I really hate the "you're an adult now, you can do anything you want", as if I was just born yesterday or something, or as if I came out of my childhood completely fresh and ready. I don't know maybe it's just coming from young people and they just don't get it yet, but your childhood leaves lasting scars on you. I'm in my 30's now and I can't stop having vivid dreams about my childhood, and my sister is 36 and she only began to realize her abuse within the last 10 years, and it's ruined her forever, I don't think she can ever recover, she was sexually abused when she was 5 years old and never told anyone about it until she was 16, and my parents were shit parents (not as bad as some of the parents in this thread though except they did beat up my older sister) but still shitty and not fit for having multiple kids, should have only had 1 because my parents could only focus on 1 at a time. But my parents basically learned from their mistakes with the first 2, and succeeded on the third try. They divorced a long time ago but my dad still always made sure to make time for us (mostly my younger sister) even though he was totally bipolar and a crack head psycho.
Surprise surprise only 1 of my siblings turned out successful and it was obviously the youngest because my parents - mostly my mom gave all their energy to her...I mean she's kind of a spoiled entitled brat though but still was a straight A student and just graduated university and got a great job recently. I foolishly thought my younger sister was a great person until I got to know her more (we lived together all our life but I never talked to her besides hi/bye/congrats etc type of stuff, we're 11 years apart and I was entering dreadful teen years when she was a child). But recently now she's an adult and is allowed to know what's really going on and we have had discussions, and I just really don't like her at all. I hate how she treats and views animals like obedient slaves that only exist to please her, and how she thinks you can just always be flippant and careless about everything (she's still too young and hasn't made major mistakes yet so I'll give her a pass on that), and how she invalidates me and every other person who has severe mental illnesses, she thinks the whole "well you're an adult now, you should just get over it", and "you can't use your mental problems as an excuse, you have to just be normal, you should just control it" bullshit, even to issues like autism and ADHD, all traits which I have, it's so frustrating to hear that I should just "learn to control your anxiety attack", like I can just shut it off like a switch, like I can stop my heart from beating my blood pressure rising, or somehow ignore my learning disabilities and "just do it", I've only NOW figured out I have all of these other things, when I was younger I didn't know because I never got diagnosed with anything because no one cared about my mental health when I was a young child, it wasn't until I attempted suicide at 14 that my mom tried to get me to talk to doctors and stuff. She's very lucky she didn't inherit the mental illnesses and get the horrible parenting and abuse and she had an awesome life and no responsibilities, never had to do chores and housework, was given so many opportunities and was never compared to, yelled at, hit, shamed and forced to do anything. Was shielded from everything and was given so much love and affection. Honestly I'm so disgusted with her I just hope she suffers in her future, I hope something bad happens to her, I hope she breaks down and her mental illness gene kicks in when she's older and has everything to lose. She's such a horrible person, but I won't say anything to anyone about it. I will just wait and see if she changes her mind as she gets older, she's only 22, but I doubt it, she's just like my mom and my mom's 60 and still acts that way. Oops sorry for my off topic rant... I will go away now...