
Dec 8, 2019


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May 8, 2020
Ah...the smiley-face icon didn't attach. :)

I thought your comment was funny.

All three images made ma chuckle.
Oh, okay. Lol. I thought I'd shocked or offended you somehow.
Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Completely naïve view that people in my real life care like I do and an inability to fathom how anyone could abuse someone so badly while simultaneously claiming that they love that person. Ultimately, my biggest flaw? Being a fool to trust like I do.
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had enuff
Sep 10, 2020
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Its time
Jun 7, 2019
Hard to narrow it down but one for sure is my need to always be right even at the expense of looking like a jerk sometimes.

I've never had the gift of gab like 2 of my best friends growing up so being the quiet one I had to try a different approach. One that everyone would listen to when I spoke because while I didn't talk a lot, if I did it's because it was important, worth hearing, or was knowledgeable/factual.

What's probably the most annoying (for people) is that I am pretty much always right because I won't say or comment on something unless I'm sure I know what I'm saying. I remember one time my Dad asked me if I'd rather be right or nice.

It's not that I was technically mean but I was arguing about the amount of sugar in a serving of cake and couldn't just let it go. Stupid of me yes, but he is diabetic and while it really wouldnt have caused him any problems I still didn't want him to be misjudging his sugar intake.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
My self-loathing/self-deprecation probably, even though I deserve all of it.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
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you need to die if you want to go to heaven
Oct 24, 2020
I'm always unsure if I'm doing good enough or if I'm overdoing it; nevertheless, I tend to do things with perfection or high expectations and I strive for the approval and validation of the public's eye. I've been living my life in a masquerade just to fit in. It's been fun role-playing just to get accepted, but sometimes, it's lonely and exhausting. So, I guess, who I am is my worst flaw.
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Jan 4, 2021
I'd say envy, I don't feel like I can ever have a normal life and I see everyone around me happy, dating, working, going outand stuff
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We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
What's the worst thing about you?
Narcissism for me.
My mother is a nacrissistic asshole, she is the reason my life is so bad. But she doesn't know it and will never understand because she lives in her own bubble. You, sir, are different from her. I didn't know nacissists can become self-aware. This can be an opportunity to change. I have hope for you :)

I am retarded and a perfectionist... I always do everything slower than everyone else. Never been able to finish tests and jobs on time. And when I do stuff I either like it to be so perfect, and if not, I'd rather not do it at all. Or maybe abandon the task halfway because I messed up and it won't be perfect. Also even for the things that bring me small amounts of pleasure, I am still like this
I can relate to this 100% and I don't like it. My worst flaw is probably my character in general (dumb, no self-esteem, too nice to everyone) but being retarded and a perfectionist surely doesn't help. I always expect 110% out of myself and when I don't manage to do it (because 110% is mathematically impossible and I suck at every thing I do) I just end up being disappointed of myself. This came to a point where I don't even believe in myself.
So basically: I want to do something → high expectations → self-hate → no motivation → I fail the task → disappointed → more self-hate.
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permanent eternal absoluteNONexistenceNOTHINGness
Dec 17, 2019
[['very' 'long' 'message', please dont 'answer' anything to it, its gonna be an 'assumption' and i dont want to 'read' that at all.]]

I dont give a damn fcking shit if "i" have a "wOrSt 'fLaW'" (or whatever the fck "fLaW" means i couldn't give any less of a sh*t) or not lmfao. i've simply never wanted, don't want and never at all will to have any "sTrEnGtHs"/"qUaLiTiEs"/"aBiLiTiEs"/"tAlEnTs"/"vIrTuEs" blahblahblah or however the fuck to call that crap/or whatever tf all that is nor any other """"pOsItIvE"""" thing/type of thing/garbage crap in general at all lmao. And i don't have any ""pRoBlEm"" with that and never will lmao, 'again', why the fck do "i" have to? Lol, am i really fcking supposed to be ""wOrRiEd"" about not wanting to 'have'/'be'/'do' etcetc nor any other 'verb'/'action' etc ANYTHING AT ALL (IN GENERAL, OF ANY TYPE/WAY WHATEVER HOWEVER TF IT IS/CAN BE ETC) """"positive""""? Why lmfao, why the fck do i have to want to and care about it? I literally just dont and never will, and dont fcking 'understand' why the fck am i obligated to if "I" never asked to 'exist' nor 'experience' etc nor 'be' 'brought' to anything/anywhere in general at all regardless how/what the fck it is etc in the first place but well lmao. 'This' is an obligation unfortunately and i can't just not want etc anything at all in general and that's it without it being because of any damn reason at all and its so fcking frustrating that it gives me so much fucking impotence. ""Why you dont? Theres a reason why you dont"", everyone would 'ask' me lol. And why the fck do i have to have a reason why yes or yes? why the fck do 'i' have to want to yes or yes uNleSs i DoNt BeCaUsE Of a ReAsoN? that'll always be my fcking question, just because 'i' had no choice but to 'exist', 'be'|'become' 'something'/'someone' and had no choice but to 'be' 'brought' 'here', means that i automatically have to 'want'/'care' about etc 'something'/'things' and if i don't "iTs bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN, iTs ImPoSsIbLe To NoT wAnT/nOt cArE aBoUt/nOt hAvE iNtErEst fOr eTc aNytHiNg aT aLl wItHoUt aNy rEaSoN/rEaSoNs"???!!! but why for fuck's sake why?  i just want to fcking 'know' or whatever tf "know" means why tf it has to 'strictly' be bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN yes or yes? That there has to be a reason why yes or fcking yes Or eLsE iTs A """cHeMicAl iMbAlAnCe""" is just a fcking 'human' invention lmao. "I" never 'asked' to 'exist' nor 'be' anything at all nor be 'brought' to anything/anywhere at all whatever/however tf it is of any type/form/way etc at all nor 'experience' etc absolutely anything at all, "im" 'here' just because "I" had no choice, it was what two 'human bodies' wanted, two 'human bodies' wanted to 'reproduce' and had "me", ok, "i" 'exist' and 'am' 'here', but what if i simply JUST DONT want to and THATS IT no fcking 'matter' what? No fcking 'matter' what/how etc the fck anything/everything/whatever 'thing'|'place' etcetc is/isnt/can be etc and that's it WITHOUT it being because of any single fcking 'reason' in general at all? I never 'chose'/'asked for' absolutely anything in general at all, "im" 'something'/'someone' inevitably, because "I" had no choice but to, but what if i simply JUST DONT WANT to 'participate in'/'experience' etc 'existence'/'consciousness'/'life'/'the world'/'planet earth' of any type at all any way etc at all, no 'matter' what/how etc the fck it is, no 'matter' what 'happens' neither how happens neither how tf it is what happens, neither what types of 'things' etc happen, no 'matter' how 'life' and or whatever tf in general 'works' neither 'what' 'life' and whatever tf in general 'is about', no 'matter' what 'things'/'places' etc 'there is'/'there are'/'there can be' and basically a 'large' etc, i could 'continue' 'saying' no fcking 'matter' this and that and this and also that etc, I literally just couldnt care any less and dont want to at all nor will ever have any "need"/"desire" to, for fcks sake and that's it. But well, this will absolutely never (ill never understand why but well ) be 'understood'/'believed'/'comprehended' by literally anyone (regardless if they're pro life or not, suicidal or not etc) without making any assumption/type of assuption at all, so 'me' 'trying' to 'explain' this wont 'change' anything, there are gonna be assumptions no matter how much i say that it's literally just NOT because of ANY damn reason/reasons at all lmao. It's not ""nIhIlISm"", its not ""eMpTiNeSs"", its not ""aNtInAtAlIsM"", its not ""bAd lIfE"", its not ""lOw sElf-EsTeEm"", its not ""dEpReSsIoN"", its not ""sElf HaTe"", its not ""bAd SiTuAtIoN"", its not ""bOrEdOm"", its not ""aPaThy"", its not a ""pHaSe"", its not """'dIsaPpOinTmEnT' aNd Or 'dIsGuSt' aNd Or 'uNsAtIsFaCtIoN' aNd Or 'aNgEr' {or whatever tf all that means lmao} 'wItH'|'aT'|'aBoUt' 'LifE' aNd tHe 'wOrlD' aNd Or wHaTeVeR tHe fCk""" (as if i gave a fck how the fck 'life', 'the world', 'planet earth', 'existence' and or whatever tf in general is/isnt/can be etc lmfao and i couldnt care any less if it's any/whatever """"""pOsItIvE"""""" 'way'/'adjective'/type of x etc nor if its any/whatever """""""""nEgAtIvE""""""""" 'way'/'adjective'/type of x etcblabla lmfao i literally just dont care and never will, I. JUST. DONT. THATS IT.), its not ""tRaUmA"", its not ""dIsAbIlITiEs"", it's not ""dIsAsSoCiAtIoN"", its not ""nOt BeInG 'aCcEpTeD'/'lOvEd'/'wAnTeD'/'aPpReCiaTeD'/'vAlUeD'/'sUpPoRtEd'"" (as if i gave a fckinge sht if 'i' am or not lmfaoooooo. If im not it'll never """"aFfEcT""""/""""wOrRy"""" me in any way at all lmao. i'm 'loved'/'accepted'/'wanted' etcetc blahblah all that and i couldn't give any less of a damn fck lmao, why tf do "I" have to 'care' yes or yes? jfc lol) its not ""aBuSe"", its not ""'pHySiCaL'/'mEnTaL'/'eMotIoNaL' 'pAiN'"", its not ""bAd FaMiLy"", its not ""bUlLyInG"", its not ""'bAd' 'LifE' iN tHe 'pAsT'"" (neither ""bad"" 'life' 'now' lol), its not ""'iNaBiLiTy' tO 'fEeL' aNd 'EnJoY' tHiNgS aNd bE 'hApPy', 'sAtIsFiEd' aNd 'fUlFiLlEd' aNd Or wHaTeVeR tHe fCk In gEnErAl"" (i have it and I dont give a damn fcking sht lmao) NOR basically/literally ANY other single fcking damn 'reason'/'reasons' in general AT ALL. I literally JUST DONT and never will at all and thats it, theres no 'explanation' nor 'reason why' for 'this' and it's not any fcking "CoNsEqUeNcE" of anything at all, it's NOT that sOmEtHiNg hAs cAuSeD mE tO sAy ThIs NOR tHaT iVe cHoSeN tO nOt wAnT/nOt cArE aBoUt eTc AnYtHiNg aT aLl bEcAuSe Of sOmEtHiNg ""bAd"" tHaT hApPeNeD/bEcAuSe oF a ReAsoN iN gEnErAl. No ffs lol it's not because of any of those 'reasons' nor because of literally ANY other 'reason'/'reasons' in general at all.

If it wasnt because i simply just dont have 'access' to any way out/method (at least to any 'relatively' 'painless'/'quick'/'reliable' method/way out. And i have to have a fcking 'HoUsE'/'aPaRmEnT' for a 'sUcCeSsFuL' 'attempt' to be 'possible' and not 'risk' anything and for that i'd first have to fcking 'work' 'first' and all that garbage shit and so many fckinf 'years' would have to fcking 'pass by' 'until' i 'finally' have the fcking 'house'/'apartment' to FINALLY be 'aBlE' to attempt/die without any 'risks'/'interruptions'/'worries' of 'getting' 'brain damage'/'being' 'found'/'ending up' in a 'psych ward'/not having any more 'opportunities' to 'attempt' again/'traumatizing'|'shocking' my 'parents'|'family' etc. and sigh, what a damn sh*t that for that to be 'possible' i have to fcking 'work' and all that crap, have 'money' or whatever tf "money" means i dont give a shit, to 'buy'/'have' an 'oWn HoUsE' and then finally die 'there' without any 'worries'/'risks' of 'people' being 'around', and for that I'd have to fcking 'wait' for 'who' tf 'knows' how many fcking 'years', fck it's so fcking frustrating that it's so fcking 'hard' to die/stop 'existing', ffffuuuuuucccckkkkk. 'here' in 'this' 'house' is so 'risky'/'suspicious' and 'hard' to 'do' with 'pRoPeR' 'planning'/'preparation' and without 'failing' at all and not being 'found'/'interrupted'/'caught' at all, and 'also' theres the 'problem' of 'tRaUmAtIzInG'/'sHoCkInG' my 'parents'/'family', as 'they' would be the 'first ones' 'who' 'find'/'see' my 'dead body', JFC why can't dying be EASY FFS WHY??!! WHY IT HAS TO BE SO FCKING RISKY AND HARD??!! LET 'ME' FINALLY NOT 'EXIST'/NOT 'BE' ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING ANYONE ANYWHERE AT ALL FFS!!!!!!) and because if "I" die/disappear/STOP 'EXISTING' FINALLY ["I" fcking wish lol] my 'parents'/'family' would be 'extremely' 'devastated'/'hurt'/'sad' and they'll be 'crying' and 'suffering' a lot for tHe rEsT oF tHeIr LiVeS and blabla, and theyd most 'likely' be 'the first ones' 'who' 'find'/'see' the 'corpse'/'body'/'carcass' and itd really 'traumatize'/'shock' 'them' a lot and it'd 'hurt' them 'much more' and blahblah all that, and my 'mother' would 'likely' 'commit' 'suicide' if I die or it'd 'hurt' 'her' 'a lot' and 'would' 'never' 'overcome' my 'death'/the 'fact' that 'she' 'lost' 'me' and will 'never' 'see' 'me' (a 'body' lol) 'again', im ""sorry"" but that'll never 'make' me not want to die/NOT 'exist' at akl lmao. 'sorry' for 'her' i 'guess' but if i just dont want to 'experience' anything and just dont want to 'exist' and imply just donte give a shit about literally absolutely anything in general AT ALL etc, I LITERALLY JUST DONT AND THATS FCKING IT AND I SHOULD HAVE THE 'RIGHT' TO DIE/NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL 'WHENEVER' 'I' 'WANT' FFS!!!!! 'THIS' NOR ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL OF ANY TYPE ETC WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF IT IS/CAN BE ETC SHOULDNT BE AN 'OBLIGATION'!!!!! So well, If it wasnt because of all that, and 'also' bc a 'cat' my 'parents'/'family' 'adopted' 'few' 'years' 'ago' that 'loves'/'wants' me a lot and would be 'sad' if i 'leave' 'her' and blablabla, I'd have attempted/'killed' 'myself'/died (and finally would have NOT 'existed' AT ALL) many many many years ago, those are basically the 'reasons' why i still 'exist' and havent done it and whats """"holding me back"""". i FUCKING 'WISH' that to die/NOT 'exist' at all was easy... ITS SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING TO 'KNOW' HOW FUCKING HARD IT IS TO DIE AND JUST NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL. WHY TF FO 'I' HAVE TO YES OR YES 'EXIST'/'LIVE' AND 'EXPERIENCE' 'LIFE'/'EXISTENCE' ETC AND WANT TO AND 'CARE ABOUT/'WANT'/HAVE 'INTEREST' ETC 'FOR' ETCETC AND WANT TO 'THINGS' YES OR FCKING YES AND IF I DONT ItS bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN yEs Or YeS???!!! WHY FOR FCKS SAKE WHY!!!! i literally just dont want to have any 'path'/'journey'/'passage' of any type at all in 'life'/'the world'/'existence'/'planet earth'/'consciousness' however tf it is/can be, whatever tf 'there is'/'there can be', whatever tf 'happens' etc etc etc, nor basically anything/anywhere else of any type/any way/any form etc WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF 'IT' 'IS'/'IT' 'CAN BE' AND THATS IT!!!!!!

Anyways, just because my 'parents'/'family' 'would' be 'traumatised', 'shocked', 'hurt', 'devastated' and blabla all that, and itd be 'very hard' and 'would' 'impact' 'them' 'a lot' and blahblablah, DOESNT mean that ill never attempt/'kill' 'myself' and finally die and just NOT 'be' absolutely anything at all/that ill never want to finally DIE and just NOT exist at all. this shouldnt be a fcking obligation ffs!!!! just because they want me to 'be' 'here' and 'exist' and 'live' and 'enjoy'/'experience' etc 'life' blahblah and 'be' 'happy' and 'healthy' and blahblahblah many other '''pOsItIvE''' crap in general. and just because 'they' are my 'parents'/'family' and i (had no fcking 'choice') 'was' 'born' and 'brought' 'here' and just because my death would 'hurt' 'them' a lot and blahblah, DOESNT mean that i have to want to 'experience'/'participatein'/'care about'/'want'/'have' 'interest' 'for' etcetc ***'this', just bc "im" 'here'/'was' 'brought' 'here' (had no 'choice', was 'inevitable' and 'uncontrollable' or whatever tf that means lol) and 'im' 'something'/'something' 'just like' the 'rest' of 'people'/'everyone' 'else' 'is'/'are' and just bc 'im' "eXpEcTeD" to 'care' 'about'/'want'/'be' 'interested' in etcetcblabla 'something'/a 'thing'/'things'/'life'/'the world' etcblabla and or whatever the fuck yes or fcking yes and if i dont iTs BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN DOESNT 'automatically' 'mean' that 'i' YES OR FCKING YES HAVE TO 'WANT' ETC TOO FFS!!!!!! I JUST DONT HAVE ANY "INTEREST" AT ALL 'FOR'|'ABOUT' ANYTHING AT ALL NOR GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF 'IT' 'IS'/'CAN BE' ETCETC AND DONT WANT TO 'CARE'/HAVE ANY 'INTEREST' ETC AND THATS FCKING IT I SIMPLY JUST DONT WANT ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING AT A JN GENERAL AND NEVER WILL GIVE A SHIT ABOUT/NEVER WILL WANT TO 'DO'|'EXPERIENCE'|'ENJOY'|'KNOW' AND OR|NOR ANY OTHER FCKING 'ACTION'|'VERB' ETC AT ALL ETCETC ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING AT ALL WHATEVER/HOWEVER THE DAMN FCK 'IT' 'IS'/'IT' 'CAN BE' ETC AND NEVER WILL WANT TO WANT TO ETC LITERALLY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL and thats. fucking. goddamn. it. JUST BECAUSE "I" "AM" "HERE"/'INSIDE' A 'HUMAN BODY'/'BODY'/'BRAIN'/'MIND' OR WHATEVER TF THAT 'IS'/THATS 'CALLED' [******] (((((that 'i' couldn't give any damn fcking less of a damn fck 'how' 'it' 'is', 'how' tf 'it' 'looks like', 'how' ""fUnCtIoNaL"/"hEaLtHy"/"uSeFuL"/"aTtRaCtIvE"/"fIt" blahblah and or whatever tf all those """"pOsItIvE"""" 'words'/'adjectives' mean lmfaooooooo i literally just don't give a single damn fcking sh*t ffs neither about 'human bodies' 'bodies'/'brains' in general no matter what type it is, of what 'species'/'beings'/'entities'/'creatures'/'life forms' blabla etc 'it' 'is' etc neither 'how' tf 'it' 'is'/'can be', neither 'what' 'it' 'can' 'do' etcetc, NOR about literally, absolutely ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL!!!! I JUST DONT AND NEVER AT ALL WILL 'UNDER' ANY FCKING 'CIRCUMSTANCE' AT ALL IN GENERAL!!!!!!!! ""tHeRe HaS tO bE aN eXpLaNaTiOn fOr YoU tO sAy ThAt aNd ThErEs A rEaSoN wHy aNd SoMeThInG hAs BrOuGhT yOu tO tHaT pOiNt wHeRe YoU dOnT cArE aBoUt aNyThInG aNyMoRe, iTs A CoNsEqUeNcE Of sOmEtHiNg"" no ffs lmfao it's NOT because of that!!!! Theres NO "rEaSoN wHy" nor "rEaSoNs whY", there arent any "ExPlAnAtIoNs", NOTHING has "mAdE mE sAy ThIs/cOmE tO tHiS cOnClUsIoN", NOTHING has "bRoUgHt Me tO tHe pOiNt wHeRe I dEcIdE tO nOt cArE aBoUt aNytHiNg 'aNyMoRe'", its not the 'cOnSeQuEnCe' of anything at all.
Its not that i don't give a shit about anything ""anymore"" and or ""because of a reason"" lmfao it's not any of both, its NOT because of literally ANY damn 'reason' nor 'reasons' in general at all of any type. i simply literally NEVER at all have cared and NEVER at all will. Its NOT that i [JUST] dont give NOT EVEN A SINGLE GODDAMNED FCKING SH*T ABOUT 'COMPLETELY'/'LITERALLY'/'ABSOLUTELY' ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL OF ANY TYPE ANY WAY RELATED TO/ABOUT ANYTHING AT ALL WHATEVER/HOWEVER THE FCK 'IT' 'IS'/'IT' 'CAN BE' """"ANYMORE"""" BuT i UsEd To BeFoRe/iN tHe PaSt aNd nOw I dOnT bEcAuSe Of 'dEpReSsiOn' aNd Or AnY OtHeR 'mEnTaL iLlNeSsEs'|'mEnTaL hEaLtH iSsUeS', aNd Or bEcAuSe Of 'aPaThY', aNd Or bEcAuSe Of 'eMpTiNeSs', aNd oR bEcAuSe Of 'bOrEdOm', aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "bAd lifE", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of 'lAcK' oF 'mOtIvAtIoN', aNd Or bEcAuSe 'dIsApPoInTmEnT', aNd Or bEcAuSe Of 'hIgH' 'eXpEcTaTiOnS' (or whatever tf that means lmfao), aNd Or bEcAuSe Of 'UnSaTiSfAcTiOn', aNd Or bEcAuSe Of 'uNfUlFilLmEnT', aNd Or bEcAuSe Of 'cRuElTy' aNd 'dEsTrUcTiOn' aNd 'pOpUlAtIoN cOnTrOl' aNd 'iNjUsTiCe' aNd 'uNfAiRnEsS' aNd 'vIoLeNcE' aNd 'tRaGeDiEs' iN 'lIfE'/'tHe wOrlD'/'pLaNeT eArTh' aNd Or wHaTeVeR|wHeReVeR tHe FcK [and i couldnt give any damn less of a fck :pfff: i literally just don't give a fck and it'll always be absolutely completely 'indifferent' and ], aNd Or bEcAuSe "i cAnT/dOnT fINd tHat i 'lIkE'/'wAnT tO dO' aNd Or wHaTeVeR oThEr 'vErB'/'AcTiOn'/tHaT 'iNtErEsTs' Me"** ((lmfaooo i could/can 'perfectly' 'like'/'be' 'interested' in/'want'/'want' to 'do' and or any other 'verb'|'action'/'care about' blabla and or whatever the fck in general 'things'/'something'/a 'thing' and all that crap but i literally just don't want to and dont want to want to and dont have the "need" to want to and never at all will no 'matter' what etc lol. I have the 'ability' or whatever tf that means to 'like'/'do'/'enjoy'/'feel' etcetcblabla 'things' and all that crap AND I COULDNT CARE ANY LESS!!!! I JUST DONT GIVE A DAMN SH*T FFS LOL. its NOT that i ""want to 'like' etc 'things' but i dont because it's this or that 'thing'/this or that 'way'/this or that 'type' of 'thing' and or whatever other 'reason' blabla"" no lmfao, i could 'like' etcblabla 'things' and or whatever the f*ck and all that crap but i simply just dont want to ffs lmao i just DONT want to 'like'/have 'interest' about/'care' about/'want'/want to 'do'|'experience'|'enjoy' etcblabla ANYTHING AT ALL FFS, A N Y T H I N G. ANYTHING OF ANY TYPE ETC AT ALL WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF 'IT' 'IS'/'CAN BE' etc, that's it jfc lol. I DONT WANT RO 'LIKE' ETC ANYTHING, I 'PERFECTLY' CAN BUT I SIMPLY JUST DONT WANT TO, NEVER HAD AND NEVER WILL WANT TO AND NEVER FCKING WILL FFS, I JUST WANT TO NOT EXIST AT ALL AND NOT 'EXPERIENCE'|'DO'|'BE'|'FEEL' ETC ANYTHING AT ALL IN GENERAL OF ANY TYPE/WAY ETC ANY 'FORM' ETC, WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF IT IS/CAN BE, 'RELATED TO'/'ABOUT' ANYTHING AT ALL, 'FROM' LITERALLY ANYTHING/ANYWHERE AT ALL OF ANY TYPE/WAY/FORM/DIMENSION/SHAPE ETC ETC AT ALL FFS!!!!! why the fck cant JUST NOT WANTING, JUST NOT 'WISHING' FOR, JUST NOT 'CARING' ABOUT, JUST NOT HAVING ANY DAMN 'INTEREST' FOR ETCETCETC ANY SINGLE DAMN FCKING 'THING'/'THINGS'/TYPE OF 'THING'/TYPES OF 'THINGS' ETC BE POSSIBLE FFS WHY???!!!???!!!
IVE SIMPLY LITERALLY JUST NEVER AT ALL 'CARED' ABOUT ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL AND SIMPLY JUST BASICALLY NEVER AT ALL WILL for fucks sake, i just dont. I. JUST. SIMPLY. FCKING. DONT. and theres. no. fcking. reason. why. at. all. THATS IT FFS!!!!!!))** ANd Or bEcAuSe Of AnY OtHeR rEaSoN/rEaSoNs iN gEnErAl

I have 'shelter', 'food', 'gOoD' 'hEaLtH', 'gOoD' 'fAmIlY', 'comfort' 'place' to 'sleep', 'clothes', 'warmth' blahblah and basically all the rest of 'bAsIc' 'nEeDs' and blabla and i couldnt care any damn less lol. i have 'access' to everything/anything tHaT 'oNe' cAn 'wAnT'|'wIsH'|'nEeD'|'dEsIrE' blabla/tHaT iS 'NeEdEd'|'wAnTeD' tO 'Be HaPpY'*** (((or whatever the fck "hApPy" means lol. and i 'know' that 'hApPiNeSs' iS 'sUbJeCtIvE' or whatever tf that means and blahblah but still lol, no 'matter' what/how/what type of 'things' is whar 'i' 'have' etc i literally couldn't care any damn less ffs lmao i literally simply just dont fcking 'want' anything at all whatever/however tf it is/can be etc. just because 'i' had no choice but to 'exist' and 'come' 'here' to whatever 'all' 'this' 'is'/'is' 'called' ['I' just dont want to be 'brought' ANYWHERE AT ALL NOR 'EXPERIENCE' ETC ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL OF ANY TYPE/WAY/'FORM' ETC AT ALL WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF IT IS, NOT 'ONLY' 'THIS' HOWEVER TF IT IS, NO FCKING 'MATTER' WHAT 'HAPPENS' ETCETC, i just dont absolutely ANYTHING in general at all no 'matter' what/how/where etc it is/can be etc and that's. fucking. it.] and 'be' 'something'/'someone' and 'experience' etc 'this' DOESNT fcking 'mean' that i have to 'want', 'care' about etcetc 'things' for fucks sake!!! I JUST DONT, NEVER AT ALL WANTED AND NEVER AT ALL WILL AND THATS BASICALLY IT. There isnt any single damn 'reasons' at all. I just dont want any fcking type of 'happiness' I dont give a damn fcking shit about [and DONT 'want' nor 'need' nor 'desire' nor 'wish' nor 'hope for' nor 'dream about' and NEVER at all will lol, basically literally just dont fcking 'want' etc absolutely ANYTHING in general ffs, anything at all of any type, any way, whatever/however tf 'it' 'is'/'it' 'can be' etc, I just dont never wanted never will and have never wanted to want to and never at fcking all will no 'matter' what lmfao] neither 'happiness', nor 'joy', nor 'satisfaction', nor 'fulfillment', nor 'enjoyment', nor 'validation', nor 'success', nor 'recognition', nor 'value', nor 'meaning', nor 'usefulness', nor 'worthiness', nor 'entertainment', nor 'independence', nor 'maturity', nor 'knowledge', nor 'wisdom', nor 'affection', nor 'love', nor 'intelligence', nor 'freedom' [unless it is 'freedom' to finally DIE/NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL ANYWHERE AT ALL NEVER AT ALL/NOT 'BE' ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING ANYONE ANYWHERE ETC AT ALL], nor 'determination', nor 'dedication', nor 'health', nor 'hygiene', nor 'appearance', nor 'experiences', nor 'growth' nor 'achievements', nor 'confidence', nor 'sophistication' blaah blaaah blaaah or whatever the fck those ""pOsItIvE""" 'words'/'aBsTrAcT' 'nOuNs' mean lmfaooo i don't give not even a single damn fcking sh*t, NOR about literally/absolutely ANY other fcking """pOsItIvE""" 'things'/types of 'things'/garbage crap like that, nor basically any other fcking """pOsItIvE""" bullshit in general whatever tf it is, no 'matter' what the fck it's about/'related to' etc lmfao))) ***and that mAkEs lIfE 'eAsIeR', 'hApPiEr' aNd 'bEtTeR', aNd MoRe 'cOmFoRtAbLe', 'jOyFuL' AnD 'eNtErTaInInG', 'fUn' AnD 'mEaNiNgFuL', 'sAtIsFyInG', 'fUlFiLlInG' and blahblahblah whatever other """""""pOsItIvE""""""" crap like that/in general [as if i gave a fcking shit lol] and that 'one' can 'want'/'wish'/'desire' to 'have' blabla and i couldnt care any damn less of a damn fcking sht lmfaoooooo. I. Literally. Just. Dont. I LITERALLY JUST DONT GIVE A DAMN FCKING SINGLE DAMN SHIT, FFS. and again, why the fck do i have to?
i dont give a damn shit and never AT ALL will, no 'matter' what etc if 'life' "is" or "isnt" 'wOrTh LiViNg' or not lmao. (or whatever tf "wOrH lIvInG" means, I couldnt care any damn less lol. i dont give a shit if its '''wOrTh LiViNg''' or not nor if it's """mEaNiNgLeSs""" or """mEaNiNgFuL""" or if it's """eXcItInG"""/"""iNtErEsTiNg""" or """bOrInG""" or however tf in general, ok i 'guess'? lmaoooo. I dont want it to be '''wOrTh LiViNg'''/"""mEaNiNgFuL"""/"""eXcItInG"""/"""iNtErEsTiNg""" nor any other """"pOsItIvE"""" 'way'/'adjective'/type of 'life' [or whatever tf that means] however the fck it is/can be etc at all anyway lmfao, if "it is" or "it isnt" i just literally simply couldn't 'care' any less lmaooo, if "iT iSnT" it'll never ""aFfEcT""/""wOrRy"" 'me' in any way lol. i just will never want to 'experience' etc, neither 'life' of any fcking type, however tf it is etc, NOR absolutely ANY other 'thing'/type of 'thing'/'place' etcetc in general at all, whatever/however/wherever etc the fck it is/can be etc) I'll never care about it/'like' it {NOR 'DISLIKE'/'HATE' AT ALL HOWEVER TT IT IS/CAN BE, NO FCKING 'MATTER' WHAT TYPE OF 'LIFE' AND OR WHATEVER TF IN GENERAL IS/CAN BE NEITHER IF IT'S ANY """"" PoSiTiVe""""" OR ANY """""""NeGaTiVe""""""" wAy/aDjEcTiVe/tYpE Of 'lIfE' BlaHbLaH aNd Or wHaTeVeR tHe dAmN fCk lmfaooooooo. and i just have never wanted, don't want and simply never fcking will to 'have'/'live' (nor any other 'verb'/type of 'verb' AT ALL) ANY fcking 'life' ((NEITHER "here " iN "pLaNeT eArTh"/"thIs wOrlD" however tf it is/can be etc NOR 'from' literally/absolutely anything/anywhere else AT ALL of any fcking type/way/'form'/'shape'/'dimension' etcetc AT ALL nor whatever/however the damn fck it is/can be and a 'large' etc!!!!!!!! I LITERALLY JUST DONT GIVE A DAMN SINGLE FCKING SHT FFS!!!!!!) of ANY fucking type/way etc AT ALL, however tf 'it' 'is'/'can be' etcetc FFS!!!¡!!! AND NO FCKING 'MATTER' HOW """"""GoOd""""'" NOR """""""'bAd"""""""" [AND OR ANY OTHER """""""""NegAtIvE""""""""" 'wAy'/'thInG'/' tYpE Of ThInG' iN gEnErAl/tYpE oF 'lIfe'/tYpE oF 'tHe wOrLd'/tYpE oF x/tYpE oF wHaTeVEr tHe dAmN fUcK lmfaooooooo] 'IT' 'IS'/'CAN BE' LMFAOOOO I DON'T GIVE AND NEVER AT ALL WILL ANY FCKING SHIT GARBAGE LMFAO i literally simply just don't want to 'have'/'follow'/'plan' any fcking ""pAtH"" or whatever tf that means in 'mY lIfE'/'lIfE' iN gEnErAl whatever/however etc the damnn fck 'it' 'is'/'it' 'can be' etcetc blabla I LITERALLY JUST DONT GIVE A DAMN FUCKING SHIT FFS!!! and i simply literally just DONT want and NEVER at all will wanr to 'have' any fucking "qUaLitY oF lIfE", much less """"pOsItIvE"""" lmfaoooooo. why the fuck do I yes or fcking yes have have to want to 'have' a "gOoD qUaLiTy Of LiFe"** ((I DONT WANT AND NEVER FFKING WILL REGARDLESS HOW ETC TR IT IS/CAN BE ETC FFS why tf do i have to fcking care about/want etc ""pOsItIvE"""/"""gOoD""" tHiNgS lmao why jesus fucking damn christ it's so fcking frustrating that 'caring about'/'wanting'/'having' 'interest' and or whatever other fcking crap 'for'|'about etcetc 'life'/'the world'/'things' in general of whatever type etc/'existence'/'planet earth' blabla and or whatever the damn fck in general UnlEsS i DoNt bEcAuSe Of hOw/tHe wAy It iS/bEcAuSe Of ThE tHiNgS|tYpEs Of ThInGs tHaT hApPeNs blabla etcetc aNd Or bEcAuSe Of AnY OtHeR rEaSoN iN gEnErAl, and 'existing'/'living'/'experiencing' etc in general and wanting to uNleSs I dOnT bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN is a fcking obligation and i can't just simply not want anything at all OF ANY FCKING TYPE/WAY ETC NOR RELATED TO/ABOUT ETC ANYTHING AT ALL WHATEVER HOWEVER THE FCK IT IS/CAN BE ETC AND THATS FCKING IT and that i cant just not want to 'experience' absolutely anything in general at all and I cant just want to 'disappear' and just NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL AND NOT be literally ANYTHING at all eternally, FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY THE FCK CANT "I" JUST NOT WANT NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT NOT 'BE' "INTERESTED" IN [AND NOT WANT TO/NOT WANT TO WANT TO AT ALL NO FCKING 'MATTER' WHAT] ETCETC ABSOLUTELY/LITERALLY JUST SIMPLY BASICALLY ANYTHING AT ALL AND THATS IT))** or whatever tf """gOoD qUaLiTy Of LifE""" means lmao and or whatever other fcking garbage drap/'thing'/'activity' etcetc of any type in general why ffs

'I' have a 'pretty' 'good'/'great'/'perfect' (or whatever tf those 'words'/'adjectives' mean, i couldn't care any less lol) 'life' and 'good'/'great'/'amazing'/'perfect'/'loving'/'kind'/'caring'/'supportive'/'generous'/'protective'/'accepting' (and blahblahblah many other """""pOsItIvE""""" 'ways'/'adjectives'/types of 'parents'|'family') (or whatever tf all those 'words'/""pOsItIvE"" 'adjectives' mean) 'parents'/'family' that 'want'/'love'/'appreciate'/'value'/'considerate'/'respect' (and blahblah many other """pOsItIvE""" 'verbs') 'me' and they 'allow'/'let'/'want' 'me' to 'do'/'live'/'be' etcetc """""wHaTeVeR/'wHoEvEr'/'hOwEvEr' I wAnT"""" and blahblah many other """pOsItIvE""" things/types of things etc/crap like that and in general AND I JUST COULDNT CARE ANY DAMN LESS. I JUST DONT GIVE A SH*T FFS WHY AM "I" FCKING FORCED TO 'CARE' AND 'BE' ""GRATEFUL"" AND ALL THAT CRAP? lol. why for fucks sake, why. why cant i just not want anything AT ALL whatever/however tf it is/can be etcetc and WITHOUT it being BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN/rEaSoNs AND THAT'S IT FOR FCKS SAKE??? is having yes or yes a ReAsOn wHy a fcking 'rule'/'requirement'/'obligation' that 'humans'/'people' have 'created'/'invented' because they fcking felt like it or? :pfff: "I" didnt 'ask' to 'exist'/'be' 'born'/'be' 'brought' to anything/anywhere at all nor 'experience' absolutely anything in general at all of any type/way etc nor 'asked' for literally ANYTHING ELSE in general at all of ANY type, ANY way etc no 'matter' what/how etc it is/can be etc but 'despite' that i have to have a ReAsOn wHy to die or else i CaNt aNd iTs a 'cHeMicAl' 'iMbAlAnCe' iN tHe 'bRaiN' aNd Or 'nIhIlIsM'/'aNtInAtAlIsM' or whatever tf that is and or whatever tf lmaoooo, it's so damn fcking frustrating that there has to be a rEaSoN wHy to want to not exist at all, it FCKING GIVES ME SO MUCH 'IMPOTENCE' AND 'ANGER' AND 'FRUSTRATION', TO DIE SHOULD BE A RIGHT AND THERE SHOULDNT HAVE TO BE ANY FCKING 'EXPLANATIONS' NOR 'REASONS WHY' NOR ANY OTHER FCKING GARBAGE LIKE THAT!!!!!

I just dont want (and dont want to want to and never at all will no 'matter' what etc) to 'have' absolutely ANYTHING "tO lIvE fOr" of any type whatever/however the fck it is/can be and never will at all lmfao nor literally anything else in general whatever and however the fck it is/can be etc, and that's it. I just dont and whats the fcking """"pRoBlEm""""??? because i just dont have any and i just cant fcking comprehend why do I have to and be ""wOrRiEd"" about NoT hAvInG/nOt wAnTiNg To HaVe aNytHiNg tO "lIvE fOr"/"hOlD oN"/"cArRy On" nor any other fcking thing/type of thing/crap like that and in general at all lmao. "I" "am" 'something', 'someone' bc "i" had no choice, it was against my 'will' and it was something that was gonna happen yes or yes inevitably, but that DOESNT fcking mean that i yes or yes have to want to 'exist' and 'experience'/'participate in'/'do'/'know'/'enjoy'/'live'/'perceive'/'feel'/'explore'/'discover'/'be part of' etcetc "this" (i dont want to 'experience'/'participate in'/'do'/'live'/'know'/'perceive'/'feel'/'explore'/'discover'/'be part of' etc etc, NEITHER "this"/any of "this" whatever/however the fck it is/can be, no 'matter' what type of 'thing'/'place' etc it is/can be etc and a large etc, NOR absolutely/literally ANYTHING else in general AT ALL of any type, any way, whatever and however the fck it is/can be etc, 'from' absolutely/literally/basically anything and anywhere else in general AT ALL however and whatever tf it is etc!!!!) and yes or yes 'want'/'care about'/have 'interest' etc 'for'|'about'/want to 'do' and or any other 'verb'|'action' etc 'things'/'something' aNd If I dOnT iT cAn OnLy Be BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN/rEaSoNs. WHY CAN'T "I" LITERALLY JUST NOT GIVE A DAMN SH*T ABOUT/NOT 'WANT'/NOT HAVE ABSOLUTELY ANY FCKING "INTEREST" FOR ETC LITERALLY ANYTHING, A N Y T H I N G IN GENERAL AT ALL NO 'MATTER' THE TYPE, NO 'MATTER' THE WAY ETC, NO 'MATTER' 'WHAT'/'HOW'/'FROM' 'WHERE' ETC THE FCK 'IT' 'IS'/'IT' 'CAN BE' ETCETC AND ITS JUST NOT BECAUSE OF ANY DAMN 'REASON'/'REASONS' IN GENERAL AT ALL AND THATS IT FOR FCKS SAKEEEEEEE

Literally everyone no 'matter' if they're pro life or not, pro choice or not, suicidal or not etc will always 'say' that there yes or yes has to be a reason why to just not 'care about'/just not 'like' [NEITHER 'dislike'|'hate' anything ffs, i neither 'like'/'love' nor 'dislike'/'hate' absolutely anything at all, i simply just dont give a shit and never will at all, there's a difference lol]/just not 'want'/just not 'desire'/just not 'wish'/just not want to 'do' nor any other 'verb'|'action' etc at all in general/just not have any damn "interest" 'for'|'about' (AND DONT WANT TO HAVE IT and never at all will)/just not want to 'experience'/'do'/'enjoy'/'live'/'participate in'/'be part of'/'explore'/'know' etc 'life'/'the world'/'existence'/'planet earth'/'consciousness' etc (OF ANY TYPE/WAY ETC AT ALL AND NO 'MATTER' HOW TF 'IT' 'IS'/'IT' 'CAN BE' ETC AND NO 'MATTER' ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL. NOR ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF IT IS ETC) NOR literally anything 'from'|'about'|'in' etc 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth'/'existence' etc of any type, whatever/however tf it is NOR absolutely/literally ANYTHING in GENERAL at all of any type/any way etc, whatever/however the fck it is/can be, 'from' absolutely/literally ANYTHING/ANYWHERE ELSE IN GENERAL OF ANY TYPE/WAY ETC AT ALL, WHATEVER/HOWEVER/'WHEREVER' ETC THE FCK IT IS/CAN BE ETCETC AND THAT'S IT. T H A T S. I T. but well, ill 'stop' 'writing' or whatever tf "write" means 'much more' because this will never be taken seriously anyways no matter what/how i try to 'explain' neither how much I 'try' to, neither what 'words' (or whatever tf "words" mean, don't give a shit lol) i 'use' so lmao

I literally just couldnt care any less about anything whatever/however tf it is, never cared and simply never will. I dont want to 'be' anyone/anything at all of any type etc, much less anything """"pOsItIvE"""" of any type, 'related' to/'about' etc anything in general at all lmao ew why the fck do "I" have to? why the fck am "i" supposed to want to yes or fcking yes and if i dont iTs bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN/rEaSoNs? I literally just will never fcking understand why just not fcking 'wanting'/just not giving a single damn sht about etcetc anything in general at all "iSnT pOsSiBlE", just because some 'humans'/'people' fcking felt like it that there 'strictly'/'necessarily' hAs tO bE a ReAsOn/rEaSoN wHy/aN eXpLaNaTiOn to not want to 'be' anything at all, to not want to 'exist' as/in anything/anywhere at all of any type no fcking 'matter' what/how whatever the fck it is/can be, to not want to 'experience'/'participate in'/'belong in'/'be part of'/'do'/'live'/'inhabit'/'know'/'enjoy' etcetc. And I dont give a shit if 'people'/'humans' say that there has to be a reason why yes or yes lmaooo, i simply just dont have any and never will and what 'people'/'humans' 'say' couldn't 'care' any fcking less to 'me' and it'll never 'change' the FACT that i simply just dont want to 'experience'/'participate in'/'live'/'do' etc ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING AT ALL OF ANY TYPE ETC WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF IT IS/CAN BE and that i literally just dont and never at all will give a shit about/have any "interest" for/'want' etc 'also' ANYTHING AT ALL in general of any type/way/form etc at all, no 'matter' what/how 'it' 'is'/'it' 'can' 'be' etc neither 'from' 'what' 'thing'/'place' etc it is ETCETC AND THATS IT, and no one/nothing will ever 'make' 'me' want to 'experience' etc 'life'/'existence'/'the world' etcetc blablabla uNleSs I dOnT bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN, nor 'care' about/'want'/have 'interest' 'for'|'about' etcetc 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth'/'existence'/'things' in general etcetcblabla whatever tf uNleSs I dOnT bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN/rEaSoNs. I SIMPLY JUST DONT, NEVER AT ALL HAD AND NEVER AT ALL FCKING WILL FFS!!!!!!! THATS. BASICALLY. IT.
I have no choice but to 'pretend' that i do and all that crap in general that one|a 'person' 'individually'|'personally' and literally 'all' 'people' in general/ [except me and i'm proud or whatever tf "proud" means of it lol and will always be] everyone in general whether theyre 'pro life' or not, 'pro choice' or not, 'suicidal' or not etc 'fundamentally'|'commonly'|'generally' 'do'/'want'/'care' 'about'/'can' 'do' etcetc blabla and all that in general that 'all' 'people' in general has in 'common' and blahblah all that fcking sh*t/whatever crap in general lmao. because if I didnt, if i didnt wear that 'general'/'full' 'mask' 'acting' like/'pretending' that im 'nOrMaL', that 'im' aNoThEr OnE 'fRoM'/oNe MoRe Of/lIkE 'all of you' and basically everyone else in general 'regardless' 'what'/'how'/'who' 'they' 'are' etcblabla, my 'parents'/'family' and or whoever tf would have suspected and assumed that i'm ""dEpReSsEd"" and or whatever tf and or that 'something' ""bAd"" 'happens' to 'me' and or whatever the dam. Fck in general and would have 'taken' me to a 'psychiatrist'/'psychologist' and or whatever tf that is 'against' my 'will' and FOR NO REASON AT ALL, although they'd 'have been' 'insisting' and 'assuming' that tHeReS a ReAsOn wHy YeS oR yEs and id have been forced into 'meds', 'therapy' and all that garbage that ill never want nor need at all also against my 'will' and FOR NO REASON AT ALL, SO, for that reason ive always had and will always have to pretend/fake and try as much as possible to 'camouflage' 'between' literally everyone else in general/'all' 'people' in general and 'pose' as much as possible as if 'im' another one/one more of/like 'all of you' and literally/basically everyone in general both pro life and not, suicidal and not etc in all the 'aspects'/'areas', and its so fcking frustrating but well i literally have no choice but to do it lol, until i finally 'find'/'have' a way out to 'eternal'/'endless'/'infinite' 'complete'/'absolute'/'pure'/'literal' nothingness/non-existence/oblivion, 'which' I really 'hope' i will someday...

So, 'answering' your 'question', I literally just dont give a sh*t if "I" have "flaws"/"weaknesses" or whatever tf that means or not lmfao, it has never "affected"/"worried" me in any way and never will (and i just cant fcking 'understand' why the fck it has to lol) and i anyways just don't want and never will to have any "sTrEnGtHs"/"vIrTuEs"/"qUaLiTiEs"/"aTtRiBuTeS" or however tf to call that of any type at all whatever the fck it is nor any other type of ""pOsItIvE"" crap in general lmao, why tf do "i" to want to 'be'/'do'/'have' etcetc ""pOsItIvE"" 'things'/'ways' and all that f*cking crap lmfao, why cant I just not give a damn single sht about absolutely anything in general at all no 'matter' what/how etc the fck it is/it can be and that's fcking it. Its not that i uSeD tO cArE aBoUt ThInGs BuT nOw I dOnT bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN/bUt iVe cHoSeN tO nOt cArE aBoUt aNytHiNg bEcAuSe Of tHiS oR tHaT|bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN, no ffs lmao. I just simply fcking dont, never had at all and never at all will no fcking 'matter' what etc, thats. fucking. it. what a damn fcking bullsht that 'existing'/'living'/'experiencing'|'participating in' etc 'life' etcetc and wanting to uNleSs I dOnT bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN and 'caring about'/'wanting'/'wishing'/being 'interested' in/wanting to 'do'|'dO rIgHt'|'know'|'bE gOoD aT fOr'|'explore'|'enjoy'|'kNoW hOw tO dO'|'learn'|'appreciate' and or whatever other fcking 'action'|'verb' etcetcetc 'things'/'something'/'life'/'the world'/'planet earth' blahblahblah and or whatever the damn fck uNlEss I dOnT bEcAuSe Of sOmEtHiNg, uNleSs I dOnT bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN/rEaSoNs is a fucking obligation, a fcking must do 'task'/'thing' or whatever tf that 'word' means that i cant just NOT want/not give a shit about (nor want/nor give a shit about etc ABSOLUTELY/LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL OF LITERALLY ANY OTHER TYPE/WAY ETC, whatever/however the damn fck it is/it can be lol and a large etc)/not have any damn "interest" [AND DONT WANT TO HAVE IT AND NEVER AT ALL WILL NO 'MATTER' WHAT ETC] 'for'|'about' etcetc and thats fcking it WITHOUT it being because of any single damn fcking 'reason'/type of 'reason' at all ffs. just because i had no fcking choice but to 'exist' and 'be' ''brought' to 'something'/a 'thing' in general, in "this" 'case' 'here'/to "this", to 'experience' ***'existence'/'life'/'the world'/'consciousness'/'planet earth' etcblabla in general and had no 'choice' but to be 'put' 'inside' a 'body'/'human body'/'brain'/'mind' or whatever tf a bunch of 'flesh' is and "I" 'am' 'something'/'someone' and it was 'inevitable' that "i" yes or yes was 'gonna' be 'born' and 'come' 'here' to whatever 'all' 'this' 'is'/'is' 'called' DOESNT FCKING MEAN that "I" have to yes or fucking yes 'experience'/'participate in'/'be part of'/'explore' etcetc 'this' and want to uNleSs I dOnT bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN/rEaSoNs and 'care' 'about'/'be' 'interested' in/'want'/'wish'/'desire'/'vAlUe'/'need'/'like'/want to 'do'|'experience'|'know'|'enjoy'|'explore'|'learn'|'achieve' and or any other 'verb'|'action' etcetcetcetc whatever the fck, and want to 'care about'/be 'interested' in/'want' etcetcblabla and or whatever other verb/action etc, whatever the fck, 'life'/'something' iN gEnErAl/'things'/'the world'/'planet earth'/'consciousness'/'existence' blabla and or whatever the fck blah blah uNleSs I dOnT bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN/rEaSoNs, BeCaUsE iM 'sUfFeRiNg', bEcAuSe iM 'dEpReSsEd' aNd Or aNy OtHeR 'mEnTaL iLlNeSs' aNd Or AnY OtHeR tYpE oF 'iLlNeSs' aNd Or hAvE aNy oThEr tYpE oF "pRoBlEm"|"iSsUe"|"nEgAtIvE" tHiNg blablabla and or whatever tf, bEcAuSe oF hOw "bAd"/"mEaNiNgLeSs"/"pOiNtLeSs"/"uNfAiR"/"hArD"/"cRuEl"/"bOrInG"/"mOnOtOnOuS"/"pAiNfUl" bLaH bLaH aNd Or AnY OtHeR """"""""nEgAtIvE""""""" 'way'/'adjective'/tYpE oF x, 'lIfE'/'ThE wOrLd'/'pLaNeT eArTh'/'eXiStEnCe'/'cOnScIoUSneSs'/'sOcIetY'/'hUmAnItY'/'sOmEtHiNg' whatever tf it is In gEnErAl iS, bEcAuSe Of ThE wAY 'lIfE'/'tHiNgS' blabla whatever tf wOrKs, bEcAuSe Of wHaT 'lIfE' aNd Or wHaTeVeR tHe fCk Is/cAn Be AbOuT, bEcAuSe Of 'nIhIlIsM', bEcAuSe Of 'aPaThY' aNd 'lAcK' oF 'mOtIvAtIoN' aNd 'wIlL' aNd 'lOsS' oF iNtErEsT bEcAuSe Of A 'cHeMicAl iMbAlAnCe' iN tHe 'BrAiN' oR bEcAuSe Of A 'jUsTiFiEd' 'rEaSoN'/'rEaSoNs', bEcAuSe Of 'sElF hAtReD'/'lOw SeLfEsTeEm', bEcAuSe Of 'tRaUmA' aNd Or bEcAuSe Of AnY oThEr 'ReAsOn'/'rEaSoNs' iN gEnErAl BuT bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN, iT cAn Be bEcAuSe oF a 'HuGe' 'lISt'/'wIdE' 'rAnGe' Of ReAsOnS, sO iTs BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN oR rEaSoNs yEs Or yEs. NO FFS LMAO jesus fcking damn christ, why the fck there has to be a fcking rEaSoN wHy yes or yes and there has to be an 'eXpLaNaTiOn' yes or yes and it has to yes or yes be a 'cOnSeQuEnCe' of 'something' for fucks sake why lmfao, why can't i literally just NOT want/NOT give a single damn sh*t about etcetc ABSOLUTELY, LITERALLY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL OF ANY 'TYPE'/'KIND', ANY 'WAY', ANY 'FORM' ETC WHATEVER/HOWEVER ETC TF IT IS/CAN BE, 'FROM' ANYTHING/ANYWHERE AT ALL OF ANY TYPE/FORM/WAY ETC WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF IT IS ETCETC AND THATS FKING IT, and its just NOT because of ANY reason at all in general. what the fck i keep trying to fcking 'understand' why the damn fck that iSnT pOsSiBlE and i just cant fucking 'comprehend' and I doubt i ever will :nomouth:lmfao, its just 'incomprehensible' {or whatever tf that 'word' means lmao} to 'me' and it'll always be no 'matter' what 'people' in general/everyone else in general 'say'. "I" never 'asked' to 'live'/'experience'/'care' 'about'/be 'interested' in/'be part of'/'participate in'/'know'/'explore'/'inhabit' etcetc ABSOLUTELY/LITERALLY/BASICALLY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL, A N Y T H I N G of any type, any way, any 'form' etc, whatever/however tf it is/can be etc, no fcking 'matter' 'from' 'where' it is/can be neither how tf it is/can be neither what etc, just ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL FFS no 'matter' what 'things'/types of 'things' etc 'there are'/'there can be' neither 'how' tf 'those' 'things' 'are'/'can be' and a 'large'/'infinite' etc, so 'i' should have the 'RIGHT' to JUST SIMPLY NOT WANT NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT NOT WANT TO 'EXPERIENCE' ETCETC JUST SIMPLY ANYTHING AT ALL IN GENERAL WHATEVER AND HOWEVER THE FCK 'IT' 'IS'/'IT' 'CAN BE' ETC AND THATS IT, and i shouldnt have to fucking have a rEaSoN wHy FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!! why tf do "I" have to not want to 'exist', to not want to 'experience' etc not only 'life'/'existence'/'the world'/'planet earth'/'consciousness' etcetcblabla however the fck it is/can be etcetc but anything else in general at all whatever/however tf it is/can be of any type/way etc at all, to not care about/not want etc anything at all bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN/rEaSoNs WhY and it can't be BECAUSE I SIMPLY LITERALLY JUST FCKING DONT AND NEVER WILL AND NEVER WILL WANT TO WANT TO WHATEVER/HOWEVER ANYTHING IN GENERAL WHATEVER TF IT IS OF WHATEVER TYPE RTC IT IS/CAN BE ETC AND THATS FCKING BASICALLY LITERALLY IT and its NOT BECAUSE OF LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY ANY SINGLE DAMN 'REASON'/'REASONS' IN GENERAL AT ALL. jfc i'm so fcking 'trapped' in this obligatory 'thing' that there yes or yes 'strictly'/'obligatorily'/'necessarily' there has to be a fcking rEaSoN wHy yes or yes. If to die/not exist at all anymore was 'easy' and not so fucking 'hard' and 'complex' and the 'body' would just immediately disappear so i dont have to 'tRaUmAtIzE'/'sHoCk'/'hUrT'/'dEvAsTaTe' 'anyone', i'd definitely have had attempted/died many years ago, but it fucking unfortunately has to be so fcking hard and it yes or yes has to be because of a fcking rEaSoN wHy, so... Sigh, its so damn frustrating!!!! WHY TF THERE HAS TO BE A 'ReAsOn WhY' FFS WHY??????? I WANT TO FCKING 'KNOW' WHY
[[[***tHaT iF i dOnT wAnT iTs YeS oR yEs bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN, lIkE fOr ExAmPlE bEcAuSe Of 'sUfFeRiNg' aNd a 'bAd' 'lIfE', aNd Or bEcAuSe Of 'nIhIlIsM' aNd Or 'aNtInAtAlIsM', aNd Or bEcAuSe Of HoW/tHe wAy 'lIfE' iS aNd tHe 'kiNd' oF 'lIfE' tHaT iT iS aNd Or hOw It wOrKs Or tHe tYpEs oF 'tHiNgS' eTc ThaT tHeRe ArE/iT hAs eTc EtC, aNd Or bEcAuSe Of ThE 'tHiNgS'/'kInDs' Of 'tHiNgS' tHaT 'hApPeN' iN 'tHe wOrlD' aNd 'pLaNeT eArTh' aNd HoW 'cRuEl' aNd 'uNfAiR' iT iS aNd Or bEcAuSe Of AnY OtHeR rEaSoN/rEaSoNs iN gEnErAl. Ffs why the fck it has to be "because of a reason"??!! I literally just will never fcking 'understand' i fcking 'swear' or whatever tf "swear" means :pfff: that 'i' just simply never will fcking 'understand' why tf YES OR FCKING YES if i just dont want to 'exist', if i just dont want to "be" anything at all, if i just dont want to 'live'/'do'/'discover'/'explore'/'enjoy'/'inhabit'/'experience'/'be part of'/'participate in'/'belong in'/'know' etcetc 'life'/'the world'/'existence'/'consciousness'/'planet earth' [HOWEVER THE FCK 'it' 'is', no 'matter' what 'happens' neither what 'kinds' of 'things' 'happen' neither 'how' 'they' 'are' etc, no 'matter' what 'there is'/'there are', no fcking 'matter' the type that 'it' 'is'/'can be', no 'matter' 'what'no'it' 'is' 'about'/'can be about', no 'matter' 'how' tf 'it' 'works'/'can work' and 'large'/'huge' etcetcetc], NOR want to 'experience'/'participate in'/'know'/'live'/'do'/'explore'/ LITERALLY/ABSOLUTELY ANY OTHER 'LIFE'/'WORLD'/'PLANET'/'EXISTENCE'/'CONSCIOUSNESS'/'GALAXY'/'UNIVERSE' ETC AT ALL OF ANY TYPE ANY WAY WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF IT IS/CAN BE NO FCKNG 'MATTER' WHAT 'THERE IS'/'THERE CAN BE' NEITHER 'HOW' TF IT IS/CAN BE ETCETC, NOR LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY BASICALLY ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL OF ANY OTHER TYPE/WAY/FORM/DIMENSION ETC AT ALL WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF IT IS/CAN BE ETC 'FROM ANY OTHER 'THING'/'PLACE' ETCETC OF ANY TYPE/WAY/'FORM' ETC AT ALL!!!!!!!! If i literally just don't give a damn shit about/literally just don't dont have any 'interest' etc for|about|in/just literally don't want/just dont want to neither 'do' nor 'enjoy' nor 'experience' nor 'learn' nor 'know' nor 'achieve' nor 'explore' nor 'value' nor 'admire' nor literally any other fcking 'verb'|'action' etc etc etc absolutely/literally just ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL, A N Y T H I N G A T A L L. JUST SIMPLY LITERALLY ANYTHING AT ALL, ANY SINGLE DAMN FCKING THING OF ANY TYPE ETC WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF 'IT' 'IS'/'IT' 'CAN BE' ETC ETCETC AND THATS IT, i 'say' 'it' ""bEcAusE oF a ReAsoN"" ""iT cAn OnLy Be BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN yEs Or yEs"", """""iT hAs To bE/tHeRe hAs To Be BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN/rEaSoNs YeS Or YeS Or eLsE iTs "iLlOgIcAl"/"iRrAtIoNaL"/"iNcOhErEnT"/"iMpOsSiBlE"/a "cHeMiCaL iMbAlAnCe In ThE 'bRaIn'"/a "nEuRoLoGiCaL PrObLeM iN tHe 'BrAiN'" bEcAuSe It hAs tO bE BecAuSe Of A rEaSoN/rEaSoNs yEs Or yEs, wItHoUt AnY rEaSoN ItS nOt pOsSiBlE aNd iT dOeSnT mAkE sEnSe"""" lmfaooooooooo, as if i gave a damn fck if iTs """""iRrAtIoNaL""""/"""""iLlOgIcAl""""" or whatever tf that means or not, nor if it """mAkEs SeNsE""" or whatever the fck that means or not :pfff::pfff::pfff::pfff: it "dOeSnT mAkE sEnSe" because thats what 'humans'/'people' have invented and fcking felt like it lmfao (BUT THAT DOESNT FCKING MEAN THAT IT HAS TO BE LIKE THAT!!!! "I" NEVER 'ASKED' TO 'EXIST'/'BE' 'BORN'/'BE' 'BROUGHT' TO/'EXPERIENCE'|'PARTICIPATE IN'/'LIVE'/'DO' ETC ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL ANYTHING OF ANY TYPE/ANY WAY/ANY FORM/ANY SHAPE/ANY DIMENSION, ANY ANYTHING FFS!!!!! ANYTHING AT ALL ABSILUTELY ANYTHING WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF IT IS/CAN BE ETC!!! I DIDNT 'ASK' FOR ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING AT ALL, SO THAT SHOULD BE MORE THAN FCKING 'ENOUGH' TO HAVE THE ABSOLUTE 'RIGHT' TO 'LEAVE'/'DIE'/'DISAPPEAR'/NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL IF THATS WHAT I SIMPLY WANT/THE ONLY 'THING' ILL EVER WANT|WANT TO WANT AND WHENEVER I 'WANT'/'WISH'!!!!!!!! WHY TF DO 'I' HAVE TO GIVE AN 'EXPLANATION'??!! WHY TF IT HAS TO BE "bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN/rEaSoNs"??!! WHY TF THERE HAS TO BE A "CaUsE" FOR IT??!! WHY CANT I SIMPLY LITERALLY BASICALLY JUST FUCKING DONT AND THATS IT AND WITHOUT ANY 'REASONS' IN GENERAL AT ALL??!!) that to just not give a shit about anything/just not wanting to 'experience'|'participate in' etc anything/just not wanting to 'exist' nor 'be' anything in general at all etcetc tHeRe hAs To Be BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN/rEaSoNs yEs Or YeS and that i yes or yes have to want to 'exist' and 'like'/'wish'/be 'interested' in/'want'/'care about'/want to 'do' and or 'experience' and or 'have' and or 'accomplish' and or 'enjoy' and or 'know' and or 'dO rIgHt' and or 'kNoW hOw tO dO' and or whatever/any other 'action'|'verb' 'things'/'something', wHaTeVeR tHe fCk bUt sOmEthInG and want to 'experience'/'live'/'do'/'participate in'/'care about'/'have' 'interest' and or whatever tf for|about/'explore'/'enjoy'/'know' etc blabla and or whatever other 'verb'/'action' 'life'/'the world'/'existence'/'consciousness'/'planet earth' blahblah whatever the fck uNlEsS i SaY i DoNt bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN/rEaSons, jesus fcking christ lmfao it fucking sucks or whatever tf "sucks" mean that i can't just not want to "be" anything/anyone/anywhere at all and just not give a shit about anything and just not have any damn fcking "interest" in anything at all and just not want to 'experience'/'take part in'/'be part of'/'participate in'/'belong in'/'live'/'explore'/'do'/'enjoy'/'see'/'have'/'perceive'/'feel'/'know'/'learn' etcetc literally/absolutely anything in general at all of any type, any way any form etc at all whatever/however tf it is/can be etc WITHOUT it fcking being bEcAusE oF a ReAsoN/rEaSoNs. its so fucking frustrating jfc

And as if i gave a fcking shit how tf not only 'life'/'existence'/'the world'/'planet earth' is/isn't/can be/will be but how literally anything|everything else of whatever type, way etc whatever the fck it is is/isnt/can be/will be, neither if its any/whatever """"""pOsItIvE""""""" 'way'/'adjective'/'thing'/'place'/type of 'thing'/type of 'place'/type of 'life'/type of 'world'/type of 'existence'/type of 'consciousnesses'/type of 'planet'/type of 'society'/type of x/type of blah blah whatever the damn fck in general lmfaooo nor if it's any/whatever """""""""nEgAtIvE"""""""""" 'way'/'adjective'/'thing'/'place' etc/type of 'thing'/type of 'place'/type of 'life'/type of 'life'/type of 'world'/type of 'existence'/type of 'planet'/type of 'consciousness'/type of 'society'/type of 'humanity'/type of x/type of blah blah whatever the damn fuck in general lmfaoooooooo i couldnt give any less of a damn shit ffs, why tf so "I" have to fcking 'care' or whatever tf "cArE" means yes or fcking yes ffs whats the fcking 'explanation' for why tf do "i" have to 'want'/'care' 'about'/'want' to 'do' and or 'experience' and or 'enjoy' and or 'know' and or 'accomplish' and or any other 'action'|'verb' etc/have 'interest' for etcetc 'things'/'something'? why ffs? why if i dont iT cAn OnLy Be BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN and it can't be because i simply literally basically seriously just fucking dont and never will and dont want to and never at all will and thats it and it's not because of any fcking damn 'reason'/'reasons' in general AT ALL for fcks sake??!! just because 'i' was forcedly 'created'/'made' to 'be'/'become' 'something'/'someone', to 'exist', to be 'brought' to 'existence'/'consciousness' or however tf to call 'that' and whatever tf 'that' is, to a 'thing' called 'life' that i just couldn't give any less of a fck how it is/isnt/can be neither if it's """""mEaNiNgFuL""""" or """""""mEaNiNgLeSs""""""", """""sUfFeRiNg"""""/""""pAiN"""" or not, """""gOoD""""" or """""""bAd""""""", """"""eXcItInG"""""/""""""eNjOyAbLe""""""/""""""iNtErEsTiNg"""""" or """"""""uNeNjOyAbLe""""""""/"""""""bOrInG""""""""/"""""""mOnOtOnOuS""""""", """"""fAiR"""""" or """""""uNfAiR""""""" and or however the damn fck /or whatever other 'way'/'adjective'/type of 'life' in general that it's either """""pOsItIvE""""" oR """""""nEgAtIvE""""""" or however the fck lmfao i just couldn't care any less ffs)
I JUST DONT 'WANT'/DONT GIVE A SHT ABOUT ETC LITERALLY COMPLETELY ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL. A N Y T H I N G. ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING!!!! OF ANY TYPE POSSIBLE AT ALL, ANY WAY AT ALL, ANY FORM, ANY SHAPE, ANY DIMENSION ANY ANYTHING AT ALL IN GENERAL. NO MATTER WHAT/HOW THE DAMN FCK IT IS/IT CAN BE ETC FFS I JUST DONT WANT ANYTHING AT ALL and that's basically literally fcking it and its NOT because of any 'reason' at all ffs lol, whether it's believed or not, i dont give a damn sh*t if it isnt lmao ill never 'read' any assumptions anyway
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had enuff
Sep 10, 2020
wow. ok. you feel better now? maybe you should write greeting cards
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Leap of Faith
Sep 4, 2019
Ugliness (I look like Kim Jong-un, no joke)
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
being too much of a pussy to take any risks which is not a good thing for someone who wants to CTB. :ahhha:
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Just passing through this world
Oct 23, 2020
I'm affected easily by so much- and have little to no ways of controlling my intense emotions. It's leading me to unreal amounts of paranoia, guilt, and depression. I never feel safe, at home, or comfortable and sometimes I don't even do that here even though I know you're all the most supportive individuals I've ever met. The tiniest thing and it all comes crashing down for me.
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Dec 16, 2020
believing i can trust someone, simple
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Mar 22, 2020

My indifference to living.
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Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
That I care too much. I spend all my time making sure everyone is okay yet never take 2 secs to think about myself. It's exhausting..
That's not a flaw my mum was the same way, she wasn't a narcissistic like my dad who only thought about him and only him, and that's one of things I adored her for.
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I deserve to die
Nov 30, 2020
That's not a flaw my mum was the same way, she wasn't a narcissistic like my dad who only thought about him and only him, and that's why adored her.
Its a flaw for yourself, not for others.
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Lost in The Void
Nov 4, 2020
Social ineptitude.

A gorilla would probably have better social skills than me.
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Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
Its a flaw for yourself, not for others.
Loads of people don't see it that way there are people who really fancy themselves and others saying to me "I love me who do you love".
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I deserve to die
Nov 30, 2020
Loads of people don't see it that way there are people who really fancy themselves and others saying to me "I love me who do you love".
No, I meant being too nice and always catering to others and never taking time for yourself.

like, of course you love your mom because she's nice to you. I'm sure plenty of people love that person too. But they listed it as their greatest flaw because even though others aren't being hurt by it, they are personally. They are hurting themselves. Maybe your mom also feels like that is her greatest flaw (but I do not know so dont make any assumptions just based on what I said )
Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
No, I meant being too nice and always catering to others and never taking time for yourself.

like, of course you love your mom because she's nice to you. I'm sure plenty of people love that person too. But they listed it as their greatest flaw because even though others aren't being hurt by it, they are personally. They are hurting themselves. Maybe your mom also feels like that is her greatest flaw (but I do not know so dont make any assumptions just based on what I said )
My mum passed away in mid 2017. She did things which she enjoyed but also looked after others needs first. I didn't mean to say she never took care of herself she did.

Let me give you an example she would eat only after feeding others. She would be the last one to eat. She said otherwise I wouldn't be able to enjoy my meal. I'm sorry if I made it out that my mother didn't look after herself she did. She did both look after others and herself.
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I deserve to die
Nov 30, 2020
My mum passed away in mid 2017. She did things which she enjoyed but also looked after others needs first. I didn't mean to say she never took care of herself she did.

Let me give you an example she would eat only after feeding others. She would be the last one to eat. She said otherwise I wouldn't be able to enjoy my meal. I'm sorry if I made it out that my mother didn't look after herself she did. She did both look after others and herself.
It's okay, I was just trying to explain the person's perspective who originally posted is all. My mom is the same way. I'm sorry for your loss.

Personally though, I think people like that have just internalized something like "I can't be a good person if I dont let everyone else go first". The longer I live, the more I believe that everyone is messed up. Its just most havent figured it out yet.
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May 4, 2020
My judgemental nature. I hold my tongue constantly because "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all."
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Dec 22, 2019
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Aug 27, 2020
shit, I've got to pick which one is the worst?? wow.
minimal impulse control. also extremely self-sabotaging. and I have no 'grey area'. people really do either love me or hate me. mostly the latter. ah well.
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Apr 1, 2019
I've become too comfortable with not trying to progress/better myself. I feel stuck
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Reactions: lobster salad, muffin222, WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and 3 others


Mar 31, 2020
I have a tendency to come off as a know-it-all at times
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