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Apr 23, 2023
Such clownery and a waste of police 'resources', they're too busy to stop school shootings but start breaking down doors when someone decides to leave this warped world after seeing the gun violence and what else...
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Nov 5, 2022
They busted Unending...'s door down. Wouldn't be surprised if they did that to others.
Sorry, I was shaken up when I typed this and figured I should clarify. My parent on the lease was notified prior and gave them consent to do it. I don't want to accidentally misinform people I was just typing a quick gist after only sleeping one hour due to this ridiculous experience.

Sorry if I accidentally misled anyone or anything like that.
But maybe it was the same guy behind that website i don't remember it was two freaking years ago and the cops come now
woah, two years later? Its so hard to wrap my head around why they would even entertain doing that. That's just bizarre.
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The Laziest
Mar 4, 2023
Glad I postponed buying SN, will definitely wait till this whole thing blows over.
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Jul 13, 2019
I needed to hand mine over, I ordered from IC as a backup. I got my door kicked in and had make a statement.
  • Aww..
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Apr 16, 2023
This makes me so incredibly angry. The police has so much worse to worry about, literally. Children get abused every second, in every country on this fucked up planet, but no, those people rather investigate us.
I'm so sorry for everyone that got a visit from the police, or worse, the FBI. Life is already hard enough, and dying should'nt be harder than living People deserve to leave peacefully from this world, without any stress- and without the police doing a "wellness"-check on them.
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Mar 9, 2022
It's kinda crazy how they think this is helpful in anyway.

A couple of years ago, I was having a rough night and a few hours after talking to a friend, I had the cops knocking on my BEDROOM door at 2am. I have no idea how they even got into my apartment. They made me get dressed, get on a stretcher once outside, and I had to spend the night at hospital.

It's just embarrassing, intrusive and scary. We're not criminals.
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Mar 14, 2023
Glad I postponed buying SN, will definitely wait till this whole thing blows over.

Chances are, you won't be able to buy it anymore. Do you like brutal methods? Cuz that's all that will be left soon.


The Laziest
Mar 4, 2023
Chances are, you won't be able to buy it anymore. Do you like brutal methods? Cuz that's all that will be left soon.
Redomex still seems like a solid option for me, did it once and I would have succeeded if it weren't for the paramedics. Don't remember much from the overdose so that makes it seem kind of peaceful to me.
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Oct 12, 2022
Key is It's not an illegal substance. Meliæ made a good point, if approached why not just say doing better and I threw it away. What some have noted LE may threaten, if people say they're doing better (especially if it was a while ago), there isn't much more to say.

While providing a valuable service, KL was incredibly reckless. The articles note he was discussing the purpose of the product, answering emails with detailed information, and even invited someone in his car to talk about it. While it's a legal substance, confidentiality and discretion is vital. He put a lot of people at needless risk.

This is a "hot" period of time, no doubt a ton of citizens reading the melodramatic press are pressuring local officials who are in turn pressuring LE. But looking at the numbers, in another topic an article mentioned 10,300 opioid deaths in a short period of time. This product isn't doing anywhere near those numbers and resources go where the biggest demand is.

I think once the heat dies down, as always, supply will meet demand. The fact is it's a very, very common substance. The American Meat Institute (yes for real) has a PDF fact sheet at https://www.meatinstitute.org/index.php?ht=a/GetDocumentAction/i/44170.

Are cured meats the major source of nitrite? Actually, less than five percent of daily nitrite intake comes from cured meats. Nearly 93 percent of nitrite comes from leafy vegetables & tubers and our own saliva. Vegetables contain nitrate, which is converted to nitrite when it comes into contact with saliva in the mouth.

And ultimate irony:

Is it true that nitrite actually may have health benefits? Evidence is mounting that nitrite actually does have numerous health benefits. Studies have shown that nitrite is part of the body's healthy nitrogen cycle. The body converts nitrate to nitrite to regulate blood pressure, promote wound healing, destroy pathogens in the gut and even to prevent preeclampsia during pregnancy. Scientists at the National Institutes of Health over the last several years have announced a number of studies that document the health benefi ts of nitrite. These scientists have concluded that nitrite is a potential new treatment for organ transplantation, heart att acks, sickle cell disease, and leg vascular problems. Dr. Mark Gladwin of NIH's National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, whose lab uncovered nitrite's value as a medical treatment, told reporters in September 2005, "The idea it's bad for you has not played out… We think we stumbled into an innate protection mechanism." Gladwin said NIH believes so strongly in its promise that it is seeking a pharmaceutical company to help develop it as a therapy.

Having so many kind members post their experience with LE is a reason why this community is so important. People have time to prepare. There's a good reason the forum rules prohibit discussing sources (and being careful with interactions). Love and peace to everyone :heart:


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May 4, 2022
Is there any more info about the Canadian's experience? Would be interesting to know if they were visited by the feds or just local cops.
I'm in Canada (Quebec specifically) and was visited yesterday, and as far as I know they were just local cops. They weren't wearing anything to signal otherwise at least. They came in the evening but not unusually late, around 7pm or so. When they asked about the SN I told them I had no idea what they were talking about (they didn't say it by name, just referred to it as a salt-like substance that was sometimes used for cooking but also for ctb). I doubt they believed what I said, but when I insisted I didn't know what they were talking about they just wrote down some information from my ID and left.
They didn't really do any harm, except for the shock of having police show up at my door 6+ months after I ordered the SN.
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Sep 9, 2022
Just don't open the door. Period.

That's it. Let them knock all day and all night long, but to them I am not home.
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May 20, 2024
Just reading this thread … so sorry this happened to you all! I've just ordered my own SN & it's on its way to me. My fear is that it will trigger some sort of welfare check (been there, done that, had two doors kicked in by police before) ….
If you had to hide your SN, where would you suggest? I'm thinking in plain sight … maybe buying a jar of bath salts & burying the little packet in the middle? Camouflaging it as chicken salt in a spice jar in the pantry?


Apr 5, 2020
Just reading this thread … so sorry this happened to you all! I've just ordered my own SN & it's on its way to me. My fear is that it will trigger some sort of welfare check (been there, done that, had two doors kicked in by police before) ….
If you had to hide your SN, where would you suggest? I'm thinking in plain sight … maybe buying a jar of bath salts & burying the little packet in the middle? Camouflaging it as chicken salt in a spice jar in the pantry?
It depends on your house layout, everyone's is different. I would advise against putting it anywhere that someone else could consume it or discover it. If someone else inadvertently consumes it then they could be harmed or killed, and you could get in trouble for that of course.


Apr 10, 2024
This might be criminal action by the police and FBI. In America, we have 4th amendment protection from illegal search and seizure.

Purchasing SN is neither illegal or uncommon. I wonder if friends/relatives didn't rat people out.

Law enforcement should not have the power to act purely based on an SN purchase.

If law enforcement does something draconian like busting down your door, don't say ANYTHING. Ask to speak with a lawyer.


Apr 5, 2020
This might be criminal action by the police and FBI. In America, we have 4th amendment protection from illegal search and seizure.

Purchasing SN is neither illegal or uncommon. I wonder if friends/relatives didn't rat people out.

Law enforcement should not have the power to act purely based on an SN purchase.

If law enforcement does something draconian like busting down your door, don't say ANYTHING. Ask to speak with a lawyer.
It's because the vendor became exposed, then somehow they (Canadian police/Interpol) had the authority to sieze all the buyers' payment details from his device, which then enabled them to organise visits. Whole thing was retarded, yeah.
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Globl mod | Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
It's because the vendor became exposed, then somehow they (Canadian police/Interpol) had the authority to sieze all the buyers' payment details from his device, which then enabled them to organise visits. Whole thing was retarded, yeah.

Yh sellr ws braggng tht thy wre sellng substnce fr suicde purposs s/ tht wld lkely hve givn probbl caus fr serch & welfre chck etc


May 20, 2024
It depends on your house layout, everyone's is different. I would advise against putting it anywhere that someone else could consume it or discover it. If someone else inadvertently consumes it then they could be harmed or killed, and you could get in trouble for that of course.
Luckily I live by myself, in a town where I have no friends & rarely have visitors
Dark Window

Dark Window

Forest Wanderer
Mar 12, 2024
Don't see why the FBI would prioritise tracking people down for buying a legal product, even if it was potentially for use for CTB they cannot necessarily prove that and even if they are, CTB via SN is not a criminal offence. Why would the FBI be concerned?

FBI are usually tracking down criminals. They are the highest level of law enforcement.
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Aug 4, 2022
Don't see why the FBI would prioritise tracking people down for buying a legal product, even if it was potentially for use for CTB they cannot necessarily prove that and even if they are, CTB via SN is not a criminal offence. Why would the FBI be concerned?

FBI are usually tracking down criminals. They are the highest level of law enforcement.
They were building a case on him. Collaborating with UK police
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Life is definitely not a song...
Mar 14, 2024
They show up at your door for a suicide kit but they can't stop school shooters before hand. The US is a clown show
or bombings... or crazed insurrectionists... who OPENLY post their intentions to harm and kill OTHERS...
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real human being

real human being

full of broken thoughts
Jan 28, 2022
It's funny how the government spends all these resources on making sure people can't escape this hellish existence instead of spending those resources on improving it and getting people the real, tangible support they need to not feel that they need to CTB in the first place.
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F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
In the US if this happens, we don't have to actually open the door unless they have a warrant, right? Like we can just ignore them?


Aug 4, 2022
In the US if this happens, we don't have to actually open the door unless they have a warrant, right? Like we can just ignore them?
Yes. Or you can just talk to them and tell them you didn't receive anything

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