

Apr 29, 2024
A computer can only execute one instruction at a time. The only way reality could work is by trillion trillion individual independent agents each acting on it's own interacting with others. a single computer could never create all the actions the agents are taking at the same time. for example there are 8 billion humans on this tiny planet . Each is doing something different at this time . a single computer could not simulate each action which is a universe itself at the same time. The thought that i'm having at this micro-second is different from what you and 8 billion others are . a human can think at least 1500 words per minute. a computer could never run each humans actions and point of view at the same time. my finger is reaching for the keyboard as you are doing something else 1000's of miles away.

a single computer would have to be able to change every entity in the universe every electron every human at the same time and know all the changed information that happens at the same time for example what i'm thinking and you are thinking at the exact same moment , know all the information from all parts of the universe from septilions of changing agents at the same time : this is impossible.

each individual human is composed of 30 trilion human cells . every cell is huge factory a universe itself . the cell is copying DNA, creating many proteins , getting energy AtP hundres of processes at the same time each cell is doing , many process are going inside machines inside the cell at the same time. then the cell is composed of quadrillions of atoms with electrons . each electron is an entity , each moleccule an entity an agent . each molecule like a human is interacting with other entities / agents. the computer would have to similuate each electron and it's movement around the atom it's interaction with space other particles etc. at the same time simulate ( no create) and control each of septillion of electrons in a human or cell all at the same time then on the 8 billion humans .

I think it's a common falacy to think that a single god, single computer , single intelligent being has to run manage everything from the top down from a single point . that as i tried to show is impossible. simpler agents like molecules interact with others and form more complex interactions and structures from the ground up. this is how life started. it's a common antropocentric falacy to think that only the vaunted Human intelligence or human like intelligence could create , manage and run all reality. when it's impossible for a single intelligent entity to do anything other than work on one single thing at a time .

It's like one human trying to run all the tasks that every human is doing all 8 billion at the same time . a human couldn't ever it's impossible for a human to do even 2 tasks at the same time. same for a computer . the human intelligence is much weaker than people are taught to believe. the only way a human can get anything done is by working on one thing for at least a few hours straight every day a single task a single non trivial problem or goal

below is ahow a computer can simulate an image on a screen. it only requires a very small data a few numbers to do that. the human it simulates is 8 trillion cells each interacting , trillion trillion molecules , 39 trillion bacteria inside the human. . of course more numbers to create more resolution. but to a human they can say that is a woman or a picture of a woman. it's not . it's numbers in computer memory copied to the screen as pixels. you can see the image of a woman is represented / similuated with just numbers. this is explained in the link below. more pixels / squares and higher resolution so that it looks like photo but if you look closer it looks like this pixalated and you can see each quare is just a very weak low resultion of reality . it's an illusion not real reality.



I'm a computer programer . i know all the work that a computer has to do to update a single pixel on a screen. many asembly language instructions. It's very difficult to write code. there are a number of inherent bugs / errors in every 1000 lines of code in existence.

i'm just touching on this . this shows there is no god / programmer / computer that is managing controlling creating every interaction in the universe at the same time because that is impossible for a single entitity to do .

let's get back to basic

if you are a programmer, take a class in physics. time is from a reference point. for someone to be in a simulation, they are perceiving time by a synthesis of their sensations in consciousness, and that, and the sensing, could be simulated. time and position can be made discrete in a simulation and therefore things can be calculated in a particular order.

a very old CPU with the same architecture could still run the instructions from a modern game and render 1 frame, it would just take a really long time. but if they game isn't being played in real time, so what? a simulation would be perceived from the perspective of someone inside the simulation, the time to calculate would not impact the perceptions of something inside the simulation

this isn't an argument for god, this is saying math is real, computer instructions can be run recursively and processed many times and a conscious person inside a simulation doesn't need to wait while the calculations are done if they are the calculations

you are looking at this from the wrong perspective. change your reference point.


Jul 21, 2024
If you want some kill joy technical stuff check out this video by an astrophysicist. He basically outlines that until we can make a simulated universe with conscious beings that can make other simulated universes with conscious beings, then it's unlikely we're in a simulation


Perhaps I'll be important when I'm long gone?
Feb 27, 2024
Who gives a shit what that DICKHEAD says?

He's obviously just trying to get into people's heads - those that are easily influenced/led anyway - glad I'm not the type, nor am I on any other shitty form of social media. I really can't fucking stand it. Best to stay away from shit like that.
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Apr 29, 2024
Who gives a shit what that DICKHEAD says?

He's obviously just trying to get into people's heads - those that are easily influenced/led anyway - glad I'm not the type, nor am I on any other shitty form of social media. I really can't fucking stand it. Best to stay away from shit like that.
Just because he sucks doesn't mean everything he thinks is wrong. He probably believes in computers, those are still real. Yes, he's an asshole though.


Feb 29, 2024
The general consensus of simulation theory, if it holds true, is not how Elon Musk thinks of it.

If we're in a 'simulation' of some kind, then it's highly unlikely to be computers in the traditional sense, like how we 'simulate' games or physics or whatever. I guess it would be likened to making a terrarium and filling it with a higher oxygen concentration than that of the outside world, and seeing how life develops inside of it, if at all, but instead of a terrarium, it's the universe, and instead of oxygen, it's things like changing certain values of universal constants, or just outright making or removing constants and rules. Again, not in the computing sense (at least not entirely - computing may be a concept in a higher universe should our universe's rules be a 'dumbed down' version of a higher reality's, but it may be that they have something better) though, more in the sense that you're altering the conditions of a physical space.

From this perspective, I don't really think it means anything. I don't think it changes anything other than giving us an answer of 'where did the universe come from?' Whoever's containing this experiment may or may not have a method of providing us with a heaven or a reincarnation. It doesn't change that aspect at all. I also don't think it makes our reality any less real. A schizophrenic person might hallucinate things that they would describe as completely, undeniably real to them (until they use an objective perspective like a phone camera to verify.) It's not real to us because the conditions we experience as opposed to that person are different - in this case, they're the terrarium, they are their universe - but what we see isn't real to them either. You live in your reality, and it is real. End of story. If we put a fully sapient AI into a world of our own creation, I would call what it is experiencing real, maybe not to me but to it. It changes nothing.