

Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
It's worth noting that in most parts of the world, even at the age of 110 there is no right to die whatsoever. Even the purported advocacy group Exit International seems to draw the line at 50.

As for the minimum age, none of our opinions are going to make the slightest difference, so there's no value in making this an issue that divides and aggravates our community as some seem to be inclined to do.

It's worth noting that terminal illness can strike at any age, and euthanasia should be available even for children in any civilised society. Furthermore, maturity is a very different thing to age. Some young people here are actually too mature for their age (i.e. they have been forced to take on inappropriate responsibilities and missed out on being young).

Rather than setting a minimum age, it would make more sense to ensure that society is offering the best possible support to young people. The vast majority of youth suicidal ideation will directly relate to a failure of parenting or education (abuse, bullying, poverty, undiagnosed psychological conditions, etc.). Beyond that, what is needed is a system to distinguish a legitimate euthanasia request from a cry for help.

The difficulty is that many people overcome suicidal ideation and find themselves immensely grateful to those who pushed them against their own will into recovery. It even happened to Elton John before his rise to fame. This is not an argument for having no right to die, nor is the SaSu cliche-ridden buzzword 'gatekeeping' the only argument necessary for a suicide free-for-all. The topic is difficult, nuanced and complex but better solutions are needed for sure.
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Jul 23, 2023
While I can't point out the "right" age I generally do agree with OP that it's probably somewhere in your (early?) 20s. Therefore, 25 sounds pretty reasonable. No matter how miserable you are in life, as OP said, your brain isn't fully developed until that age which objectively speaking makes it a good overall indicator. You should never base rules on exceptions, you should however try to base it on stats, facts and majority.

Life changes a lot, especially after you finish school, move out and get a job. In my opinion you should have at least tried "adulting" for a bit before quitting (or even starting) it.

You should definitely be able to "enlist" before you reach that age though. So that it can be over quick if you want to still do it by then. It would give younger people time to think about it.
I'm 23 and no people should have the right to die any age 18+ or really any age at all. It's a basic human right. Anyone who's wants to die should be allowed. Some people go through tremendous pain because of depression. My depression sometimes manifests itself as physical pain, sweating, heart racing, constant flashbacks is what it feels like but idk what it is. It's so physically unbearable I'd impulsively take my life anytime. 18+ should be enough.
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Jan 24, 2023
For people with no disabilities, 25 seems to be a good age. But if you are physically or mentally ill with no hope of naturally recovering (aka not being forced on a lifetime of meds to be "normal"), then you should be able to ctb at any age.


why are you crying, lain?
Aug 6, 2023
Instinctively I was going to say 18, because we basically allow the freedom to choose to die by 18 already with pushing military on teenagers... but I don't agree that you should be allowed to join the military at 18, either, so that would be hypocritical.

I think 25 is probably fine. In the grand scheme of things, its still very young, but old enough that if you had started college out of high school or something, you could have graduated or been close to by then, and maybe you'd feel differently after. And the brain doesn't finish developing until 25.

Maybe 21. But definitely not any number that ends in teen or earlier, imho.


Life is unacceptable
Sep 11, 2022
Everyone is born into this awful existence without consent where they can be inexplicably tortured so it should be a birth right without any waiting or dissuading. But unfortunately it seems that people also want to make the decision for others and selfishly decide how much suffering someone else endures.

Realizing how terrible existing is at 14 years old and already having suffered from, abusive parents, shitty illnessess, PTSD, and already understanding what life has in stock for you, yet some other fucking cunt decides your experiences are meaningless because... my brain isn't fully developed? Even at that age I was able to understand that suffering is inevitable and can get much worse... or was I just in a bad place and delusional in need of therapy? Therapy doesn't change reality, and neither can my mindset. Even with therapy, and "recovery", i'd still be exposed to the risk of being tortured, except under a delusion, why? why not deal with the main problem instead of applying bandaid fixes to the extra problems it causes?

I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that selfish decision, suffering so much already, with no limits to how much more you can suffer, and being denied a peaceful and permanent way out of it. Neither would I want to wait so fucking long to meet the requirements to even be allowed euthanasia.

fucking pieces of SHIT
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Ivan Dunaev

Ivan Dunaev

New Member
Aug 8, 2023
If we look at this question from a psychological point of view that the perfect age for the decision to die it's 29 years. When a person became 28 years he already gets his real life. Life divides into lines for 7 years. The first 7 years that's the start of school life, at 14 years old a person became a teenager, at 21 he has known who he wants to be and gets an education, in this life and at 28 years old he's already able to take a job which he wanted and can live free. But, if he can't live well at 28 and even 29 years and he's a loser that's a time to say "good-bye" to his life. Sorry for the mistakes, I haven't known English yet.
But in practice, this question is very individual. I think we must try to make our lives better until we lost all our power and health.


Oct 9, 2023
"The right to die" haven't been asked to be born in the first place, so you should have the right to go whenever you want.
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Oct 1, 2023
id say 18, simply because thats the age of majority in most countries and when you gain a ton of new rights and responsibilities. i would say that there could be exceptions for those who are 16-17 with parental consent, but i dont think that'd work out well. i can only see abusive parents using it to their advantage so show control, or just straight up kill their child.


Oct 8, 2023
Complex issue. On the one hand, I do not agree that the right to death should exist from birth. Children cannot make rational and informed decisions, and generally speaking, they have not yet known the bitterness of this life. On the other hand, it sounds cruel to forcefully lock someone in this terrible world. Already at the age of 12-14, children are faced with such things as bullying from their peers. This is completely unacceptable and those who bully people should bear real punishment for this. And so, I think that the right to death should begin from the moment of adulthood, 18 in most countries.


I check notifications once per week
Dec 31, 2023
I personally think 25, because that isn't just an age of majority based on country but is a time in every humans life when their brain is fully developed.
Age of smoking/military service tbh.


make me sad
Dec 22, 2023
25 seems to be the common number that most mention in this thread, and I find myself agreeing with that.

Anything below 18 is simply a no-go, the few that would actually benefit from that choice don't outmatch the many that would simply make the wrong choice at such a young age. People can be extremely impulsive as teenagers, and they would just think of death when something relatively minor would happen.

25 gives enough time to maturity to set in, and for one to be more focused on their thoughts, although you could convince me that maybe 21 is also an age that could be feasible for such choices, giving a relatively fair amount of time post-18 to think about these things.


Oct 7, 2023
Everybody should decide for themselfs what they want to do with theie body. There's no such age that indicates when somebody is allowed to die at. There can be a 7 year who is terminally ill and will spend their whole life in a hospital. If they want to die then they should have the right to do so.
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The one and only king of cucumbers
Feb 22, 2023
I'd much rather teens get access to assisted suicide than try to ctb in a brutal way and possibly ending up in a wheelchair from their attempt.


Losing all hope is freedom.
Mar 19, 2023
I think the brain stops fully developing at 25. So maybe then? That being said, I'm not there yet and I have wanted to ctb many times.
The brain literally never stops developing. Humans continue to grow and develop, but children have a more rapid growth due to normally very active minds with constant new discoveries and learning from human basics. We usually stop physically growing at that age. Some earlier than others, and some older than others. It's based on genetics and environment.

Some people would consider the age of full maturity at 25, but that's also not true. It completely depends on other factors such around the person as an individual. Norms, expectations and treatment from groups such as society and close family play a vital role in this. There are people over that age who are not capable of making rational decisions. Wanting to CTB but not successfully doing it is most definitely ambivalence caused by SI. When SI is lost, at any age, anybody can complete the task.
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Old Friend

Old Friend

Sleep well, Airstrip One.
Sep 24, 2023
Yes, this 25 thing seems to be accepted wisdom on here. Admittedly, I haven't looked into it closely but I only came across it a couple of years ago from a single study and after that I started hearing people quoting it occasionally. Maybe there's a whole body of supporting evidence but I'm sceptical.
We usually stop physically growing at that age. Some earlier than others, and some older than others. It's based on genetics and environment.

At 25? With slight individual variation, most of us are done by 18.
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Nov 18, 2021
In the Netherlands, a doctor is allowed to consider the request for euthanasia from a minor aged twelve or older.

If the minor is younger than sixteen, the doctor must obtain consent from the minor's parents.

For minors aged sixteen or seventeen, parental consent is no longer required, but they should still be involved in the decision-making process.

In Belgium, euthanasia is possible for all ages.
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Old Friend

Old Friend

Sleep well, Airstrip One.
Sep 24, 2023
That does seem quite dystopian, on the face of it. Of course, the context is important. What criteria needs to be satisfied in order to euthanize a 12 year old in these countries - parental consent aside?
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
Not sure if I replied when the thread was first made but as of now I think any age, this is also reflected in law. I don't think there is any age restriction on suicide... certainly not in most countries anyway.

I think it's also important to be clear there is a big difference between a universal right to die, which anyone generally has right from birth already anyway. To a right to have the state actively support you in this right... which only a few countries have.


Nov 18, 2021
Dat lijkt op het eerste gezicht behoorlijk dystopisch. Natuurlijk is de context belangrijk. Aan welke criteria moet worden voldaan om in deze landen een 12-jarige te laten euthanaseren, afgezien van de toestemming van de ouders?

The doctor must be convinced that the patient is in a hopeless and unbearable situation. In assessing hopelessness, the patient's diagnosis and prospects are central. Hopelessness is present when:

- the patient can no longer be cured;
- the patient is suffering unnecessarily, and this suffering cannot be reduced.

The doctor also considers how much improvement a treatment can still provide and how burdensome the treatment is for the patient.

In the case of unbearable suffering, it mainly concerns how the patient experiences this, which varies for everyone. For example, it depends on the diseases someone has. The doctor must be able to empathize with the patient and their suffering.

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Old Friend

Old Friend

Sleep well, Airstrip One.
Sep 24, 2023
It all seems worryingly subjective. Thanks for the info.
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A clown 🤡
Jan 2, 2023
I wish people would put a similar level of planning and reflection that they have into assisted suicide/suicide/euthanasia when deciding to bring another person into this world. Because at the end of the day both are 'permanent' decisions. Birth gives a person the potential to suffer enough to make them wish they were dead.

18 years old.

Although there is something that bothers me, i think it is reasonable to have a minimum restriction of 18 years, but only restricting while treating the suffering of minors with indifference seems like a kick in the face to me, because there is a good portion of people who do not receive real help for their specific situation and problems, they only receive shitty 'help'. Then, when they reach adulthood, the likelihood that they will choose to commit suicide before 25 years increases. Since they were simply restricted without being helped with the root problems.

I clarify again: people (adults) 18+ should have the right to die with dignity.
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F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
At whatever age it is where the person understands death and what means to die. If they understand that and still desire, then it should be granted whenever that occurs


Dec 11, 2023
being suicidal since at least elementary school, id say there shouldnt be an age restriction for that.


life is but a dream
Oct 25, 2023
I also agree that the age should be 25. Yes people below 25, including myself, want to CTB. However, the whole point of waiting until you are 25 is to make sure one is fully informed in their choice. 18 is still a teenager, even though there are places that treat them like adults. Not to mention people often change their opinions(maybe not on CTB, but on other life aspects) after their brain fully develops. That can help prevent any confusion or argument against this by saying one isn't capeable of making such a decision; which i think that 18 year olds aren't. Don't get me wrong, if you have an informed opinion on death and still want to CTB more power to you. But we're talkingg about medically assisted suicide, which means involving others and their morality. Overall having the legal minimum at 25 is safer and more universal.
That being said, I'm not 25 so take this as you will.


F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
I was ready at 7 and understood the implications because my mom actually taught me about shit like death and didn't clutch her pearls like most parents do these days over sensitive topics. thinking their children are just idiots that they own.

Anyway. I understood the meaning and was ready. I should have been allowed to leave when I was 7. Instead I have been forced to live a further 26 years in fucking misery.

The problem with this gatekeeping is that y'all are trying to come up with some arbitrary rules for something everyone should have a right to do whenever they fucking see fit because it's their life and their body. Y'all are still essentially arguing for government control of our lives and bodies. That's a hard argument to get behind.

We are not owned by our governments. We are not property that anyone has the right to control to this degree. No human or collection of humans on earth have any right to make these decisions for other people, especially based on arbitrary numbers that are designed ONLY to comfort the people making the rules lol. Oh the irony.

Y'all out here thinking you're gods, trying to control life and death to any degree lol
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