I was bullied both at school and at home, as were the few friends I had. I went to adults and nothing came of it, the school guidance counselor in middle school even told an entire group of us bullied students coming forward with evidence about other students that nothing would happen because "these students are continual problems and just don't seem like they are going to change". That's right, just leave them in the school system to terrorize others then, great. One friend of mine had the audacity to fight back at one point when she was attacked by one of these girls and they were both suspended. Just LOL at being unable to defend yourself without receiving punishment. Society needs to train its future scapegoats I guess. Can't not have any, then where would the rest of the shitty humans find their entertainment?
As far as the abuse at home, I tried to tell other adults about that too. They either were indifferent or became awkward and stopped being around me entirely, and at the time that hurt but I now understand as an adult that it's because they couldn't do anything. They didn't have any legal power to and involving themselves would have created trouble for themselves because the government is always, I repeat ALWAYS, on the side of the mother. Even when she is permanently messing her child up and creating a guaranteed monster. So yeah, I tried to use my voice, as all the cartoons and books and movies encouraged, and I found that even adult humans are absolutely useless.