Mornings have always been a nightmare for me. What works for me is the android app "Alarm clock for heavy sleepers", which I've got installed on two phones. I think it's available for iOS as well. It has a post alarm as well so if you fall back to sleep you won't hear it bleep a second time. Then a countdown runs down and if it's not deactivated then the alarm will sound again. I combine this with creating a QR code on the internet which I print out and put up over my kettle, so the alarm can only be deactivated by scanning the code. I downloaded air raid sirens which usually wake me up as the default ones are not load enough. Also, I wake up at 6am every morning, even weekends though deactive it on the rare occasion I go out the night before. I feel better after waking up early. Then while I drink my coffee and smoke a fag I write my morning pages, which is a useful technique I found out about on the internet. Basically just write about anything, aiming for three pages or 750 words.
Though admittedly it doesn't always work, some nights I seem to dream so heavily that my head feels heavy in the morning and I end up being late for work which I absolutely hate as I have to rush, and that alone puts me a bad mood for much of the day. But staying in bed the whole day just isn't productive at all, I get absolutely nothing done and feel rotten at the end of the day, then can't sleep at night. If the day starts badly then the whole day follows in earnest.