothing wrong and my body is slowly dying I am just like a empty shell, I am slowly turning to be ghost, all happiness is slowly taken away from me every little peace of pleasure is fading away from my life, if I could have control maybe it would be different but life decided that this option wont be gifted for me so If I had option to do everything right in life then HELL NO I Would still be suicidal.
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my happiest moment will be my death
Jul 28, 2023
This is difficult to answer as I don't know what could be considered as "wrong" throughout my life. Most of my issues regarding communication, grades, and all that other stuff were due to my depression. Still, even without studying or exercising, my grades did well and I was able to play the sport I liked fairly well. I don't know what I could possibly change to make everything "right". So yes, I believe I would still be suicidal if I were to do everything right and be very successful.


Waiting for my bus
Jul 12, 2023
I think I've done everything right in life as it is. As far as I'm concerned I believe I'm a good person who just got dealt a shitty hand. Trying to be there for others and putting them first didn't actually seem to serve me well in the end. Maybe if I didn't let people treat me like a doormat things could be better.


Scrap that, nothing matters at all after all
Jun 24, 2023
My reasons for ctb are mostly circumstantial, so if everything turned out right for me no I probably wouldn't want to ctb. But in terms of these circumstances they were not really within my control. I think I have largely stuck to my own values and principles throughout my life, i made all the sacrifices I could without complaint, I put my family's needs first. The major problem is that I was too optimistic, too trusting, and really trusted the wrong person and was betrayed at the worst possible time in the worst possible way. The abuse and circumstances has left me unable to trust my own ability to pick the right person or trust others again. I've been betrayed and maliciously abused by my loved one, that's why I want to ctb. If what I had done wrong was to pick the wrong person then yes if I had picked the right person I thjnk I wouldn't have ctbed. But I didn't know, they lied about many things and I was naive.

I guess the point is you could do everything right, but you don't have control over other people's actions and intentions, and those can happen to you because of the hand you were dealt in life or just unlucky in encountering and trusting shitty people.
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Sep 5, 2019
I wouldn't. I pushed my wife away with my behavior... BPD/anxious attachment lead behaviors that pushed her away. The worst part is she left before for a single day but came back. And I blew it.... I've been looking for therapists but it's so hard to find one that's in person and accepting new patients nowadays. Last week she gave up... She doesn't think I would ever change... There's so much I realize now, and so much I wish I had done differently, but it's too late... I had finally found a therapist shortly before she left, but didn't have an appointment yet... All I want is my wife back, and to tell her all the things I've realized as far as what I want out of life and for our future, and to demonstrate things... To be the husband I want to be... But it's too late...
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