Apathy's Girl
- Jul 20, 2020
- 102
I was sexually abused/assaulted between the ages of 3 to 11. You think I'd be over that by now being that I'm 49 years old but it really tainted my whole life. I was always quiet and timid and constantly scared growing up. I'm sure my mom knew it was going on, it was happening to my older sister, too. I used to blame my mom but I dont any more. She was physically abused and had two children by a heroin addict (yes my dad was a heroin adict).
For the longest time I thought I was going crazy but was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder. If it wasn't for my meds I would be dead already. I still have manic and more often than not, depressed periods. I live for hypomania which doesn't happy too often. I suffer from paranoid delusions which make me want to die but meds help.
I think about suicide all the time. No matter what my mood or what is happening in my life good or bad, suicide thoughts are always there. I love planning. I love pushing thing to the edge and almost dying (at least seeing how far I can go, if I die I die, if I live I live). I like knowing there is a way out.
For the longest time I thought I was going crazy but was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder. If it wasn't for my meds I would be dead already. I still have manic and more often than not, depressed periods. I live for hypomania which doesn't happy too often. I suffer from paranoid delusions which make me want to die but meds help.
I think about suicide all the time. No matter what my mood or what is happening in my life good or bad, suicide thoughts are always there. I love planning. I love pushing thing to the edge and almost dying (at least seeing how far I can go, if I die I die, if I live I live). I like knowing there is a way out.