You are correct in so far as that there are women who have difficulties in the dating market, as well, but
@Zegers point seems to be that men
tend to have a more difficult time than women.
Among the common aspects that men find unattractive in women, or have been shown to not result in functional relationships, are the following:
- The woman is overweight
- The woman is too old
- The woman is a single mother
- The woman has had multiple previous sexual partners, without trying to be serially monogamous
- The woman has a higher education than the man
- The woman has a higher salary than the man
Of course, I'm not implying that women shouldn't have any choice in how their life progresses, but those are simply how many men perceive women's attractiveness.
When it comes to what women usually find attractive in men, the following aspects tend to be true:
- The man has a higher education than the woman
- The man has a higher salary than the woman
- The man is tall
Beyond the points above, personality also plays a role, of course, but this post is mainly about men's and women's life choices and general preferences. The end result of all this is that women seem to try to form families too late in life, while a few high-earning men sleep around with the women, which makes those women believe that they have a chance at those high-earning men, which is not the case, which results in single motherhood for those women, which results in children growing up in fartherless homes and may become criminals (for men) or promiscuous (for women). This summary is a bit simplistic, but the point is that young men and women need to be told how they can take preventative measures at a young age in order to improve their dating prospects later in life. It would be interesting to compare this data to the dating prospects within the gay community, but I haven't seen any such studies yet.
If there is a God, I believe that it was asleep at the wheel when it created humans, since men's and women's expectations of each other are too diverse. However, if anyone is to blame for this chaos, it's the parents who didn't prepare their children for adult life, and not the adult men and women of today.