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Jul 14, 2020
I know it's a weird question.

My other thread "How are you financially" showed fhat majority are under some form of financial stress.

So, do you consider yourself good looking. Do you get a lot of attention from the other sex? Do people notice you walking in the streets etc?

Personally, I would say im average. I get some attention, but no use when your mind is so destroyed...
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
how i personally feel about myself? depends on my mood that day. however im surprised the males in my city are still alive. i f*cking hate the way they look at me. id wouldnt mind being treated like a damn human. (sorry males are a touchy subject with me. as long as you treat me with respect though we're cool. its just.....the other kind of males i dont like)
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Die in my sleep
May 5, 2019
It's a bit complicated for me, I am planning on starting my MTF transition sometime in the future, I don't really think that I'm a good looking fellow but a lot of my friends do, I rarely believe to other people's opinions about me, but I mean, they probably not lying and all that crap so I just take the compliment.

Until the transition, full on dysphoria since a young age, even before I knew what genders and all those topics were.

So from, 6yr until this very moment, I think I look the opposite of how I imagine my looks, I'd say that I hate every part of my body.
The clothing I have to wear.
Just everything body related.

When I had manic episodes in the past I would be super super SUPER hyped about my looks, but hey, that's the illusion of a manic episode lol.

I'm growing my hair long right now and going at one point to get it straightened, maybe it will help with my viewing of myself.

I can say that after I did a beard shave not long ago(after having a beard for more than 4 years) I feel a lot better about my looks, but not strongly enough to accept myself just yet.

Only gotta hope for the best.
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Deep breath, stand back, it's time.
Aug 19, 2020
No. I have always been the ugly one in the group, either I don't get attention from guys at all, or the guys giving me attention are total creeps who have no other choice.

Some normal guys see me as an easy target for casual sex, even though they are not really attracted to me.
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Maybe there is a hope!
Aug 14, 2020
I'm below average looking and have a mental illness. I live in a small town and people usually completely ignore me or sometimes somebody calls me 'crazy' directly on the street. My life is a Hell.
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BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
In a nutshell; no. Not by any stretch of the imagination. I have wonky teeth, I'm short, fat, bad hair, the list can go on. I've always felt like the ugly friend.
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Oct 10, 2019
I was attractive in my younger days but not now.
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Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
I'm ugly af, even worse now my psych meds have made me put a massive amount of weight on. I really dunno how I've had so many relationships. I guess my looks are the reason my bf thinks he can get away wiv disrespecting me, cuz he knows no one will want me.
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Feb 14, 2019
I don't consider myself attractive at all. I hate myself and have the worst self esteem. By society standards apparently I'm "pretty" or attractive but it got me no where except used and abused. I don't consider myself attractive but whatever attractiveness others saw in me only got me negative attention from abusive narcissistic guys. I hate the stupid cat calls and lewd comments from strangers and former co-workers I have gone well out of my way to make sure I hide myself and try to not accidentally appear pretty.
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Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
hahahaha nope
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I'ma jump ship now before I sink slow
Aug 8, 2020
When I compare myself to other women my age on something like tinder, I'm more attractive than the overwhelming majority of them. compare me to the 20 year olds, it's another story. I'm going to say 7.5/10.
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Feb 8, 2019
Honestly, I do not put a lot of though into it. Nor do i feel i've ever had someone to give an objective opinion. I'm on the lower end of the scale for sure. I"m slightly overweight, but other than that I wouldn't even really know how to judge my own looks. Except to say nobody is reaching out to me, but as a guy no girls are really paying any of us attention unless your a 9 or 10 anyway.

Guys have to make more of an effort, and even then women have the option of being way pickier in most cases, because most guys really are not. I can find attractive physical qualities in most women, even those on the lower end of the "scale" so to speak.

But it's a moot point. I don't know how to engage with people in front of me, forget trying random hookup dating sites primarily geared toward exactly looks
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I'ma jump ship now before I sink slow
Aug 8, 2020
Except to say nobody is reaching out to me, but as a guy no girls are really paying any of us attention unless your a 9 or 10 anyway.
This is interesting. I never dated guys that were more attractive than me. I'd be afraid they'd always be looking to "upgrade".
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Feb 8, 2019
This is interesting. I never dated guys that were more attractive than me. I'd be afraid they'd always be looking to "upgrade".

I'm sure that is true for some to be honest. However, after your sort of honeymoon phase if they are looking for an upgrade, it's probably more than looks anyway. Even compatible people, may not be willing to put in the work when it's easier to find a new honeymoon.

My point really was though, most women, will get some kind of attention especially if they put themselves out there (say dating apps) a guy who is not inherently above average is basically invisible.

Sure, you could say it's just me but I feel there's enough of the same sentiment from others (and even studies) that say i'm right.
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I'ma jump ship now before I sink slow
Aug 8, 2020
I'm sure that is true for some to be honest. However, after your sort of honeymoon phase if they are looking for an upgrade, it's probably more than looks anyway. Even compatible people, may not be willing to put in the work when it's easier to find a new honeymoon.

My point really was though, most women, will get some kind of attention especially if they put themselves out there (say dating apps) a guy who is not inherently above average is basically invisible.

Sure, you could say it's just me but I feel there's enough of the same sentiment from others (and even studies) that say i'm right.
I agree with you. Guys are not as picky so most girls will get a fair amount of attention. Also, from my experience on dating apps, the guys are overly confident.
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Aug 15, 2020
I think there's alot of people out there far worse off than myself... I'm very good at striking up conversations with strangers, and I am decently confident. I get along with lots of people. No clue if I get noticed.
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Feb 8, 2019
I agree with you. Guys are not as picky so most girls will get a fair amount of attention. Also, from my experience on dating apps, the guys are overly confident.

If i had to guess i'd say it's because if your on a dating in this day and age as a guy (especially something like tinder) you are overly confident because i'd imagine that's awful for most mens self esteem
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Alcohol is my medication
Jul 4, 2020
One man's trash is another man's treasure.

This is so subjective and of course most wont find themselves attractive.

You're right this is a weird question.
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Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
Yes, definitely above average, I've always had "those looks" and approaches from both sexes, but have enjoyed it only in my early twenties.
Later I became indifferent to all that, for some time even enjoyed turning down women, as I became disgusted by other guys' desperate attempts to get some puss*, I never could understand or accept their loss of human dignity in such acts of desperation.

When I found out I have HIV, I stopped altogether looking at other people, had a long-term relationship with a woman who already had a child.

I am 45 now, look like 35, feel like 25, and I still get (unwanted) attention but never respond, even to the top girls, since I cannot have any meaningful relationship due to my physical and mental states. Became almost asexual. But back in the days I had enough for 3 lifetimes (and paid the price for it).
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May 5, 2019
Nope. I am hideous. I look like a monster.
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Got my ticket
Aug 18, 2020
I don't even know. This is a very subjective question.
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In time you will find peace...
Aug 9, 2020
I don't consider myself ugly -no, I don't consider myself unattractive - no. Now my question: would I be attractive if I hanged myself? would I be considered ugly hanging from a ceiling?
what kind of question is this? I don't mind you expressing your opinion or asking questions - don't get me wrong. It's a suicide "club" - who the fuck cares how a dead people look.
Take a break my friend (with all the politness possible -honestly).
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May 11, 2020
I used to be but at 45 I'm a long way over the hill now
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lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
i'd say i'm average, but beauty is subjective anyway.
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leave a beautiful corpse
Aug 20, 2020
Its a weird answer.
I have a hard time getting a girl. Idk if I just come across wrong or something. But with girls it difficult. Girls who have no interest in dating me say im cute.
To get a guy, they love me. Go to gay bar, get drunk for free. I dont have to try.
My perception of myself though. I'd go with a yes.
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Nov 27, 2018
Kind of but my personality is shit and I'm socially awkward with no confidence
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Aug 12, 2020
I think people can sometimes come around learning to like my personality...

But hell I've never gotten laid so.
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Oct 27, 2018
I guess so. Girls used to tell me I reminded them of Marlon Brando.
Personally, I see more of Alexander the Great in me.
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Mar 31, 2020
Yeah. I worked as a model and a Hooter's waitress for about 3 years before my mental health spiraled to the point where I couldn't function properly anymore. So, here I am on SS :))
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Jun 30, 2020
Absolutely not. I look like hot garbage on a good day.
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