Chupacabra 44
If boredom were a CTB method, I would be long gone
- Sep 13, 2020
- 710
I was watching that thread for most of its run and even left a pretty insensitive comment that I'm glad is gone now. Sorry if you had the misfortune of spotting it... My mind always wants to play devil's advocate it seems.
I will say that I have this nasty tendency of gradually sympathizing with people who I see are getting dog piled on if I can relate to one thing about that person. I think that original thread was made in very poor taste and not well thought out but I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt that he could be made to change. That was, until I saw some of the responses to his thread, and the other parody thread that came after. While those responses are objectively correct to be wary, I don't think some of them truly helped the OP grow or learn. Rather it taught him that he is doomed to become a predator for how he speaks and while I can't claim to speak for him I wouldn't be surprised if he believes he has no other options as a direct result of the discourse that took place. If he actually does something predatory then we can pile on the hate and kick him out but I have firsthand experience being an evil and twisted person myself and I can guarantee for sure that it starts when people come together to mock them even when it's for a good reason. I don't think that means we have to encourage or coddle him or anyone who says stuff like that though but it's important that people in the future either ignore it or be more polite about it, at least at first. Maybe I'm wrong though because the stuff he said really was red flag raising.
OP, if you're watching this. Take everyone's advice that this is not a dating site. If you're here for only that then I suggest you look elsewhere not because you'd be a predator (which you could be), but because you likely won't get a fulfilling relationship from an Internet forum anyway no matter what they're about. If you just want female friends to gain experience talking to them so that you can work your way up, then get a tinder or similar app and if nothing happens for you, then I'm really sorry but it definitely wouldn't have happened here.
Well thought out and clearly articulated. Thanks for your perspective.
I disagree, it does not excuse poor social skills or desperation. Though everyone has their opinions still like the thread.
Thank you for your opinion. I'll pose this to you, should we dogpile on someone with "poor social skills?" Could you see a more safe and more productive approach to shut a thread like this down in the future? Maybe, seek out some mods for intervention? What approach would you suggest next time?
just because people have mental health problems or other issues, doesn't mean they can't tell the difference between right and wrong. what 99.9% of 'normal' people think is a correct way to look at something, is exactly what the 99.9% of normal people on here think aswell. because we aren't some strange set of people that can't relate to what the so called normal people think, just because we have issues/problems doesn't mean don't have morals.
If you come on here an attack a group of people, i'm not surprised people react how they do (me included). some ways of acting or behaving, will never been seen as 'right' whether you have a mental health problem,are 'normal' or suicidal. some things/ways of thinking are just wrong no matter what to 99.9% of pople whoever they are.
Thanks for your thoughts. I am not sure I agree with some of your post. After your first sentence, I suggest that certain individuals with mental illness do not know the difference between right and wrong. For example, psychopaths and sociopaths are an example that come to mind. I am not super knowledgable with those two illnesses, so perhaps I am incorrct.
Not looking to argue whatsoever, just suggesting that not everyone with mental illness knows the difference between right and wrong. The US court system seems to agree with this assessment, it would be appear, or else there would be no chance for a plea of insanity.
Just sharing my own views and love the desenting opinions! How else can I learn.
How do you know this?
Have you done tests or is it just based on your experiences interacting with people?
Also, I think I read that you studied psychology? (although knowing psychology doesn't necessarily mean having high emotional IQ)
(I'm not trying to attack you in any way in asking these questions, I'm just curious how anyone knows how emotionally intelligent they are)
Is this certain?
Or just based on people's hunches and the general tone of the OP?
Just based on my track record of saying and doing the wrong stuff IRL. I kind of lack a filter from my brain to my tongue and come across incorrectly way too often.
Perhaps we should consider following the suggestion someone came up with in chat with me - to page the mods if something like this happens next time? It seems like a great recommendation. Might lead to much less heartache.
And, if anywhere I said anything that offended anyone in this thread or otherwise did not feel good I apologize.
I really respected how I posted a poorly worded title for this thread and instead of being flamed someone asked me for clarification. I respect posters who offer this courtesy to me and to others.
Communication is so hard IRL and here we are on line with an emotional charged topic; tough to navigate through those variables.
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