I plan to lie on my right side, slightly elevated in bed, have my headphones in with a specially curated playlist of music, which I time to stop playing after 2 hours. I've bought a cute sheep plushie to cuddle. I'll have my heat pad on my belly, and a lot of cardboard sick bowls.
I have a children's book with really beautiful drawings I might look at during those first few minutes to distract my mind.
I'll probably cry. At how sad it is I've had to do this and also that this release is all I've ever wanted for so long of my life and it's finally happening. I'll be scared. I might scrunch my eyes up tightly to help me endure whatever comes. The worst part is not knowing what will happen when you fall unconscious, if you succeeded. If you do succeed, you'll never know, and if you don't, you'll wake up soon in a hospital. I'll be praying and praying I don't wake up until I can't think straight anymore.
My worst fears at the moment is making sure the SN I've acquired is legit and pure. I've bought from two sources and I've no idea which one to use. One is MDS. I know there have been a lot of studies etc on mds but then there are posts of people saying they've been scammed by them(??), and I haven't actually seen any posts of people successfully CTB'ing with MDS. With my other source, apparently one user did successfully CTB with this source (supposedly), but other than that I don't have any information on it. So I'm a bit of an anxious wreck atm.