
Jul 27, 2020
I've put myself in a position where I'm trapped. I'm with a horrible woman who treats me like shit and gets upset that I am depressed and I really have no other way out.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I am going to finally find peace.
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Nov 4, 2020
@Natty wishing your a happy and peaceful birthday. Godspeed, friend.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
I agree with everything OP (and others) have said about the meaninglessness of life in general and thus making it very absurd to live your day-to-day life and strive to complete any goals at all.

Weirdly enough for the first time in my life (for a long time) I'm at a point where I don't want to die ....right away.
I had my chance the leave two weeks ago and instead I chose to face most of my problems and try solve them to the best of my abilities.
It's taxing and difficult as hell - death would have been easier for sure but I noticed a slight upwards trend over the last 3 months (physically and mentally). Meaning if I caught the bus now I wouldn't be able to find out whether I have the potential to "recover" or live in a relative comfortable state (without pain and mental torment). That being said I'm not planing on getting depended on others because I am physically frail and sick (old) so I leave the option open to go in the future. Taking it one day at the time I guess.
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Apr 19, 2020
Because I'm autistic and I've been abused my whole life. I'm scared I get old and lose the ability to look after myself and the authorities put me in a care home and I get abused again. Also, I can't cope with being near other people or with people touching me, noise, other sensory torments etc. It would literally be hell and they force you to remain alive at all costs. I want out before this happens.
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Nov 20, 2020
in my suicidality, i have had to come face to face with what it means to be alive and what it means to be dead. i feel so dumb i cannot grasp these abstract concepts. how can i want to die if i do not know what death is? how can you want something you don't even know? all i know is that life is pointless, meaningless suffering. who says death won't be more of the same? the optimistic part of me says that nothing could ever be worse than this life. i do believe that's true. but no matter what i believe happens after death (i'm leaning towards oblivion at this point) i will never completely know and neither will any of you. i didn't used to think about this stuff, i thought more simply. "i am miserable, i want to escape and i hate this life, so i will just die." i miss that brain and i want it back. i want to gouge this stupid knowledge of existential crisis from my brain. i want to think simply again. i know i want to leave. i don't want to waste time thinking about what death is or how it exists. i don't know why we are here and it's quite distressing. how could we be here by chance? i don't believe in a god, and quite honestly i don't see the difference between "the universe" and god. people who believe in the universe simply believe in a god without the organized religion or the big man in the sky bullshit. but if god and the universe aren't real than how are we here? where the fuck did our consciousness come from? why is it so painful? how can i think right now? on the one hand, it would make sense if something put us here, if it wasn't just abstract chaos and there was somehow a rhyme or reason to these things. i don't see how, if a universe does not exist, we could exist. there is no such thing as the beginning or end of time. but another part of me says that maybe everything truly is random, our consciousness came from a random evolution of matter and evolved into the fucked world we have today. so is our entire lives just the product of complex science? why then, does death matter? and if the universe didn't put us here, where the fuck did we come from? i will never have answers. no matter what anyone tells me, there is never a way to know for sure. when i look back on my life, i am positive i do not want to continue. ignoring existential thoughts, my life has been full of suffering and it will continue to be full of suffering. all i want is to not experience consciousness anymore. to not think, or feel, or see or anything. i wish to return to what i experienced before i was born: pure pure nothingness. unless! there was something before i was born. i will acknowledge it is far fetched, but possible for us to have souls, or for our consciousness to exist in other dimension. maybe everything from before i was born was wiped the second i entered this body. or maybe, in a series of biological processes, i developed a consciousness in my mother's womb that is explained not by mysteries of the universe, but simply by chance, by randomness, by science. i don't have the answers and i never will and it's killing me. it's hard to kill yourself when you can't grasp the basic concepts of life and death. i want to kill this awareness, this desire to understand, and go back to the way my brain was before. i was young and dumb and i didn't have all these fucking questions. all i wanted was death. all i still want is death, and it consumes my every waking minute. to live is too painful, and it means accepting the meaninglessness of it all, and the suffering. i will not do that. but the more i think about it, life and death seem like the same thing. both are ultimately so fucking confusing. i don't know what to do. i want to kill myself, and i hope to soon. but it's more of a "might as well do it" than it was before. i might as well do it because i know there is nothing left for me on this earth, in this body, in this life. and with that knowledge i can make the decision to leave. it's scary to leave when you do not know where you are going. all i can hope is that death is falling asleep and never waking up.
I am poor, mentally ill, physically ill, lonely and single, I'm 24 y/o and I can say from experience that my life has only ever gotten worse day by day. Also I feel that life is inherently meaningless, people just distract themselves with work, movies, sex and alcohol until they die.

"we are all prisoners of life, waiting for our day of execution" - poet
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Aug 18, 2020
in my suicidality, i have had to come face to face with what it means to be alive and what it means to be dead. i feel so dumb i cannot grasp these abstract concepts. how can i want to die if i do not know what death is? how can you want something you don't even know? all i know is that life is pointless, meaningless suffering. who says death won't be more of the same? the optimistic part of me says that nothing could ever be worse than this life. i do believe that's true. but no matter what i believe happens after death (i'm leaning towards oblivion at this point) i will never completely know and neither will any of you. i didn't used to think about this stuff, i thought more simply. "i am miserable, i want to escape and i hate this life, so i will just die." i miss that brain and i want it back. i want to gouge this stupid knowledge of existential crisis from my brain. i want to think simply again. i know i want to leave. i don't want to waste time thinking about what death is or how it exists. i don't know why we are here and it's quite distressing. how could we be here by chance? i don't believe in a god, and quite honestly i don't see the difference between "the universe" and god. people who believe in the universe simply believe in a god without the organized religion or the big man in the sky bullshit. but if god and the universe aren't real than how are we here? where the fuck did our consciousness come from? why is it so painful? how can i think right now? on the one hand, it would make sense if something put us here, if it wasn't just abstract chaos and there was somehow a rhyme or reason to these things. i don't see how, if a universe does not exist, we could exist. there is no such thing as the beginning or end of time. but another part of me says that maybe everything truly is random, our consciousness came from a random evolution of matter and evolved into the fucked world we have today. so is our entire lives just the product of complex science? why then, does death matter? and if the universe didn't put us here, where the fuck did we come from? i will never have answers. no matter what anyone tells me, there is never a way to know for sure. when i look back on my life, i am positive i do not want to continue. ignoring existential thoughts, my life has been full of suffering and it will continue to be full of suffering. all i want is to not experience consciousness anymore. to not think, or feel, or see or anything. i wish to return to what i experienced before i was born: pure pure nothingness. unless! there was something before i was born. i will acknowledge it is far fetched, but possible for us to have souls, or for our consciousness to exist in other dimension. maybe everything from before i was born was wiped the second i entered this body. or maybe, in a series of biological processes, i developed a consciousness in my mother's womb that is explained not by mysteries of the universe, but simply by chance, by randomness, by science. i don't have the answers and i never will and it's killing me. it's hard to kill yourself when you can't grasp the basic concepts of life and death. i want to kill this awareness, this desire to understand, and go back to the way my brain was before. i was young and dumb and i didn't have all these fucking questions. all i wanted was death. all i still want is death, and it consumes my every waking minute. to live is too painful, and it means accepting the meaninglessness of it all, and the suffering. i will not do that. but the more i think about it, life and death seem like the same thing. both are ultimately so fucking confusing. i don't know what to do. i want to kill myself, and i hope to soon. but it's more of a "might as well do it" than it was before. i might as well do it because i know there is nothing left for me on this earth, in this body, in this life. and with that knowledge i can make the decision to leave. it's scary to leave when you do not know where you are going. all i can hope is that death is falling asleep and never waking up.
I'm going to tell you what I have said here a few times and I would STILL tell anyone here. Study Flat Earth! If you are still young and strong and smart and open minded then study Flat Earth (while you are here)! You mention God and the universe and I understand. However, after understanding the concept and reality of Flat Earth you will have a new outlook on the afterlife. It usually makes people want to stay here but it had the opposite effect on me. Most of the Flat Earth folks have left YouTube and gone to bitchute and other sites. Thier web pages are still up for the most part. The basic concept that is the HARDEST thing to grasp is that outer space here physically does not exist in our reality. Eric Dubay, Spacebusters (bitchute), Globebusters (YT and bitchute), ODDTV (same), Rob Skiba (same I think), Flat Earth International Conference (YT). There are more if you are strong enough. Most people are not. The basic concept is that we (all of us on Earth) live in a machine designed (spiritually) for consciousness to inhabit and survive and procreate. The sun and moon are part of that machine. The electricity in your mind body and soul are part of that machine. I can only mention this advice as a friend to anyone here. I can't get anyone to understand it fully one would have to be strong enough to do this on thier own. Like I said. Many are too weak to do this. That's not a bad thing. It takes your heart away when you figure this out for yourselves/yourself.

That doesn't answer the OPQ but it's higher knowledge worth mentioning over and over. I have been in pain all my life. Because of that pain I have worked in jobs that caused more pain to other people. I am humbled and embarrassed by this. I have been one of those people who have caused you harm because I did not understand what I was doing. After so many tragic events I looked at myself and tried to do better and did my best to learn WHY this shitty world is this way. Because I use my spiritual side and my mind as best as I can in life I found that the evil here comes from a few people. Most would say NWO (new world order), illuminati, the kabal (cabal), or other labels. Call it what you want but they have us in a state of pain. The pain you see outside is because they feel they own us and to an extent they do and the pain is caused by them. The pain goes downhill and we all get caught in the net. Thus here we are on SS and sites just like it. My past pain will NOT heal! It goes away at times but it has destroyed my life. Now I am ill, and in real pain, and mentally hurt, and absolutely tired of watching all of my fellow man be in pain as well. I hate the ignorantly blissful people. I wish so much to be like them. I can't sleep for hours because of inner turmoil and I see others fall asleep in minutes. My soul has reached its "full" level. I have had enough. I have lived a kind and loving life for the last decade to amend my bad mistakes but I myself am done. I cannot find a kindred spirit or a safe place here and my only hope is home to the afterlife. I do not like this but I sadly accept it. It will hurt when I pass on. It will hurt to leave knowing I can only help so much with what love and understanding I have. However the afterlife will be better for many of us. Much better than the pain we have found here. We are not bad people. We are not mistakes. We are not deserving of this pain here in any way. This is not easy for any of us to decide that CTB is the best solution. Yet here we are wanting to go home after only a few short moments. I can't fucking wait to be away from this pain. I want to go home and start my first moments in the afterlife. ❤
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Apr 19, 2018
sick of life and living don't want to be alive anymore wont my life to be over
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Sep 4, 2020
I can't feel happy anymore. The closest I come to happy is planning and preparing for my future suicide.
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Sep 28, 2020
I hate myself so much. Imagine being trapped with the person you hate the most for your whole life.
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Feb 22, 2021
Because i did some bad things I could go in prison for, there for i hate myself, cant even see myself in the mirror anymore
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Cheesed to meet you
Nov 30, 2019
I think I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. All those vague feelings and questions that most likely will never be resolved going right along with depression has led me to being here. Right on the edge of sticking it out or just finally saying fuck it and ending things.
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Feb 22, 2021
Because i've exhausted all my opportunities to be "happy" and fucked them all up. I'm mentally, emotionally and physically drained. I don't see any possible positive outcome to my current situation. I'm tired of drowning in regret. So tired of being this broken record stuck with constant despair and self loathing. Incapable of even the simplest of tasks. Dysfunctional in every possible way. I am no longer capable of even thinking of any way anything could possibly improve. Even my ex (a self proclaimed "witch") at one point whilst being together, told me i was literally cursed. I see myself rapidly descending into the abyss. I'm in ruins. The only thing i'm capable of right now is praying that the SN gets thru the customs safely into my hands whilst i drink the memories of my former life away waiting for the opportunity to finally end it all.
dude don't let someone else take away your happiness or make you feel bad. There are millions of girls out there... atleast 1 of them will think you are awsome. me personally i have no girlfriend. probs wont for a long time.... however i don't care because i will just watch fap material instead... who needs real gorls when we have pixels of gorls
Because i did some bad things I could go in prison for, there for i hate myself, cant even see myself in the mirror anymore
what did you do?
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fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
dude don't let someone else take away your happiness or make you feel bad. There are millions of girls out there... atleast 1 of them will think you are awsome. me personally i have no girlfriend. probs wont for a long time.... however i don't care because i will just watch fap material instead... who needs real gorls when we have pixels of gorls

what did you do?
maybe best not to ask!
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Pronounced dead
Jan 14, 2021
Diabetes, autism, back and knee pains, poverty and a guilty conscience. Life has become extremely painful and boring cuz of all this, even showering or walking means severe pain.
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Feb 22, 2021
Diabetes, autism, back and knee pains, poverty and a guilty conscience. Life has become extremely painful and boring cuz of all this, even showering or walking means severe pain.
eat vegetables and healthy food. do yoga.

seriously those 2 things if you practiced them after a year you would see a dramatic improvement.
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genetic trash
Feb 21, 2020
Low IQ, borderline deformed face and deteriorating health.
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Jul 3, 2019
Depression maybe autism. Over 20 years of wanting to be dead. No joy or happiness because of my broken mind, exhaustion and misery. No hope of getting better.
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Aug 12, 2018
Childhood trauma, various personality disorders including social anxiety, no social skills, no friends, no GF, no job.
Anyways, I always feel like that life isn't for me from a young age.
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Jan 18, 2019
Honestly, I am just done with life. It does not feel appealing to me, and I do not know what I am doing here. The only reason I am not dead yet is that I do not know how to kill myself without failing, or I am too scared about the methods I have heard of.

To quote Sarah Perry, the story of my life is basically over, and I am living in the epilogue. In the (not happily) ever after)
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Into The Void

Into The Void

Mar 10, 2021
When I do eventually CTB it will be because I've exhausted all my options, and I have run out of time.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
My BPD makes my life miserable and lonely
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Apr 3, 2020
I never wanted to be here. I'm always feel myself like I'm weird, different than all other people.

I have tried to be like the others... Learned to look into the eyes, laugh when I like even if I don't know why. I don't still get it.

I also have traumatic life so, I remember things what I don't want. That's horrible thing what I can't stand anymore...

One important person for me just ghousted me, so I don't want to know anyone anymore just leave here and disappear. That's how it's been whole my life. I'm just a toy just something what you can throw away after you have used it and don't need it. When I find someone who understand me and feels good, is my friend... He/she leave me. Probably it's something what I am... I'm too much.

So why I would want to be alive? I don't make anyone's life better and my life will be always like this.
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May 21, 2020
I can't tell where the food or liquid ends up in my stomach or my lungs from my so screwed up esophagus and tiredness to swallow.
Finding a position to sleep is an adventure every "night".
And that stacks with undigestion problems, short urine retention, nutrient deficiency or malabsoprtion. No fun.
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Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
Childhood emotional neglect my brain is hiding all the trauma from me, its messed me up. I have Ocd,eupd, major depressive disorder,generalised anxiety so bad I can't leave house alone. Gender dysphoria so bad and I will never be able to be the genuine me, eating disorder that drives me insane, Self harm doesn't work anymore, I've lost all my friends, no chance of a future because if I can't go to work then I can't get money or education to do career I wanted to do, spent last 3 years since one of my breakdowns just mostly in the house, half my family killed them selves recently, my leftover 2 siblings one stole and committed fraud from my dead dad, the other is a bully. I live wiv a partner who doesn't believe in mental illnesses and is quite controlling. I'm completely and totally alone and noone is going to save me. I reached out for help and nhs failed me, this feeling that the world really as bin hinting all this time that it doesn't want me. I know I sound like I just feel sorry 4 my self, I really have tried to pull my self out. I'm just exhausted.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
No one really likes me for long (if at all). I'm lazy, and life doesn't seem worth the effort.
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Jan 10, 2021
it doesn't worth to live for .
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Jan 31, 2021
Disillusionment with life and health reasons.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Because everyone is a fucking dickhead
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Apr 17, 2021
a small part of the reason is because my social life is not great; people don't bully or dislike me but they don't really start conversations with me much, but most of the reason is because my mother is really rude and judgemental and screams at, bullies and antagonises me pretty much all the time and my dad does nothing about it plus hes a bit of an asshole himself and also I'm supposed to be going to live on my own in less than a year's time but I have no motivation to get good grades or go to college, and i have almost no savings due to my parents not allowing me to get a job which means I basically have no future
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