You're far more likely to have a range of painful side effects from excess dopamine, including seizures and potential brain damage. Seizures are usually only lethal if they also induce cardiac responses (e.g., seizure-induced stroke) in people already vulnerable due to cardiovascular disease.
Otherwise you will probably just mash up your head & injure your body painfully from tonic clonic jerks. Likewise, prior to the seizure you will vomit, have cold/hot flashes, considerable vertigo & dizziness, severe headaches, potential hallucinations, abdominal and potential nerve pain, anxiety/panic from over-activation of the sympathetic nervous system, tremors leading into convulsive shakes, profuse sweating, cardiac arrhythmia and tachycardia, and more.
Drug-induced poisonings (with the exception of SN, N, or a few others) are about
1.5% successful and this is an aggregate statistic that includes more reliable drugs, so the specific lethality for wellbutrin is probably significantly lower than this.
You're highly unlikely to die, highly likely to be in severe pain, and highly likely to injure yourself permanently. I don't recommend this method.