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Nov 20, 2019
In theory if someone were to OD on tylenol/paracetomal to achieve liver failure, then go to the hospital two or three days later after taking the pills, would they qualify for doctor assisted suicide? I know in Canada there is a waiting period but that can be waved in some cases (think this would be one with how fast it happens considering the time frame to wait is normally 10 days), it would be terminal/debilitating so it covers those bases, and would irreversible at that point (seen it can be fixed with-in 24-48 hours). It wouldn't be the nicest for a couple days but wouldn't it game the system in a way that you get to go out peacefully (to an extent) and with pain medications due to the pain of organ failure? This is just out of sheer curiousity and thoughts about how accessibly tylenol is but is only really applicable to our Canadian users because of it requires being a citizen eligible for healthcare and being 18 but should be as easy as requesting it? (Can get a bottle of 30 tylenol 1's with a little codeine just to mixed in to make it a bit more fun for less than $20 or a bottle of 500mg tabs for less than $30) Thanks in advance sorry if I used the wrong tag.

Legal: I am not advising doing anything to harm yourself just purely hypothetical and wondering what would happen
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
In theory if someone were to OD on tylenol/paracetomal to achieve liver failure, then go to the hospital two or three days later after taking the pills, would they qualify for doctor assisted suicide? I know in Canada there is a waiting period but that can be waved in some cases (think this would be one with how fast it happens considering the time frame to wait is normally 10 days), it would be terminal/debilitating so it covers those bases, and would irreversible at that point (seen it can be fixed with-in 24-48 hours). It wouldn't be the nicest for a couple days but wouldn't it game the system in a way that you get to go out peacefully (to an extent) and with pain medications due to the pain of organ failure? This is just out of sheer curiousity and thoughts about how accessibly tylenol is but is only really applicable to our Canadian users because of it requires being a citizen eligible for healthcare and being 18 but should be as easy as requesting it? (Can get a bottle of 30 tylenol 1's with a little codeine just to mixed in to make it a bit more fun for less than $20 or a bottle of 500mg tabs for less than $30) Thanks in advance sorry if I used the wrong tag.

Legal: I am not advising doing anything to harm yourself just purely hypothetical and wondering what would happen
No, they would just keep you as comfortable as possible until your liver shuts down. That's what they do with alcoholics. They wouldn't kill you. They wouldn't kill anyone.
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Oct 12, 2019
to be honest assysted death even yf was legal here, l wont go fo yt, hate the ydea my fynal moments be yn a hospytal and doctors be yn charge of my fayth, l want to be the boss of my fayth at least once yn my lyfe, that beyng sayd yf l got my hands on somethyng that ys garantee to work, even yf there ys payn ynvolved


Nov 20, 2019
No, they would just keep you as comfortable as possible until your liver shuts down. That's what they do with alcoholics. They wouldn't kill you. They wouldn't kill anyone.

I'm sorry I don't seem to understand what you mean they won't kill anyone, it's the purpose of bill C-14 and doctor assisted suicide? As long as death is forseeable and there is a condition that causes a steady rate of decline it should qualify even if it's an alcoholic's in liver failure and the person requests it.

I've attached a link just so people can see the specifics that I've been using in the brief research I did on this.

Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
I'm sorry I don't seem to understand what you mean they won't kill anyone, it's the purpose of bill C-14 and doctor assisted suicide? As long as death is forseeable and there is a condition that causes a steady rate of decline it should qualify even if it's an alcoholic's in liver failure and the person requests it.

I've attached a link just so people can see the specifics that I've been using in the brief research I did on this.

Well they didn't kill my father or ask him if he wanted them to do it. I live in America and they just don't do that here.


Nov 20, 2019
I'm sorry to hear about your father, it would be a bad way to lose someone. Doctors aren't supposed/allowed to ask, for liabilty reasons patients have to make the request, no recommendation for it may come from doctors at least from my research. America is a completely different ball game though, which is why I wanted to specify Canada in the post. If anyone has knowledge on the Canadian laws it would be much appreciated!
Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
I'm sorry to hear about your father, it would be a bad way to lose someone. Doctors aren't supposed/allowed to ask, for liabilty reasons patients have to make the request, no recommendation for it may come from doctors at least from my research. America is a completely different ball game though, which is why I wanted to specify Canada in the post. If anyone has knowledge on the Canadian laws it would be much appreciated!
Yeah I should have realized you were just talking about Canada. Wow I would love it if that were possible. But doctors are not allowed to do that in America. In a few states they will do it but you have to have six months or less to live. And you have to move to that state. Find a home. Find a doctor. What a pain in the ass huh?


Oct 19, 2019
I tried taking Paracetamol to kill myself and I wouldn't recomend it. There are different Ressources stating how much you need to succeed and they list fifferent doses. I took 10 gramm Paracetamol with a weight of 75 kg and survived without medial Intervention althiugh I read that I would either die or damage my liver to the point where I would need a New liver. It is also very painful and of you life with someoone they will find out very quickly that something isn't okay.
I don't know about the legalities in canada, but here in germany I was told you would end up in the intensive care unit and on the transplant list. Also, as far as I know, family members can donate Part of their liver. They won't let you die that easy.


Nov 20, 2019
Definitely would be a pain just to get a means to an end. I am not even sure if it would be possible here but I am wildly curious because if it is that simple I would be more than willing to go get a bottle of Tylenol right now and have a few drinks. Less than 30 pills and it does the job then just have to kick back for a couple days then go to an hospital ER once you start feeling symptoms, tell them you were drinking one night had a headache and woke up next to the empty bottle so it doen't seem intentional. The only option left would be a liver transplant (provided enough damage is done) and you can turn that down to not take organs from those more deserving or that you can't for personal reasons, meaning natural death which would qualify.
I tried taking Paracetamol to kill myself and I wouldn't recomend it. There are different Ressources stating how much you need to succeed and they list fifferent doses. I took 10 gramm Paracetamol with a weight of 75 kg and survived without medial Intervention althiugh I read that I would either die or damage my liver to the point where I would need a New liver. It is also very painful and of you life with someoone they will find out very quickly that something isn't okay.
I don't know about the legalities in canada, but here in germany I was told you would end up in the intensive care unit and on the transplant list. Also, as far as I know, family members can donate Part of their liver. They won't let you die that easy.
I'd definitely recommend checking out the link in my earlier post just because it has lots of useful info about Canada's system for physician suicide. Even if 10gm's isn't enough, if using the T1's (300mg acetaminophen) 30 tabs could just get two bottles (or extra strength woth 500mg for up to 40 pills for 20g's) and that there is 18g's should be more than enough there to do it. As for family, they can't donate if they aren't in your life or know. Sorry I'm not trying to argue with people or be the person whose gotta be right I just see these problems with it people are listing that can be worked with if that makes sense.
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Nov 20, 2019
Feel like if this could be worked out to have the assisted suicide it wouldn't be terrible since it would case acute liver failure. Acute takes 8-28 days to kill you (compared to hyperacute which is 1-8 days), so symptoms or the severe ones should take a few days and by then you should have gotten meds to help deal with them and be in the process of setting up or receiving the assisted suicide.


Nov 20, 2019
Just want to give this a bump, since more people are online
to be honest assysted death even yf was legal here, l wont go fo yt, hate the ydea my fynal moments be yn a hospytal and doctors be yn charge of my fayth, l want to be the boss of my fayth at least once yn my lyfe, that beyng sayd yf l got my hands on somethyng that ys garantee to work, even yf there ys payn ynvolved
Just to address this too as I missed it, you can elect to die at home if you want. You have the choice to have the medication provided either in pills to be taking in your location of choosing or to have it administered intravenously at a hospital. Your choice entirely
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Nov 20, 2019
Looking further into acetaminophen OD's and they are very unpredictable especially in regards to dosage, the time frame as well as the pain experienced. I would imagine 15-20 grams (30-40 extra strength tablets would be enough to start the process but if you were to combine it with Meto, drink before hand and even take a sleep aid to help get through the first day. After that it is just waiting to go to the emergency room to get a diagnosis and be told if it worked in shutting down your liver. If it did you should qualify because it hits all criteria, if it didn't you're going to be in mass pain for a while and possibly have perminant damage, which as I understand it will also qualify you to die (laws say it doen't have to be terminal but there must be a foreseeable death, and great physical or mental pain on top of the basic requirements. If I am wrong I would really like to know because it could just be a stupid idea, although if it would work then it seems more dignifying to die that way as it isn't a blantant suicide, just a "drunken fatal mistake" one night that and you don't want to live for the painful death. No one needs to know the truth about how it came about, save them some heart arch