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Jul 27, 2019
Has anyone had a bad, chronic pain condition and been accused of "drug seeking", "malingering", etc.. when they asked for pain-relieving medications?
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Bootleg Astolfo

Bootleg Astolfo

Glorious Bean Plushie
Oct 12, 2020
I'd just go to the SQDC and buy legal weed. Sometimes, being Canadian has it's advantages lol. My dad tried some of the more medicinal weed stuff they have for his chronic pain and it's apparently a lot better than the regular pain pills, about as efficient, but instead of having god awfull side effects the weed stuff just makes him want to eat a big bowl of doritos.
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Jan 20, 2020
They diagnosed a condition, but also refused pain meds?
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
Oregon has just voted to decriminalize these drugs because of egotistical asshole prescribers acting like withholding parents. It only takes a single state to green light this before other states fall into line like dominoes.
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019

In my area, because of the opioid crisis, it is almost impossible to get adequate pain control.

The new normal here is for doctors to suspect a patient rather than use common sense. They even have databases of people's opioid prescriptions to see if they are doctor shopping. IMO, this is not necessarily a bad thing, except for the big-brother aspect and that even for those who do not have a history of a lot of pain med use - they still will not prescribe when clearly needed.

Doctors make an oath to "do no harm," and yet, isn't this harmful?

I have heard of elderly people with chronic pain who have been forced to walk the streets to buy illegal pain medication so that they can continue to function. Can you imagine being in severe hip pain from arthritis, grabbing your walker, and shuffling down the sidewalk to find a dealer at 70+?


In one case (and this is someone I know), an 85-year-old woman was told she was addicted to Percocet even though she was very cautious about taking her medications (she was a nurse and knows to be careful; her monthly script lasted 3 months or more). One of my relatives who was always chasing the dragon, would have downed that monthly script in less than a week.

SMH. It is a farce.

Seems to me, just like many things in my country, that this too has fallen afoul of the general extremist reactions here.

Is there an opioid crisis? Yes

Does that mean everyone must forgo adequate pain control? No

Aside from my chronic illness, I recently tore a ligament and it is extremely painful. I have not bothered to go to the doctors, because I know they will tell me to take acetaminophen, which does not work for me at all for pain (I do have weed, but it is not strong enough to help). I am so frustrated by this right now.

And in other countries? Milder opioid pain medications like Tylenol with codeine or tramadol can be bought without a script.

Sighs.... so very sorry for the long post and rant.
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Jul 27, 2019
Oregon has just voted to decriminalize these drugs because of egotistical asshole prescribers acting like withholding parents. It only takes a single state to green light this before other states fall into line like dominoes.

What drugs did Oregon just decriminalize? OPiates? or weed? (Weed makes me nauseous, no pain relief at all..compared to weed, I get more pain relief from 2-3 beers--NOT FUCKING KIDDING!!!)
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Sep 21, 2020

In my area, because of the opioid crisis, it is almost impossible to get adequate pain control.

The new normal here is for doctors to suspect a patient rather than use common sense. They even have databases of people's opioid prescriptions to see if they are doctor shopping. IMO, this is not necessarily a bad thing, except for the big-brother aspect and that even for those who do not have a history of a lot of pain med use - they still will not prescribe when clearly needed.

Doctors make an oath to "do no harm," and yet, isn't this harmful?

I have heard of elderly people with chronic pain who have been forced to walk the streets to buy illegal pain medication so that they can continue to function. Can you imagine being in severe hip pain from arthritis, grabbing your walker, and shuffling down the sidewalk to find a dealer at 70+?


In one case (and this is someone I know), an 85-year-old woman was told she was addicted to Percocet even though she was very cautious about taking her medications (she was a nurse and knows to be careful; her monthly script lasted 3 months or more). One of my relatives who was always chasing the dragon, would have downed that monthly script in less than a week.

SMH. It is a farce.

Seems to me, just like many things in my country, that this too has fallen afoul of the general extremist reactions here.

Is there an opioid crisis? Yes

Does that mean everyone must forgo adequate pain control? No

Aside from my chronic illness, I recently tore a ligament and it is extremely painful. I have not bothered to go to the doctors, because I know they will tell me to take acetaminophen, which does not work for me at all for pain (I do have weed, but it is not strong enough to help). I am so frustrated by this right now.

And in other countries? Milder opioid pain medications like Tylenol with codeine or tramadol can be bought without a script.

Sighs.... so very sorry for the long post and rant.
Hear, hear! I am so glad to read this post!

The same thing happens to me and it has only increased my hatred of the medical profession. These POS doctors just take orders from top down policy makers based on things that SHOULD NOT BE THE PATIENTS' PROBLEM. It's not my fucking problem if there's an opioid addiction 'crisis', take it up with the cops and addiction centers, take it up with politicians and pharmceutical companies, not with people who IN ANY OTHER SCENARIO WOULD BE PRESCRIBED OPIOIDS. That's not science and it's not medical 'care' it's policy that places the burden on...patients suffering from chronic pain!! The fucking pseudo-nation i'm living in is a fucking joke!
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Jul 27, 2019
They diagnosed a condition, but also refused pain meds?

At first, my dipshit GP sent me to a "pain management" center, who make u sign draconian contracts & piss tests... then they cold-turkey you if u don't show up to a "surprise" piss test. (you're guilty till proven innocent).. Only about 3 years after pain management hell, I called a lawyer who said to go to an orthopedist, and the ortho DID find a bulging disc in my back which basically explained the source of pain. I did all the physical therapy that my insurance would even cover in the whole year, BUT the ortho was decent enough to give me real pain meds (tramadol) which helped me get more stable sleep (because pain is worst while lying down). I even started going to a chiropractor.

But before tramadol, the only thing that would give me sleep or pain relief was MANY beers...(No weed..weed don't do shit for me) I even have a state card for Marijuana dispensaries, tried the state stuff, and honestly I think the state stuff is of worse quality and lower potenct than the old-fashioned street stuff we had 15-20 years ago.. Weed is fucking worthless.
Is it just me, or does anyone else see a parallel correlation between the so-called "opioid crisis" (people losing their pain meds), and a rise in US suicides?
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Hear, hear! I am so glad to read this post!

The same thing happens to me and it has only increased my hatred of the medical profession. These POS doctors just take orders from top down policy makers based on things that SHOULD NOT BE THE PATIENTS' PROBLEM. It's not my fucking problem if there's an opioid addiction 'crisis', take it up with the cops and addiction centers, take it up with politicians and pharmceutical companies, not with people who IN ANY OTHER SCENARIO WOULD BE PRESCRIBED OPIOIDS. That's not science and it's not medical 'care' it's policy that places the burden on...patients suffering from chronic pain!! The fucking pseudo-nation i'm living in is a fucking joke!

Could not agree more - very well said!

And if docs are scared of malpractice suits? Easy solution - make patients sign an informed consent form prior to prescribing a potentially addicting medication. They are already doing this with other non-narcotic meds.

What a farce.

On edit: I strongly suspect that suicide rates will go up even more because of this new policy. Chronic, severe pain is horrific. Sometimes I wonder if doctors are lemmings/sheep - follow the herd instead of thinking it through and using common sense.
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Jul 27, 2019
Asshole politicians.....
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
At first, my dipshit GP sent me to a "pain management" center, who make u sign draconian contracts & piss tests... then they cold-turkey you if u don't show up to a "surprise" piss test. (you're guilty till proven innocent).. Only about 3 years after pain management hell, I called a lawyer who said to go to an orthopedist, and the ortho DID find a bulging disc in my back which basically explained the source of pain. I did all the physical therapy that my insurance would even cover in the whole year, BUT the ortho was decent enough to give me real pain meds (tramadol) which helped me get more stable sleep (because pain is worst while lying down). I even started going to a chiropractor.

But before tramadol, the only thing that would give me sleep or pain relief was MANY beers...(No weed..weed don't do shit for me) I even have a state card for Marijuana dispensaries, tried the state stuff, and honestly I think the state stuff is of worse quality and lower potenct than the old-fashioned street stuff we had 15-20 years ago.. Weed is fucking worthless.
Is it just me, or does anyone else see a parallel correlation between the so-called "opioid crisis" (people losing their pain meds), and a rise in US suicides?

Pain management centers have always been tough, but now? It is so much worse IMO. Pill counts, pee tests, dropping a patient cold if they receive information from another source even if it is incorrect - like you said, guilty until proven innocent. Tramadol is a good med for some. When I tore my ligament, my friend gave me a couple. At most, I got about 2 hours of relief - and you have to be careful with this med because of the potential for serotonin syndrome. I slept, but was awake 2 hours later and in pain (probably my metabolism).

I do see a huge red flag with the potential for increased suicide rates. Chronic pain is horrific.
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Sep 21, 2020
I also got referred to a pain management center and decided to simply avoid it altogether. I looked into it a bit and realized they are more about managing patients than the patients' PAIN, which is frightening. Truly frightening.
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Moon Flower

I'll soon be sleeping sound
Oct 14, 2019
Tell them to document their refusal in their chart. A lot of them will stop fighting you about it since if it comes back you really did need it it'll make them look bad
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Tell them to document their refusal in their chart. A lot of them will stop fighting you about it since if it comes back you really did need it it'll make them look bad

Thank you for this idea!!
darkness falls

darkness falls

Oct 22, 2020
Am I glad you started this thread. Yes I'm very familiar with this situation. I have fibro and osteoarthritis. I've had chronic pain for the last ten hears. And I'm a young man. The opioid "crisis" is just a bullshit manufactured media darling that has resulted in nothing but more misery and pain for millions. 1/3 of Americans have chronic pain. That's a lot of human beings being punished and denied life changing medication.

Fuck doctors, the media, and pain clinics. The one I went to cut me off cold turkey and forced me to go to clinic for buprinorphine treatment (Suboxone, Zubsolv, etc) and while it's better than nothing bupe isn't a great analgesic. It is a very effective med for addiction though and has a place. I'm still on it. I'd prefer a full agonist opioid but it's better than nothing.

Weed does shit for me or my pain. It does help some people but again not a very effective analgesic in many cases. My biggest concern is if I'm in an emergency and God forbid need pain control fast I'd have to be given a massive dose of a full agonist to overtake the bupe. Bupe is incredibly powerful and will block everything but maybe fentanyl at higher doses.
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Oct 31, 2020
I have been a chronic pain patient for over 20 years now. Starting at about age 18 my lower back would seize up to the point I could barely move, but I would slowly recover with a week or two of heat/ice, and mostly OTC meds (although sometimes a kind, sympathetic doctor would prescribe a weeks worth of Flexaril and Vicodin). But in 1999 I was crouched on the floor putting laundry into a bag and something in my back popped. At first my primary care doctor was convinced I was over-reacting and/or just seeking narcotics. but I knew that this injury was different because the pain was radiating down my left leg. I finally convinced her to refer me to an orthopedist. They did an x-ray which showed loss of height b/w my vertebrae and ordered an MRI. L3/4, 4/5 and L5-S1 were all herniated. I went through multiple rounds of epidural steroid injections, nerve blocks, physical therapy and nasty, painful tests like discograms and a myelogram. When conservative treatments failed I finally ended up having a 2 level (l4/5-L5-S1) fusion in April 2000, followed only 15 months later by an L3/4 fusion. Before my second operation my Neurosurgeon and pain management doctor both recommended that I apply for disability, and I did. It took 3 and a half years to be rewarded SSDI, and here I am 19 years later. Even with pain management I have no quality of life, and at 53 I things are only going to get worse from here, especially since the government's war on opioids is only making things worse, causing wholesale suffering on an almost unimaginable scale. The rate of suicide in the pain patient community rises every day. There are groups trying to fight for us, but progress is very slow and I for one am at the point of giving up. God how I wish N was legal to obtain for those in chronic intractable pain. Even just having that option would bring me such peace of mind!
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Jul 27, 2019
Am I glad you started this thread. Yes I'm very familiar with this situation. I have fibro and osteoarthritis. I've had chronic pain for the last ten hears. And I'm a young man. The opioid "crisis" is just a bullshit manufactured media darling that has resulted in nothing but more misery and pain for millions. 1/3 of Americans have chronic pain. That's a lot of human beings being punished and denied life changing medication.

Fuck doctors, the media, and pain clinics. The one I went to cut me off cold turkey and forced me to go to clinic for buprinorphine treatment (Suboxone, Zubsolv, etc) and while it's better than nothing bupe isn't a great analgesic. It is a very effective med for addiction though and has a place. I'm still on it. I'd prefer a full agonist opioid but it's better than nothing.

Weed does shit for me or my pain. It does help some people but again not a very effective analgesic in many cases. My biggest concern is if I'm in an emergency and God forbid need pain control fast I'd have to be given a massive dose of a full agonist to overtake the bupe. Bupe is incredibly powerful and will block everything but maybe fentanyl at higher doses.

I definitely believe that the "opioid crisis" is a type of Psy-OP or "false flag". It has helped the afghan opium trade and helped the dark net get so huge that it will soon overtake regular street dealers. But I'm very concerned that Biden will make this HELLA WORSE than even Trump! Biden was the original architect in the Drug War in the 1980's, saying that Reagan wasn't doing enough for arresting drug users. In 1994, he signed a law that legalized Mass incarceration, minimum mandatory sentencing, and police asset forfeiture laws (cops are allowed to steal your cash and other assets withOUT even charging you with any crimes!)..

My only hope is that Biden croaks of a heart attack before January 21st so that he can't damage more people's lives than he has over the last 35 years.
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Jul 27, 2019
I'm very sorry to everyone: I should've kept my politics to myself. I didn't mean to offend anyone. If I offended you: I'm very sorry!
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Jul 27, 2019
I've met people who have doctors who keep them on opiods for pain. They take two a day and can lead perfectly normal lives. I despise having to take any pills but no doctor here will put me on them. It would save my life if they would.

Just know this: whatever you do, wherever you go, God will always have your back. Not being melodramatic, NO SARCASM!
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Oct 21, 2019
What I did do was buy tapentadol on the dark web. But tbh I'm not a big fan of opioids. I get tolerant quickly and the tapering is no fun. I'm one month off a very slow taper and I still have bad insomnia and other symptoms.
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
What drugs did Oregon just decriminalize? OPiates? or weed? (Weed makes me nauseous, no pain relief at all..compared to weed, I get more pain relief from 2-3 beers--NOT FUCKING KIDDING!!!)

Oregon's Measure 110 just decriminalized possession of all illegal drugs by a vote of 59%, including heroin and meth, while legalizing psilocybin mushrooms by a 56% vote in a ballot initiative bankrolled by $500,000 TV ad campaign bankrolled from a foundation run by Mark Zuckerberg.

They are moving to emulate the Portuguese model. In 2017, they downgraded possession from a felony to a misdemeanor, and now have further reduced from a misdemeanor to a violation in just three years. The snowball is rolling and Zuckerberg's not likely to stop here. Half a million is pocket change for somebody worth over a hundred billion. The next step is probably outright legalization of everything.
  • Wow
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Jul 27, 2019
Oregon's Measure 110 just decriminalized possession of all illegal drugs by a vote of 59%, including heroin and meth, while legalizing psilocybin mushrooms by a 56% vote in a ballot initiative bankrolled by $500,000 TV ad campaign bankrolled from a foundation run by Mark Zuckerberg.

They are moving to emulate the Portuguese model. In 2017, they downgraded possession from a felony to a misdemeanor, and now have further reduced from a misdemeanor to a violation in just three years. The snowball is rolling and Zuckerberg's not likely to stop here. Half a million is pocket change for somebody worth over a hundred billion. The next step is probably outright legalization of everything.

Wow.. God willing!
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Oct 26, 2019
Different doctor / second opinion? Osteopath?

Anyone that any social groups of disabled people in your area might recommend? (Centers for Independent Living often have connections to those in the US)

Kratom? Poppy seed tea? (Though use caution, test small amounts slowly first, potency can vary WILDLY from batch to batch.)

Lactuca Virosa extracts/smokes work for some.
Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Different doctor / second opinion? Osteopath?

Anyone that any social groups of disabled people in your area might recommend? (Centers for Independent Living often have connections to those in the US)

Kratom? Poppy seed tea? (Though use caution, test small amounts slowly first, potency can vary WILDLY from batch to batch.)

Lactuca Virosa extracts/smokes work for some.

I broke a bone last June, and each doctor I saw (ER, GP, Orthopod) kept shuffling me around to other docs - not one wanted to write a script. Was ridiculous and my injury took a very long time to heal.

I've done both Kratom and PT when pain is really bad. Kratom made me too jittery (prolly took too much?)

Never heard of the LV - I will look it up.

Thank you!

On Edit: the LV - I have heard of it, just not its scientific name. Haven't tried it. Thanks!!


Mar 17, 2018
Haven't. But only because I never bother asking. Instead... I just search for alternatives and improvise with botanical substitutes.
I broke a bone last June, and each doctor I saw (ER, GP, Orthopod) kept shuffling me around to other docs - not one wanted to write a script. Was ridiculous and my injury took a very long time to heal.

I've done both Kratom and PT when pain is really bad. Kratom made me too jittery (prolly took too much?)

Never heard of the LV - I will look it up.

Thank you!

On Edit: the LV - I have heard of it, just not its scientific name. Haven't tried it. Thanks!!

You should perhaps look into akuamma. It's supposed to block pain like kratom, though it's less euphoric and more sedative. As a plus, it's supposed to be less addictive as well as other things. Also incarvillea sinensis. That herb is supposed to have 1.06-1.33 times the potency of morphine in terms of analgesia.
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Jul 27, 2019
I'm going to state that living with an intractable pain condition is horrible, and I clearly believe opioids are being under prescribed for many who need them. That said, you are exhibiting many of the signs of malingering or drug seeking behavior. Im not saying you are actually either, but you are exhibiting the signs of them.

I'm not following - you were being treated by a doctor and as a condition you agreed to random drug screenings? Did you fail one (or multiple ones) or just refuse to take them?

Thanks to people like you, we have a skyrocketing epidemic of suicide.


Dec 26, 2019
Where i am the system is very corrupt. Doctors get a financial bonus from the state for DENYING you referrals to specialists and for refusing you prescriptions because it saves the state money. My corrupt state doctor refused me migraine medication. I get them really bad, they always last 3 days and debilitate me completely. I have abrain tumour and they literally treat me like a hypochondriac. When i die, i might actually hang around this realm just to watch them die in a fire. Who knows what we can do from the other side ;-)
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Sep 21, 2020
Where i am the system is very corrupt. Doctors get a financial bonus from the state for DENYING you referrals to specialists and for refusing you prescriptions because it saves the state money. My corrupt state doctor refused me migraine medication. I get them really bad, they always last 3 days and debilitate me completely. I have abrain tumour and they literally treat me like a hypochondriac. When i die, i might actually hang around this realm just to watch them die in a fire. Who knows what we can do from the other side ;-)
That is totally outrageous but i'm no longer surprised.

I was initially refused treatment for my back. A year later i went to a chiropractic due to having more and more pain. Eventually i went to a different doctor at a sports clinic and was told to get massage and see an 'athletic therapist' (which seems to be like a physio but slightly more advanced and who can do certain adjustments similar to chiro). A few years later i went to a specialist and made the same complaint, same symptoms. The doc tried to pretend that my pain was in my mind. She eventually said she would refer me to get x-rays because that's what one does to verify but the implication was that the x-rays were to cross ts and dot i s but that it's actually in my mind. When the x-rays came back they had to admit that all these years i've had a disc problem so nothing was in my mind. Who knows what might have happened if they'd treated it properly from the beginning. In any event I'd have not had to live the past decade+ in unnecessary pain. These people are the biggest assholes around.
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Apr 26, 2020
That is certainly one take, and you are free to view me that way. Another way you might choose to view me is as someone who has more experience with the issues you describe than you can imagine. You didn't answer my question about the drug screenings. You might even consider what behaviors are being exhibited that are leading you to being labeled as drug seeking or malingering by your doctors.


Oct 30, 2020
I was refused pain meds years ago, I buy on the street but it's expensive.

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