

L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
They'll be quite hurt as it is.
What purpose would a hateful suicide note serve?
I kept thinking about this after I posted earlier. I don't think any good would come from actually giving a note like that to someone. If they're awful enough to deserve it, they'd probably use it to justify their actions and slander you after you're gone and can't defend yourself.

But I think it could be a great thing to write. It could be cathartic and help you feel better. Get the feelings out of your head and kind of make them real. Even if you never gave it to the person, just writing it down might help you be at peace.
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Nov 21, 2020
Your mother will wear your suicide like a cloak. She will farm sympathy and asspats from your pain and outrage. A revolting thought. My mother will never experience another positive moment due to me. That's a promise.

The answer is revenge, but that's a very controversial topic, and there are circumstances where revenge is literally impossible, because the perpetrator has their head jammed so firmly up their own ass they cannot be made to feel what they made you feel.

As someone who burns with hate for their mother, i get it. But at the same time, I'm not sure the best way to proceed. You'll be giving her everything, and allowing her to "win". That's the worst thing i can imagine.
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Nov 14, 2020
When I'm gone, I'll be gone. Revenge won't matter because I won't exist. I'll be at peace, so the way I approach this topic is differently then some others. The people who hurt me and despised me are a non-factor. They can live the rest of their lives however they want - they will no longer be my concern. Instead I'd like to focus on the people who loved me. They will hurt, they will have no real resolution. I'd like to put their minds at ease, even if it's just a little bit. I don't want to depart from this world because I couldn't take the pain and then offload that pain on to others. It's a vicious cycle and it's unfair, so If I felt like I had any power to lessen the impact my death had on the people I left behind I'd do it every time.
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:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
Oh how i wanted to do that, my dad is plain trash afterall. Although i've grown tired of gathering my thoughts of him.

I feel like its better not to leave a note. With a letter, they can rationalize your motives and twist my words to their will. "Like my depression is just clouding my thoughts" or "Mindfog has just gone insane".

They dont get an explanation from me anymore. I"ve decided not to think about how they've wronged me. They'll know it anyways. I'll let them bear the guilt for once.

It's just painful how the people who i love will be affected too. Maybe i'll call them before i ctb.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Likely not. But I will leave hateful nonetheless.
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Feb 10, 2020
I wrote separate (loving) notes to my mom and dad, but I won't be writing one to my brother. I considered sending him a delayed email telling him to go fuck himself, for all the verbal and emotional abuse he put me through. I decided not to stoop to his level. I'll say nothing, and maybe he'll care, maybe he won't. I honestly don't know.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I have put some consideration into what I would write. I would not go after anybody personally but I would state the way I feel about the the delusion of mans self importance on this rotting, burning, jungle of a planet. I would focus on the futility of our efforts to "immortalize" ourselves and point out the fact that nearly every decision that could be made is egoic at its core and it is best we just keel over and die out. We are not serving any important function here and it is all vanity. Somebody could interpret it as misanthropic but it's simply the truth. We all suffer in vain the more we keep breeding. I hope you find the path of least resistance on your way out.
I think notes can sometimes be used against us once we die, just another thing to psychoanalyze. They could take anything we say and use it as proof of our supposed insanity. I would rather leave absolutely no trace of my existence behind than have it be twisted by these fuckers..or worse, displayed for the public in some manner. There is no respect of the dead anymore, the living make it all about them...I don't need to help them out with a note. The closest thing I will leave behind are instructions on post-mortem steps to take, or not take.
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"Please, finish my story."
Nov 25, 2020
I know it gives some people peace to leave hateful notes, but it's not worth it, in my opinion. Especially if you hate the person mentioned and there's a possibility it could give them satisfaction knowing they had such control over your life. Go out on your own terms, and forget those you want to leave behind. Say goodbye to the people you cherish, not the ones you live in spite of.
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Sep 18, 2020
I recorded a video recently, and after all of the lovely things I've left for people explained in a calm voice that I would never forgive people for various reasons, listed their names and explained why.
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Waiting for my bus.
Oct 27, 2019
Yes. For some of my family.
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Sep 30, 2020
I think my head painted on the wall is already a big enough 'fuck you'.
I'll probably try to clear my reasons up in a document or something so they don't die with so many questions.
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Nov 26, 2020
No, I did write a note but it isn't necessary anymore.
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Beautiful moon, take me away.
Sep 23, 2020
Never. I would want to make it absolutely clear that my suicide is my own decision, and that no one drove me to that state.
If I left hatred, it could be construed as blaming the person I am being hateful for, and thus taking agency out of my choice to end my life.
I want the choice to be mine.
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Moon Flower

I'll soon be sleeping sound
Oct 14, 2019
I think my note is mostly gonna focus on trying to comfort my s/o. I think it's important that the last impact you leave on the world is made to count, whatever that may mean for you personally. I still have my mom's note almost a decade later, so be prepared for your final words to be carried with someone long after you're gone.
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I did it for me.
Mar 26, 2020
i would leave a detailed note to give maximum closure my close friends whom i love.

my family is a contributor to my pain so at best they would get an explanation of what they've done wrong followed by "hope you're happy with the result."
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Jul 19, 2020
I've written an open suicide letter, which is not hateful - just somewhat explanatory. I've also written personal letters to a dozen people extremely important to me. I won't lie - two of those letters are hateful. Extremely. When I read them, they don't sound like me. They sound like every moment of anger that I've ever experienced in my life coagulated into one giant word vomit of aggression. I don't know if I'll send those two letters. I want to, though. Everyday, I want to send those letters. As of now, I plan to send them on the day I die. But who knows, maybe I'll have a change of heart?
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Nov 11, 2020
To my parents yes I will.
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Sep 16, 2020
Man it's such a coincidence I cross your thread at this very afternoon just twenty minutes ago I was thinking of rewriting my notes as always since I hate to cause others sadness but was thinking my notes aren't honest, they're fake to try and please my parents. And maybe in death it's time they accepted some home truths at the end that they wouldn't accept when this path started.

I'm of mixed thoughts whether to even bother leaving letters now as I don't want to be overly unkind or if I'm incorrect and they do in fact have consciences I don't want to upset them. But they don't deserve just the praise and me blaming myself like I always did as a kid when they never took responsibility for their mistakes and were emotionally manipulative.

I identify with you alot.

I just wonder if it's even worth it since the end of the day the only reason they would have wished me well so was that they could claim it was their 'great parenting' and any empathy they show now is because they want someone to care for them when they get old or incase I turned things around and had a family or something they'd want to be a part of.
I feel like a stroppy teenager writing this... At the end of the day we're all victims of mental corruption by the elite and love doesn't exist only self interest and as far as people go they aren't 'bad', just ignorant, which caused me a lot of suffering.
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Currently Spiraling
Sep 26, 2020
I'm just going to neutrally outline what I want done after my death. A hateful note will either be super cruel or super cringe-worthy and I'm not interested in doing either.
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time for ctb
Nov 14, 2020
Not this time. No one will care anyway. Everyone will be better off with me dead anyway. But if I was to I would be honest with everyone (nice or nasty).
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Heart Shards

The shards of my broken heart cut deep.
Feb 3, 2019
No. Besides people on SS, no one gives a shit about me.
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New Member
Nov 28, 2020
Don't think I'd leave a hateful one even if they do deserve it.
The best thing you can do if you want to keep them questioning their life after you pass is to not mention them in your note. Bring closure to the ones you love, but deny closure to the ones you hate.
So very true.
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May 13, 2020
I've thought about writing individual notes for a few people who deliberately put me through hell. But honestly, I don't think I have the energy to be angry anymore. I don't know if I even have the energy to write a note.

Nobody ever listened all of that time that I tried to get them to understand, so why would they listen once I'm gone? If they did, that might actually be worse. No matter what I've done to try to express myself while alive, nobody gives a fuck, everyone just tries to shut me up. Then suddenly once I'm gone, everyone tries to understand? No, fuck that.
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Mar 17, 2018
As much as I kinda want to, I don't really have the energy, and with the people I'm angry at, I know they won't care. But in a way, my posts here are in a way parts of one big suicide note.
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Nov 25, 2020
For me, personally, no. I am severely depressed about how my health is now permanently damaged, but I spent many years living a good life beforehand so I have a lot to be thankful for. Plus I love my family and friends too much to write a completely miserable and hateful note.

If/when my symptoms get unbearable, or if my depression becomes too much, I will do what I have to do. But I will remember the good times, and I'll make sure I let the people I care about know how much I cherished them.
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Nov 11, 2020
I may have the motivation to write a hate letter, but I will likely just try to let that anger go. Actually, I think writing a hate letter is easier than writing a letter to those you love and care for saying goodbye.
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Jul 1, 2020
Anyone who treated me badly wouldn't even remember who I am, or would consider justified in it for whatever reasons they used to justify doing it in the first place. I'm the common denominator, and it's ultimately my fault for whatever shit I dealt with. Even if it's just that I'm an easy target, or I'm lesser than others in whatever subjective judgement they made/continue to make, that's a me problem.
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Nov 29, 2020
I definitely won't sugar-coat my words or my true feelings in my last ever written statement. Some people (some relatives) just deserve to be told how you felt all those years suffering from their bullshit abuse!

I do have some distant friends I also liked (at some point, nowadays they've become more and more estranged) and I try to explain my intentions as best as I can to them. I also try and write down my favorite memories with them ...for them to remember.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
The best thing you can do if you want to keep them questioning their life after you pass is to not mention them in your note. Bring closure to the ones you love, but deny closure to the ones you hate.

I agree with this. If I do write a note, I will conspicuously leave out the family members who have caused me the most suffering in my life, while taking care to mention 1-2 people who actually care about me. I don't want them to believe they were even a passing thought in my mind, and that I discarded them as easily as they discarded me.
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Jul 22, 2020
Not hateful, but I would list the reasons and I guess that would make one person in particular feel guilty.
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