I'm not sure if anyone answered.
Finally, owning SN is completely legal, whereas I'm not too sure about owning a stockpile of amitriptyline, even if you were prescribed it at some point.
Are there laws that constraint someone to consume or dump prescribed medication ? when not hospitalised against the will for the motive to be dangerous to others or yourself ? Wouldn't it go against fundamental rights of self-determination, self-preservation and property of one's health ?
Are there laws that judge you as a trafficking dealer if prescribed meds are stockpiled ?
I'd like to check upon this hypothesis (seriously curious)
In practice, minors accumulating bottles to decorate a mini-bar at home don't get to worry to be hunted after purchase.
I'm guessing that gun collectors, despite lawful acquisitions, must respect quotas to not transform into a threatening army depot ?
Note : for those planning to take ami cocktail, read not only pph, but also Guide to Human Self Chosen Death by Admiraal. Wiki suicide on ami also good. Lastly, yesterday, I just downloaded and read Five Last Acts by Chris Docker (800 pages!) 2015 edition, it contains lots of information on ami cocktail titled Tricyclic Legacy. Very good info ! All of these available in sticky thread "resources" in this forum board :)
Indeed, there's confidence to be gained by reading other ressources than the PPH, and discussion boards.
I believe the provocative assertion to keep the conversation going is that Amitriptyline can be more peaceful than SN if undertook in the right conditions, which are more demanding.
The transition to unconsciousness can be free of unpleasant sensations, unlike SN, then if Ami is supplemented with the right combo, you supposedly never wake up, with no more symptoms. But the whole thing requires careful preparation and likely attentive sourcing, since most drugs of the cocktail will be acquired illegally often, so there is more unknown on their realistic quality (nature & potency) when they are acquired from an Indian internet pharma and/or the dark web.
Getting rescued is the first and foremost issue. On this ground, it is more suited for someone who'd live alone without much social contact to check on him/her.
For what it's worth, the PPH ratings, in april 2020 are : reliability 7 vs 8-9 (8 in the global RPA chapter, 9 in the Ami chapter), peacefulness 7* (with some uncertainty) vs 7
Personally, I'd be tempted tp edit these ratings, because SN has proved very reliable (from reports, plus due to easy legal quality sourcing & the fact only 1 fatal component is central) while acting in a chrono short time
On the other hand, Ami has the possibility (not certitude, but closely guaranteed if well prepared) to be entirely peaceful (when SN's side effects are certainly more nuanced most of the time). Successful self-deliverances with Ami are few to be confirmed from a lack of records and meanwhile it's possible to find many times a good proportion of users who survived it, but most always, after having not followed all the recommendations completely.
There is incertitude with Ami (hence why I'd personally rate it less reliable). The only shortcoming I spotted is about possible sequels (lasting, more or less fading) for those who were very close to have it right, but forgot either a key element, or underestimated a mix of details (on the low side of a massive dose, plus just not enough time undiscovered, plus some improvisation over satellite drugs)
The main difference is that SN is readily fatal at low doses (lower than the communicated recommendations), is a danger multiple times at any size of available packaging, so it's hard to fuck up even if the preparation is skipped or messed up and the scene not neglected ...opposed to Ami which is easy to survive if you have not prepared extensively (access of very large quantities, research & choice of the supplements) or forget about the set & setting which is primordial.
Consequently, SN can fit with impulsive intents the bulldozer way, while Ami absolutely not, its course is tied to one's involvement.
Arguably, the match point can turn in the favour of Ami if trading a worse taste against a lack of symptoms leads to a more lush end, and the rest be arranged. It's just not directed at anyone that cannot get its facts straight, is not considerate and meticulous. Otherwise, it seems to me that it remains unpopular due to an unmotivated aversion. It likely won't be fashionable again unless legal options (SN & ReBreather) fade following (incertain) market restrictions.