My stupidest method is also my current method that is in-progress. It's notably stupid because I'm still carrying out my daily activities like work and returning home to a roommate, though I'm planning to continue until I pass out in a remote area. That may occur on the third or fourth day of this "VSED" scenario, even though I know it can take one or two weeks in its entirety. I know that it's not very likely that this method will be successful, so I'm thinking of it as a form of self-harm rather than a "method".
So far, I've stopped all food intake for 48 hours, and all fluid intake for 24 hours. I initially stopped fluid intake at the same time as my food intake, but that was interrupted when I went to the bar I ritually attend after clocking out of one of my jobs that I work once a week. I figured cheating here was okay, since it'd be my last time at that place for at least a week and I'm only 24 hours in.
At the bar, I took around 30-40 various laxative pills to flush that liquid out of my system in an attempt to hasten my dehydration.
I also am choosing to go on longer walks and live in Florida where the idle heat can cause sweating, so I can lose more water and hasten the dehydration process.
I'm normal-weight at around 160lbs, 5'7 at 23 years old.
Although I have access to SN, I'd prefer go to go through with this method if I am able to. If I chose to go with SN during this method, it could absorb itself into my bloodstream faster, the longer I dehydrate myself. I also wonder how strong SI could be once I'm at the point of no return during a method such as short-drop hanging, as well.
This is a stupid method, as I know that since I have work over the next few days, and there's a high chance that I'll just pass out in public and not have the energy to refuse the fluid intake at the hospital. I suppose I'll just call off when I feel like I wouldn't last a ten-hour work day, and make my way to the remote area then.
Right now, I feel relatively normal. Not enormously hungry or thirsty and have had a few minor headaches. Those issues resolved itself once I took a rest.