This is the main thing I regret not doing in my whole miserable life
I missed out on ordering 3 bottles nembutal from D when it was available 2 plus years ago . Was scared of law enforcement but should have taken the risk.
Many were ordering nembutal from D in winter of 2021. I could have had a painless quick dying and I wouldn't be suffering now
I lost the opportunity of all Lifetimes , all of them....
Every sentient being will suffer and most will suffer long excruciatingly painful natural deaths , yes even the billionaires and domestic cats get blocked Colons with cancer which is torture
Me a measly small animal who been brainwashed beaten down all its life had the opportunity to surpass all sentient beings. To have the opportunity of a painless certain dying. To do one rational act in a lobotomized life.But the brainwashing won out and I procrastinated
The facts :nothing is objectively important. And you don't have to do anything. Life is meaningless suffering, constant work chores and problems for no reason.The only reasons I and many humans do any thing is to prevent even worse suffering as in becoming homeless. I don't want to work a job. I have to or become homeless . I don't want to even live but I'm scared of a suicide attempt leaving me in a worse condition . I don't want to go to the damn grocery store again but I can't take the hunger. I don't want to wash clothes and take out trash brush teeth work a job etc but I have to or suffer worse as in homelessness.
They all want to grow old and take the risks of life for no objective purpose no reason . They are all constantly working and risking extreme pain torture for no reason
They don't realize youtb social media , media, tv news etc are not important or fun but addictions as is the addiction to life
They are all brainwashed sheep because they don't realize what i wrote above. And there's much more
I wasn't physically lobotomized but though mass media. For one thing brainwashed into thinking watching YouTube tv social media news all media all day was ok or fun or important