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Jul 14, 2018
Done: probably take a few things from parents and sell them

Said: being rude to parents with vulgar language
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Mar 31, 2018
Done: I made fun of a person who clearly had limited mental capabilities when I was in high school. I was trying to fit in, and I was an asshole because of that. I truly wish I could take it back, or at least apologize to that person, but I don't know where he lives.

Said: I guess I called my mom crazy once, but honestly she kinda is. I mean, who isn't?
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Done: I used to kick pigeons.

Said: Honestly I blamed my parents in every way possible and almost attacked them physically but I don't even regret it or think it's something bad, specially if we consider they are the cause of my misery and after it, they tried to destroy me in every way possible.

If we don't count it

Done: I made fun of a person who clearly had limited mental capabilities when I was in high school. I was trying to fit in, and I was an asshole because of that. I truly wish I could take it back, or at least apologize to that person, but I don't know where he lives.
Then the same than millefeui, this is more regrettable.
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Aug 8, 2018
Done: posted pic of girl with fake nudes to a website, deleted them within half an hour and they are gone forever.
I did it for a kick not to hurt her and because it deletes after a short time I thought it was ok but it's not, I have been suicidal with the last two months. I am a scumbag creep pervert and deserve a slow death. I am ashamed, why am I aloud live while people living great live get serious illnesses and die or kill themselves
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Reactions: BlackDragonof1989, Tiburcio and Meena


Jun 7, 2018
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Aug 2, 2018
Done: l broke up with my ex who was madly in love with me, i didn't even know that i could be loved

Said: i really can't remember being to mean to anyone
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Aug 8, 2018
I totally agree
If it helps I apologised and I'm now losing everything for it, only reason I'm still here is that I'm getting sued by her now and would prefer her to have justice before I go, plus I have a large amount of saving which she will get for it altho I may ask for 7000 to go to my parents to pay for the funeral
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Jun 7, 2018
If it helps I apologised and I'm now losing everything for it, only reason I'm still here is that I'm getting sued by her now and would prefer her to have justice before I go, plus I have a large amount of saving which she will get for it altho I may ask for 7000 to go to my parents to pay for the funeral

I wasn't talking about u specifically or saying that u should die. I am not judging u.
I was more thinking about myself and my wish to die while other people hwo enjoy living r dying.
Sorry if i wasn't clear
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the satanic mechanic
Jul 29, 2018
done: ghosted a lot of dudes. lol. I'm sorry I lead such a boring life though

said: oh boy. a lot of stuff to a lot of people. I'm usually very observant and I get a feel for people's insecurities very quickly and I end up using them against them whenever I feel threatened. I strike where it hurts most.
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Apr 10, 2018
Said: Nothing much. I don't think I've ever said anything super hurtful.

Done: oh boy. Worst thing I did was run away from home so I could ctb. No note or anything. I just disappeared. My family called the cops and I had friends looking all over the place for me. For me the worst part is knowing how much I worried my sister who was 11 at the time.
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Jun 26, 2018
I ghosted people who thought I was their friend. Who opened up to me and trusted me. Apparently normies suffer a lot when they get ghosted... poor normies.
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Reactions: Iman, Circles and Tiburcio


Jul 28, 2018
Worst thing I've done was cheat on a boyfriend who was/is a good person. It still tears me up that I did that to him. We are friends now but I still feel major guilt over this.

Karma was swiftly delivered back to me, though. The next boyfriend I had that I did right by and absolutely adored, that I thought I was going to marry, that I changed my entire life to be with, moved across the country for, put school on hiatus for, etc. cheated and lied to me throughout the entirety of our relationship.
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Jul 26, 2018
I remember when I was in middle school I saw a girl I knew from elementary school. I bullied her and I regret it a lot. I did call her up and apologized, she accepted it, but I still feel really bad. She didn't deserve it.
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Jun 26, 2018
Done: I used to kick pigeons.

Said: Honestly I blamed my parents in every way possible and almost attacked them physically but I don't even regret it or think it's something bad, specially if we consider they are the cause of my misery and after it, they tried to destroy me in every way possible.

If we don't count it

Then the same than millefeui, this is more regrettable.
"I use to kick pigeons"

Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
Done: I don't think I've ever done anything really malicious or willfully hurtful to another person. Got into a lot of nasty fights with one of my siblings growing up though, even threw a tennis racket at them once (granted, I was like 11).

Said: I called my ex a really nasty word once, which I regret. Called my parent crazy once during a fight. Also told a pregnant girl in high school she was "screwed" when she shared she got knocked up. Really regret that last one, it was so fucking cruel of me. I am pretty sure I apologized to her but still.
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Jul 27, 2018
I don't remember being too mean to people but the meanest thing I ever did was tell a girl from my middle school who bullied me but told me she was my friend that she was a worthless piece of sh** and that she would never amount to anything in life.
Otherwise, I've never done anything with the intent of hurting another person.


La vie est tout sauf un rêve
Jan 24, 2019
Done: Hurt someone over the internet.
Said: Horrible things to my wife.


Trans Girl
Mar 15, 2019
I was that edgy teen online who would try to be an absolute dick to everyone and spout racial slurs. While I don't feel remorseful for it I feel that it should've never happened. I've much fixed my act now.


Nov 6, 2018
Emotionally dishonest with various women when I was younger. Definitely hurt the feelings of a few. Still ashamed.
Gray Wounds

Gray Wounds

A Phantasmagoria
Jun 27, 2018
Done: Playfully thrown my cat several times back when I was just a wee kid. (She survived and have lived a long life and have mothered many kittens before she died)

Said: I wish you live longer.


The stranger
Feb 21, 2019
I hurt the feelings of the only woman who ever cared with me. We went out, she thinking us as friends, and me as lovers...

She got embarrassed that night and days after said to me: I'm liking someone else and I said to her: You shouldn't have dated with me if you was thinking of someone else.

So she never forgives me for what I said.


Mar 25, 2019
Done: I fell in love with someone else while I was still in a relationship with my first ex. My first ex was extremely controlling and emotionally abusive to me (he would call me names, tell me what to wear, and look through my phone). At the same time though, I wasn't honest about my feelings. I never sexually acted on my feelings for the other guy, but I would think about him a lot. I used my idealized fantasies to mentally escape from the reality that I was in an unhealthy relationship and avoid actually breaking up.
Also, when I first started online dating at age 19, I used to ghost people after the first date if I wasn't interested. Looking back, I realize that it was a very cowardly thing to do and I should have been honest with those guys about my lack of feelings. After realizing how hard online dating is for most guys, I realized how shitty ghosting was, and I made the effort to awkwardly tell future dates I wasn't interested if I didn't feel anything romantically.
I also emotionally manipulated people in the past for business reasons. It makes me feel dirty when I realize that I wouldn't have reached out to them if I wasn't trying to build my business.

Said: I said some mean things to one of my exes in the heat of an argument. I lost patience with him because he thought I was needlessly cynical about people and society, and I thought he was too naive. He was a genuinely nice guy though, so I regret losing my temper and saying the things I did.
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Jun 27, 2019
Done: On several occasions when I was annoyed at my cats I would throw them to the ground roughly. Once, when one of my cats was just trying to get attention, I kicked him and clearly hurt him badly. He got hit and killed by a car the next day.

Said: Jokingly implied my sister was smoking weed to my paranoid and drunk mother


Aug 13, 2019
Done: I sent a girl that kept bullying me to the hospital.
I don't feel bad about this.

Done 2: Had a massive PTSD flashback and knocked my bf's glasses off his face and bent them.
I felt so bad, I spent hours with pliers putting them back into shape.

Said: I lost my patience at school with the most epic edgelord that would brag about hurting others, breaking the law left and right, doing stupid stuff for attention etc.
I broke down why they were acting out and projecting their insecurities and troubles along with pointing out abuse and neglect at home, she shut down and tried to off herself a week later.
I was too blunt, my words were just too much and did the final push.
She blamed me for her favorite bra that she lost because of the emergency response team cutting her bra off of her to gain access her chest.
I still feel bad, I could have handled that way differently, she never talked to me the same way after that though, I'm unsure if it was out of fear, anger or respect.


Jun 15, 2019
When I was mentally handicaped, I directly and indirectly caused animals to suffer. I have forgiven myself everything, except for this. I'll never get over the nightmare of what I have done, and no pain of mine will ever undo that. Kill me now.


Jan 19, 2019
I told my ex-wife I didn't love her when she got pregnant and she afterwards decided to abort.
I took money from a poor old man standing in the street asking for money as a boy
I didn't go to see my mother when her husband died.
I didn't get care of a dog my father had in a house and one day he appeared hanged by the chain. May be if I took care of him he would be alive.
I never took the phone when I saw that was calling my father that needed help, or my mother.
I drowned mouses caught at home in a a cube with water. They swam until they loosed their their energies.
I said horrible things to my ex-wife.
  • Aww..
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
The worst thing i did is choking my brother in anger.


Nobody exists on purpose. Come ctb
Apr 19, 2019
"It was a waste of time to know you".


Aug 4, 2019
Done: I slashed a girl in field hockey once (she was being a mouthy bi*^h and saying truly awful things about our "equipment manager" who had autism) and ended up breaking her tibia and fibula (the two bones in the bottom half of your leg)
I felt like crap for a really long time over it, but she did have a full recovery.

Said: I once called my little brother a Fa*got in a fight when I knew he was feeling really shi**y about questioning his sexuality. I have probably apologized for this every day since but I know it'll still be with me when I die.


Nov 6, 2018
I led a couple girls on when I was younger, just interested in sex.
Other than that, all the worst things I've done are to myself.