

May you find the light that was stolen from you.
May 18, 2021
All day long I've pictured that I will drink the SN but it will not kill me... ( even if it's pure ).

Maybe I want to go away so bad that SN is too good to be true?
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
Why do you think that?
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May you find the light that was stolen from you.
May 18, 2021
Why do you think that?
Just a feeling... And it's a big one. I want so much to die... I don't know how my stomach, even organism, will react, if it's going to absorb/assimilate the SN or not. Now I'm not even thinking about the pain at all or the fear of death...

Oh, and I don't have any other meds ( but somehow I think I'm not going to puke )
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Dec 18, 2019
All day long I've pictured that I will drink the SN but it will not kill me... ( even if it's pure ).

Maybe I want to go away so bad that SN is too good to be true?
It might be because so many things in life already don't work, so we're mentally conditioned to believe that this won't either.
But depending on the purity of the brand it should definitely kill you. Especially if you were lucky enough to obtain LW brand before they pulled it from their website,

Also, as a method, SN is not "too good to be true". It is incredibly uncomfortable or painful for most people, with only some lucking out and passing out without experiencing symptoms.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Also, as a method, SN is not "too good to be true". It is incredibly uncomfortable or painful for most people, with only some lucking out and passing out without experiencing symptoms.
This isn't true, SN is peaceful and typically only causes discomfort.
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
it's all about the bastard SI... our mind invents everything so that we don't commit suicide
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May you find the light that was stolen from you.
May 18, 2021
It might be because so many things in life already don't work, so we're mentally conditioned to believe that this won't either.
But depending on the purity of the brand it should definitely kill you. Especially if you were lucky enough to obtain LW brand before they pulled it from their website,

Also, as a method, SN is not "too good to be true". It is incredibly uncomfortable or painful for most people, with only some lucking out and passing out without experiencing symptoms.
I don't mind even the pain, the symptoms, as long as it will kill me... Maybe you are right, since nothing is working, is hard to believe in SN as well. I got the SN from the single place I could find here in my country, it says it's pure. And it was actually sold for school purposes, for chemistry. I will also test it with blood before drinking it.
it's all about the bastard SI... our mind invents everything so that we don't commit suicide
Dunno... I'm thinking of all the scenarios possible. That I will survive on my own ( without even calling for help ) or even ruin my organism more... Anything that could go wrong besides dying :haha: . I even managed to not care about the pain/symptoms anymore and now...this.:notsure:;-;
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Dec 18, 2019
This isn't true, SN is peaceful and typically only causes discomfort.
I disagree based on things I've heard from a couple of people who've witnessed SN deaths, and a few forum posts from those who were in the process of dying from it, but ultimately we will never 100% know for sure until it's our time.
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May 24, 2020
We know enough about SN, that's 70% peaceful. As I read in a article 80% is its reliability rate and in other article it was mentioned that even after receiving help in hospital 30% of persons have died
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May you find the light that was stolen from you.
May 18, 2021
I don't mind anymore if I don't have the other meds on time... I embrace the pain as long as it kills me. The most important part is the killing part!

I will fast all day tomorrow and Wendsday I plan on drinking it.

So, it's a bit funny: I'm afraid of failure but I will never know if I died only if I wake up ( even though no one will find me if I hurry, that's why I'm speeding up the process, I just don't want to survive on my own without medical intervention )

Should I drink more than 25 g of SN? ( I have under 60 kg ) . Maybe I should drink more to be on the safe side? I even thought of drinking 35 g... I don't think I will puke it.

Later update: and still it's sooo strange that I don't believe it will kill me. Maybe I'm going to wake up on my own paralyzed or something ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
I don't mind anymore if I don't have the other meds on time... I embrace the pain as long as it kills me. The most important part is the killing part!

I will fast all day tomorrow and Wendsday I plan on drinking it.

So, it's a bit funny: I'm afraid of failure but I will never know if I died only if I wake up ( even though no one will find me if I hurry, that's why I'm speeding up the process, I just don't want to survive on my own )

Should I drink more than 25 g of SN? ( I have under 60 kg ) . Maybe I should drink more to be on the safe side? I even thought of drinking 35 g... I don't think I will puke it.
Drinking more than 25g is completely useless.
I think you should search for meds before but that's just my opinion.
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May you find the light that was stolen from you.
May 18, 2021
Drinking more than 25g is completely useless.
I think you should search for meds before but that's just my opinion.
Yep... I know the meds were recommended, however I couldn't find them on time. Actually, I already gave an order but I don't have any idea if they will arrive in 1-2 days.

But I do embrace the pain... If there is any.

Two people here took SN without meds, one of them only with ibupofren, the other without anything at all - if I recall properly.

Update: I'm starting to freak out... what if I'm not going to die without any medical intervention ? And wake up with damages... But, still, I need this, I want this this week - every day that passes is just making everything worse. Therefore, I will risk... But why I am thinking that I'm not going to die even If I'm not found in time.
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Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
We know enough about SN, that's 70% peaceful. As I read in a article 80% is its reliability rate and in other article it was mentioned that even after receiving help in hospital 30% of persons have died
Peaceful doesnt cause death rattle, moaning(sign of pain), gurgling, snoring from obstructive breathing, heart arrhythmia, vomiting, stomachache, suffocation, etc. Thats not peaceful.
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May you find the light that was stolen from you.
May 18, 2021
Peaceful doesnt cause death rattle, moaning(sign of pain), snoring from obstructive breathing, heart arrhythmia, vomiting, etc. Thats not peaceful.
I don't mind that as long as I'm really dying...

That's the only worry that remained in me!

And I don't have any other meds, I don't know if they would have been of that much help, anyway
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Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
I don't mind that as long as I'm really dying...

That's the only worry that remained in me!

And I don't have any other meds, I don't know if they would have been of that much help, anyway
The med supposed to help reduce a few symptoms(Decrease heart rate, reduce nausea, sedative, reduce heartburn)but dont know to which degree it helps

Have u seen choking game though? That sounds promising. People died even accidentally.(even kids) And it seems painless since it makes you unconscious first. Also its quick and easy(1-5 minutes)
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Mar 22, 2020
I think it's not just because of SN.
The same would happen to me with any method.
Even if I wanted to jump in front of a train I would be like "What if I survive and just end up with no legs?"

Send you lots of hugs, dear.

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May you find the light that was stolen from you.
May 18, 2021
I think it's not just because of SN.
The same would happen to me with any method.
Even if I wanted to jump in front of a train I would be like "What if I survive and just end up with no legs?"

Send you lots of hugs, dear.


Now I'm reading about failed attempts. It's also kinda botheresom for the SN to make you sick ( some or most of the symptoms ) BUT not die!

and their skin even turned blue, blurred vision, nausea, fainted and so on.
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Jul 17, 2020
I sometimes get fearful also that sn may become more problematic for me. I don't know how to get over that. I took 2g it was good experience. Lips turned blue oxygen level came down
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Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
I think it's not just because of SN.
The same would happen to me with any method.
Even if I wanted to jump in front of a train I would be like "What if I survive and just end up with no legs?"

Send you lots of hugs, dear.

Survival chance from hitting by a train is tiny though but the method is brutal. :shy:

Its used by enemy to kill its enemy as a punishment:ahhha:

What about choking game though? Even kids can do it and accidental death happened a lot. I wonder shouldnt it be easy?
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May you find the light that was stolen from you.
May 18, 2021
I sometimes get fearful also that sn may become more problematic for me. I don't know how to get over that. I took 2g it was good experience. Lips turned blue oxygen level came down
@rvsw , with 2g? and how much water? ...why did you risk, though? ( read in an article that 1g was lethal for a woman)


Jul 17, 2020
I put it in 20 ml water I think. I am bedridden with severe pain. Family has mostly moved on I need to die soehow


May you find the light that was stolen from you.
May 18, 2021
Survival chance from hitting by a train is tiny though but the method is brutal. :shy:

Its used by enemy to kill its enemy as a punishment:ahhha:

What about choking game though? Even kids can do it and accidental death happened a lot. I wonder shouldnt it be easy?
Easy... with SN, you mean?

Chocking game similar to SN, right?
I put it in 20 ml water I think. I am bedridden with severe pain. Family has mostly moved on I need to die soehow
So, 2g in 20 ml, right?

Any other symptoms besides your lips turning blue? How did you feel while your oxygen level was dropping?


Jul 17, 2020
Slightly dizzy but my pain actually came down. Yet I worry about taking 25g


May you find the light that was stolen from you.
May 18, 2021
Slightly dizzy but my pain actually came down. Yet I worry about taking 25g
I feel ya!

I'm going to take 25g from the very start. In 50ml of water. After fasting... It's scary!

If that happened to you with 2g, dunno what will happen with 25g :D, BUT I WANT TO DIE! If I open my eyes and I'm still alive, I don't know what am I gonna do!


Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
Easy... with SN, you mean?

Chocking game similar to SN, right?
Im currently examining more information about it and considering if its the right method

Choking game is a game play by teen and even kids and some teen/adult for erotic play too.

Basically it caused fainting and people want it cause it gives them euphoria/ pleasure/high feeling when they woke up from the faint.

But many people over do it and it causes death when they leave the fainting for too long. Cause they pressure the blood vessel on the neck, using scarf or strap or anything

But all of them said they just feel like fainting so they didnt realize its dangerous and over do it
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Feb 27, 2021
I have fear of sn because I think I would be one of the unlucky ones who has to suffer for 15 mins rather than just getting dizzy and going unconscious.

To my knowledge most ppl fail sn because they don't fast beforehand.
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Born Alone, Die Alone.
May 9, 2021
I think it your survival instinct. I know I keep pushing my date to ctb because of my SI, but it won't be long until I do pull the plug.
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Dec 15, 2020
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