No offense but I'm crying laughing rn. I thought I was in Off-Topic and this was not the direction I expected the thread to turn. I thought it was gonna be about getting a pet snake

. Brings up a point though and from reading I realized you meant this to be in Off-Topic, but some people are coming across this in the main "S" section and obviously getting upset, which you know is fair. I personally enjoy the humor. Obligatory comment here about > "please don't do that to the Python and yourself." Also "crisp human" is comment of the day lmao. Hey though at the end of the day, I get that people aren't "feeling it" and doesn't wanna see jokes or memes or edgy sht in the "S" section, but remember this is a website, online, we're all just human, and it's not like there is an influx of these posts. Pookie said it was meant to be in the Off-Topic section after realizing it wasn't and we should all just chill. This is such an insignificant piece of our days today, let's not make it into drama. We hurt ourselves enough. Pookie I wish you the best though and I hope you're having a, if not good, then at least a calm, relaxing New Year's Eve.