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May 16, 2021
On a scale of 1-10 I need a new fucking scale 😎
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I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
Passing off as asexual to come to terms with being a total loser to find a platonic and emotional relationship like some say to incels doesn't work either. Even when somebody likes you for what you are, excluding looks, they still would never fall for you if you are deadbeat, without a job, education, savings or anything.

The fatter I get, which is a lot, the more I wonder why pray tell do they say the word overweight? Such an outdated word, like neoliberalism, or pager . Just isn't relevant. What is overweight in front of obese?

Even if my dream to be with somebody somehow happened, they wouldn't have their half of the bed, but their third of the bed.


One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
I'm good looking and its so cool! Lucky I guess
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Slowly Dying Inside
Jan 18, 2022
Yeah I am very pretty, however once people see my BPD in action they dont see me, only that.
Yeah. I worked as a model and a Hooter's waitress for about 3 years before my mental health spiraled to the point where I couldn't function properly anymore. So, here I am on SS :))
Pretty much my story.
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May 23, 2022
I know it's a weird question.

My other thread "How are you financially" showed fhat majority are under some form of financial stress.

So, do you consider yourself good looking. Do you get a lot of attention from the other sex? Do people notice you walking in the streets etc?

Personally, I would say im average. I get some attention, but no use when your mind is so destroyed...
"Do you get a lot of attention from the other sex?" rarely and if i do its probably out of pity


I just want to be completely forgotten
Feb 20, 2023
I used to be very good looking before my illness, I had alot of female attention, quite a few girlfriends, etc.

My illness has caused me to gain some weight and it shows on my face, unfortunately.
Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
Pretty. I get tons of attention and compliments. This hasn't saved me from unrequited love and the horrors of heartbreak and loneliness. At most, it serves as a mild consolation but not enough.


Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
I know it's a weird question.

My other thread "How are you financially" showed fhat majority are under some form of financial stress.

So, do you consider yourself good looking. Do you get a lot of attention from the other sex? Do people notice you walking in the streets etc?

Personally, I would say im average. I get some attention, but no use when your mind is so destroyed...
I think I'm slightly above average based on my own views of me and what feedback I've had from everyone I know and their ratings of me too. Not perfect by any means but good enough and that's good enough for me I guess.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
No. Not good looking at all. I don't even try anymore. 😆
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
I think a long walk off a ten storey building would definitely improve my looks.
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Feb 16, 2023
This might start off as seemingly narcissistic but bare with me;

I've been told my whole life by others that I was handsome and attractive, in school a couple girls asked me to the dances and stuff. Today, the women I work with that know I'm transitioning even comment that they would have dated me as a guy.

The unfortunate fact is that, even if I made peace with my looks and found myself to be as attractive as others say, it will never be how I feel. I might be an attractive guy, but fuck am I a very ugly woman.
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Detach my soul and separate my cells
Feb 19, 2023
Yes, however this often affects me negatively because of my personality disorder. My whole worth was once centered around how attractive i could make myself and how great of a person i could make myself appear to be to break the stereotypes of the mean egotistical attractive people... one self awareness journey later and here i am lol


Sep 13, 2022
I think so. Probably not massively, but certainly not bad. My main problems relationship-wise are social/mental issues.


Nitrogen Master Race
May 15, 2022
If I were good looking I wouldn't be on this forum. xd
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Dear god, dear god, twinkle twinkle hoy.
Feb 23, 2023
Objectively, yes, and by objectively I mean if you were to make a list with most conventionally attractive physical traits, I would cover more than 2/3 of it. That doesn't mean I personally find myself attractive. I find myself very unappealing, like my features are prettier by themselves than my whole body in total, and I think there are factors to attractiveness (personality, gestures) that I definitely do not have.
The fact that I have an ED doesn't help at all. I never know if I'm perceiving my body as it truly is, so I always end up thinking I'm hideous even though I know that, objetively, I'm probably the opposite.
I really hope this doesn't come out as self absorbed as it sounds in my mind.


Jul 29, 2022
Nah man, I'm ugly as fuck.
I can list 8 things that are undesirable about my face alone.


Here for a fun time not a long time
Feb 21, 2023
I think I'm pretty leaning more into cute.
Nothing breathtaking or show stopping.

Despite being aware of this I am quite happy with my looks overall.


Feb 4, 2023
Yes, I would say I'm pretty, but now since my issues I don't go out that much and don't really welcome much male attention. What's the point? I don't feel like me anyway.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
No, I wouldn't, but being ugly doesn't bother me all that much. It's probably a good thing anyway.


The Best Thing (That Never Happened)
Feb 6, 2023
I look average. I don't really try to look good.
rest in peace

rest in peace

Feb 23, 2023
I know it's a weird question.

My other thread "How are you financially" showed fhat majority are under some form of financial stress.

So, do you consider yourself good looking. Do you get a lot of attention from the other sex? Do people notice you walking in the streets etc?

Personally, I would say im average. I get some attention, but no use when your mind is so destroyed...
no. if i was good looking, i would be loved and cared for. i also would not have been bullied and abused to the degree i was


Feb 8, 2023
I was because I had muscles but not anymore.. now im fat, man boob, big head, receding hairline and more..
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Feb 23, 2023
I wouldn't say my face itself is particularly attractive, it's average or even slightly below average if anything, though my height could definitely be considered an attractive attribute at 6'3". While I've had women/men who have been attracted to me (I guess I would consider myself bi under the right circumstances), I haven't felt socially competent enough to pursue a relationship with anyone. I definitely don't conform to conventional male attractiveness/beauty and I isolate myself so much I'm not even sure I'd receive the same attention anymore especially given my newfound social handicaps. Honestly I'm dumbfounded that I've even encountered interested girls, given their higher standards, not that I encounter people much anymore since I'm isolating myself.
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Feb 25, 2023
No, I am ugly. If I was at least average looking I wouldnt kill myself


Life is like a hurricane, here in Duckburg
Feb 13, 2023
Always felt i was the worst looking person on earth, which like, statistically can't be true but still. I think im pretty ugly. Managed to get a partner who came onto me first and tells me all the time how attractive I am, but damn I cannot get myself to believe it
Its a weird answer.
I have a hard time getting a girl. Idk if I just come across wrong or something. But with girls it difficult. Girls who have no interest in dating me say im cute.
To get a guy, they love me. Go to gay bar, get drunk for free. I dont have to try.
My perception of myself though. I'd go with a yes.
Yeah, I'm queer and I've noticed how vastly different gay vs straight attraction to men is and how different lesbian vs straight attraction to men is. Wild. I consider myself a "lesbian" because I like women but Im not a man exactly, and even some straight dude will talk about a woman like she's the fucking hottest person on Earth and I'll b like "meh" and then see an average looking girl but with a hot fashion sense and be incredibly attracted to her. Shit's kinda interesting to me
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Apr 19, 2022
Not really, no. I have never been actively pursued by women. I somehow got lucky with a fluke relationship back in 2014, but it's been all downhill ever since it ended. I lost close to 100 lbs in a year back in 2019 in an attempt to attract a relationship, but that did not work. Either because anyone could sense my social awkwardness, or my looks didn't appeal to anyone. Not that it really matters, though. I wouldn't think of myself as attractive no matter what standard I reached in the eyes of women. I just don't think of the male sex as being attractive, but it's probably my pro female bias talking.

I wish I was an attractive woman, though. Heck, I'd settle for being an average looking or below average one *sigh*

(Do note that I am gender dysphoric AMAB and wish I was born the opposite sex)
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